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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'

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Ah yes. Leave it to the forum members of Thai Visa to show their inner bigotry.

As a Black American who's lives here and has been stopped (and continue to be stopped for no reason than being Black) it's ridiculous. It isn't about the word 'colored'. Is it ignorant, yes. But it's just a word that has little effect on the bigger picture here. These 'colored raids' happen all the time in lower sukhumvit yet nothing changes. They get a few people off of the street but the supplier is still free, so obviously more workers get hired to sell in the open again. Wash & repeat, nothing changes. The problem here is the hypocrisy of the police only targeting 'coloreds. When I go go to Khao San, Silom, RCA, Soi 11, Ratchada, or any other party area they have drugs sold right in the open by Thais & white farang. But you rarely hear of any raids happening there. THAT is why this is racial profiling and you all know it's true. There are legitimate Africans (which is a broad for representing a multitude of countries) that work here legally, and have shops, restaurants, & businesses. SMH @ some of you saying, "I've never seen any African restaurants or shops sooo...". Well get off your ignorant ass, its Bangkok there's literally a restaurant/shop/area for every nationality. I'm LOLing at some posters saying, "I was shocked to be approached on Soi 11 and asked if I wanted drugs!" LMAO. Really?! You're on a trashy party street, not at the Lebua State Tower. Your chances of being asked for drugs will significantly rise.

That's colorful first post.

Must be bored tonight creating a new account and all to BS.

yeah it took me all of 1 minute to sign up and type. I like to read a lot of the stuff you guys post in here. Figured I'd post here since it seemed like a bunch of white people arguing about race. Think I have a bit more experience dealing with that in life.


I live in Thong Lo and in 4 years have been searched once and that was while drunk at 6am going home.....they were respectful, had a bit of a joke with me then sent me on my way. Don't believe everything you read on here from the Thai bashers.

So because you've only been stopped once that means all the anecdotal evidence provided by those less fortunate than you are just making it up to Thai bash?? Get a brain, would you?

They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

I do not know the ratio here but in US African Americans make up 26% of the population and commit 65% of the crimes, might cause you to be a little cautious based on there lack of respect for the accepted norm or law !! In this case looks like the victims, the Girls, are pointing out the root cause, not the police.


Blacks are just more likely to get jail time than whites for committing the same crimes. You know it, I know it so stop being a simpleton, eh?

Crappy drug convictions don't even register when compared to the shit white people get up to like smoking classrooms full of kids and teachers in cold blood and defrauding investors of $50 billion a la Bernie Madoff.

You should keep your nauseating views to yourself


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type.

Your a racist To say a comment like that. Worse you a closet racist (one who has no balls and hide behind TV when making racist comments).


The police force has always practised institutionalised racism.

Here is shocking evidence from the UK recorded by a concealed video camera of an actual extreme racist policeman being interrogated by his commanding officer.

Warning some may find this upsetting and distressing:


I live in Thong Lo and in 4 years have been searched once and that was while drunk at 6am going home.....they were respectful, had a bit of a joke with me then sent me on my way. Don't believe everything you read on here from the Thai bashers.

So because you've only been stopped once that means all the anecdotal evidence provided by those less fortunate than you are just making it up to Thai bash?? Get a brain, would you?

They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

I do not know the ratio here but in US African Americans make up 26% of the population and commit 65% of the crimes, might cause you to be a little cautious based on there lack of respect for the accepted norm or law !! In this case looks like the victims, the Girls, are pointing out the root cause, not the police.


Blacks are just more likely to get jail time than whites for committing the same crimes. You know it, I know it so stop being a simpleton, eh?

Crappy drug convictions don't even register when compared to the shit white people get up to like smoking classrooms full of kids and teachers in cold blood and defrauding investors of $50 billion a la Bernie Madoff.

You should keep your nauseating views to yourself

I assume you're either a troll or simply don't understand irony. I never insulted you yet you say I should get a brain???

I'd say people who hide behind their keyboard and spout insults have the lesser intellect level.


I don't expect Thais to know or use whatever the best word is to describe people of African descent. I recall my girlfriend using the word "chocolate man" which was a fairly accurate description of his color.


And to all those blasting all police as racist. I was in the Northumbria police, on my shift of about 15 there was only one of ethnic minority....he was as we used to say back then "half caste". This was during the Stephen Lawrence enquiry so we had a white female come around all the shifts giving us lessons on political correctness. Anyway at one point she said the term half caste was no longer acceptable and that " mixed race" was the new term.....oh what fun it was when Pc 11 Brookes (the mixed race lad) stood up and said he was offended by that term as it emphasized his parents were of different races.....I'd never seen anyone stutter as much as the white lecturer try to tell a "half caste" how he was no longer to use that term as the term he found offensive was the right one.

Racism should be the intent to cause hurt, not the way it's taken. I wonder if I said I found Caucasian offensive would anyone listen or would I be told to write to the political correctness brigade.


Ah yes. Leave it to the forum members of Thai Visa to show their inner bigotry.

