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positive weed peepee check / jail / trial report


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I wonder if the Elite card had anything to do with the sentence ? But I must say you got of light as it was your first offence. Good to see they are spending public money to try and fix the problem. The other suckers had to pay 50K you got a free trip to the mainland and also has made you stop smoking. Good luck in your future man.

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No pity from me.

Do drugs, do time.

Pity from me...

Do soft drugs, leniency. The judge has a greater awareness than you do.

Do hard drugs, get locked up.... Ya Baa, Ya ice, cocaine, heroine etc.

This guy is able to quit this soft drug...

Ask a nicotine smoker to do the same...

So which one is worse???

I do not do any addictive drugs..... None. but I can still distinguish between good and bad....


Edited by Andre0720
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I wonder if the Elite card had anything to do with the sentence ? But I must say you got of light as it was your first offence. Good to see they are spending public money to try and fix the problem. The other suckers had to pay 50K you got a free trip to the mainland and also has made you stop smoking. Good luck in your future man.

I doubt it had any bearing....first offence and despite the common misconception the courts do not look to punish smokers first and foremost.

Its not Indonesia or Singapore!

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The real comment here is how reasonable the courts were....and the sensible sentence dished out.

Have to agree with that. Very proactive stance by the courts.

They didn't find any weed and the only evidence was microscopic.

Wonder what the most severe penalty they could hand out in a case like this?

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You got snitched off by the seller. I know lots of pot heads guys like you and when they come can't seem to break their habit unless something like what happen to you shocks the shit out of you. You have been clean for a month or so and can see now you do not need to be high all day to get through it. Life is good enjoy it why put yourself in a position for something like this to happen which in your case it did. If you can't do without it then move to Colorado.

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I tried a few times to propose some money to them. I tried to speak with the boss of the police squad (in civil suits, unarmed, very polite men), as it's well known the policemen (on my island at least) are very corrupted. But they refused and told me they didn't want any money. (a few days later I learnt that the same story happened to some other farangs on the islands, they were tested positive to ganja/ice the same day, before me, and they were able to give them money to avoid any further problems : 50k bahts each. So I guess their pockets were full already, and the big boss wanted some true results)

So the police are well-known to be corrupt but refused your attempted bribe and didn't even charge you with attempted bribery.

But of course you heard tales of them taking bribes, which in your ganja-addled mind meant that they do take bribes but not from you ... and no one planted drugs in your house and they didn't put you away in some nasty prison although we all know (from more tales) that they treat all farang badly.

The Farang Fantasy Factory's top post of the season. A friend knows some guy who said ...

Edited by Suradit69
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You are a luck man This is not Europe or the United States You got off very lightly Slap on the wrist

Good luck with the rest of your life

There are a number of places in Europe and the United States where you can get off legally.

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Personally, I think all drugs should be legalised - heroin, ice, marijuana, cocaine - you name it.

However, if you then commit crimes arising from an addiction to any of these, no mitigation. Do the crime, do the time. You are responsible.

Tobacco and alcohol are legal, and taxed very heavily. The actual cost of production is minimal. So it is with illicit drugs.

Think about it. If every drug was legal, there is no profit for the criminal element, also no adulteration.

There is nothing the human species will not abuse in a search for nirvana, redemption or relief from the pain of their lives. So why not accept this, and let those who want to do so, do it without fear of prosecution?

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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Maybe elite Visa was the real help???

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PYour the one who's trolling and you don't know <deleted> your talking about, Thailand does Not give prison sentences for potsmokers, they are very strict with amphatimes and hard drugs but not weed, there are guys walking around tourest areas wearing a cannibis t shirt and selling it to tourests, thats probably an indication that LE is not seriously cracking down on pot use.

Ignorant knowitalls insist 'hes making this up' .. He does this for what? His story sounds about right, routine drug roundup, no big deal..

I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Edited by pkspeaker
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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Yeah, you are wrong. Not only your last sentence, but all of the drivel you wrote.

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I know of a similar story in my small city. The farang did have a small quantity in possession. The judge sentenced that person to a 5,000 baht fine and a month or 2 of "probation" being piss tested. So the court was reasonable. HOWEVER the local police extorted her for 70,000 baht or they would "take her to immigration and have her deported". Heresay, but from a reliable source close to the offender.

