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I posted a link with Pictures what you are saying is your wife has had the #1 procedure done where just the Clitoris is removed (to say that it is not removed is a LIE its removed PERIOD)

So as you can see from the examples your girl has had the frist one done which is the least removed the other 2 examples are of more removed NOW if Sheryl is so well researched and respected have her EXPLAIN those examples and show me where the skin on the clit was removed like a mans foreskin

COMPLETE RUBBISH and the religion I was reffering to was ISLAM of course

Again learn to read. I do not have a wife. I have a girlfriend.

There is a 4th way, the covering of the clit is nicked to expose it. That is it. Google is your friend. You will learn.

You are just so blinded in your hatred of islam. Most fgm is done in africa, by christians.

I am against it wherever it is done and by anyone who does it or defends the BARBARIC practice

I never said i supported it.

All i did was tell you of a personal experience that what you where saying was not correct. The 4th way is merely the small cut of the skin covering the clit.

Your eyes then rolled back and you came in saying it was BS and that my 'wife' had her clit removed. That is false.

You owe an apology.

you don't have a wife you have a girlfriend

And yes you are defending it and playing its effects down she will never know if she is missing out on having a non mutilated clitoris that can give her sexual pleasure will she.

Oh dear, your ignorance is astonishing.

Note i put 'wife' in inverted commas because it is you that referred to my gf as wfe.

Please show where i defended it. I explained there is not just the clit removal which you insisted was BS.

My gf does not have a mutilated clitoris, her clit is fully intact. It is a small nick in the skin that covers it that was cut. She has full sexual pleasure the same as a man has that is circumsized.

Sheryl, out of the goodness of her heart, has posted what in fact was done. Yet you refuse to believe FACTS.

You tell others to read but you plainly refuse the facts when presented to you.

You owe an apology

Why the cut...........?


"Complete typology with sub-divisions:

  • Type I Partial or total removal of the clitoris and/or the prepuce (clitoridectomy).
  • When it is important to distinguish between the major variations of Type I mutilation, the following subdivisions are proposed: Type Ia, removal of the clitoral hood or prepuce only; Type Ib, removal of the clitoris with the prepuce." http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/fgm/overview/en/
Type 1a is what is most commonly practiced in Thailand and Malaysia and obviously what Inky's gf has had. It does not remove the clitoris. I have only heard of it being done in SE Asia. In other parts of the world what is doen is far more mutilating and extreme.

Of all the various practices, this and this alone is in fact female circumcision. Although the term "female circumcision" is often used to describe removal of the clitoris and/or labia etc, that is in no way circumcision; by defintiion circumcision means removal of the foreskin only.

I believe I could not get one grown WOMAN that would agree to having partial or all of her Clit removed do you Sheryl so why would you do it to a babie or young girl

That is done mainly in Africa. Mainly by christans.

Removing all or part of the clitoris is in the main not practiced in thailand or malaysia, which this thread is about.

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I posted a link with Pictures what you are saying is your wife has had the #1 procedure done where just the Clitoris is removed (to say that it is not removed is a LIE its removed PERIOD)

So as you can see from the examples your girl has had the frist one done which is the least removed the other 2 examples are of more removed NOW if Sheryl is so well researched and respected have her EXPLAIN those examples and show me where the skin on the clit was removed like a mans foreskin

COMPLETE RUBBISH and the religion I was reffering to was ISLAM of course

Again learn to read. I do not have a wife. I have a girlfriend.

There is a 4th way, the covering of the clit is nicked to expose it. That is it. Google is your friend. You will learn.

You are just so blinded in your hatred of islam. Most fgm is done in africa, by christians.

I am against it wherever it is done and by anyone who does it or defends the BARBARIC practice

I never said i supported it.

All i did was tell you of a personal experience that what you where saying was not correct. The 4th way is merely the small cut of the skin covering the clit.

Your eyes then rolled back and you came in saying it was BS and that my 'wife' had her clit removed. That is false.

You owe an apology.

you don't have a wife you have a girlfriend

And yes you are defending it and playing its effects down she will never know if she is missing out on having a non mutilated clitoris that can give her sexual pleasure will she.

Oh dear, your ignorance is astonishing.

Note i put 'wife' in inverted commas because it is you that referred to my gf as wfe.

Please show where i defended it. I explained there is not just the clit removal which you insisted was BS.

