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Prayut to get names of 100 corrupt officials next week

Lite Beer

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All 100 will be from TRT/PT party. I'll be surprised if one democrat is in there.

I never really looked into how many government workers were actually member of a political party. With politicians it's clear of course.

How many registered members do all political parties in Thailand actually have? A quick look at PT site (Thai only) and Dems site (TH/EN) didn't give an answer for the two largest parties.

A bit tongue-in-cheek, but if someone who 'fears' to be on the list quickly decides to become a member of a political party, can he claim 'political motivation' if (s)he gets moved or dismissed ?

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Most people calling for the heads of 100's even 1,000's, couldn't name two officials. laugh.png

Try this on for size;

- Marine Office Five Police for allowing the jet skis to continue to operate on Phuket beaches despite the law that forbids their activity;

- The local Patong copper who the tourist police volunteers fingered as being implicated in the jet ski scams;

- The local developer who ripped up the mangrove plantation that volunteers had just planted;

- The Patong police commanders who allow the slow loris touts to operate on Bangla

- The Patong police officials who visit the bars for their payouts

- The Phuket land registry office employees who refused to co-operate with multiple investigations into land encroachment;

- The government officials who have allowed the jet ski operations to continue on Hua Hin beach, along with the kite surfing operators who have taken over large swathes of the Hua Hin beach.

I'm sure others can give plenty of examples. As you know, we can't name names even if we all know they are guilty, because we can get sued.

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Good to see the pro active response to corruption by the Junta.

This drive for a reduction in corruption has been reinforced by the reduction in the corruption index since the "return to democracy" powerhouse came to power.

Another good job by Prayuth.

Remember the reduction in the corruption index is not a narrative the Junta can control.

Although some will denounce and condescend the manages of this index because it does not suit the agenda that goes against the truth.

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A quick look then " not him or him or her and definitely not him, the rest are yours so get on with it. "

The headlines will read that the PM has ordered action against corrupt officials but without any report on how many have ' escaped ' and why except maybe ' insufficient evidence ' despite the Justice Minister saying there is.

How many corrupt officials did Yingluck bring to justice? It wasn't even 1% of this - in fact it was a big fat zero!!!

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Good to see the pro active response to corruption by the Junta.

This drive for a reduction in corruption has been reinforced by the reduction in the corruption index since the "return to democracy" powerhouse came to power.

Another good job by Prayuth.

Remember the reduction in the corruption index is not a narrative the Junta can control.

Although some will denounce and condescend the manages of this index because it does not suit the agenda that goes against the truth.

If you are referring to the Corruption Perception Index compiled by Transparency International, there has been no significant change, at least for the past 15 years, or even short term from 2013 to 2014.

And your last sentence is unclear, to say the least.

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A quick look then " not him or him or her and definitely not him, the rest are yours so get on with it. "

The headlines will read that the PM has ordered action against corrupt officials but without any report on how many have ' escaped ' and why except maybe ' insufficient evidence ' despite the Justice Minister saying there is.

How many corrupt officials did Yingluck bring to justice? It wasn't even 1% of this - in fact it was a big fat zero!!!

Why try to compare, it proves nothing and he hasn't brought anyone to justice yet but let's hope he does fairly and without being selective. I doubt it though.

The Pongpat case doesn't count as there are factors that can't be discussed.

So far all that's happening is that he's to be given a list of 100 names and he and he alone will decide if there's further action.

In addition he made it clear from the very beginning that his handpicked NCPO etc are off limits.

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Is this being done under Article 44?

No, it needs to be done and this government is actually functioning as a government now that the police have been taken out of Thaksin's control.

Why weren't the police arresting criminals before? no need to answer that as I gave you a massive clue in the first sentence.

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2 newbies on this page (1) straight away slam the PM for getting amongst the grafters ??? are these the next ones to join the ranks of the Army bashers, maybe replacing 2 that have just left.

Most posters are welcoming the news, but also there are to be thousands more to add to the corrupt officials list.

There seems to be a NOT very well hidden organized group on TVF that are doing their level best to decry any move by the PM that may involve persons from the previous government that uncovers anything corrupt.

Gone are the days on TVF when 99% of comments were from individuals, who posted what they personally felt.

Any move from any government to delete the corrupt offenders is welcome. Then Thailand can start to move forward.

Welcome to today's musings from paranoia corner....

Fact --face it.