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Thaiguzzi and others of like mind should also be aware of these facts. Two Thai brothers, in early twenties, who are neighbours were rounded up, after a foot chase by the BIB

they both tested positive to Ya-Ba (they are long time habitual users). Their Mama declined to pay any money and they were transported to the provincial detention centre. Both returned home 4 days later after being "sentenced" to monthly tests at the local and attend re-habitation for six months. One week later the elder son was stopped at a routine check point and found to have one Ya-Ba tablet in his possession. Again away to the detention centre, this time returned home in two days 'as no room to house him". So far no further action, rehab. or community service nor routine testing.

The province was Ubon Ratchatani and obviously no elite card nor money.


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My two cents:

1. You were very lucky to get a slap on the wrist, especially being a Westerner.

2. Marijuana is less destructive than tobacco and alcohol (which are both legal), therefore it should be made just as legal. Unfortunately only half a dozen countries know the truth behind weed (North Korea is one of them).

3. Even if you don't agree with Thai laws, you are a guest here and can easily avoid any trouble by simply obeying the law. You ignored that and that's what got you into trouble.

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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Maybe elite Visa was the real help???

Should be posted in Gerry1011's thread, the perks of the elite visa.

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Thaiguzzi and others of like mind should also be aware of these facts. Two Thai brothers, in early twenties, who are neighbours were rounded up, after a foot chase by the BIB

they both tested positive to Ya-Ba (they are long time habitual users). Their Mama declined to pay any money and they were transported to the provincial detention centre. Both returned home 4 days later after being "sentenced" to monthly tests at the local and attend re-habitation for six months. One week later the elder son was stopped at a routine check point and found to have one Ya-Ba tablet in his possession. Again away to the detention centre, this time returned home in two days 'as no room to house him". So far no further action, rehab. or community service nor routine testing.

The province was Ubon Ratchatani and obviously no elite card nor money.


Yaa baa is a totally different story. It's basically methamphetamine mixed with caffeine and is highly addictive and destructive, after only 1 try. Even after rehab 95% of the users relapse. Don't even begin to compare meth with weed. It is something completely different.

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that the problem in thailand , very good weed is readily available and we cant smoke because too much shit

during these time most of the guys are getting stupid on cheap alcool

the justice seemed to have worked well, the police a little less something to do with your neighbour our your dealer or a quota ??

Very good weed.. Are you being sarcastic?

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It's clear you broke the law. Let's not forget it's a hypocrit law as in so many countrys. You are alowed to smoke tobacco and drink alcoholintill you drop dead. Weed Was a tradition in Thailand. They even got famous in the sixties for their Thai sticks.

In the past weed and also hashish was common to smoke in Asia and Africa. It even was the only relieve for asmatic people.

Now these days there are many countries that allow you to use it on perscription in case of chronical pain.

I have some experience with that. I had four spinal hernias where even morfine did not help, but yes weed did. It is not addictive.

I am telling this to let you know the other side of drugs. As they already said in the sixties "one joint a day, keeps the doctor away"

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Very good weed.. Are you being sarcastic?

used to be very good and very strong even too strong for comfort ,

have you been to pai ?

not my problem actually cause i dont do it in thailande any more apart some time in the country side in tom yam when i am invited in some rice farmers and effectively that not the top, i dont do it any more here because i dont want any problem like the op

but in europe, the locally grown has made so much progress in quality and it's worry less

for the reder neck around here , i should say abuse is no good but a recreational use like a good wine or a good whisky is the top

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Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

So...... you could have avoided all these hassles by not breaking a law that you 100% knew about when you came to live in Thailand.

(I'm not saying that this law is a good law, only that you knew about it and knew the consequences of breaking that law).

I agree with you 100%. I am not complaining about what happened to me, and I'm not saying this is a bad law (anyway, who cares about my judgment about the laws in LOS ?)

I'm just reporting, for all the other people smoking weed in Thailand. I know there are a lot.

If you find you cannot quit, there are Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholic Anonymous meetings in Thailand. Better than jail.

Thank's ! I have not been smoking for one month now. I feel good about it. I'm not going to smoke anymore. First that was a little bit hard, because I have been smoking weed for 10 years, but now I feel good. In fact I feel very happy about having stopped.

I find this comment you made in your original OP >3 to 5 light joints a day< What is a light joint. Is that a joint with low THC content or were you simply saying you lit 3-5 joints a day which to me seems close to chronic.

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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Yes, you are wrong.

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Not saying you didn't get what u deserved but to me, they were too kind, when in other countries, we all should obey there laws, we are vulnerable to them. Had you been another country like Mexico, good bye for awhile. To me the message is do it and it won't hurt that much

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