My gf does not have a mutilated clitoris, her clit is fully intact. It is a small nick in the skin that covers it that was cut. She has full sexual pleasure the same as a man has that is circumsized.

Sheryl, out of the goodness of her heart, has posted what in fact was done. Yet you refuse to believe FACTS.

You tell others to read but you plainly refuse the facts when presented to you.

You owe an apology

Why the cut...........?

Good question. She said her mother had it done to her when a baby on religious grounds.

I dont agree with it, she doesnt mind.

Im glad it was only the minor skin covering cut they do here.


There is some evidence that circumcision has health benefits, including:

A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.

A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.

Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.

Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).

Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).

Circumcision also makes it easier to keep the end of the penis clean.

That is for men....what are the health benefits for cutting on the genitals of female babies?

I doubt that the benefits beside the sexually transmitted diseases are big. And on transmitted diseases are anyway no problem for our religious friends as they get married young and not allowed to have sex with anyone else.

So maybe marginal advantages for men. If there would be big advantages our ancestors we would have lost this skin already....at times we looked like rats....So most probably it has some advantages to have that skin.

And again.....where are the advantages on cutting women....

It is all about sexual control & blaming women for male hormones. The Muslim men come over here in planeloads & are spreading out from soi 3 in all directions. My spies tell me they are not just here for the shopping. It is a very one-sided, cruel, sexist, misogynistic religion. There, I have said it!

  • Like 1

There is some evidence that circumcision has health benefits, including:

A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.

A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.

Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.

Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).

Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).

Circumcision also makes it easier to keep the end of the penis clean.

That is for men....what are the health benefits for cutting on the genitals of female babies?

I doubt that the benefits beside the sexually transmitted diseases are big. And on transmitted diseases are anyway no problem for our religious friends as they get married young and not allowed to have sex with anyone else.

So maybe marginal advantages for men. If there would be big advantages our ancestors we would have lost this skin already....at times we looked like rats....So most probably it has some advantages to have that skin.

And again.....where are the advantages on cutting women....

It is all about sexual control & blaming women for male hormones. The Muslim men come over here in planeloads & are spreading out from soi 3 in all directions. My spies tell me they are not just here for the shopping. It is a very one-sided, cruel, sexist, misogynistic religion. There, I have said it!

You do realise it is mainly done in Africa by Christians.

Very few muslim countries do it and in those that do it is mainly only certain areas of that country that do it.

So i suggest you aim your anger at Christians for doing it.

  • Like 1

There is some evidence that circumcision has health benefits, including:

A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.

A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.

Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.

Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).

Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).

Circumcision also makes it easier to keep the end of the penis clean.

That is for men....what are the health benefits for cutting on the genitals of female babies?

I doubt that the benefits beside the sexually transmitted diseases are big. And on transmitted diseases are anyway no problem for our religious friends as they get married young and not allowed to have sex with anyone else.

So maybe marginal advantages for men. If there would be big advantages our ancestors we would have lost this skin already....at times we looked like rats....So most probably it has some advantages to have that skin.

And again.....where are the advantages on cutting women....

It is all about sexual control & blaming women for male hormones. The Muslim men come over here in planeloads & are spreading out from soi 3 in all directions. My spies tell me they are not just here for the shopping. It is a very one-sided, cruel, sexist, misogynistic religion. There, I have said it!
well thts an opinion of yours so fine
  • Like 1

There is some evidence that circumcision has health benefits, including:

A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.

A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.

Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.

Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).

Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).

Circumcision also makes it easier to keep the end of the penis clean.

That is for men....what are the health benefits for cutting on the genitals of female babies?

I doubt that the benefits beside the sexually transmitted diseases are big. And on transmitted diseases are anyway no problem for our religious friends as they get married young and not allowed to have sex with anyone else.

So maybe marginal advantages for men. If there would be big advantages our ancestors we would have lost this skin already....at times we looked like rats....So most probably it has some advantages to have that skin.

And again.....where are the advantages on cutting women....

It is all about sexual control & blaming women for male hormones. The Muslim men come over here in planeloads & are spreading out from soi 3 in all directions. My spies tell me they are not just here for the shopping. It is a very one-sided, cruel, sexist, misogynistic religion. There, I have said it!

You do realise it is mainly done in Africa by Christians.

Very few muslim countries do it and in those that do it is mainly only certain areas of that country that do it.

So i suggest you aim your anger at Christians for doing it.