As a Black American who's lives here and has been stopped (and continue to be stopped for no reason than being Black) it's ridiculous. It isn't about the word 'colored'. Is it ignorant, yes. But it's just a word that has little effect on the bigger picture here. These 'colored raids' happen all the time in lower sukhumvit yet nothing changes. We all know the police are involved and get a cut. They get a few people off of the street to save face but the supplier is still free, so obviously more workers get hired to sell in the open again. Wash & repeat, nothing changes. The problem here is the hypocrisy of the police only targeting 'coloreds. When I go go to Khao San, Silom, RCA, Soi 11, Ratchada, or any other party area they have drugs sold right in the open by Thais & white farang. But you rarely hear of any raids happening there. THAT is why this is racial profiling and you all know it's true. There are legitimate Africans (which is a broad for representing a multitude of countries) that work here legally, and have shops, restaurants, & businesses. SMH @ some of you saying, "I've never seen any African restaurants or shops sooo...". Well get off your ignorant ass, its Bangkok there's literally a restaurant/shop/area for every nationality. I'm LOLing at some posters saying, "I was shocked to be approached on Soi 11 and asked if I wanted drugs!" LMAO. Really?! You're on a trashy party street, not at the Lebua State Tower. Your chances of being asked for drugs will significantly rise.

I do feel quite badly for the average Black American, many of which may have served during the Vietnam war, have retired to or are visiting Thailand. Sadly, there is a very large group of men from Africa that are doing bad things in Thailand and unfortunately that gets things pointed toward you. Not much one can do about it in a foreign country.


For those who don't like your group to be profiled you should try to change the behavior within it. There are reasons police and others profile and it is to stop crime from happening. Groups bring it upon themselves so it is up to them to change and people's opinions too.


How is it wrong to say colored? Should be say black? Oh... Africans? No no no... Let's call them Farangs.

It's not that it's wrong, it's the connotations the word has. Historically it comes from a time where being white was considered normal- and people who weren't white were viewed as lesser human beings- lumping all non-white ethnicities into one . (Which is why there's the contradiction in the term itself- that white isn't somehow a colour).

It's not about political correctness either, before somebody drags out that lazy phrase. It's just about not being a dick.

I think it's you that's putting the negative connotation on the word 'colored'. In the US, there is a nation-wide organization made of of those of African descent called the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. http://www.naacp.org

I, myself, use the term, 'person of color' when I want to differentiate between a Caucasian, a Mongoloid, and a Negroid person. It is beyond Politically Correct to pretend there is no difference between the races. Thais are Mongoloid. Please don't let the PC crowd redefine words that actually have neutral meanings into racial slurs.


More good news. You guys can play the racism card all you want, fortunately Thais and Thailand could not care less about such matters. Fact is the vast majority of drug dealers etc. in the mentioned area are black, hence it makes lots of sense to go after black people.

As a sidenote, most of the mentioned black people in that area are here illegally as well, which I am sure the police will find out once they check their passports and missing workpermits.

I think you'll find the majority of drug dealers here in Thailand are Thai.

Well, you won that 'Straw Man' argument because no one was talking about all of Thailand. In fact the poster specifically said, "in the mentioned area are black" so your response totally missed the point. How does your argument stand up now?


detaining 72 clearly guilty of having black skin for drug tests.

'coloured' people?

who writes this stuff? they are not a journalist that's for sure.

who edited this piece? no professional editor would allow this to print.

Perhaps you'd be more comfortable with the phrase "people of color" which is often used by colored people of color.


Racial profiling and racism is for the ignorant. This clearly shows just how racist Thai society is. How and why they ever signed the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is beyond me.

Considering my work which is internet based there is without question a problem with Nigerians but certainly not every Nigerian on the planet and therefore to target these people is again a pure act of racism.

Funny how the Thai women complain of being scammed. They should consider that it takes a special type of person to be scammed ... A) the very stupid and; cool.png the very greedy.

So if someone is stupid it's OK to scam them?


Why not just drag them from the back of a baht bus like they did "colored people" back in the day?

Sometimes I simply can't believe the stuff that happens here. It's appalling.

That said, everyone knows the Africans in some areas are selling drugs, pimping, and are generally up to no good. It's impossible to walk through some areas without being offered drugs of some sort. Those types need to go, but it is obvious they are well protected. Well, at least until today. Or maybe someone didn't pay their tea money on time.


For those who don't like your group to be profiled you should try to change the behavior within it. There are reasons police and others profile and it is to stop crime from happening. Groups bring it upon themselves so it is up to them to change and people's opinions too.

So all black people are in the same group now?

Is it also the responsibilty of a white person to correct the behavior of every white person that behaves incorrectly?

So if some, for example, some white guy from Denmark is littering, it's responsibilty of some white Icelandic tourist passer-by to admonish him because they are both in the Pale Skin Group?


Racial profiling and racism is for the ignorant. This clearly shows just how racist Thai society is. How and why they ever signed the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is beyond me.

Considering my work which is internet based there is without question a problem with Nigerians but certainly not every Nigerian on the planet and therefore to target these people is again a pure act of racism.

Funny how the Thai women complain of being scammed. They should consider that it takes a special type of person to be scammed ... A) the very stupid and; cool.png the very greedy.

