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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'

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Not all Nigerians in BKK are dealers.

I had 2 different guys living in my condo which were from Nigeria both had Thai misses.

I asked both of them what they did.. 1 was a football player and the other imported/exported clothing.

They both don't live in the condo anymore.. not sure why but they were both arrested according to the Security downstairs.

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No mention if they had work permits, so how does that work? Just a thought mind you....

So where does their income come from.... Another question.... Maybe bigger stories never told? Personally? I do not know... Just how are the drugs getting into the LOS? What visas have they filed for, more information please....

It is not just what is reported here, have a Thai nephew, serving life for selling drugs, in the North East... His business was a front, laundered money, did have a great business, and now lost it all.... From a successful business, to the sh** house... He was on his supposed trips to the south, dealing drugs.... What can I say? That is my two cents.....giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type.

Your a racist To say a comment like that. Worse you a closet racist (one who has no balls and hide behind TV when making racist comments).


I was being sarcastic and my post was based upon the opening lines of the OP which quoted the police more or less saying this was the case.

Which by the way I also included in my post.

Try to thinking before reacting.

If that's too tricky for you then get a friend to read your posts before you add them.


The BIB are doing the right thing

Hopefully all blacks soon will not be allowed entry to Thailand

The drug problem would halve in an instant

If only the cops would be like this in more country's

The world would be a better place for our children

So your saying blacks are responsible for 50% of the drug trade trade in Thailand. Then we have the stories of the assorted whites who have been arrested for drugs ie Russians, Aussies etc, that would make Thais very small players in the Thai drug industry.

More good news. You guys can play the racism card all you want, fortunately Thais and Thailand could not care less about such matters. Fact is the vast majority of drug dealers etc. in the mentioned area are black, hence it makes lots of sense to go after black people.

As a sidenote, most of the mentioned black people in that area are here illegally as well, which I am sure the police will find out once they check their passports and missing workpermits.

I think you'll find the majority of drug dealers here in Thailand are Thai.

Well, you won that 'Straw Man' argument because no one was talking about all of Thailand. In fact the poster specifically said, "in the mentioned area are black" so your response totally missed the point. How does your argument stand up now?

It stands tall and proud now as it did then.


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type.

Your a racist To say a comment like that. Worse you a closet racist (one who has no balls and hide behind TV when making racist comments).

I was being sarcastic and my post was based upon the opening lines of the OP which quoted the police more or less saying this was the case.

Which by the way I also included in my post.

Try to thinking before reacting.

If that's too tricky for you then get a friend to read your posts before you add them.

I saw the sarcasm in your post and didn't find it racist and I am Koori decent.

About time they cleared them off the entrance of Soi 13. Their open drug dealing made the area feel unsafe.

lost count of the amount of times i´ve been stopped by an african or black guy / woman on the way back to nana from asok, and asked if i wanted any coke / or anything i fancy ..bit annoying .. i can understand feeling unsafe as ive been followed and also seen someone pick-pocketed by an african young lad down sukhumvit ...i hope they do get them all and send them out of the country,, annoying that theyre stopping legitimate tourists / frequent visitors but these scum have been allowed to grow in numbers and openly sell their gear


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type.

Your a racist To say a comment like that. Worse you a closet racist (one who has no balls and hide behind TV when making racist comments).

I was being sarcastic and my post was based upon the opening lines of the OP which quoted the police more or less saying this was the case.

Which by the way I also included in my post.

Try to thinking before reacting.

If that's too tricky for you then get a friend to read your posts before you add them.

I saw the sarcasm in your post and didn't find it racist and I am Koori decent.

What's a Koori?


I wonder how many innocent Africans got caught up in this net?

I think you mean innocent people as the bib went after black people regardless of nationality, creed or innocence.

They had one and only one criteria for judging innocence or guilt and that was colour.

No one was judged innocent or guilty based on skin color. They were judged SUSPECT for their skin color. If you have some proof that anyone was found guilty based solely on skin color, please produce it. In the meantime stop muddling the two to make your baseless point.



You think hunting people on the basis of colour is ok?

The police went out to hunt prople based on their colour and nothing else.

That is stated in the OP. .

That is racism no matter how much you dislike the fact.

They were judged on their skin colour and nothing else.

They ended up in the police station because of their colour and nothing else.

You in your narrow thinking believe this ok because they were suspected because of their colour.

Laughable that you think this is better.


Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

Ironic, given that you must be pretty ignorant of the Thai language to think that 'Farang' is an offensive term.

Ignore BP's enormous chip on his shoulder.

I lived and worked in Africa for more than 25 years and still have business interests there. I lived in Nigeria on three desperate occasions and have many intelligent, decent Nigerian and other black African friends.