Linky you need to contact WIKIPEDIA because they must have it wrong too rolleyes.gif

Religious views on female genital mutilation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Religious views on female genital mutilation (FGM) vary even within the same religious tradition. FGM is found only within and adjacent to Muslim communities,[1] but the practice predates Islam, and is not required by it.[2] The only Jewish group known to have practiced it are the Beta Israel of Ethiopia.[3] There is no unequivocal link between religion and prevalence.[4]

It is generally accepted that there is no close link between the practice and religious belief. Despite this, there is a widespread view in several countries, particularly in Mali, Eritrea, Mauritania, Guinea and Egypt, that FGM is a religious requirement.[5]

  • Like 1

There is some evidence that circumcision has health benefits, including:

A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.

A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.

Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.

Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).

Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).

Circumcision also makes it easier to keep the end of the penis clean.

So present this information to boys and girls on their 18th birthday and then let them decide for themselves.


Until then, don't irretrievably mutilate them without their consent. :)


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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Stick with the topic, has nothing to do with males, it is about FGM. But seeing you digressed so will I. Please do some research before you post and you will find that male circumcision is nearly always done under medical supervision; does not have the complications that this barbaric custom does on women and is a undesirable trait that goes back to medieval times which is forced on woman by men. One thing I liked to know is how you define male circumcision as mutilation, when only excess skin is removed. Do a Google search and compare the two.

no it is usually forced on women by women, as crazy as it sounds....

Do you have a link to any report that sustains what you have alleged?

you read the article and article about africa? Actually I didn't see one where males did the cut. All done by women.


As horrible as this seems to non-Muslim folks...it pales in comparison to the more than 60 million American babies who were never allowed to take their first breath...

No if there is an abortion of a few cells, or even half a baby there is no suffering. If you cut out parts of women genitals they suffer, it hurts and later their complete sex life is destroyed.

For the abortion in the worst case which doesn't happen but for the sake of argument the half embryo feels a few seconds pain. Not 50 years....


Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Would that also include the hair, nails, umbilical cord?

Stupid troll.

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Mutilate them,cover them head to foot so they see the world through a letter box,

and don't let them out of the house,most people would not do that to an animal.

regards worgeordie

  • Like 2

Mutilate them,cover them head to foot so they see the world through a letter box,

and don't let them out of the house,most people would not do that to an animal.

regards worgeordie


The RSPCA would be called.

But also in the West they often cut off sexual parts of infants without any medical issue. This is also a human rights violation, and needlessly cruel as it is irreversible and done without the person's consent. Circumcision of children, when done without a medical issue, should be a human rights violation and be criminalized.


There is some evidence that circumcision has health benefits, including:

A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.

A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.

Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.

Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).

Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).

Circumcision also makes it easier to keep the end of the penis clean.

That is for men....what are the health benefits for cutting on the genitals of female babies?

I doubt that the benefits beside the sexually transmitted diseases are big. And on transmitted diseases are anyway no problem for our religious friends as they get married young and not allowed to have sex with anyone else.

So maybe marginal advantages for men. If there would be big advantages our ancestors we would have lost this skin already....at times we looked like rats....So most probably it has some advantages to have that skin.

And again.....where are the advantages on cutting women....

It is all about sexual control & blaming women for male hormones. The Muslim men come over here in planeloads & are spreading out from soi 3 in all directions. My spies tell me they are not just here for the shopping. It is a very one-sided, cruel, sexist, misogynistic religion. There, I have said it!

You do realise it is mainly done in Africa by Christians.

Very few muslim countries do it and in those that do it is mainly only certain areas of that country that do it.

So i suggest you aim your anger at Christians for doing it.

Linky you need to contact WIKIPEDIA because they must have it wrong too rolleyes.gif

Religious views on female genital mutilation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Religious views on female genital mutilation (FGM) vary even within the same religious tradition. FGM is found only within and adjacent to Muslim communities,[1] but the practice predates Islam, and is not required by it.[2] The only Jewish group known to have practiced it are the Beta Israel of Ethiopia.[3] There is no unequivocal link between religion and prevalence.[4]

It is generally accepted that there is no close link between the practice and religious belief. Despite this, there is a widespread view in several countries, particularly in Mali, Eritrea, Mauritania, Guinea and Egypt, that FGM is a religious requirement.[5]

I suggest you read more than wikipedia to educate yourself.

Still waiting for the apology for saying my gf had her clitoris cut.


