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Kenya: Extremists vow more attacks; president responds

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Kenya: Extremists vow more attacks; president responds
TOM ODULA, Associated Press

GARISSA, Kenya (AP) — Somalia's Islamic extremist group al-Shabab warned Saturday of more attacks in Kenya like the assault on Garissa University College that killed 148 people.

"Kenyan cities will run red with blood," said al-Shabab according to the SITE intelligence monitoring group.

The Islamic militants said the attack on Garissa college was in retaliation for killings carried out by Kenyan troops fighting the rebels in Somalia.

"No amount of precaution or safety measures will be able to guarantee your safety, thwart another attack or prevent another bloodbath," said al-Shabab.

Following the extremists' threats, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta vowed to take harsh measures against the Islamic militants.

In a nationally televised address, Kenyatta said his administration "shall respond in the severest ways possible" to the Garissa attack, which occurred Thursday when four gunmen entered a campus and slaughtered students. The military moved in hours later and the gunmen were killed.

"We will fight terrorism to the end," said Kenyatta. "I guarantee that my administration shall respond in the fiercest way possible."

Kenyatta said the country's "security forces are pursuing the remaining accomplices. We will bring all of them to justice ... We are also in active pursuit of the mastermind (of the Garissa attack) and have placed a reward for his capture," said Kenyatta, who declared 3 days of national mourning.

Five people have been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the Garissa attack, a Kenyan official said.

Kenyan security agencies arrested three people trying to cross into Somalia, said Interior Ministry spokesman Mwenda Njoka in a Twitter post. He said the three are associates of Mohamed Mohamud, also known as Dulyadin Gamadhere, a former teacher at a Kenyan Madrassa Islamic school who authorities say coordinated the Garissa attack. Kenyan authorities have put a $220,000 bounty for information leading to Gamadhere's arrest.

Two other suspects were arrested at Garissa college.

A survivor of the killings at Garissa University College was found on Saturday, two days after the attack.

Cynthia Cheroitich, 19, told The Associated Press from her hospital gurney that she hid in a wardrobe and covered herself with clothes, refusing to emerge even when some of her classmates came out of hiding when demanded by the gunmen.

She was rescued shortly before 10 a.m., according to Kenyan officials.

Cheroitich said she didn't believe that rescuers urging her to come out of her hiding place were there to help, suspecting at first that they were militants.

"How do I know that you are the Kenyan police?" she said she asked them.

Only when Kenyan security forces had one of her teachers appeal to her did she come out, she said.

"I was just praying to my God," Cheroitich, a Christian, said of her ordeal.

Cheroitich appeared tired and thirsty, sipping on yoghurt and a soft drink, but otherwise seemed in good health.

She said she drank body lotion because she was so thirsty and hungry while in hiding.

Authorities displayed the bodies of the alleged attackers before about 2,000 people in a large open area in central Garissa. The bodies lay on the bed of a pickup truck that drove slowly past the crowd, which broke into a run in pursuit. Soldiers monitored the crowd. There was shouting and clouds of dust rose as the vehicle left the area.

Spectator Yusuf Mohamed applauded the display, saying authorities wanted to "win the hearts of the people" and clear any doubts that the attackers had been killed.

Kenyan authorities initially said the attackers had been strapped with explosives that went off like bombs when they were shot, but investigators later said there were no suicide vests. The four bodies shown Saturday had wounds but were intact.

The bodies of many of those killed in Garissa have been transported to the capital, Nairobi, where grieving family members gathered to view the remains.

Thirteen buses left Garissa Saturday afternoon carrying hundreds of students who survived the attack. The buses, under armed escort, took the survivors to their home areas, said officials. Three of the buses arrived in the capital Nairobi at night.


Odula contributed to this report from Nairobi.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-05

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Following the extremists' threats, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta vowed to take harsh measures against the Islamic militants.

In a nationally televised address, Kenyatta said his administration "shall respond in the severest ways possible" to the Garissa attack, which occurred Thursday when four gunmen entered a campus and slaughtered students. The military moved in hours later and the gunmen were killed.

"We will fight terrorism to the end," said Kenyatta. "I guarantee that my administration shall respond in the fiercest way possible."

Time will tell.

Action, not reaction is required.

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What is telling is that the Kenyan president made no bones as to the fact that the terrorists were 'deeply embedded' within Kenya's Muslim community. Sounds familiar? Well it should, wherever Islam spreads parallel societies form which don't try to integrate. When they are of sufficient numbers the demands, threats and violence quickly follow.


P.s the 'mastermind' behind the attack is called Mohammad Mohammud, I don't suppose he was following the example of the perfect man by any chance.

Edited by Steely Dan
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al isan al-kamil- The Doctrine of The Perfect Man

A host- any organism- actually extending an invitation to a virulent species is unheard of in the natural world.

A host may be deficient. A virulent species may be excessive; but there is no invitation to self destruction.

There is no symbiosis in the disease this OP presents, no integration, only virulence. Nothing will improve. There will be no negotiations. There will be no compromise. There will be no peace until either every thing [you] have ever known is destroyed and laid to waste or until every single facet of the islamic threat is put into perspective and met with overwhelming force. There is no survival otherwise. None!

It is stunning to watch all the post enlightenment gains wash away before our eyes (indeed the collective gains of all time destroyed). What is more staggering to me is not the malevolent manner in which the Third Great Jihad of death is spreading rather the soft, vulnerable, repugnant manner in which the West rolls over and inverts reason, suspends deduction, compromises morals, and enacts its own Civilization Treason. Mark my words: "no people (Western Civilization) are this stupid unless they are being willfully ignorant or intentionally duped by their leaders."

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He is determined to protect his people, and will take action.

He comes from a well know, respected family, his father was Jomo Kenyatta who was Kenya's founding father and first president

Uhuru Kenyatta has been in power for about 2 years. Islamic atrocities have been increasing in Kenya since he came to power.

He certainly comes from a well known family, unfortunately, well known for the wrong reasons.

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