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Tourism rebounds? Didn't the TAT say that Martial Law was proving to be a good thing for tourism and that number were increasing daily because of it.

So what they said previously was an outright lie because now they admit that foreigners couldn't get travel insurance?

I've read some clap-trap propaganda in my time but none are more creative, stupid and outright moronic than under a Junta.

I wonder how they are going to spin Article 44 as a positive move towards democracy and pushing up the number of tourists.

come on now!!! Surely you can remember all of the idiotic and moronic comments the YL gov made during their admin? The stuff we read now is minor compared to what was in the news under her admin......

SEriously though.....You have to think who gets their numbers here and how they are educated,..Since most thais copy their work and pass every course then go out to work claiming to be experts it is clear that TAT must truly believe what information they give to the press....

Let's also think about the fact that there is a problem with Thai airplanes....this will surely be used later as an excuse why the tourism didn't increase like TAT thought it would... and then there is the Russian economy...

And now! The world is beginning to argue that article 44 is worse than martial law. I am certain this will get tourism boosted so TATs speculations can be a reality....

I sometimes wonder if Mr. P actually believes what TAT tells him as well as their petty excuses why they were wrong EVERY TIME......I hope he doesn't.

Is it true YL didn't attend any rice committee meetings as she was too busy trying to find Xanadu on the map after TAT recommended it as a suitable overseas trip to spread Thainess and shop ?

Last I heard she went to buy Nirvana. Apparently, she thought it was a new perfume brand.

When in Pakistan she apparently thought Tali Ban was a new range of designer sunglasses.

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I'm a tourist.. Used to visit Thailand 4 x a year. I love Thailand, but I don't love Prayutthaya. If they want people like me to return to Thailand: I'm not put off by martial law, article 44 or anything like that. I'm a monarchist for Christ's sake - democracy is a joke even in Europe. It's just that for the past 1.5 year nothing good has come out of Thailand. No good developments, no good news, just sour ugly news. THAT is what is keeping me away.. And with "good news" I don't mean a good PR job, I mean real life people on Twitter & Facebook etc. sharing real life happy stories instead of forced fake happiness.

  • Like 1

I'm a tourist.. Used to visit Thailand 4 x a year. I love Thailand, but I don't love Prayutthaya. If they want people like me to return to Thailand: I'm not put off by martial law, article 44 or anything like that. I'm a monarchist for Christ's sake - democracy is a joke even in Europe. It's just that for the past 1.5 year nothing good has come out of Thailand. No good developments, no good news, just sour ugly news. THAT is what is keeping me away.. And with "good news" I don't mean a good PR job, I mean real life people on Twitter & Facebook etc. sharing real life happy stories instead of forced fake happiness.

I'm a monarchist for Christ's sake - democracy is a joke even in Europe.

You are walking a fine line here my friend!!

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I will be saving Thailand: flying back to LOS on the 25th of april and bringing 10k euro for the remaining 2015 budget.

Sure this will show in TAT's statistics.

Govt.: 65 PPP projects planned for 2015-2019, while Section 44 supports tourism

BANGKOK, 6 April 2015, (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister M.R. Pridiyathorn Devakula has indicated that the nation’s recently imposed Section 44 of the interim constitution would benefit the tourism sector more than the exports sector.

He explained that Thailand would now attract more tourists from the US and the European Union, because the intimidating martial law has been replaced with the more lenient Section 44.

He said that the exports sector this year may not have a bright outlook judging from its poor performance in January and February. Nonetheless, M.R. Pridiyathorn assured the public that the government is building a solid economic foundation for the future, expressing his confidence that the Kingdom’s economic growth would reach 5% annually within the next 2-3 years.

Meanwhile, the State Enterprise Policy Office (SEPO) has agreed with the 5 year plan of the Public–Private Partnership (PPP) Committee. The plan involves 65 projects with an estimated value of 1.35 trillion baht which span 5 years, from this year to 2019.

SEPO pointed out that these projects would include investments in transportation, education, public health and telecommunication. The proposal will be forwarded to the Cabinet this month for perusal and if it approves, the plan will come into effect in the present month as well.

The office indicated that there are two projects from the aforementioned proposals scheduled for this year: the Blue Line electric train linking Hua Lampong - Bangkae and Taopoon - Thaphra, and the construction of an Inland Container Depot in Ladkrabang District of Bangkok.

