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Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) globally when there is no medical issue and the person has not given consent (as a young child could not) while we're at it.

Why can't people just let others be as they naturally should, without cutting the best parts of their bodies.

Stick with the topic, has nothing to do with males, it is about FGM. But seeing you digressed so will I. Please do some research before you post and you will find that male circumcision is nearly always done under medical supervision; does not have the complications that this barbaric custom does on women and is a undesirable trait that goes back to medieval times which is forced on woman by men. One thing I liked to know is how you define male circumcision as mutilation, when only excess skin is removed.

Excess skin? cheesy.gif

Thanks for the laugh.

It is the most sensitive part of a man's body. The only other place where those receptors are are in the finger tips. And yes, cutting off part of a person's body is mutilation (perhaps you don't understand the word and may be educated if you look it up in a dictionary).

Cutting off the best and most enjoyable part of their body, that has negative implications for not only them, but also their partners, without their consent, is, really, a human rights violation.

End of story, really.

You're still off topic but tell me, what made you laugh, the excess or skin part. Whatever, glad to see you have a sense of humour. My understanding is that what is removed in the circumcision is the foreskin or loose fold of skin that covers the glans of the penis, which is also called prepuce. So I called it excess, sorry if that does not fit with your opinion. The rest I know nothing of so I am unable to comment.

Now mutilation. So you suggest that a mild surgical adjustment called circumcision is mutilation, a cruel and injurious form of torture? Again my opinion differs from yours but unlike yourself, I respect your opinion; have not suggested you should educate yourself nor mocked your post.


Your last quote actually says more about you then anything else. "End of Storey ,really" So no matter what anyone says, everything you say is correct, cannot be questioned and no one has the right to a differing opinion. if you read the multitude of reports from inquiries conducted throughout the world, you will find that many medical experts, countries, races and religions have vastly differing opinions.

There are those that are for and those that are against against. Now these people are educated, leave it to the reader to either accept or reject their findings based on the information presented, yet none mock the opposition, tell the others they don't understand and may be educated if they check on the definition of a word. Now, I do not put myself in that category of knowledgeable medicos or other experts, I just made a comment and asked a question, after which I am told I may need re-educating. Says a lot doesn't it?

Yes, I am completely correct, and my stated facts are the 'end of story' as there is no dispute about them (by those who educated about such matters).

Some education for you about foreskin.

Some education for you about the word mutilation.

If you're still confused or of an opposing view, please let me know. Thanks.


Thank you for being the perfect educator, one whose knowledge encompasses all and knows no boundaries.

You really are a wonder, so off you go, in your perfect world and continue on with your arrogant and narcissistic ways.

Now it's the end.


Thank you for being the perfect educator.

You're welcome.

May you take your new found knowledge, and use it to educate others on this common human right's violation.

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Thank you for being the perfect educator, one whose knowledge encompasses all and knows no boundaries.

You really are a wonder, so off you go, in your perfect world and continue on with your arrogant and narcissistic ways.

Now it's the end.

Good that you finally accept it.


There are reports in the Sunnah which indicate that circumcision for women is prescribed in Islam. In Madeenah there was a woman who circumcised women and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to her: Do not go to the extreme in cutting; that is better for the woman and more liked by the husband. Narrated by Abu Dawood (5271), classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

Female circumcision has not been prescribed for no reason, rather there is wisdom behind it and it brings many benefits.

Mentioning some of these benefits, Dr. Haamid al-Ghawaabi says:

The secretions of the labia minora accumulate in uncircumcised women and turn rancid, so they develop an unpleasant odour which may lead to infections of the vagina or urethra. I have seen many cases of sickness caused by the lack of circumcision.

Circumcision reduces excessive sensitivity of the clitoris which may cause it to increase in size to 3 centimeters when aroused, which is very annoying to the husband, especially at the time of intercourse.

Another benefit of circumcision is that it prevents stimulation of the clitoris which makes it grow large in such a manner that it causes pain.