So if someone is stupid it's OK to scam them?

That is a question better asked to the Thais. After all, they see pretty much everyone who is not Thai as a stupid buffalo.


I wonder how many innocent Africans got caught up in this net?

I think you mean innocent people as the bib went after black people regardless of nationality, creed or innocence.

They had one and only one criteria for judging innocence or guilt and that was colour.

No one was judged innocent or guilty based on skin color. They were judged SUSPECT for their skin color. If you have some proof that anyone was found guilty based solely on skin color, please produce it. In the meantime stop muddling the two to make your baseless point.


Wow everyone is playing the race card,,,,

The facts are the drug dealers, pimps, 419 scammers who are from african nations are all over sukhumvit and nothing is being done about it...



"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people"

Wow! Back home the good colonel's career would have been over in less time than it took him to utter that sentence. Just saying...

Black exceptionalism comes to Sukhumvit. Most of us can't remember how long the Africans drug dealing scourge has been going on there, but it's just not PC to let anyone get away with describing it as it really is ...

Funny how sacrosanct thainess is on TV until someone's own personal social agenda is perforated by it. Where's the love-it-or-leave-it brigade on this??!!


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The word colored is in England and USA a 'never-use word' Only used by racist people.

So these people are racist?


So what do you call them? I guess I must be a racist then because I cant think of any other way to refer to them.

You can't just call them black people?

Because very few 'people of color' are actually black.


Coloured , black , chocolate flavoured , whatever is needed to describe the criminals and enable the police to remove them from the streets. Ship the scum back to their homeland !


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So these people are racist?


So what do you call them? I guess I must be a racist then because I cant think of any other way to refer to them.

You can't just call them black people?

Because very few 'people of color' are actually black.

Apples & oranges. "People of color", which refers to anyone who is non-white or not of European extraction, is a far more inclusive term than "blacks". The two terms simply don't refer to the same group though one is part of the other. Your statement therefore makes no sense. It's true that "black" is non-PC in the U.S. and England, but sensible people use it anyway. It's only "racist" because some blacks, who prefer the term "African-American" even though they've never so much as set foot in Africa much less been born there, say it is. I got over paying serious attention to these reverse-racist nutjobs long ago.

I think you're confusing the term "person of color" with the term "colored", which was used back in the day to refer to blacks, at least in the U.S. One hardly ever hears "colored" used anymore; it's definitely considered offensive by most. "Person of color" is really a separate term and has its own meaning & connotation.


Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

Ironic, given that you must be pretty ignorant of the Thai language to think that 'Farang' is an offensive term.

Ignore BP's enormous chip on his shoulder.

I lived and worked in Africa for more than 25 years and still have business interests there. I lived in Nigeria on three desperate occasions and have many intelligent, decent Nigerian and other black African friends.

However, the type of scum selling drugs and the disgusting black whores on Sukhumvit are another case. They are a disease that needs to be eradicated.

Racist my arse! Elitist is closer to the truth. I wonder if Bluespunk, the self elected Al Sharpton of TV, would mind these guys dating his daughter? No? Just because he's (presumably) black, he is allowed to discriminate? I am pretty sure that he looks down his nose at these guys himself but just jumps on the racist bandwagon despite that fact that he clearly hates white people himself!

As a little aside, and to drag this reply back to the reply by SoiBiker above, in Nigeria whites are referred to as "Oyibo" which means white monkey! I don't think we'd be able to get away with calling Nigerians black monkeys in Europe, would we? IN Nigeria they also have a habit of showing their palms, fingers upwards, to white people, Some think they are being friendly but it actually means "go &lt;deleted&gt; your mother"! You get this all the time. Who are the real racists now?

This all stems from a deep resentment linked to the injustices of slavery.

Most people forget that it was the black tribes themselves who enslaved their neighbors and took them to the coast to sell to the white man.

A trip around Oueida in Gabon shows the real truth of slavery from West Africa and is pretty damning of the blacks themselves.


How can someone be clearly guilty of having black skin. I didn't know being a black person was a crime.

Apparently as other have said on here if they are dark and in Thailand then they are guilty of criminal offences. Every coloured person in Thailand has now been placed in the same box.

New government and broom sweeping through. This won't go down well in the international media where people are being targeted purely on thier skin colour.


I dont find this racist .

lets say they get complaints of people dealing drugs from out of a green car

it would be logic to check all thd green cars in the area


The BIB are doing the right thing

Hopefully all blacks soon will not be allowed entry to Thailand

The drug problem would halve in an instant

If only the cops would be like this in more country's

The world would be a better place for our children


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detaining 72 clearly guilty of having black skin for drug tests.

'coloured' people?

who writes this stuff? they are not a journalist that's for sure.

who edited this piece? no professional editor would allow this to print.

As pointed out in the article "[Ed. note: While Bawornpop's use of the term "colored people" (pew sii) translates offensively in English, its usage is mainstream in Thai.]"

So it was edited and they understood that a few thin skinned people would be offended. I am white, if someone describes me as white, I don't get all offended about it because, IT IS A FACTUAL DESCRIPTION of my colouring.

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