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So the fight to eradicate (if ever possible) corrupt officials is being tackled, BUT the anti army brigade as usual does NOT thank them for this but twists it around to speak about the army past record.

Lucky 11 #124 hit the nail on the head, but naturally or minority clan would never dare to admit to Yinglucks endeavors.---All the TV photo ops---with the cabinet JOKE.

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So the fight to eradicate (if ever possible) corrupt officials is being tackled, BUT the anti army brigade as usual does NOT thank them for this but twists it around to speak about the army past record.

Lucky 11 #124 hit the nail on the head, but naturally or minority clan would never dare to admit to Yinglucks endeavors.---All the TV photo ops---with the cabinet JOKE.

The nail you wanted hit on the head maybe but so far the PM has done nothing except protect his own.

When he acts on the first 100 and the next etc without fear or favour i'll be impressed.

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Nostalgia ---

When the Shins/PTP with side kick Yingluck were supposedly running the said government, in fact they were running Thailand into the sewers. How many of you clan anti army posters were in fact slagging off the PTP regime ??? BEFORE the protesters went onto the streets ??? Were there any new posters drafted in to decry the PTP diabolical governing, NEAR nil.

I post what I think to be near to the truth, Things are now being tackled, why not back the PM at least there is some movement in the right direction.

It could even take 10 years to cream off the scum, may as well start now. This does NOT mean the armed forces are exempt from being got at, No anyone guilty get them out of positions of influence.

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Just 100?

I have visions of about 300 fleeing the country in case it's one of them. tongue.png

So.....I guess Thai Airways could take a big financial hit if their planes

leaving Thailand are suddenly full of non revenue government officials,

as they flee in droves thinking they are on this list...cheesy.gif

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So the fight to eradicate (if ever possible) corrupt officials is being tackled, BUT the anti army brigade as usual does NOT thank them for this but twists it around to speak about the army past record.

Lucky 11 #124 hit the nail on the head, but naturally or minority clan would never dare to admit to Yinglucks endeavors.---All the TV photo ops---with the cabinet JOKE.

The nail you wanted hit on the head maybe but so far the PM has done nothing except protect his own.

When he acts on the first 100 and the next etc without fear or favour i'll be impressed.

My point and Lucky 11 is the fact that you denial posters should be saying 3 years of PTP and hardly a single culprit ???

My point number 2 is YES nail anyone army or civilian.

You should not twist the move to highlight the army --there will be loads of them, but the worst offenders were from PTP cabinet and other MPs---and MOST of the controlling CITY officials it is here the biggest damage was-being done. Why forget this ???

As I said in every walk of life it was/is corrupt, but if we deal with it your way only army personnel for starters ----nothing would be immediately achieved, Government past and R, slickers are the ones to nail first.

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So the fight to eradicate (if ever possible) corrupt officials is being tackled, BUT the anti army brigade as usual does NOT thank them for this but twists it around to speak about the army past record.

Lucky 11 #124 hit the nail on the head, but naturally or minority clan would never dare to admit to Yinglucks endeavors.---All the TV photo ops---with the cabinet JOKE.

The nail you wanted hit on the head maybe but so far the PM has done nothing except protect his own.

When he acts on the first 100 and the next etc without fear or favour i'll be impressed.

My point and Lucky 11 is the fact that you denial posters should be saying 3 years of PTP and hardly a single culprit ???

My point number 2 is YES nail anyone army or civilian.

You should not twist the move to highlight the army --there will be loads of them, but the worst offenders were from PTP cabinet and other MPs---and MOST of the controlling CITY officials it is here the biggest damage was-being done. Why forget this ???

As I said in every walk of life it was/is corrupt, but if we deal with it your way only army personnel for starters ----nothing would be immediately achieved, Government past and R, slickers are the ones to nail first.

I'm not twisting anything and if you are good enough to remember i was critical of the Shins and their cronies, Suthep too but that doesn't suit your needs.

By your yardstick of late is there an in forum conspiracy to support the junta no matter what as it seems like it ?

By the way who actually killed Kennedy, no don't answer.

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It would appear that this Bonanza owner is the son of former red shirt leader Paiwong Taechanarong. LINK

It would appear that Paiwong began accumulating this land in 2004.

I wonder how many reds are on this list of 100. I hope the list is both sides of the aisle.

There will be a few sacrificial lambs so they can claim impartiality.

I dont believe that they will be, but as you say, one can hope.

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Is this being done under Article 44?