There is some evidence that circumcision has health benefits, including:

A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.

A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.

Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.

Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).

Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).

Circumcision also makes it easier to keep the end of the penis clean.

That is for men....what are the health benefits for cutting on the genitals of female babies?

I doubt that the benefits beside the sexually transmitted diseases are big. And on transmitted diseases are anyway no problem for our religious friends as they get married young and not allowed to have sex with anyone else.

So maybe marginal advantages for men. If there would be big advantages our ancestors we would have lost this skin already....at times we looked like rats....So most probably it has some advantages to have that skin.

And again.....where are the advantages on cutting women....

It is all about sexual control & blaming women for male hormones. The Muslim men come over here in planeloads & are spreading out from soi 3 in all directions. My spies tell me they are not just here for the shopping. It is a very one-sided, cruel, sexist, misogynistic religion. There, I have said it!

You do realise it is mainly done in Africa by Christians.

Very few muslim countries do it and in those that do it is mainly only certain areas of that country that do it.

So i suggest you aim your anger at Christians for doing it.

Again why is it somehow better because Christians in Africa do the same???

It is a crime no matter what religion.

Yes of couse it is. But some bigots on here just assume it is a muslim thing, it is not.


Mutilate them,cover them head to foot so they see the world through a letter box,

and don't let them out of the house,most people would not do that to an animal.

regards worgeordie

I dont believe the Christian communites, or the communities in Indonesia and Malaysia cover their women head to foot and keep them in the home.


I quite enjoy watching/reading muslims trying to justify/explain their conducts and actions they follow in accordance with Islamic practices that are deemed or proven unacceptable in the free world. Girls gentile mutilation, using index finger upto first joint to penetrate anus to remove poo, covering women head to toe, killing non muslims unless they pay tax or convert to Islam, having sex with underage girls, having half a dozen wives or mistresses (kik), women can't divorce, and I got more.

In this case it is done PURELY to deprive a woman of sexual pleasure. The rationale behind is that if a woman does not "enjoy" the sex it is less likely she'll be tempted to have sex (experiment) before she marries and is less likely to be tempted to leave if the husband cannot pleasure her.

In Islam women are there to " support" a man. Our interpretation is more "be slave" to a man. This comes from a lack of trust in women and lack of confidence in men. Covering them up, cutting parts of their private parts, not allowing them to work etc are means to ensure a woman cannot think or do things by herself. There afraid once their women establishes that life can be better and has choices she'll realize that she's with a dead beat and can leave.

In this case some muslims have tried medical etc to sugar coat it. Makes me laugh!!!!!

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It really is more like an African problem. In Africa it is done mostly in Christian countries not Muslim.

That doesn't make it any better....

Agreed,all forms criminal. Issue was automatically turned into jihad against muslims,just little perspective...


I quite enjoy watching/reading muslims trying to justify/explain their conducts and actions they follow in accordance with Islamic practices that are deemed or proven unacceptable in the free world. Girls gentile mutilation, using index finger upto first joint to penetrate anus to remove poo, covering women head to toe, killing non muslims unless they pay tax or convert to Islam, having sex with underage girls, having half a dozen wives or mistresses (kik), women can't divorce, and I got more.

In this case it is done PURELY to deprive a woman of sexual pleasure. The rationale behind is that if a woman does not "enjoy" the sex it is less likely she'll be tempted to have sex (experiment) before she marries and is less likely to be tempted to leave if the husband cannot pleasure her.

In Islam women are there to " support" a man. Our interpretation is more "be slave" to a man. This comes from a lack of trust in women and lack of confidence in men. Covering them up, cutting parts of their private parts, not allowing them to work etc are means to ensure a woman cannot think or dyo things by herself. There afraid once their women establishes that life can be better and has choices she'll realize that she's with a dead beat and can leave.

In this case some muslims have tried medical etc to sugar coat it. Makes me laugh!!!!!

So what is the reason christians do it?

And your reasoning for SOME communities in FEW muslim countries is not supported by facts.


It has been practiced in Malaysia for as long i can remember and most muslim countries and muslims in southern Thai just practice what has been written in The alquran

stop publishing bullshit!


I quite enjoy watching/reading muslims trying to justify/explain their conducts and actions they follow in accordance with Islamic practices that are deemed or proven unacceptable in the free world. Girls gentile mutilation, using index finger upto first joint to penetrate anus to remove poo, covering women head to toe, killing non muslims unless they pay tax or convert to Islam, having sex with underage girls, having half a dozen wives or mistresses (kik), women can't divorce, and I got more.

