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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'


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I get called an Alien by immigration and a Farang by Thais you think that's ok?

Yes, that's fine - neither of those is an offensive term.

Wrong. The second is very offensive.

Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

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I get called an Alien by immigration and a Farang by Thais you think that's ok?

Yes, that's fine - neither of those is an offensive term.

Wrong. The second is very offensive.

Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

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How is it wrong to say colored? Should be say black? Oh... Africans? No no no... Let's call them Farangs.

It's not that it's wrong, it's the connotations the word has. Historically it comes from a time where being white was considered normal- and people who weren't white were viewed as lesser human beings- lumping all non-white ethnicities into one . (Which is why there's the contradiction in the term itself- that white isn't somehow a colour).

It's not about political correctness either, before somebody drags out that lazy phrase. It's just about not being a dick.

It's all in the mind of the PC fanatics of the time. I don't know how old you are but when I was young "coloured" was a polite way of referring to non-whites. If you'd have called someone black, the then PC crowd would have come down on you like a ton of bricks. Now of course, black is considered politically correct and coloured a no-no. Causes lots of consternation amongst us old codgers who have no desire to offend anyone.

Maybe it would be a good idea for the PC crowd to distribute regular bulletins as to what is and is not politically acceptable. Mind you, then you wouldn't have anything to whinge about.;

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Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

Ironic, given that you must be pretty ignorant of the Thai language to think that 'Farang' is an offensive term.

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It's all in the mind of the PC fanatics of the time. I don't know how old you are but when I was young "coloured" was a polite way of referring to non-whites. If you'd have called someone black, the then PC crowd would have come down on you like a ton of bricks. Now of course, black is considered politically correct and coloured a no-no. Causes lots of consternation amongst us old codgers who have no desire to offend anyone.

Maybe it would be a good idea for the PC crowd to distribute regular bulletins as to what is and is not politically acceptable. Mind you, then you wouldn't have anything to whinge about.;

Or maybe you could just get used to the fact that the language changed once, about 40 years ago.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Didn't take long for someone to use the race card.
They have every right to target the Africans. They hardly come here to open legit businesses.

I might add not all white skinned people come here to open legit businesses. Your comment makes you look racist.

The problem is that there is too much apathy. That is why I don't care about any of it.wai2.gif

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Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

Ironic, given that you must be pretty ignorant of the Thai language to think that 'Farang' is an offensive term.

As usual, wrong.

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They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

WHY?? Because this particular group are running international drug smuggling operations , What you see on the street is the tip of the ICE Berg,,, Not to mention the Smack!!!!!

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I get called an Alien by immigration and a Farang by Thais you think that's ok?

Yes, that's fine - neither of those is an offensive term.

Wrong. The second is very offensive.

Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

Is it a racist term? Sometimes.

Generally I think it's just a word for white foreigner.

For example, I saw a lady friend and her 3 year old daughter on their scooter the other day.

I asked the little girl, where was her helmet? The police will catch you I ssid.

She replied. Only farangs need to wear it.

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Oh, the irony!!

We all now that drugs kill and are bad for society.

But if someone call those merchants of death for colored/black it becomes the PC-crime of the century.

If I look out of my window every day and see a group of all black skinned men openly selling drugs, how should I to be political correct report the crime to the police??

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Is it a racist term? Sometimes.

Generally I think it's just a word for white foreigner.

For example, I saw a lady friend and her 3 year old daughter on their scooter the other day.

I asked the little girl, where was her helmet? The police will catch you I ssid.

She replied. Only farangs need to wear it.

As I said earlier, it can be used in an offensive manner - as can any word that denotes an ethnic group - but that doesn't make it an offensive word, any more than 'white' or 'black' are.

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Sat here pissing myself at this thread.

Wonder how many actually live here and can speak Thai?

Cultural Imperialists the lot of them, the Nazis tried that in the 1930s and didnt succeed, our condescending sanctamonius we know better brigade would do well to remember that.

What is it that makes your culture so perfect you see fit to try and impose it over here?

Gotta love the irony, the Jackboots will probably be kicking my door in tonight.

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I get called an Alien by immigration and a Farang by Thais you think that's ok?

Yes, that's fine - neither of those is an offensive term.

Wrong. The second is very offensive.

Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

Is it a racist term? Sometimes.

Generally I think it's just a word for white foreigner.

For example, I saw a lady friend and her 3 year old daughter on their scooter the other day.

I asked the little girl, where was her helmet? The police will catch you I ssid.

She replied. Only farangs need to wear it.

As I say it's a term I find both racist and offensive, despite what some others may claim and desire to believe.

