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positive weed peepee check / jail / trial report


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The justice system worked well because the OP has an Elite Visa which gives more leverage as someone on a tourist visa. They are totally aware that the OP paid at least 500k for his visa so his Elite visa really saved his ass.

You know that as a fact, do you?

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You are a luck man This is not Europe or the United States You got off very lightly Slap on the wrist

Good luck with the rest of your life

Wrong! Given he possessed no pot and the only evidence was a positive pee test, most police in the USA and Europe most likely would not even have arrested him.

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i understand that there are numerous pot heads on your mystery island that live off in La la land (The Beach) . Without the weed most tend to be dumber than bricks already. Like many foreigners that arrive and live here believe that they should have the freedom to do what ever they wish. Tends to get most of them like yourself in trouble with the law or the Thais in general. Not sure what you expected and hopefully next time you forget where your at the Thai government will jail and later deport you. Keep On Smoking cheesy.gif

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I have been smoking weed as a discreet smoker for a very long time,

If it really makes you stop they will have been doing you a big favour. Long term use of mj causes personality changes, and not for the better. Despite what is said about mj being not addictive and not harmful that isn't so.

I used to have a friend that smoked it for at least 40 years and he went from being a great guy to a real cretin.

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Thaiguzzi and others of like mind should also be aware of these facts. Two Thai brothers, in early twenties, who are neighbours were rounded up, after a foot chase by the BIB

they both tested positive to Ya-Ba (they are long time habitual users). Their Mama declined to pay any money and they were transported to the provincial detention centre. Both returned home 4 days later after being "sentenced" to monthly tests at the local and attend re-habitation for six months. One week later the elder son was stopped at a routine check point and found to have one Ya-Ba tablet in his possession. Again away to the detention centre, this time returned home in two days 'as no room to house him". So far no further action, rehab. or community service nor routine testing.

The province was Ubon Ratchatani and obviously no elite card nor money.


Yaa baa is a totally different story. It's basically methamphetamine mixed with caffeine and is highly addictive and destructive, after only 1 try. Even after rehab 95% of the users relapse. Don't even begin to compare meth with weed. It is something completely different.

''Don't even begin to compare meth with weed''

But you just did...

And your comparison is ok, : ''methamphetamine mixed with caffeine and is highly addictive and destructive''

While weed provides a sense of euphoria, without a destructive element...

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Thaiguzzi and others of like mind should also be aware of these facts. Two Thai brothers, in early twenties, who are neighbours were rounded up, after a foot chase by the BIB

they both tested positive to Ya-Ba (they are long time habitual users). Their Mama declined to pay any money and they were transported to the provincial detention centre. Both returned home 4 days later after being "sentenced" to monthly tests at the local and attend re-habitation for six months. One week later the elder son was stopped at a routine check point and found to have one Ya-Ba tablet in his possession. Again away to the detention centre, this time returned home in two days 'as no room to house him". So far no further action, rehab. or community service nor routine testing.

The province was Ubon Ratchatani and obviously no elite card nor money.


Yaa baa is a totally different story. It's basically methamphetamine mixed with caffeine and is highly addictive and destructive, after only 1 try. Even after rehab 95% of the users relapse. Don't even begin to compare meth with weed. It is something completely different.

''Don't even begin to compare meth with weed''

But you just did...

And your comparison is ok, : ''methamphetamine mixed with caffeine and is highly addictive and destructive''

While weed provides a sense of euphoria, without a destructive element...

If the drinkers and druggies just used pot there would be less crime, violence and accidents.

....And more cookies and ice cream.

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What part of " Do not smoke pot in Thailand" do you not understand?

I was a chronic pot smoker for 40 years before moving to Thailand.

Where I lived it was virtually legal to smoke it ( as it is in many places in the world now )

I had a perscription to smoke it and a permit to grow it as well.

I was well aware of the laws in Thailand , the chances of getting caught and the consequences if I was caught.

I new that if I wanted to live in Thailand, I had to give up smoking pot.

I have seen it here and it has been offered to me several times.

I have always declined and have not touched it since I started living here full time.