In this case it is done PURELY to deprive a woman of sexual pleasure. The rationale behind is that if a woman does not "enjoy" the sex it is less likely she'll be tempted to have sex (experiment) before she marries and is less likely to be tempted to leave if the husband cannot pleasure her.

In Islam women are there to " support" a man. Our interpretation is more "be slave" to a man. This comes from a lack of trust in women and lack of confidence in men. Covering them up, cutting parts of their private parts, not allowing them to work etc are means to ensure a woman cannot think or dyo things by herself. There afraid once their women establishes that life can be better and has choices she'll realize that she's with a dead beat and can leave.

In this case some muslims have tried medical etc to sugar coat it. Makes me laugh!!!!!

So what is the reason christians do it?

And your reasoning for SOME communities in FEW muslim countries is not supported by facts.

christians don't do it. It doesn't get more factual than Quran. Nice try but didn't work. I'm in support of an Islamic state where all muslims are forced to live there and quarantine them from us.

Christians do it because Jesus was circumcised himself ........

Circumcision is completeley different. It has to do with ignorance and hygiene.

apologies as i was speaking on a religious perspective and what u say its also acceptable because bottomline is hygiene

I hope nobody is implying that not circumcised men are unhygienic.

  • Like 1

I quite enjoy watching/reading muslims trying to justify/explain their conducts and actions they follow in accordance with Islamic practices that are deemed or proven unacceptable in the free world. Girls gentile mutilation, using index finger upto first joint to penetrate anus to remove poo, covering women head to toe, killing non muslims unless they pay tax or convert to Islam, having sex with underage girls, having half a dozen wives or mistresses (kik), women can't divorce, and I got more.

In this case it is done PURELY to deprive a woman of sexual pleasure. The rationale behind is that if a woman does not "enjoy" the sex it is less likely she'll be tempted to have sex (experiment) before she marries and is less likely to be tempted to leave if the husband cannot pleasure her.

In Islam women are there to " support" a man. Our interpretation is more "be slave" to a man. This comes from a lack of trust in women and lack of confidence in men. Covering them up, cutting parts of their private parts, not allowing them to work etc are means to ensure a woman cannot think or dyo things by herself. There afraid once their women establishes that life can be better and has choices she'll realize that she's with a dead beat and can leave.

In this case some muslims have tried medical etc to sugar coat it. Makes me laugh!!!!!

So what is the reason christians do it?

And your reasoning for SOME communities in FEW muslim countries is not supported by facts.

christians don't do it. It doesn't get more factual than Quran. Nice try but didn't work. I'm in support of an Islamic state where all muslims are forced to live there and quarantine them from us.

Typical bigotry lie.


So thats both you and DiamondKing that owes an apology for lying.

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Christians do it because Jesus was circumcised himself ........

Circumcision is completeley different. It has to do with ignorance and hygiene.

apologies as i was speaking on a religious perspective and what u say its also acceptable because bottomline is hygiene

I hope nobody is implying that not circumcised men are unhygienic.

Depends if you like the cheese ?


My opinion may not be shared by anyone, but here it is.

FGM is, as the name suggests, a form of mutilation. I believe it compares in ways to other mutilation, such as foot binding, neck stretching, plates inserted into lips etc. Reasons why these are done are religious and cultural / traditional.

These mutilations are barbaric to most westerners and do not fit into our world view.

I believe however we should not involve ourself. It is not our culture, believe system or religion. Getting involved and criticise those who practice any such mutilations will be perceived as interference from outsiders.

Do I think these acts are cruel? Certainly I do. But I also believe I have no right to judge other's ways, believes and cultures. I can tell them I think it is barbaric, but I don't take myself the right to ask them to stop.

Minor mutilations are tattoos, piercings etc. Depends where your threshold is.

Think many centuries back, we had human sacrifices, witch hunts, canibalism etc. All very gross and in the name of religion. But changes have to come from within the system of believes, not outsiders.

Let's make the world a better place, but keep in mind we share this place with many others who may have different values. We are actually the minority.

Again, this is my opinion.

And to stick with the Topic, from what I hear FGM is common amongst Thai Muslims. As the south has significant Muslim population it is common there.

From what my Muslim friends tell me it is however declining, at least further north, not sure about declining in the south.

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