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30 day visa on arrival? Dont count on it.

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I have just returned from a brief sojourn to Pattaya where I bumped into an old chum from the UK who comes to Thailand 5 or 6 times a year for about a month at a time. He told me on his last arrival, mid March, he was held at the Immigration Counter, taken to one side where a lady "Colonel" came over and spoke to him, the gist of the conversation was that she told him that he was coming to Thailand to often and needed to get a "different visa" ( she did not tell him which one ). On this occasion she would give him a 14 day visa ( the stamp put in his passport was for 30 days ).

He returns to the UK the day before the stamp so he will likely not be bothered, but, he has already booked his next visit and had heard nothing of this "new rule" before this visit.

This is just a heads up for anyone who might be in a similar position and it might also be down to how different officials interpret current rules but not what you expect when you arrive after 6000 miles traveling and put some cash in the local economy.

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This is an anecdotal tale which may /may not have some truth contained within it.

There has been no change of rule"s" excepting those affecting back to back issuing of visa exempt entries.

Your friend from the UK was most certainly not issued any kind of "visa" by immigration at the airport or any other border.

All the friend needed to do was explain to the Immigration Officer the purpose for his frequent visits and demonstrate he had access to adequate finance.

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I dont think money is a problem for him. He may well get a 30 day exempt on entry but some over zealous person in charge is doing TAT no good. He does come often and my guess is every other month from what I see, so 1 month in Pattaya, home for a month and when there is good flight price he comes back and so on, perhaps he has just met the wrong people at the airport, which I suspect is more likely, new man at the desk, some in "charge" who needs to show authority with the chance of, what can I say, where is the mia pen rai?

Good to know that nothing has really changed.

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Maybe this lady Colonel was just transferred from Phuket immigration :rolleyes:?

Sounds like the lady Colonel I encountered at Don Musng last year who told me the same rubbish.

There are several posts on TV describing a similar situation to your friends. Some even mention the rather portly lady.

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On this occasion she would give him a 14 day visa ( the stamp put in his passport was for 30 days ).

She might have given him a 14 day permission to stay (rather odd), but she wouldn't give him a visa and if he were entering on a visa exempt entry he wouldn't have had a 30 day stamp in his passport if he hadn't already passed through immigrations.

Certainly it's possible immigrations could refuse entry to someone with a lengthy history of 30 day visa exempt entries (not a visa on arrival) but some of these "tales" are so full of obvious inaccuracies that they can't be given much credence without knowing what really happened.

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The fact is if you coming in a lot each year on exempt entries & even tourists you very likely get pulled up for a chat at swampy as they quite hot on it at the moment.

If you don't like hassle after say 4 visa exempt entries switch to getting a touriist for remaining visits done in that year, also have banking evidence & ability log into a bank account & perhaps employment income slips from your home country, good debit or credit cards would be useful too. cash useful but who in reality wonders in with much cash but worth having a reserve of US dollar or some GB pound.

I got pulled for questioning & I had tourist & not used exempt entries for years, I also was asked if had cash & I honestly don't carry like 20,000baht in my pocket, they also wanted see a uk bank book but like I told them uk don't have bank books generally & accounts are virtually paperless as all online, I had about 8,000baht in us dollar & singapore dollar plus could show them funds in uk online. Once they see the money it all smiles :-)

To be fair besides the guy in charge everyone was quite polite/decent & so was I.

Regardless of the writtenrules on exempt entries if you wise to thailand ways (written law is worthless) you would be best working with the problem & coming prepared & on tourists rather than milking exempts & getting hassle.

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The clue is he comes to Thailand several times a year, this rule has been in force for years, no surprise if you are a frequent visitor and your passport is littered with entry stamps it's always a good idea to get a visa from an embassy or consulate before you travel.

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She has made a mistake if he comes here for under 30 days he can get 30 days on arrival , he does not need a visa but if he wants to get one he can do in England 60 or double entry 60. Tourist. Can I ask does your friend look Indian ? They might have got confused thinking he not English man but then after seeing the UK passport stamped the 30. As the other posters have stated visa on arrival is 15 days. But visa on arrival you have to get that before you go through immigration so he has just done what he nomally does getting the 30 visa exempt . He is not doing back to back and he is coming from the UK so hence the mistake.