No, it needs to be done and this government is actually functioning as a government now that the police have been taken out of Thaksin's control.

Why weren't the police arresting criminals before? no need to answer that as I gave you a massive clue in the first sentence.

Actually functioning as a government ?

So you see such things as holding people without due process for AA, sending re-education units into villages, ordering no criticism in the media or expect a summons, no negative opinion polls and absolute control in the hands of one man as normal govt functions ?

Would you accept that in your own home country ?

If you are asking me do I accept the holding of bombers, lese majeste offenders (that's the law I'm afraid) and agitators that are trying to disrupt the vitally needed work in order to return to 'fair' democracy, yes I do!! If they need a talking to about their behaviour so that they understand what is needed in order to behave themselves then I agree with that too.

I haven't heard about this re-education in the villages - but excellent news if it is true as they can unclog their brains of the Thaksin/red shirt lies that were programmed into them as they grew up (a little bit like undergoing a cranial detox).

They haven't ordered a 'no criticism' in the media, they have told them to produce factually based articles that reflect the truth and not distorted lies because their own personal politics do not fit well with the governments.

I suppose the good general deems it necessary (has no choice really) to implement certain policies that are unpopular as the previous government left such a mess behind them that makes it more difficult to achieve what he wants without the finances at his disposal (Yingluck's government stole or wasted 600 billion baht, remember) and he doesn't want negative press or polls to arm the agitators intent on derailing his mission because he has taken their honey pot away from them and cannot enrich themselves any more.

He has repeated that article 44. is not much different to marshal law (probably less harsh if anything) and he will only use it against criminals and to implement laws much more expediently (they don't need scrutiny or approval from parliament), concentrating on those that are most urgent and vitally needed ones first such as with the aviation industry, fisheries and on human trafficking.

I would have been delighted to accept this rule back in the UK instead of having to put up with successive Tory governments - in particular the Thatcher ones!!!

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Is this being done under Article 44?

No, it needs to be done and this government is actually functioning as a government now that the police have been taken out of Thaksin's control.

Why weren't the police arresting criminals before? no need to answer that as I gave you a massive clue in the first sentence.

Actually functioning as a government ?

So you see such things as holding people without due process for AA, sending re-education units into villages, ordering no criticism in the media or expect a summons, no negative opinion polls and absolute control in the hands of one man as normal govt functions ?

Would you accept that in your own home country ?

If you are asking me do I accept the holding of bombers, lese majeste offenders (that's the law I'm afraid) and agitators that are trying to disrupt the vitally needed work in order to return to 'fair' democracy, yes I do!! If they need a talking to about their behaviour so that they understand what is needed in order to behave themselves then I agree with that too.

I haven't heard about this re-education in the villages - but excellent news if it is true as they can unclog their brains of the Thaksin/red shirt lies that were programmed into them as they grew up (a little bit like undergoing a cranial detox).

They haven't ordered a 'no criticism' in the media, they have told them to produce factually based articles that reflect the truth and not distorted lies because their own personal politics do not fit well with the governments.

I suppose the good general deems it necessary (has no choice really) to implement certain policies that are unpopular as the previous government left such a mess behind them that makes it more difficult to achieve what he wants without the finances at his disposal (Yingluck's government stole or wasted 600 billion baht, remember) and he doesn't want negative press or polls to arm the agitators intent on derailing his mission because he has taken their honey pot away from them and cannot enrich themselves any more.

He has repeated that article 44. is not much different to marshal law (probably less harsh if anything) and he will only use it against criminals and to implement laws much more expediently (they don't need scrutiny or approval from parliament), concentrating on those that are most urgent and vitally needed ones first such as with the aviation industry, fisheries and on human trafficking.

I would have been delighted to accept this rule back in the UK instead of having to put up with successive Tory governments - in particular the Thatcher ones!!!

BS and not even the good stuff.

Trolls live under bridges not on a discussion forum even as one of gingjags support network of secret conspiracies.

i would have been delighted to accept this instead of Maggie, what a pitiful excuse as a comparison and i had no love for the woman.

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So the fight to eradicate (if ever possible) corrupt officials is being tackled, BUT the anti army brigade as usual does NOT thank them for this but twists it around to speak about the army past record.

Lucky 11 #124 hit the nail on the head, but naturally or minority clan would never dare to admit to Yinglucks endeavors.---All the TV photo ops---with the cabinet JOKE.