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I hope that all of you liberals will acknowledge the fact that 'profiling' is a legitimate and effective tactic for narrowing the field in the hunt for criminals. It is, despite the liberal outcry, nothing more than a description of those who have been seen committing a particular crime. Rounding up black people in an area of drug sales is no different than would be rounding up "sexy" women in an area know for prostitution; or rounding up "white skinned foreigners of about 6' tall and 180 - 200 pounds" when a man of such description was seen assaulting a woman; or being a bit more intense in checking body and baggage of Middle Eastern people in an airport, as someone referred to earlier. All of those things, and any other general description of a group of people by appearance and/or behavior, is 'profiling"; and it is a significant aid in identifying and apprehending criminals.

This becomes a problem ONLY when authorities are abusive in their treatment of people who cooperate during detention and questioning. A "good citizen" , who is innocent of any crime, should cooperate with authorities. In the great percentage of cases, respect will be met with respect, and the innocent person will simply lose a bit of time. And in those cases, a "good citizen" should recognize that the authorities are doing their best to protect him and others from being abused by criminals. This is true here. It is true in the USA. It is true all over the world.

"Profiling" is NOT a dirty word; nor is it racism; nor is it a bad practice for principled police. Fighting against it is providing support for those who wish to feed off of, or destroy society.

OK, liberals. Take your shots!

I note that you do not describe yourself. But if I can take a guess, you are a white male between 5ft2inches and 6ft6inches tall and between 55kg and 200kg, between 30 and 70 years. Imagine that based on that category, every time you leave the house you are stopped and searched while all the other folks that do not belong to that category are let go about their business. Imagine that about once a week you are arrested because of that category and brought to the police station for questioning, piss testing etc. And about once a month your place gets searched. And imagine this was because of a bunch of Russian criminals who were giving all white males a bad name. And then tell me that you think that would not be a problem for you, when you are late for every appointment, when huge amounts of your time are taken up with the nonsense, when you worry about some bent police officer planting something on you!

But, you say, the police would never bother law-abiding white foreigners in an international city like Bangkok! Oh, but that did happen recently in Bangkok, didn't it? When the boys in brown tried to shake down all the Western tourists in the Suk area because their tea money sources from elsewhere was drying up. Wasn't so nice then, was it?

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Sat here pissing myself at this thread.

Wonder how many actually live here and can speak Thai?

Cultural Imperialists the lot of them, the Nazis tried that in the 1930s and didnt succeed, our condescending sanctamonius we know better brigade would do well to remember that.

What is it that makes your culture so perfect you see fit to try and impose it over here?

Gotta love the irony, the Jackboots will probably be kicking my door in tonight.

You make the assumption that all associate themselves with a culture of a sort, or sorts. You also relate yourself to a culture, in that you relate to imposing any other "over here" culture - quote. Review your rhetorical irony before posting, in future, as you sit 'pissing' and reading - quote. If you are really so assertive, then get out of the general demographic analysis and go solo, without the need to barricade everybody you interpret into a one grouped set.

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Is it a racist term? Sometimes.

Generally I think it's just a word for white foreigner.

For example, I saw a lady friend and her 3 year old daughter on their scooter the other day.

I asked the little girl, where was her helmet? The police will catch you I ssid.

She replied. Only farangs need to wear it.

As I say it's a term I find both racist and offensive, despite what some others may claim and desire to believe.

Thing is, though, that words have an actual meaning, not just one you make up.

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Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

Is it a racist term? Sometimes.

Generally I think it's just a word for white foreigner.

For example, I saw a lady friend and her 3 year old daughter on their scooter the other day.

I asked the little girl, where was her helmet? The police will catch you I ssid.

She replied. Only farangs need to wear it.

As I say it's a term I find both racist and offensive, despite what some others may claim and desire to believe.

you may FIND it racist and offensive, everything is open to interpretation...

In japan they call a foreigner a gaijin which means also a barbarian, however depending of the context most of the time this word is not pejorative.

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Is it a racist term? Sometimes.

Generally I think it's just a word for white foreigner.

For example, I saw a lady friend and her 3 year old daughter on their scooter the other day.

I asked the little girl, where was her helmet? The police will catch you I ssid.

She replied. Only farangs need to wear it.

As I say it's a term I find both racist and offensive, despite what some others may claim and desire to believe.

Thing is, though, that words have an actual meaning, not just one you make up.

I'm not making anything up, nor am I pretending that an offensive term is nothing but a harmless word. You on the other hand……..

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Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

Is it a racist term? Sometimes.

Generally I think it's just a word for white foreigner.

For example, I saw a lady friend and her 3 year old daughter on their scooter the other day.

I asked the little girl, where was her helmet? The police will catch you I ssid.

She replied. Only farangs need to wear it.

As I say it's a term I find both racist and offensive, despite what some others may claim and desire to believe.

you may FIND it racist and offensive, everything is open to interpretation...

In japan they call a foreigner a gaijin which means also a barbarian, however depending of the context most of the time this word is not pejorative.