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Rules are not really relevant as this is thai immigration & even each border has set preferences on way it handles matters, just because you technically can have unlimited visa exempts does not mean you are entitled to them, if coming frequent prepare evidence & use tourist visa when can. If you argue the toss with them it will not end in your favour & you will find out how hard it is to resolve or lobby a complaint when stuck in the terminal & forced to book a flight home.

Currently main focus is searching out likely illegal workers & those coming to thailand on business but not getting visa, if your evidence is deemed not suitable then that in itself is valid enough to refuse entry & if you have been less than polite then more reason for them dislike your evidence.

Edited by BuckBee
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Maybe this lady Colonel was just transferred from Phuket immigration rolleyes.gif?

Sounds like the lady Colonel I encountered at Don Musng last year who told me the same rubbish.

There are several posts on TV describing a similar situation to your friends. Some even mention the rather portly lady.

Hmm .. comes to mind that the only time I've ever been questioned was by a female immigration officer, .. at Don Mueang. My passport and travel history were in order, it was not a Back to back entry, and I had no where near the 180 days per year, limit. But it was full of 60-day visas as well numerous 30 and 14 day entries. She didn't look closely at all, just flipped through the pages.

Going back next time with a completely new passport.

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Please forgive as I am new to this site. I could not find where to start a new topic. I am American and I am married to a Thai and I want to take her to america, I have a good one. I am not sure which would be the better visa to apply for her, either a tourist or a marriage visa. Which would be easier to get. Can anyone help me or give me advice or move this topic to the correct forum and let me know where to find. Thanks to all and again I am sorry.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe this lady Colonel was just transferred from Phuket immigration alt=rolleyes.gif>?

Sounds like the lady Colonel I encountered at Don Musng last year who told me the same rubbish.

There are several posts on TV describing a similar situation to your friends. Some even mention the rather portly lady.

Hmm .. comes to mind that the only time I've ever been questioned was by a female immigration officer, .. at Don Mueang. My passport and travel history were in order, it was not a Back to back entry, and I had no where near the 180 days per year, limit. But it was full of 60-day visas as well numerous 30 and 14 day entries. She didn't look closely at all, just flipped through the pages.

Going back next time with a completely new passport.

Which 180 days/year would that be ?

There is no such limit or restriction.

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I arrived Swampy last Wednesday and got questioned as to why I come to Thailand so often. Immigration officer called a woman over, don't think she was a colonel though maybe only a captain, Ha Ha. Anyway I said that I work offshore Australia and come to Thailand for my time off and spend my money. No more was said, stamped my passport and put it on the counter without even looking at me.

I reckon I purely picked the wrong que as a Western guy in front of me had hastle and was led away stating is there a problem!

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Please forgive as I am new to this site. I could not find where to start a new topic. I am American and I am married to a Thai and I want to take her to america, I have a good one. I am not sure which would be the better visa to apply for her, either a tourist or a marriage visa. Which would be easier to get. Can anyone help me or give me advice or move this topic to the correct forum and let me know where to find. Thanks to all and again I am sorry.

You need to post a topic in the Visas and migration to other countries forum to get your questions answered.

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There are so many people on this forum who insist - in cases like the OP - that it's 'impossible! Can't happen!' I don't question their knowledge of the rules, firstly. But the truth is, I've personally seen it happen just as the OP describes a number of times, and to different people. Especially over the last year and a half, and especially in any case where the words 'too much' are used. Breaks away from Thailand are 'technically' supposed to be the issue, but often - no matter what you'll read here - they don't stop to consider that at an IO desk. They see many entries, the end. It seems to come down to personal prejudices upon sight, frankly. It's one thing to quote the rules, but it's a completely different thing to encounter an officer surprising you that way.