In a country where the police can (and will) pull you over for no reason and make you take a wiz quiz, wait for results, and lock you up if you fail...

Buying pot in a public place is even more foolish!

This is a no brainer.

You must be very stoned all f the time to think that nothing but luck will protect you!

Maybe in 20 years Thailand will catch up with the western world and change their drug laws....

Until then it's hands off, or live in a country where it is acceptable behaviour.

No sympathy to be found here...sorry!

Edited by willyumiii
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The issue is not if marijuana is good or bad.

The issue is not a question of should marijuana be against the law in Thailand or not.

The issue is that marijuana is against the law in Thailand and it is a law that is actively enforced in Thailand.

You broke the law and got caught.

Also consider that what you have done reflects on all foreigners living here.

Good work, and thanks!

End of story.

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Yes sir...when they have a law they do tend to enforce those laws whether they do it because they feel obligated to enforce the laws or they are commanded to enforce the laws.

That being the case....if you are not complying with those laws and or breaking those laws you could sooner or later be subjected to law enforcement.

Hopefully, one day, here in Thailand, they will at least decriminalize the use of Marijuana and move on to the recreational purpose drugs that are well known to be a much larger concern for everyone.

That would be the most sensible first move and well known to work in other countries that are slowly coming to their senses concerning the use of Marijuana as a recreational drug

The police probably really do not care about people smoking pot as they more than likely know well enough that marijuana consumption by the public at large is not a serious concern.

However, as police officers they have to deal with all the other aspects of the supply and consumption of the drug while they know well that the recreational drug marijuana is intricately associated with all the other far more problematic drugs such as Yaa Baa and of course Heroin.

Meantime alcohol and all its well known related social problems are accepted and or tolerated by the authorities and the public at large....as is the case in all other countries and will remain so.

Although Marijuana can be or could be thought of as a separate drug and on its own it is nearly impossible for the authorities to separate marijuana and all that is entailed from all the other drugs in general....so, as expected, they lump them all together and deem all of them as bad, bad, bad and criminalize all aspects of its supply and consumption.

The police themselves would probably like to see the laws change and be told to ignore the consumers and focus on the suppliers and try to curb the supply.

But we all know the police here in Thailand will enforce the laws all too often because they know there is money to be made from the vulnerable consumers that they can easily extort money out of rather than try to police the supply end of the affair knowing full well there are forces to be reckoned with if they actually do enforce the law on the supply end and expose the bigger players in the scheme of things.

Meantime...if you are a marijuana smoker you are living in jeopardy while money matters may not always solve the problem when you have a run in with the law.

Cheers and good luck

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Thats why i avoid drugs in thailand. Dont give them the leverage to extort you/ throw you in prison. Ive read a few horror stories and sometimes you dont even need to break any laws. I hope im never in that situation thanks for the share

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I have been smoking weed as a discreet smoker for a very long time,

If it really makes you stop they will have been doing you a big favour. Long term use of mj causes personality changes, and not for the better. Despite what is said about mj being not addictive and not harmful that isn't so.

I used to have a friend that smoked it for at least 40 years and he went from being a great guy to a real cretin.

So true ...so true..... concerning a percent of the people that do consume Marijuana on a regular basis and could easily be categorized as habitual users while many people would use the word addicted to Marijuana including the nick name given to habitual users or people deemed by others to be addicted and affectionately known as: Pot Heads.

There are plenty of them around while they personally love themselves to death and their Pot Head personalities while most other people judge them as being pot smoking <deleted> and want nothing to do with them and their pot smoking ways and their pot smoking personality and or pot smoking mentality and or their pot smoking attitude.

Meantime...the overwhelming majority of Pot users are nothing to be concerned about at all.......but still the fact remains that all too many Pot Heads give the use of the drug a bad name while the non users will always be scrutinizing and or criticizing the use of the drug and the users of the drug while not readily embracing the pot users personality and all that is entailed when pot users are habitually immersed in the drug consumption culture.

I have personally witnessed a lot of what is entailed relative to the "Drug Consumption Culture' and all the many drug induced personalities that evolve while habitually stoned on their drug of choice...what ever it may be ...including Marijuana..the most popular of the recreational drugs.


