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Hey All,

We signed up to 3BB sometime ago, although it gives pretty decent speeds for the price, we was given a rooter when we signed up which does not seem great.

The rooter came pre configured so we did not have to input any details etc, (plug n play) I assume they pre-load all your logins etc prior to giving you it, anyway the rooter does not have an antenna port so when your on wifi the range isn't great, I am trying to get a new rooter with an SMA antenna port so I can stick a 12dbi antenna init....

Question is, if I buy my own rooter, what will I have to do to put my settings in? will I need to take it to 3BB for them to load my settings into the new rooter or can I do this myself?



Most routers now will have the settings within the firmware, so when you first connect it (router) will ask what is your ISP.

You can also log into your existing router by entering

Default passwords normally



Once inside you can find your user name and password for your network.

You should be able to call 3BB and ask them for the config parameter information, then substitute and config your own router.
If an ADSL line then it should be something like:
Annex Type: A, A/L, M, A/L/M
Mode: Routing or Bridge
Encapsulation: PPPoE / PPPoA
Servicename :
Multiplex: VC, LLC
Virtual Circuit ID
VPI: nn
VCI: nn
The set up your SSID and PSK for WiFi
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Check what kind of cable comes into the router.

If it's a coax cable I think you're going to find it nigh on impossible to find a replacement router here.


Check what kind of cable comes into the router.

If it's a coax cable I think you're going to find it nigh on impossible to find a replacement router here.

Coax cable would infer a non- ADSL router. Has 3BB ever done anything other than ADSL? Not criticising, just asking since I have been a 3BB user in various locales from way before they were even called 3BB (TTT and all that rubbish).

As suggested earlier, the OP's nearest 3BB shop should be able to give him the 'mission critical' router and account settings on a printout, or If they are out of printer paper, write them down on the back of your billing statement (if used as proof of account holder). I did have one of their more savvy installation guys leave a printed copy of the router and account settings when he did an unattended installation that worked flawlessly. So I promptly went out an bought a lottery ticket!

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Has 3BB ever done anything other than ADSL?

Not criticising, just asking since I have been a 3BB user in various locales from way before they were even called 3BB (TTT and all that rubbish). [...]

3BB now does Fiber.

They join all the other people playing with fibre/fiber or providing fiber+vdsl connections



CAT ON Net (fiber) [ Thai ]

Sinet FTTx [ Thai ]

TOT Fiber2U

TrueOnline FTTx

3BB, CAT and TOT all have new Fiber lines running beside my residence here along the Mekong River.


Most routers now will have the settings within the firmware, so when you first connect it (router) will ask what is your ISP.

You can also log into your existing router by entering

Default passwords normally



Once inside you can find your user name and password for your network.

But I'm afraid he will find that the password for his network is *******



I tried to login to my rooter and the username/pass admin admin did not work..

I guess I will just buy a new rooter and go to 3BB office playing dumb?

It is no coax, as far as I know we are not living the stone ages now lol,

Cheers for the info


It is no coax, as far as I know we are not living the stone ages now lol,

I wouldn't be so quick to denigrate cable.

As a transmission medium CATV can simultaneously deliver 104 Full HD transport streams (or 52 Full HD and 231–396 SD transport streams) along with 30mbps Internet. It's rather remarkable what they've done with it.

I tried to login to my rooter and the username/pass admin admin did not work..

Try admin / 3bb ( some techs still like admin / TTT )

While you can get most of the configuration from here, the PPPoE Password won't be listed in cleartext.






You *should* have received a 'contact' form with this info on it before they installed the service. But even if you don't have that a 3BB shop or Telephone Support will give it to you once you prove you are the subscriber.


You *should* have received a 'contact' form with this info on it before they installed the service.

That's how I got my router configuration info when I bought a new wifi router for my 3BB service, from the form supplied to me by 3BB when I signed up. If you misplaced it or for some reason they didn't supply it to you then a 3BB shop can print out another one for you.


Buy a D-Link router, guaranteed for life and they will program it for you. Just changed mine and had no problems.

  • Like 1

Check what kind of cable comes into the router.

If it's a coax cable I think you're going to find it nigh on impossible to find a replacement router here.

Coax cable would infer a non- ADSL router. Has 3BB ever done anything other than ADSL? Not criticising, just asking since I have been a 3BB user in various locales from way before they were even called 3BB (TTT and all that rubbish).

As suggested earlier, the OP's nearest 3BB shop should be able to give him the 'mission critical' router and account settings on a printout, or If they are out of printer paper, write them down on the back of your billing statement (if used as proof of account holder). I did have one of their more savvy installation guys leave a printed copy of the router and account settings when he did an unattended installation that worked flawlessly. So I promptly went out an bought a lottery ticket!

I believe they do fibre too.


If you do not - or cannot replace the 3BB DSL type router -- which I think you will find to be the case .. .then there is another route (pun intended).

If your problem is low WiFi Signal elsewhere in the house or where ever you are using it ... then try installing a wireless device that acts as a signal booster and signal repeater... ZyXel makes one called the N300.... simple to install. This device signs in / logs in to the 3BB DSL Router as just another user device like a PC, MAC, Smartphone, Tablet, etc. You just have to know the SID / Name of the 3BB Router and the 'password' that you use to sign in to it with your PC ... You give this device a name somewhat similar to the 3BB router or even the same name. This device acts as described above - technically a Wireless Access Point. The Signal strength improvement is quite noticeable. Place it in a location in your house close to where you are not now getting a strong signal. You only have to plug in the electric power converter - no other wires. This device has two antennas.

I use one on a 3BB system and it makes a great difference.