Edited by No Apologist
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There are so many people on this forum who insist - in cases like the OP - that it's 'impossible! Can't happen!' I don't question their knowledge of the rules, firstly. But the truth is, I've personally seen it happen just as the OP describes a number of times, and to different people. Especially over the last year and a half, and especially in any case where the words 'too much' are used. Breaks away from Thailand are 'technically' supposed to be the issue, but often - no matter what you'll read here - they don't stop to consider that at an IO desk. They see many entries, the end. It seems to come down to personal prejudices upon sight, frankly. It's one thing to quote the rules, but it's a completely different thing to encounter an officer surprising you that way.

Actually nobody contest that it happens - rather an explanation is given on why, and what to do.

The, it's not "the end", in all case the person is permitted, like OP and many other cases that I can link.

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Guessing I got the same over zealous lady colonel when I arrived last Sunday.

I consider Bangkok my home, unfortunately I have to earn a living which I do in the UK and Europe

I am self employed and have been travelling back and forth for more than 15 years, usual scenario is 2 weeks working in Europe

and a week here in BKK chilling out. This was the first time I have ever been questioned. She told me I had been here 5 times

already this year and didn't believe I was coming for a 6 night holiday.

She made me get into my email account ( cost me a fortune on 02 roaming charges ) she couldn't get into the

immigration wifi nor any free wifi from the airport on my phone and got even more awkward loosing face no doubt.

When I proved I was flying back tomorrow she begrudgingly stamped me in for 28 days.

I will be back on 20th when I will say I am here for business rather than a holiday. Maybe she doesn't like us enjoying ourselves.

So avoid the female with the pips and you should be ok

good luck all.

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Found this.

visiting Thailand couple of times per year or less ) dont have problems entering Thailand even with visa exemption. So no need to apply for visa if you belong to this category

Some very frequently visiting tourists have been denied entry even with valid visa on Suvarnabhumi airport and land borders. Immigration have right to deny entry if they are suspicious. Denying entry is quite soft way to stop tourist coming in. No blacklisting or criminal record is made. Usually in these cases immigration officer claims "you are working illegally in Thailand, we can not let you in". Sometimes you are allowed to explain your situation and show proof that you are tourist and not working. Sometimes the immigration officers decision is final. When tourist is denied entry he must fly out to another country or in case of land border return back to where tourist was coming.

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The last 2 times that I have come to Thailand, March 10 and again April 1 I was hassled at Immigration at Swampy for coming to Thailand too much on Exempt entries. First time took about 45 minutes before i was finally stamped in, and the second about 15 minutes. Both times i was flagged at the desk and passed to some boss type person. All they could yammer about was you get visa, you get visa. Each time they said it, I said no I don't need one and what law says i do. You get visa...you get visa...blah blah blah.

Showed them my work ID (airline crew), my Dubai residence visa, my Dubai lease, etc. and it might as well have been tickets to the moon. They simply don't care. You are married, you get visa is all they can say. I tell them i don't live in Thailand, I live in Dubai and come to Thailand for holiday. Over their heads. Finally I told them that Ubonjoe on Thaivisa forum says I don't need a visa and they really looked at me like i was crazy, but it was a good laugh for me.

The most stupid part to me is that i had a 2 year period where i was flying in and out of Thailand 3 or 4 times a week on behalf of Thai cargo, so my computer immigration history shows 2 years worth of crew entries and exits. The idiots know I work for an airline, they just don't care to look.

I am 50, married to a Thai, and American. I could get a multitude of visa's, but since each time i come is less than 30 days, i just don't see the point. The exempt entry is a de-facto visa, developed to save people the hassle of spending time and money to get a tourist (or otherwise) visa when they are coming for only short stays. They just can't seem to grasp the concept that for some people, the "proper visa" is simply NO VISA.

Both times that I was being hassled, there was at least one more person in the same boat as me there as well getting the same thing. Offshore worker in one case, coming for a week. Same BS.

Both times i did eventually get stamped in, but was admonished that i must have a visa next time. Obviously only a scare tactic since i ignored him the first time and still got in the second. But, in the end, these idiots make up whatever rules they want to and i expect that i will get hassled the next time i come back as well.