However, the type of scum selling drugs and the disgusting black whores on Sukhumvit are another case. They are a disease that needs to be eradicated.

Racist my arse! Elitist is closer to the truth. I wonder if Bluespunk, the self elected Al Sharpton of TV, would mind these guys dating his daughter? No? Just because he's (presumably) black, he is allowed to discriminate? I am pretty sure that he looks down his nose at these guys himself but just jumps on the racist bandwagon despite that fact that he clearly hates white people himself!

As a little aside, and to drag this reply back to the reply by SoiBiker above, in Nigeria whites are referred to as "Oyibo" which means white monkey! I don't think we'd be able to get away with calling Nigerians black monkeys in Europe, would we? IN Nigeria they also have a habit of showing their palms, fingers upwards, to white people, Some think they are being friendly but it actually means "go <deleted> your mother"! You get this all the time. Who are the real racists now?

This all stems from a deep resentment linked to the injustices of slavery.

Most people forget that it was the black tribes themselves who enslaved their neighbors and took them to the coast to sell to the white man.

A trip around Oueida in Gabon shows the real truth of slavery from West Africa and is pretty damning of the blacks themselves.

So many words and still wrong. I have said on several occasions that any racist term used is wrong no matter what the colour of the bigot or that of their target. I've also lived in Africa and dealt with racism there

As for the rest of your post in which you make assumptions about me....wrong. Again.


The BIB are doing the right thing

Hopefully all blacks soon will not be allowed entry to Thailand

The drug problem would halve in an instant

If only the cops would be like this in more country's

The world would be a better place for our children

seems every where i go there is africans selling drugs on the street, Barcelona, Hamburg, Zurich, Amsterdam, Magaluf, Copenhagen...i just wish they would stop coming up to me and calling me "charlie" wink.png


Racial profiling and racism is for the ignorant. This clearly shows just how racist Thai society is. How and why they ever signed the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is beyond me.

Considering my work which is internet based there is without question a problem with Nigerians but certainly not every Nigerian on the planet and therefore to target these people is again a pure act of racism.

Funny how the Thai women complain of being scammed. They should consider that it takes a special type of person to be scammed ... A) the very stupid and; cool.png the very greedy.

Racism my ass. So how would you deal with Latino gangs, black gangs, asian gangs, if not by their colour? Time to clean up the mess, white or black. Unfortunately, the white trash is not so easy to spot in Thailand. In due respect to black people who are legit and honest, these black turds are making your people look bad. Throwing the racist card just helps them. The world is not a perfect place...


I wonder how many innocent Africans got caught up in this net?

I think you mean innocent people as the bib went after black people regardless of nationality, creed or innocence.

They had one and only one criteria for judging innocence or guilt and that was colour.

No one was judged innocent or guilty based on skin color. They were judged SUSPECT for their skin color. If you have some proof that anyone was found guilty based solely on skin color, please produce it. In the meantime stop muddling the two to make your baseless point.

No again as usual you are wrong and as usual miss the point.

The police went out to hunt prople based on their colour and nothing else. That is stated in the OP. .

That is racism no matter how much you dislike the fact.

They were judged in their skin colour and nothing else.

They ended up in the police station because of their colour and nothing else.

You in your narrow thinking believe this ok because they were suspected because of their colour.

Laughable that you think this is better.

What is your problem?

The blacks in Bangkok are banging out the drugs

You never get approached by a whitey asking if you want to buy any illegal drugs

Do you

Thank god this is Thailand and the cops can extract the drug dealing blacks with no Lilly white liberals getting in the way


"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people,"

Yes, because we all know coloured people is a criminal type.

Your a racist To say a comment like that. Worse you a closet racist (one who has no balls and hide behind TV when making racist comments).

I was being sarcastic and my post was based upon the opening lines of the OP which quoted the police more or less saying this was the case.

Which by the way I also included in my post.

Try to thinking before reacting.

If that's too tricky for you then get a friend to read your posts before you add them.

I saw the sarcasm in your post and didn't find it racist and I am Koori decent.

What's a Koori?

Indigenous Aussies.


The fact you do not see a problem in hunting people based on colour is a serious problem. Get some therapy. You need to lose that hate.



The fact you do not see a problem in hunting people based on colour is a serious problem. Get some therapy. You need to lose that hate.

The fact is

The BIB were arresting known drug dealers in a well known drug dealing area

Where all the drug dealers are black

Have you ever walked the area in the hours of darkness?

How do I have a problem?

The cops are doing an excellent job

Stating facts



The fact you do not see a problem in hunting people based on colour is a serious problem. Get some therapy. You need to lose that hate.

