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Nineteen-year-old woman raped for 12 years by stepfather

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I keep trying to think of something to say about this but find myself speechless and livid that something like that could go on for so long much less happen at all. sad.png

Tywais, as you know I live in the sticks in Issan and my wife is a nurse.

I hear stories like that every day from her.

At the beginning I was appalled and disgusted.

After so many years I've become immune and only pray that things will change one day and some decency will come upon these vermin.

Can you clarify - you hear stories from her every day, or it happens every day and she tells you? There is a difference. Sorry to be pedantic, but if you are making a point then let us be clear what her experience is.

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In my home country its easier for the women to get the kids in a separation and harder for the man if both parents want the kids.

Looks like a son in thailand will be bashed to death or a daughter will be raped.

Sent from my c64

Edited by wow64
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"The stepfather has admitted to raping the victim and that their 7-year-old daughter is under his charge."

I hope the 7 year old has been spared the same fate...

As for the farther, with the issue of the human trafficking, may be the poor Cambodians out on those fishing boats that never see land should be replace with his sort.

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Thai men ... so much class and respect

What the hell is wrong with you? This sh*t happens all over the World, you never heard of Josef Fritzl? If you think only Thais can commit such sickness you need to go somewhere else with your hatred mush.

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Yes, this type of thing does happen all over the world but I suspect it is as common in rural Thailand as it is in Vietnam where it is sadly very common. Part of it is the way society regards women as mens' property and part is cramped living conditions with families often sharing the same bed. Then add alcohol to the mix.

I have a good friend in Vietnam who had to endure this from her father every time he came home drunk and woke up feeling horny in the middle of the night. Another friend suffered at the hands (no pun intended) of a monk, no less, who was a frequent house guest, and the family knew all about it. I heard the same kinds of stories many time when I lived there.

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I keep trying to think of something to say about this but find myself speechless and livid that something like that could go on for so long much less happen at all. sad.png

Tywais, as you know I live in the sticks in Issan and my wife is a nurse.

I hear stories like that every day from her.

At the beginning I was appalled and disgusted.

After so many years I've become immune and only pray that things will change one day and some decency will come upon these vermin.

All to common worldwide I am afraid.

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I keep trying to think of something to say about this but find myself speechless and livid that something like that could go on for so long much less happen at all. sad.png

Tywais, as you know I live in the sticks in Issan and my wife is a nurse.

I hear stories like that every day from her.

At the beginning I was appalled and disgusted.

After so many years I've become immune and only pray that things will change one day and some decency will come upon these vermin.

A female friend of mine here is also a nurse. She told me a story not too long ago about a little boy who came into the ER with a mangled coat hanger stuck in his bleeding rectum. Turns out, the father would get drunk and shove random things up the boys butt to punish the boy. She said the kid was a mental cripple after years of abuse. Yet, it didn't even make a blip on the news. Makes you wonder how much is really happening around us at any given time.

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I keep trying to think of something to say about this but find myself speechless and livid that something like that could go on for so long much less happen at all. sad.png

Tywais, as you know I live in the sticks in Issan and my wife is a nurse.

I hear stories like that every day from her.

At the beginning I was appalled and disgusted.

After so many years I've become immune and only pray that things will change one day and some decency will come upon these vermin.

But to quote you " if you don't like it go home "

Makes you realize what a pathetic statement that is, huh ?

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Didn't the end of the article mention that the girl's 7 year old daughter was still under the father's care? I truly hope that isn't the case.

It seems incredible that that the authorities wouldn't immediately remove the girl from the house.

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It's easy to raise a child and make it develop empathy. Then later there is much less chance of the grown up to become a rapist or murderer or some other criminal. But for that there's the condition that one loves his/her child. How can any mom or dad do that to a child? Cage the animals!

Darwin would recommend castration to end a defective gene line.

chemical castration would do the job and 20 years in a thai jail.

Problem, in a country where "lady" boys are the norm. Locked up on an island for life would deter many.

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Sad to hear things like this happening a lot in Thailand and I thought India is worst.

I think it's all to do how societies view the role of women.The west has been trying for decades to make women more equal.....yet still men in the west view women in a bad way,and in my opinion the feminist movement have not helped their cause.

You just have to look at islam to see how women are treated and it would seem it's not a lot better in hindu and buddhist counties either.It's almost like its a world wide conspiracy to degrade and denigrate women.

Women should be loved as the fairer sex.

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