Circumcision prevents spasms of the clitoris which are a kind of inflammation.

Circumcision reduces excessive sexual desire.

Preferable that you would stop posting.

You are sounding more and more like the moron from Saudi Arabia who was seriously explaining on video why muslim women in his country should not be allowed to drive cars.....

This is a forum kindly learn to accept views from people of various race religion etc tq

Why should we accept views from ANY race/religion that are ignorant, stupid, barbaric and based totally on misogyny without defending the rights of women to be equal to men.

This is the usual bullshit retort from bigots. I bet you don't agree with much that Hitler said do you, or should we all agree that he would have had the right to post race hate and supremacy of the master race?


There are reports in the Sunnah which indicate that circumcision for women is prescribed in Islam. In Madeenah there was a woman who circumcised women and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to her: Do not go to the extreme in cutting; that is better for the woman and more liked by the husband. Narrated by Abu Dawood (5271), classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

Female circumcision has not been prescribed for no reason, rather there is wisdom behind it and it brings many benefits.

Mentioning some of these benefits, Dr. Haamid al-Ghawaabi says:

The secretions of the labia minora accumulate in uncircumcised women and turn rancid, so they develop an unpleasant odour which may lead to infections of the vagina or urethra. I have seen many cases of sickness caused by the lack of circumcision.

Circumcision reduces excessive sensitivity of the clitoris which may cause it to increase in size to 3 centimeters when aroused, which is very annoying to the husband, especially at the time of intercourse.

Another benefit of circumcision is that it prevents stimulation of the clitoris which makes it grow large in such a manner that it causes pain.

Circumcision prevents spasms of the clitoris which are a kind of inflammation.

Circumcision reduces excessive sexual desire.

Preferable that you would stop posting.

You are sounding more and more like the moron from Saudi Arabia who was seriously explaining on video why muslim women in his country should not be allowed to drive cars.....

This is a forum kindly learn to accept views from people of various race religion etc tq

Why should we accept views from ANY race/religion that are ignorant, stupid, barbaric and based totally on misogyny without defending the rights of women to be equal to men.

This is the usual bullshit retort from bigots. I bet you don't agree with much that Hitler said do you, or should we all agree that he would have had the right to post race hate and supremacy of the master race?

Spot on.


Hard to believe that people still do this...

Hard to believe people still get stoned to death for fornication, beheaded for being a 'witch' or thrown off buildings for being gay, not to mention beheading of unbelievers, rapes of sexual slaves or being stoned for being raped. Anyone see the common link here?


Hard to believe that people still do this...

Hard to believe people still get stoned to death for fornication, beheaded for being a 'witch' or thrown off buildings for being gay, not to mention beheading of unbelievers, rapes of sexual slaves or being stoned for being raped. Anyone see the common link here?

Completely off topic but yes, i see a link to some posters not getting past first grade by thinking all that follow a religion are the same.


Hard to believe that people still do this...

It sure is. But i dont tar all Christians as barbaric because of the Chritians that do it.


FGM in S Thailand is of course not done by Christians but in the name of the barbarity that is Islam.

The majority of FGM done Worldwide is in the name of the barbarity that is Christian.


I have never read such a pathetic argument as the one I am seeing here. Gentlemen (I presume that is the case, women would never indulge in this kind of verbal sparing) FGM is neither Christian nor Muslim in origin. All the evidence suggests that it originates in central Africa and predates both religions.

It has, of course, been adopted by both religions, but that is the result of a cultural practice being adopted by an incoming religion, not the other way round There are numerous examples of that occurring throughout the world, including, I might point out, Buddhism.

I will say one thing in defence of Islam. And believe me; it is very rare for me to do that! I should point out that in the heartland of that religion, notably Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States. FGM is not routinely practiced, which I do believe really does put a dampener on the argument that it is Islamic in origin.

I really do think that this discussion on FGM has run its course and has now been reduced petty squabbling between some very misinformed, dare I say ignorant, contributors.

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