And I would not want to be called that either.

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Is it a racist term? Sometimes.

Generally I think it's just a word for white foreigner.

For example, I saw a lady friend and her 3 year old daughter on their scooter the other day.

I asked the little girl, where was her helmet? The police will catch you I ssid.

She replied. Only farangs need to wear it.

As I say it's a term I find both racist and offensive, despite what some others may claim and desire to believe.

Thing is, though, that words have an actual meaning, not just one you make up.

I'm not making anything up, nor am I pretending that an offensive term is nothing but a harmless word. You on the other hand……..

your life here must be a nightmare, having so many people calling you "farang"..do you prevent this by wearing a sign telling them that you FIND this word offensive? Maybe you give them some leaflets , or do you just punch them in the face?

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Sat here pissing myself at this thread.

Wonder how many actually live here and can speak Thai?

Cultural Imperialists the lot of them, the Nazis tried that in the 1930s and didnt succeed, our condescending sanctamonius we know better brigade would do well to remember that.

What is it that makes your culture so perfect you see fit to try and impose it over here?

Gotta love the irony, the Jackboots will probably be kicking my door in tonight.

You make the assumption that all associate themselves with a culture of a sort, or sorts. You also relate yourself to a culture, in that you relate to imposing any other "over here" culture - quote. Review your rhetorical irony before posting, in future, as you sit 'pissing' and reading - quote. If you are really so assertive, then get out of the general demographic analysis and go solo, without the need to barricade everybody you interpret into a one grouped set.

then get out of the general demographic analysis and go solo

As a 'free thinker' I did that years ago.

barricade everybody

Thankfully as one who lives In Thailand (speaks, reads and writes Thai) I am able to insulate myself from the western PC world gone mad.

What to you suggest, the Thais rewrite their language to take inot account of the feelings of some farang two week millionaire.

Is your contry going to rewrite its language to take into acount the feelings of others?

<deleted>, you really couldnt make this shyt up, I once tried to explain to a Thai that the person on the telly was talking to 'the chair' the Thai looked at me with a look of total bewilderment, and asked me, why would anyone talk to a chair, a chair cant talk.

Please tell me whats offensive about the DESCRIPTOR, khon dam?

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Forget about the skin thing.

These guys have crossed the line and just don't know when to back off.

They are getting too cocky and now the locals have to go in and clean them out.

I've always said that Thais work better with a shovel than a spade.

No Puns intended ?

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As I say it's a term I find both racist and offensive, despite what some others may claim and desire to believe.

Thing is, though, that words have an actual meaning, not just one you make up.

I'm not making anything up, nor am I pretending that an offensive term is nothing but a harmless word. You on the other hand……..

your life here must be a nightmare, having so many people calling you "farang"..do you prevent this by wearing a sign telling them that you FIND this word offensive? Maybe you give them some leaflets , or do you just punch them in the face?

Nope to all the above.

I don't like the term, never use it and with friends make known, just once, my feelings on it clear.

That done I just move on.

I ignore one and all who address me in that manner, but I don't react or have a go at them.

Simple really.

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As I say it's a term I find both racist and offensive, despite what some others may claim and desire to believe.

Thing is, though, that words have an actual meaning, not just one you make up.

I'm not making anything up, nor am I pretending that an offensive term is nothing but a harmless word. You on the other hand……..

your life here must be a nightmare, having so many people calling you "farang"..do you prevent this by wearing a sign telling them that you FIND this word offensive? Maybe you give them some leaflets , or do you just punch them in the face?

It's no different to an Asian being called a "gook", a "chink" or a "ching chong chinaman" in the west, even if they're not Chinese. In particular, the term "farang kee nok" although not uttered very frequently (fortunately) is every bit as offensive as any of those terms.

It would be much better to call white people what they are: "Khon khao" or white people in Thai.

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Sounds like some typical racist BS. But that said, still better than the US, at least here I would just get rounded up, piss in a cup and be on my way, Stateside the cops would shoot me and say the felt threatened. And look at some of the bigoted posts here. I wish you guys would wear special hats or something to let people know that you're racist scum.

Racist here is you one because of trying to defend drug dealers who have same colour of skin as you do. And if you don't believe that a lot of "coloured/blacks/africans" sell drugs in Bangkok -why just don't check it out by yourself? And yes ,I saw it many times by myself.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh, the irony!!

We all now that drugs kill and are bad for society.

But if someone call those merchants of death for colored/black it becomes the PC-crime of the century.

If I look out of my window every day and see a group of all black skinned men openly selling drugs, how should I to be political correct report the crime to the police??

Frankly, I'd be more concerned about the WHITE people buying off those black-skinned gentlemen.

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"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people"

Wow! Back home the good colonel's career would have been over in less time than it took him to utter that sentence. Just saying...

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore..

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