So for everyone who says it does not happen, I can assure you it does. I was told directly if you come to Thailand more than 6 times a year on Exempt that you are going to get hassled and must get a visa.

Edited by volsfan
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"There is no rule that limits the number of visa exempt entries or the number of days on them."

People keep saying this and yet there are always reports of folk who get pulled up so it obviously does not apply at every entry point with every offical.

"Showed them my work ID (airline crew), my Dubai residence visa, my Dubai lease, etc. and it might as well have been tickets to the moon. They simply don't care."

No they don't, they can't back down and lose face I guess.

"So for everyone who says it does not happen, I can assure you it does."

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"There is no rule that limits the number of visa exempt entries or the number of days on them."

People keep saying this and yet there are always reports of folk who get pulled up so it obviously does not apply at every entry point with every offical.

"Showed them my work ID (airline crew), my Dubai residence visa, my Dubai lease, etc. and it might as well have been tickets to the moon. They simply don't care."

No they don't, they can't back down and lose face I guess.

"So for everyone who says it does not happen, I can assure you it does."

Again, nobody is saying that it doesn't happen. But simply that the regulation does not exist.

If it did, people in case would not be admitted. Instead, they are, after hassling.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"There is no rule that limits the number of visa exempt entries or the number of days on them."

People keep saying this and yet there are always reports of folk who get pulled up so it obviously does not apply at every entry point with every offical.

"Showed them my work ID (airline crew), my Dubai residence visa, my Dubai lease, etc. and it might as well have been tickets to the moon. They simply don't care."

No they don't, they can't back down and lose face I guess.

"So for everyone who says it does not happen, I can assure you it does."

Again, nobody is saying that it doesn't happen. But simply that the regulation does not exist.

If it did, people in case would not be admitted. Instead, they are, after hassling.

i have a friend who works abroad. He regularly flies into Thailand and has done so for many years.

He has never used anything other the VE entries and has never been "harassed" or "hassled" despite visiting every 2-3 months and never stays longer than 28-29 days.

I wonder how/why some people seem to "attract" attention ?

Edited by nzexpat
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<have a friend who works abroad. He regularly flies into Thailand and has done so for many years.

He has never used anything other the VE entries and has never been "harassed" or "hassled" despite visiting every 2-3 months and never stays longer than 28-29 days.

I wonder how/why some people seem to "attract" attention ?

Not sure why are you responding to me. Check on which post you are when hitting the quote button.

Anyway what you fail to understand is that now there is an automatic warning system in Immigration database. No need for the person to attract attention as you insinuate.

Edited by paz
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Please forgive as I am new to this site. I could not find where to start a new topic. I am American and I am married to a Thai and I want to take her to america, I have a good one. I am not sure which would be the better visa to apply for her, either a tourist or a marriage visa. Which would be easier to get. Can anyone help me or give me advice or move this topic to the correct forum and let me know where to find. Thanks to all and again I am sorry.

That is the question for your embassy but my suggestion would be do the tourist visa first with an invitation letter depicting the fact you will be sole support and it is for your new wife to meet the family and check out the culture of America. The embassy site has all the detail required for a Letter of Invitation. Your can work on her PR based on marriage after she gets over culture shock. The PR takes almost 9 months or longer. The tourist visit takes a couple of days.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<have a friend who works abroad. He regularly flies into Thailand and has done so for many years.

He has never used anything other the VE entries and has never been "harassed" or "hassled" despite visiting every 2-3 months and never stays longer than 28-29 days.

I wonder how/why some people seem to "attract" attention ?

Not sure why are you responding to me. Check on which post you are when hitting the quote button.

Anyway what you fail to understand is that now there is an automatic warning system in Immigration database. No need for the person to attract attention as you insinuate.

Why the "aggressive " response ?

I am aware of the "warning" system and I am sure my friend a has caused it to "flash " on more than one occasion!

All I am pointing out is that some and not others seem to "attract " attention !

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