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best things ever happen in your life?

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For me;

I was born.

To bring enlightenment to this world as the sunshine comes out of my ass.thumbsup.gif

That certainly explains why the world stinks and has moved into its darkest days...wai2.gif

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Spending 15 months going through hell with social services, child welfare workers, solicitors, and the ex, frustration, anxiety and anger, to finally get my day, and my say in a Court of Law.

I got full custody of my 4 kids and a settlement of £3,000 to buy her out of the house.

I can't even describe the emotions that went through me at that point.

That day changed my life forever.

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Some nice posts here for a change. The most moving experience was the birth of my daughter in '76. It took about 2 days from contractions to birth. On leaving the hospital and putting on the radio in the car the first song that came on was " Isn't she lovely" Stevie Wonder. And I am filling up again now recalling the event.

God bless you Tessa and she and 2 grand children came to visit me last August

Btw my favourite

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Surviving cancer.

I lost track of all the little things you guys are saying is wonderful. After 6 years of surgery, chemo, radiation, and recovery... I'm a survivor and now those little, beautiful moments you guys are talking about are hugely important to me

Getting past this ugly thing was a big part of me moving here. I've rediscovered my creativity in terms of drawing, painting, and photography.

I won't tell you I'm great at it, but I'm inspired.

And this one

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For me;

I was born.

To bring enlightenment to this world as the sunshine comes out of my ass.thumbsup.gif

for you- not for the entire mankind...

Gee I quote Costas from another thread he responded to and wonder why he never used these words of wisdom on you. QOUTE>You are not really looking for any answers, as you said you know all and you are so confident.

You are just looking for gossip. <UNQUOTE

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Spending 15 months going through hell with social services, child welfare workers, solicitors, and the ex, frustration, anxiety and anger, to finally get my day, and my say in a Court of Law.

I got full custody of my 4 kids and a settlement of £3,000 to buy her out of the house.

I can't even describe the emotions that went through me at that point.

That day changed my life forever.

Not Thailand????? The nerve!

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  1. When mountain biking in Spain, after a full days hard slog to the top, now in the evening sun, hurtling down listening to the rocks pinging on the frame, trees blur by, not using the brakes I 'let go' and trust my bike knows what to do. Then I leap, going airborne and everything goes quiet except the rush of wind, glancing over the side of the mountain and thinking "oh dear, I've really over played my cards this time", passing over a chasm made by the summer storms, then landing on the other side ..... pinging of rocks return. OH WOW! I could cry when I think of the ecstasy that followed, and the realisation of how sweet life can be. Like a Zen Koan.

  2. Going out on a Sunday in a friends boat in Widnes heading out to the Mersey. The weather turns bad, no life jackets, no ship to shore, no way to reach the shore. This is it. It takes all day and most of the night to weather the storm, and by some mercy we didn't sink, managing to bail out the bilge water manually between us all. Reaching the shore I fell to the ground (in dirty oil like sand) and just laughed, and laughed, and couldn't catch my breath it was such a good feeling to grasp that sand between my fingers. It's also the first time where I really felt that nothing could scare me any more, like the adrenaline tanks had all been used up. That's a rare feeling as I am generally fairly anxious for no reason. I wouldn't choose to experience it again, but it was an experience worth having.

  3. Top of a mountain again, this time in the snow. No real drama in this one, just the feeling of standing on top of the world, breathing in the sharp air, with the bluest sky I've ever seen, in the company of some of the best friends I've every made.

  4. Thailand with my Ex, all scrubbed up for a friday night out with some other couples, my significant other riding with me on the bike, and the feeling of for one time in my life of being a complete person.

There are many others, but they were the first four that came to mind. There is a fairly strong correlation though to the high often coming after the actual event, and that rush of 'omg this experience is amazing'.

Wow what a wordsmith and totally boring and totally unrelated to Thailand BORING>coffee1.gif

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To finally manage to quit drinking and finding a God of my understanding....not sure which order to put them in ...one couldn't have happened without the other.

Future bible thumper for sure. Had to tell the world. Next is street corner placard waving Jesus Saves

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For me;

I was born.

To bring enlightenment to this world as the sunshine comes out of my ass.thumbsup.gif

You're full of more $ hit than a Christmas turkey Costas.......I say that in the nicest possible way of course.

It is the threads topic that is full of xmas turkey sheet

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The birth of my daughter(dont tell my son)

there have been so many things in my life ,its been one hell of a wonderfull ride ,some lovely wives ,along the way ,having enough money not to have to worry to much and as i come to the last part of the ride a fantastic wife and son who not only love me but in the wifes case earns good money as well ,what a bonusclap2.gif


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When my best friend ran off with my wife, I really miss him though.

I came home early one day and my best friend was in bed having sex with my wife, I went straight up to him and said "bad boy, bad boy you know your not allowed on the furniture

Beastiality is a forbidden act worldwide.sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vrJpEP3T5-crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

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For me;

I was born.

To bring enlightenment to this world as the sunshine comes out of my ass.thumbsup.gif

You're full of more $ hit than a Christmas turkey Costas.......I say that in the nicest possible way of course.

It is the threads topic that is full of xmas turkey sheet

Are we a little bit miserable,aren't we?

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Crazy Chef, just ignore poweratradio's comments.

His first dictionary had certain pages ripped out, so the words 'caring' and 'compassion' aren't part of his vocabulary.

I don't really know what his problem is, but it can't be spelt or pronounced.

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Driving out to Birdsville in the middle of the Aussie desert as far as the eye can see nothing but desert, made me realise how un-important I was in the grand scheme of things and how vunerable I was if I strayed off the road. The sunrises and sunsets in the Aussie desert, getting to the Birdsville pub and having that first beer.

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As Winston Churchill once said " you have won life lotto when you are born White and British" I won that lotto

I think it as Cecil Rhodes and being born English

It is also attributed to Rudyard Kipling but that is not to say that Winston did not say it he was a well read man and loved to quote

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I think the best thing that ever happened to me was when I realized that I could make decisions for myself that would affect whatever path I chose to take in my life without having to be told what to do.

I was 40 years old when this happened..................wink.png This came after a life in the armed forces of my country, where, truth be known, everything was done for you. Not so much a wasted life as a controlled one. With some amazingly good memories I might add, not many regrets about what I did.

However, all the truly great moments for me started on that day, and there are too many to comment on.................thumbsup.gif

I'm sure there are a few like me out there who will understand what I mean with the above.

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Driving out to Birdsville in the middle of the Aussie desert as far as the eye can see nothing but desert, made me realise how un-important I was in the grand scheme of things and how vunerable I was if I strayed off the road. The sunrises and sunsets in the Aussie desert, getting to the Birdsville pub and having that first beer.

Have crossed the Simpson twice,both times ran out of beer,sure is great to slip that first coldie down ya neck,in the wonderful Birdsville pub.

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