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No pity from me.

Do drugs, do time.

What is your opinion on alcohol then? If someone should do time for weed then what punishment is suitable for causing harm to society through drinking?

In the UK...

Alcohol costs the taxpayer £19 billion a year to enforce in courts and police time, public clean ups and repairs, and cost to the NHS which is around £7 billion alone according to the NHS Alcohol Statistics of 2011 paper.

The British Medical Journal on 27th of July 2012 published an extensive study scaling the harm caused to ones self and to others due to substance use. The study looked at the 19 most commonly used drugs both legal and illicit. Heroin was ranked at number 1 whilst Alcohol sat in 4th place and cannabis came bottom being deemed least harmful in all 3 tables.

Anybody who is obviously drunk on the streets in any country should be taken to the cells to sleep it off then heavily fined.

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Personally, I think all drugs should be legalised - heroin, ice, marijuana, cocaine - you name it.

However, if you then commit crimes arising from an addiction to any of these, no mitigation. Do the crime, do the time. You are responsible.

Tobacco and alcohol are legal, and taxed very heavily. The actual cost of production is minimal. So it is with illicit drugs.

Think about it. If every drug was legal, there is no profit for the criminal element, also no adulteration.

There is nothing the human species will not abuse in a search for nirvana, redemption or relief from the pain of their lives. So why not accept this, and let those who want to do so, do it without fear of prosecution?

You may have a case for drugs being legalised if you take them only in your home ( smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol is using drugs) but if you are obviously drunk or under the infuence

of drugs in public, you should be locked up and then when sober, heavily fined.

I am all for people doing what they like as long as they do not interfere with anyone else in any way.

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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Yeah, you are wrong. Not only your last sentence, but all of the drivel you wrote.

What I wrote is my opinion, and if you are under the influence of drugs in public, then I hope you go to prison for a very long time.

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I have been smoking weed as a discreet smoker for a very long time,

If it really makes you stop they will have been doing you a big favour. Long term use of mj causes personality changes, and not for the better. Despite what is said about mj being not addictive and not harmful that isn't so.

I used to have a friend that smoked it for at least 40 years and he went from being a great guy to a real cretin.

Your last sentence would apply to me also, apart from the forty years. The first Farang friend I had when I first moved

to Thailand was a real nice guy, then he was on the weed and turned out to be a real cretin.

His wife left him, he was slashed in the face by a young Thai, was hated by most locals, and has now disappeared completely.

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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Yeah, you are wrong. Not only your last sentence, but all of the drivel you wrote.

What I wrote is my opinion, and if you are under the influence of drugs in public, then I hope you go to prison for a very long time.

Over a bit of pot.

your way way out of date man

And a bit nuts to say that.

If it was your son or daughter would you still say the same as he/she is sent down for a very long time over a bit of pot ?

Edited by onemorechang
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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Yeah, you are wrong. Not only your last sentence, but all of the drivel you wrote.

What I wrote is my opinion, and if you are under the influence of drugs in public, then I hope you go to prison for a very long time.

There are stoned people everywhere. You are probably interacting with pot smokers every day and don't even notice it.

You really hope these people be put in prison for a long time?

To put it in perspective, if you put away a pot smoker for a long time then a beer drinker should probably get double that, and a whisky drinker should get life in prison or perhaps even public hanging.

Cocaine or anything like that should be a quick trial and a bullet to the head. That would make you feel better?

Edited by jamesjohnsonthird
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Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

So...... you could have avoided all these hassles by not breaking a law that you 100% knew about when you came to live in Thailand.

(I'm not saying that this law is a good law, only that you knew about it and knew the consequences of breaking that law).

I agree with you 100%. I am not complaining about what happened to me, and I'm not saying this is a bad law (anyway, who cares about my judgment about the laws in LOS ?)

I'm just reporting, for all the other people smoking weed in Thailand. I know there are a lot.

If you find you cannot quit, there are Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholic Anonymous meetings in Thailand. Better than jail.