If your not cheap and you want better internet just replace it with an more expensive router. Plenty of good brands out there the standard routers are crap. I have fiber optics so replacing was a bit harder. I just put it in bridge mode and put an other router after it. Before fiber optics I had 3bb cable.. and that was real easy to replace.. no need to keep the other router.

But of course you need all the settings.. you can get them from 3bb or go into your router and make some screen prints (you still need the password ofcourse)

If you want to setup a new ADSL router, what you will need is:

Access to the router setup (IP address) (normally provided with the accompanying quick setup guide)

Username & password for router setup. Again, normally provided.

Username & password provided by your ISP for the package

VPI setting

VCI setting

For the rest of the settings, the default values are normally fine. If it is a wifi router, select wifi, security, and select what method you want and set your passkey. Would suggest WPA2-Personal for a home router. Change your SSID to whatever you prefer (or leave it as default)

On most routers now, they will have a setup disk with most of the local ISP's provided.

The attached list is a little outdated, but provides a lot of default router access passwords and usernames. Has helped me out lots over the years.....wink.png



I tried to login to my rooter and the username/pass admin admin did not work..

I guess I will just buy a new rooter and go to 3BB office playing dumb?

It is no coax, as far as I know we are not living the stone ages now lol,

Cheers for the info

It's a router, and try using "3bb" as the password.


Short and simple answer. YES.

Go to a 3BB shop and they will give you a print out with the settings, then buy an appropriate good quality router and either get the shop to set it up, or do it yourself.

I'm now on Fibre and the router is OK, but when I was on ADSL I had nothing but trouble with the free router provided by 3BB, it kept on cutting off and reconnecting and the speeds were very slow. I researched it and bought a Thompson router on eBay, the chipset was said to be the best for weak signals over lengthy connections, it transformed a slow and unreliable connection into a fast and reliable one.


Does the back of your 3BB modem have an ethernet port?

If it does (and mine does) then simply purchase a decent wifi router and connect that to the 3BB modem/router.

Then use the better wifi router to connect.

  • Like 1

When I got 3BB I purchased the 990B wifi router and it's petty good,they said I didn't need the more expensive one. But I insisted,up to 150M range on the box. Getting over 11 on wifi with the 10 package!


I bought in IT-CITY, D-Link Wireless N300 ADSL2 Modem Router (DSL-2750E) to under 1000 THB.

Just following the instruction, connect the modem with your pc, put in the dvd, enter RETURN until you will be asked for the username and password.

Username and password is on the reciept from 3 BB.

Thats all.



I tried to login to my rooter and the username/pass admin admin did not work..

I guess I will just buy a new rooter and go to 3BB office playing dumb?

It is no coax, as far as I know we are not living the stone ages now lol,

Cheers for the info

No. You are getting the cart in front of the horse.

Get your 3BB account login and setup info BEFORE you try changing anything. Chances are showing up at a 3BB shop with a non- 3BB router under your arm will only get the staff 'playing dumb' as well. There's few techs in there and in my experience, only a few of the cute girls are geeks and know what's needed.

But if you tell them that you have already changed the router and just need the account login and setup info, they should oblige and you won't be opening a can of worms.

Then you can go home with your new router, follow the router setup instructions and using the info you got from 3BB, you will be surprised how quick and easy it is.


Thanks all for the replies and help here appreciated...

If your problem is low WiFi Signal elsewhere in the house or where ever you are using it ... then try installing a wireless device that acts as a signal booster and signal repeater... ZyXel makes one called the N300.... simple to install. This device signs in / logs in to the 3BB DSL Router as just another user device like a PC, MAC, Smartphone, Tablet, etc. You just have to know the SID / Name of the 3BB Router and the 'password' that you use to sign in to it with your PC ... You give this device a name somewhat similar to the 3BB router or even the same name. This device acts as described above - technically a Wireless Access Point. The Signal strength improvement is quite noticeable. Place it in a location in your house close to where you are not now getting a strong signal. You only have to plug in the electric power converter - no other wires. This device has two antennas.

I did consider a booster however I would prefer to get a decent rooter with antenna first, I can then even boost that further for better range. I do sometimes connect via ethernet and its much more stable this is why I am thinking I need a better rooter/antenna.

Does the back of your 3BB modem have an ethernet port?

If it does (and mine does) then simply purchase a decent wifi router and connect that to the 3BB modem/router.

Then use the better wifi router to connect.

Quite a good idea, however I think im better off just running the one rooter with a decent antenna plugged in, cheers thou

I bought in IT-CITY, D-Link Wireless N300 ADSL2 Modem Router (DSL-2750E) to under 1000 THB.

Just following the instruction, connect the modem with your pc, put in the dvd, enter RETURN until you will be asked for the username and password.

Username and password is on the reciept from 3 BB.

Thats all.

Thank you I like the sound of this easy option, I will track down the recipt and get one of those routers off ebay as I am in the UK next week.

My rooter is this currently below, I did think huwawi was a decent make however without an antenna port there is only so far the range can go I guess



TP-Link make good stuff IMO; easy to set up and configure as well. I bought one of their routers in KL about 5 years ago when they were still unknown in Thailand. This was on a recommendation from someone on another forum who had bought one on amazon and had it shipped here. My router is still in use.


No problem. Mine blew up after lightning. I replaced mine with an Asus DSL-N12U_C1 Modem/Router in just a few minutes. 3bb technical help desk should be able to tell you how to obtain the setup parameters including login and password. Print these details off and keep handy. Then access the new router's setup page which is a web page. Typically via the HTTP line it will be . Press Enter from the resulting display type in the new Login/ Password which will be in the manual supplied/ Type the same details as for the old mode/router. Save and reboot and should be on line again. Incidentally, some newer modem/routers come with a setup CD which largely automates it, You may even find that 3bb can supply one all setup for your ADSL connection.

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