The nail you wanted hit on the head maybe but so far the PM has done nothing except protect his own.

When he acts on the first 100 and the next etc without fear or favour i'll be impressed.

My point and Lucky 11 is the fact that you denial posters should be saying 3 years of PTP and hardly a single culprit ???

My point number 2 is YES nail anyone army or civilian.

You should not twist the move to highlight the army --there will be loads of them, but the worst offenders were from PTP cabinet and other MPs---and MOST of the controlling CITY officials it is here the biggest damage was-being done. Why forget this ???

As I said in every walk of life it was/is corrupt, but if we deal with it your way only army personnel for starters ----nothing would be immediately achieved, Government past and R, slickers are the ones to nail first.

cheesy.gif oh...dear....the worst offenders....

And there will be LOADS of army-members accused of corruption!


And then it will all be flowers and fluffy rabbits and we all live happily ever after!

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So the fight to eradicate (if ever possible) corrupt officials is being tackled, BUT the anti army brigade as usual does NOT thank them for this but twists it around to speak about the army past record.

Lucky 11 #124 hit the nail on the head, but naturally or minority clan would never dare to admit to Yinglucks endeavors.---All the TV photo ops---with the cabinet JOKE.

The nail you wanted hit on the head maybe but so far the PM has done nothing except protect his own.

When he acts on the first 100 and the next etc without fear or favour i'll be impressed.

My point and Lucky 11 is the fact that you denial posters should be saying 3 years of PTP and hardly a single culprit ???

My point number 2 is YES nail anyone army or civilian.

You should not twist the move to highlight the army --there will be loads of them, but the worst offenders were from PTP cabinet and other MPs---and MOST of the controlling CITY officials it is here the biggest damage was-being done. Why forget this ???

As I said in every walk of life it was/is corrupt, but if we deal with it your way only army personnel for starters ----nothing would be immediately achieved, Government past and R, slickers are the ones to nail first.

I'm not twisting anything and if you are good enough to remember i was critical of the Shins and their cronies, Suthep too but that doesn't suit your needs.

By your yardstick of late is there an in forum conspiracy to support the junta no matter what as it seems like it ?

By the way who actually killed Kennedy, no don't answer.

I do remember you were critical of the Shins for sure. Support for the PM is growing with the inroads and vast work being done, BUT a long way to go---years and 30 years to clear the debt left.

Many things I am not overjoyed about now but the main thing is to encourage the cleaning of corruption---positive forward thinking.

No one is fully supportive of everything the army stands for, But it is no good shouting them down at this time (9 months) just for the sake of it.

WE were critical of the Shins because of their negative governing and personal gain as a government. Give the guy some credit for trying to tackle some past S## that was handed down.

By the way Suthep-----if he was guilty of mega crime then he will have to flee or run the gauntlet along with others, even army personnel. Does that seem fair to you. ??

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So the fight to eradicate (if ever possible) corrupt officials is being tackled, BUT the anti army brigade as usual does NOT thank them for this but twists it around to speak about the army past record.

Lucky 11 #124 hit the nail on the head, but naturally or minority clan would never dare to admit to Yinglucks endeavors.---All the TV photo ops---with the cabinet JOKE.

The nail you wanted hit on the head maybe but so far the PM has done nothing except protect his own.

When he acts on the first 100 and the next etc without fear or favour i'll be impressed.

My point and Lucky 11 is the fact that you denial posters should be saying 3 years of PTP and hardly a single culprit ???

My point number 2 is YES nail anyone army or civilian.

You should not twist the move to highlight the army --there will be loads of them, but the worst offenders were from PTP cabinet and other MPs---and MOST of the controlling CITY officials it is here the biggest damage was-being done. Why forget this ???

As I said in every walk of life it was/is corrupt, but if we deal with it your way only army personnel for starters ----nothing would be immediately achieved, Government past and R, slickers are the ones to nail first.

cheesy.gif oh...dear....the worst offenders....

And there will be LOADS of army-members accused of corruption!


And then it will all be flowers and fluffy rabbits and we all live happily ever after!

Your one sided view--biased to the extreme, Have to start somewhere, sounds like you want to start with the army to fight Thailands corruption, they will have to come under the hammer at some point. BUT it is the embedded cancer in the towns and cities formed by the last government that have to be sorted first-------You are amongst the small brigade that is hell bent on slagging the army off daily. Why not get your priorities right first. then attack army budgets and their personal wealth, I WILL when the time is right.

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