Thank's ! I have not been smoking for one month now. I feel good about it. I'm not going to smoke anymore. First that was a little bit hard, because I have been smoking weed for 10 years, but now I feel good. In fact I feel very happy about having stopped.

By the way, ..everybody knows that the dope dealers work together with the police here,.....as for the dealers can tell the police who would be more prone to get fleeced....I have known dealers on Koh Samui and Chiang Mai..... every body knows they deal and they are never caught....I never buy myself because I know the riscs involved....As I sad yesterday in another reply, I have known people that smoked pot, that had to go to the bank with the police to retrieve a lot of money by credit card....and I have met a guy who had just shorts on and the police asked him to turn out he's pockets and he had only 500 bth on him....and that was it....some people are lucky others not....!!! I have spent most of twenty years on Koh Samui....and knew so many people that smoked discretely and got caught ! , knew most of the dealers to...sometimes it is so obvious that it's a mystery they never get caught....well now you now why.!

One of the dealers was close family to a police man....

I try never to get myself into a position when they can squeeze me out of my money, because then there are no limits to what they can take...

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I have been smoking weed as a discreet smoker for a very long time,

If it really makes you stop they will have been doing you a big favour. Long term use of mj causes personality changes, and not for the better. Despite what is said about mj being not addictive and not harmful that isn't so.

I used to have a friend that smoked it for at least 40 years and he went from being a great guy to a real cretin.

Your last sentence would apply to me also, apart from the forty years. The first Farang friend I had when I first moved

to Thailand was a real nice guy, then he was on the weed and turned out to be a real cretin.

His wife left him, he was slashed in the face by a young Thai, was hated by most locals, and has now disappeared completely.

"then he was on the weed and turned" Really? Ridiculous.

Kraton and pot should be legal. They waste money on enforcement while letting amphetamines grow to epidemic proportions.

Lot of small minded, judgmental, not-it-alls on this thread.

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I am writing this before I have seen any comments from other posters, I am not convinced you are telling the truth.

Using any kind of drug in this country, you deserve to get caught and punished. I have no sympathy for anyone who is

involved with any kind of drugs, especially here in Thailand.

If I'm being honest with you, I suspect you are trolling, everyone without connections who is caught and tested positive is

not going to avoid a very long prison sentence here, and rightly so.

I suppose I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

Yeah, you are wrong. Not only your last sentence, but all of the drivel you wrote.

What I wrote is my opinion, and if you are under the influence of drugs in public, then I hope you go to prison for a very long time.

Over a bit of pot.

your way way out of date man

And a bit nuts to say that.

If it was your son or daughter would you still say the same as he/she is sent down for a very long time over a bit of pot ?

No, but if it is in public, and is obvious to everyone that a person is drunk, or under the influence of drugs, then they should be locked up there and then for the protection of innocent people.

As for the "very long time" I am not referring to someone smoking a bit of weed if it is not affecting their normal behaviour, it is no different from smoking a cigarette if it's in moderation.

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I have been smoking weed as a discreet smoker for a very long time,

If it really makes you stop they will have been doing you a big favour. Long term use of mj causes personality changes, and not for the better. Despite what is said about mj being not addictive and not harmful that isn't so.

I used to have a friend that smoked it for at least 40 years and he went from being a great guy to a real cretin.

Your last sentence would apply to me also, apart from the forty years. The first Farang friend I had when I first moved

to Thailand was a real nice guy, then he was on the weed and turned out to be a real cretin.

His wife left him, he was slashed in the face by a young Thai, was hated by most locals, and has now disappeared completely.

"then he was on the weed and turned" Really? Ridiculous.

Kraton and pot should be legal. They waste money on enforcement while letting amphetamines grow to epidemic proportions.

Lot of small minded, judgmental, not-it-alls on this thread.

Yes, really, and it is not ridiculous, I saw myself how crazy this guy went.

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Now I feel very lucky to be free, not kicked out from Thailand, and I will never smoke again.

So...... you could have avoided all these hassles by not breaking a law that you 100% knew about when you came to live in Thailand.

(I'm not saying that this law is a good law, only that you knew about it and knew the consequences of breaking that law).

Congratulations, you have managed to state the obvious as if it were a question.

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