The fact is

The BIB were arresting known drug dealers in a well known drug dealing area

Where all the drug dealers are black

Have you ever walked the area in the hours of darkness?

How do I have a problem?

The cops are doing an excellent job

Stating facts

I have no problem with arresting drug dealers, they are scum.

However that is not what happened.

Here are some more facts for you.

People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

There was one criteria for this "hunt" and that was colour. Fact.

That is racism and it is wrong. Fact.



The fact you do not see a problem in hunting people based on colour is a serious problem. Get some therapy. You need to lose that hate.

The fact is

The BIB were arresting known drug dealers in a well known drug dealing area

Where all the drug dealers are black

Have you ever walked the area in the hours of darkness?

How do I have a problem?

The cops are doing an excellent job

Stating facts

I have no problem with arresting drug dealers, they are scum.

However that is not what happened.

Here are some more facts for you.

People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

There was one criteria for this "hunt" and that was colour. Fact.

That is racism and it is wrong. Fact.


So what?

This is Thailand thank god and the cops do not need to worry about liberals like yourself

The blacks arrested were drug dealers not school teachers



The fact you do not see a problem in hunting people based on colour is a serious problem. Get some therapy. You need to lose that hate.

The fact is

The BIB were arresting known drug dealers in a well known drug dealing area

Where all the drug dealers are black

Have you ever walked the area in the hours of darkness?

How do I have a problem?

The cops are doing an excellent job

Stating facts

There is nothing in the story saying all these people are drug dealers, some may be but no evidence to the fact. The story says they are targeting coloured people because of reports of drug abuse which is a form of addiction, for urine tests. They are also targeting them for allegedly deceiving Thais.


The fact you do not see a problem in hunting people based on colour is a serious problem. Get some therapy. You need to lose that hate.

The fact is

The BIB were arresting known drug dealers in a well known drug dealing area

Where all the drug dealers are black

Have you ever walked the area in the hours of darkness?

How do I have a problem?

The cops are doing an excellent job

Stating facts

I have no problem with arresting drug dealers, they are scum.

However that is not what happened.

Here are some more facts for you.

People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

There was one criteria for this "hunt" and that was colour. Fact.

That is racism and it is wrong. Fact.


So what?

This is Thailand thank god and the cops do not need to worry about liberals like yourself

The blacks arrested were drug dealers not school teachers

Which brings us back to the subject of therapy and hate..........


People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.


What a senseless topic. Could not bother reading much of it.

I think what the police did is perfectly alright. The got information that Africans are selling drugs, so they rounded up 72 African suspects. If the report was that Caucasians were selling drugs, the police would presumably not have focused on Africans.

The article is written in they way people here think. For them saying Black is just the simplest way to express themselves. They are not as paranoid about politically correct language as we are, perhaps.


The real question becomes one of how successful was their profiling ?? Of the 72

people arrested, how many were dealing drugs or tested positive for drugs ??

If they all were guilty, I would say that is efficient profiling by the police. If none

were guilty, then I would say that is profiling gone wrong. The rumor for years

here was that the police received kickbacks from the dealers in that area

to operate so openly. Guess something has changed, or this is part of Prayut's

ongoing efforts to gut the income for the police. .......


detaining 72 clearly guilty of having black skin for drug tests.

'coloured' people?

who writes this stuff? they are not a journalist that's for sure.

who edited this piece? no professional editor would allow this to print.

Well the terms of reference made by the PC brigade do change rather rapidly, it used to be that it was impolite to say black so it was changed to coloured, i think we are back to black now but who knows and in my case who cares.


detaining 72 clearly guilty of having black skin for drug tests.

'coloured' people?

who writes this stuff? they are not a journalist that's for sure.

who edited this piece? no professional editor would allow this to print.

Well the terms of reference made by the PC brigade do change rather rapidly, it used to be that it was impolite to say black so it was changed to coloured, i think we are back to black now but who knows and in my case who cares.

Rapidly? How many times has that change occurred in, say, the last 30 years?

I'm not really sure why some of you find it so hard to keep up.


People were targeted on the basis of colour. Fact.

No investigation, gathering of evidence or observation of behaviour took place. Fact.

So how did they know where to look? It's not like they were just arresting black people at random all over the city.

Its not the fact they knew where to look or the nationality of those they arrested that makes this whole event racist.

It's the fact they did no surveillance beforehand.

It's the fact they gathered no evidence.

It's the fact that no intelligence took place.

It's the fact they "hunted" people on the basis of colour.

It's the fact that this whole operation was based solely upon prejudice, bigotry and racial profiling.

Is that clear enough for you?

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