-- NNT 2015-04-06 footer_n.gif


I'm a tourist.. Used to visit Thailand 4 x a year. I love Thailand, but I don't love Prayutthaya. If they want people like me to return to Thailand: I'm not put off by martial law, article 44 or anything like that. I'm a monarchist for Christ's sake - democracy is a joke even in Europe. It's just that for the past 1.5 year nothing good has come out of Thailand. No good developments, no good news, just sour ugly news. THAT is what is keeping me away.. And with "good news" I don't mean a good PR job, I mean real life people on Twitter & Facebook etc. sharing real life happy stories instead of forced fake happiness.

' I mean real life people on Twitter & Facebook etc. sharing real life happy stories instead of forced fake happiness' Well I am not on Twitter but here goes: My life is fantastic! I am married to a fantastic Thai girl who is proficient in Thai, Chinese and English cooking. She never yells or screams or gets in a bad mood. Loves me so much she gives me foot massage, manicure and pedicure every week and most weeks I get a full on oil massage....but you don't need to know the details! biggrin.png I live in her house, she pays all the bills and every month she gives me 10k baht spending money. It's all true! Maybe some other guys are in a similar relationship as mine and they can bring you good news too.

My girl is brilliant....but there is one little thing! When she saw the Aussie $ is down against the baht she said:

"No bring money from Australia"

and I said

"Not a problem sweety......you do remember Australia is NOT next to Yermany, yes?" <<< After 4 years I am not sure she gets that!

".................." <<< Funny blank stare!

and I said

"You have heard of Indonesia because we talked about Australia being on the other side of Indonesia and you said you know Indonesia."

she said "Yes" <<< They say YES even if they mean NO!

Anyway that's our little bugbear! One day I will take her to Australia so she see it for herself that it's not really Austria.

So, it's not all bad news. Book your flight and come visit Thailand. thumbsup.gif


I'm a tourist.. Used to visit Thailand 4 x a year. I love Thailand, but I don't love Prayutthaya. If they want people like me to return to Thailand: I'm not put off by martial law, article 44 or anything like that. I'm a monarchist for Christ's sake - democracy is a joke even in Europe. It's just that for the past 1.5 year nothing good has come out of Thailand. No good developments, no good news, just sour ugly news. THAT is what is keeping me away.. And with "good news" I don't mean a good PR job, I mean real life people on Twitter & Facebook etc. sharing real life happy stories instead of forced fake happiness.

' I mean real life people on Twitter & Facebook etc. sharing real life happy stories instead of forced fake happiness' Well I am not on Twitter but here goes: My life is fantastic! I am married to a fantastic Thai girl who is proficient in Thai, Chinese and English cooking. She never yells or screams or gets in a bad mood. Loves me so much she gives me foot massage, manicure and pedicure every week and most weeks I get a full on oil massage....but you don't need to know the details! biggrin.png I live in her house, she pays all the bills and every month she gives me 10k baht spending money. It's all true! Maybe some other guys are in a similar relationship as mine and they can bring you good news too.

My girl is brilliant....but there is one little thing! When she saw the Aussie $ is down against the baht she said:

"No bring money from Australia"

and I said

"Not a problem sweety......you do remember Australia is NOT next to Yermany, yes?" <<< After 4 years I am not sure she gets that!

".................." <<< Funny blank stare!

and I said

"You have heard of Indonesia because we talked about Australia being on the other side of Indonesia and you said you know Indonesia."

she said "Yes" <<< They say YES even if they mean NO!

Anyway that's our little bugbear! One day I will take her to Australia so she see it for herself that it's not really Austria.

So, it's not all bad news. Book your flight and come visit Thailand. thumbsup.gif

Is this humor - perhaps sarcasm, or are you on something you should be sharing with me? tongue.png


It is amazing they think we are all so stupid as to believe their rubish, so far after end of martial law hardly enough time to book flight, yet alone affect tourism short term

It means when they make sensible remarks or statements they too get discounted


I'm a tourist.. Used to visit Thailand 4 x a year. I love Thailand, but I don't love Prayutthaya. If they want people like me to return to Thailand: I'm not put off by martial law, article 44 or anything like that. I'm a monarchist for Christ's sake - democracy is a joke even in Europe. It's just that for the past 1.5 year nothing good has come out of Thailand. No good developments, no good news, just sour ugly news. THAT is what is keeping me away.. And with "good news" I don't mean a good PR job, I mean real life people on Twitter & Facebook etc. sharing real life happy stories instead of forced fake happiness.

' I mean real life people on Twitter & Facebook etc. sharing real life happy stories instead of forced fake happiness' Well I am not on Twitter but here goes: My life is fantastic! I am married to a fantastic Thai girl who is proficient in Thai, Chinese and English cooking. She never yells or screams or gets in a bad mood. Loves me so much she gives me foot massage, manicure and pedicure every week and most weeks I get a full on oil massage....but you don't need to know the details! biggrin.png I live in her house, she pays all the bills and every month she gives me 10k baht spending money. It's all true! Maybe some other guys are in a similar relationship as mine and they can bring you good news too.

My girl is brilliant....but there is one little thing! When she saw the Aussie $ is down against the baht she said:

"No bring money from Australia"

and I said

"Not a problem sweety......you do remember Australia is NOT next to Yermany, yes?" <<< After 4 years I am not sure she gets that!

".................." <<< Funny blank stare!

and I said

"You have heard of Indonesia because we talked about Australia being on the other side of Indonesia and you said you know Indonesia."

she said "Yes" <<< They say YES even if they mean NO!

Anyway that's our little bugbear! One day I will take her to Australia so she see it for herself that it's not really Austria.

So, it's not all bad news. Book your flight and come visit Thailand. thumbsup.gif

Is this humor - perhaps sarcasm, or are you on something you should be sharing with me? tongue.png

Whatever he's on you don't want any mate. It's fare to mind bending whistling.gif

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I am confused

if martial law is lifted

does this mean the beaches will return to normal

ie can we stay on the beach after 6.30pm?

can the bars stay open all night

are the police back in charge or is the military still in charge

are the jet skies and banana boats back in action

what exactly has changed?


"martial law has been replaced with the more lenient Section 44." It is great how they do not even bother comparing or debating attributes of 44 to martial law. They say and it is so. They are only fooling themselves. Their omnipotent behavior shows lack of mental nimbleness and maturity.


I'm afraid the strengthed baht has taken is toll on exports.

Its taken its toll on my humble pension check from Canada.

Me too ,my GB state pension was 3450B down this month then on the same month last year.


"Section 44 of the interim constitution would benefit the tourism sector more than the exports sector. "

If the Prayut government were an elected government under the 2007 Constitution, this statement would probably trigger a losing confidence vote in a real legislature (one that's not a Junta clone) and a new election would likely throw Prayut out as PM.

Exports account for about 70% of Thailand's GDP. The remainder 30% is contributed by government spending (ie., economic stimulus), consumer spending, and tourism in descending order of contribution. Exports are stagnant. Government spending on infrastructure has been nil. Consumer spending is slowing by ever increasing household debt and inflation. Obviously, if only trourism benefits more than the exports sector as well as more than the other sectors, then ............

Thailand's economy is in deep trouble.

If Article 44 remains active going into 2015, the ASEAN Community might withdraw from Thailand. There certainly will be a re-examination of democratic nation's foreign trade policies with Thailand that could further shrink its exports to the point of economic collapse. The Junta & anti-government protesters have already cost the Thai people about bt600 billion 2013-2015. Now it appears the nation will continue to pay more through poor Junta economic policies and a further economic downturn going into 2016. The only breakthrough for the Junta will be that Thailand will suffer its first unemployment ranks greater than 3%.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

They all waited and herded across the border...patiently waiting...

I am also patiently waiting ensuring my money doesn't prop up a junta, I will review the picture when I see the make up of the first Democratic elections , get the drift


The West is not that stupid! Only a few days since the lifting of martial law and in any case the constitutional section 44 that replaces it is basically martial law under another name. It still gives the PM unlimited powers to do what he wants. The lifting of martial law he thinks will appease the west and not realizing that we are not that stupid to think that changing a name is the same as changing a situation on the ground.

Tourism is an export and as they say the exports growth is predicted to be zero this year. Certainly to do with martial law and the high Thai Baht which needs to be devalued. Perhaps they need to reduce interest rates?


There is not a verb based tense system in the Thai language as there in English which has 13 or even 26 verb tense forms if you, include the passive form and more if one were to explore the madness of conditionals. There are time and tense markers in Thailand but that is not the same as a verb based tense system.

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