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Has anyone else seen the young western guys around town, usually riding bicycles and always dressed smartly in shirt and tie? At first I thought they were teachers, but they're dressed too uniformly. I just popped into Central to get some shopping from Tops, and they were hanging around the motorcycle parking area trying to hand out leaflets to all the Thais. They weren't having much (any) luck, and they didn't really look too pleased to be there.

Are they Jehovah's Witnesses perhaps? I felt a bit sorry for them, to be honest, even though I disagree with the concept of trying to 'convert' people who are very happy with their current beliefs.

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They are Mormons. The travel in pairs, usually by bike. They really don't have much choice as putting in their two years is required by their religion.

I tend to lump them all together but there is a difference between Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The white shirt pairs are definitely Mormons.


Yep Mormons, although there are some others around.

We had one lot with Offices in Koolpunt Five off Hangdong Road. The female members wear a small scarf on their heads, they are all well dressed and very polite. Quite a few also live in our village and again, are decent people who never cause problems. Think they have relocated their OFFICE/Church , so you may see them turn-up somewhere else.

House we bought several years ago was at the time, being rented by Missionaries, Husband and Wife from two different European-based Christian outfits. They too were very nice folks, they moved a couple of streets away, have a couple of kids and don't seem to bother any of the locals.


Christian fundamentalists... not far away from islamistic fundamentalists... all the same race because all of them believe that they believe in the truth.


Christian fundamentalists... not far away from islamistic fundamentalists... all the same race because all of them believe that they believe in the truth.

I am afraid there is a truth in that fundamentalists of any kind are different but same same . They give a bad name to people who want to live their faith without some perverted reason to make others suffer.


Hello Bardeh,

I read an illuminating article in a much revered online Thai news publication that is (in)famous for it's in depth investigative journalism.

Not to be alarmist...but you would do well to maintain a safe distance from these harmless "looking" individuals!!!!!

As the article indicates, this affliction is highly contagious and can be life changing. NOT in a fun way!

I will try to figure out how to post the link, it has been a while. (looks like a copy/paste to your search engine thingy. Sorry 'bout dat)

Stay well....stay safe.

Many Thank you's for bringing this to our attention.






Christian fundamentalists... not far away from islamistic fundamentalists... all the same race because all of them believe that they believe in the truth.

If you call Mormons "Christian fundamentalists," it reveals that you have no idea of what a "Christian" nor a "fundamentalist" is.

An ignorant post which paints a wide brush stroke.


how nice of them to fly halfway around the world to spread the arrogant nonsense that they need to save a bunch of heathen thais who are quiet happy with their Buddhism which has been around 500 years longer than their guy jesus.....much more exotic to come to thailand than go "save" some poor folks in mississippi...

go home.


how nice of them to fly halfway around the world to spread the arrogant nonsense that they need to save a bunch of heathen thais who are quiet happy with their Buddhism which has been around 500 years longer than their guy jesus.....much more exotic to come to thailand than go "save" some poor folks in mississippi...

go home.

Actually pomchop the founder of the mormons was a dude called Joseph Smith and did so less than 200yrs ago. He was a convicted con-man and had 40 wives. They say the first religion was started when the first con-man met the first fool and all the others since too.

Buddhism which has been around 500 years longer than their guy jesus

Make that a few thousand years longer. Buddhism arose in India, spread eastwards, then Vedic religion was restored in India.

The two cult religions are not very different, it is mostly a matter of the extent to which they can dominate a community, a town, a region. And with Islam, there is sometimes an outbreak of hardcore-ism with the sword. The other one, the original one is also the same, although they don't push it.
Buddhism which has been around 500 years longer than their guy jesus

Make that a few thousand years longer. Buddhism arose in India, spread eastwards, then Vedic religion was restored in India.

The two cult religions are not very different, it is mostly a matter of the extent to which they can dominate a community, a town, a region. And with Islam, there is sometimes an outbreak of hardcore-ism with the sword. The other one, the original one is also the same, although they don't push it.

not sure how it could be thousands of years? Gautama Buddha, the historical Buddha, lived between 563 and 483 BC


yeah i'll defer to your knowledge. i thought the shankaracharya that restored Hinduism was somewhat before that.

Anyway, the point stands. It should be stopped. Lot of nonsense, and the biggest hypocrites in the world.


Nearly 50 years after Mormons first put down roots here, opening small outpost churches converting Buddhists, animists and other Thais, the fast-growing Utah-based faith has just announced plans to construct its first temple in Thailand, enabling their families to be “sealed” together for eternity, posthumous weddings for dead ancestors and other “highest sacraments.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/12/mormons-bangkok-thailand-temple-project-marks-mile/#ixzz3X9tk8Ri0


Nearly 50 years after Mormons first put down roots here, opening small outpost churches converting Buddhists, animists and other Thais, the fast-growing Utah-based faith has just announced plans to construct its first temple in Thailand, enabling their families to be “sealed” together for eternity, posthumous weddings for dead ancestors and other “highest sacraments.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/12/mormons-bangkok-thailand-temple-project-marks-mile/#ixzz3X9tk8Ri0

Very odd, that posthumous stuff.

Don't worry, guys.

Once they have your genealogy data sorted out, you'll all me Mormons soon enough. You won't have to do a thing.


Christian fundamentalists... not far away from islamistic fundamentalists... all the same race because all of them believe that they believe in the truth.

Only of course Christian fundamentalist are far more likely to turn the other cheek and love their enemies as their religion instructs them, rather them kill, hate and conquer as the Muslim faith teaches


Christian fundamentalists... not far away from islamistic fundamentalists... all the same race because all of them believe that they believe in the truth.

Only of course Christian fundamentalist are far more likely to turn the other cheek and love their enemies as their religion instructs them, rather them kill, hate and conquer as the Muslim faith teaches

If their religion instructs that then please explain the crusades and Spanish inquisition? There are many many more examples I could use but just those two for now.


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one


Christian fundamentalists... not far away from islamistic fundamentalists... all the same race because all of them believe that they believe in the truth.

Only of course Christian fundamentalist are far more likely to turn the other cheek and love their enemies as their religion instructs them, rather them kill, hate and conquer as the Muslim faith teaches

If their religion instructs that then please explain the crusades and Spanish inquisition? There are many many more examples I could use but just those two for now.

and many more ranging from 70 years ago till now


These folks used to tap on my door a couple of times a year when I stilled lived in the US... After they introduced themselves at the door, I would always ask, ok, which one of the 5200 different deities worshiped on this planet today do you subscribe to...

I flew into Chiang Mai last Saturday and caught a taxi back home... In chatting with the Thai taxi driver, he proudly told me that he was Catholic... I said, that's funny, I am Buddhist... I asked him where he learned about Catholicism and he said from a missionary...


I know of an American owned factory in Cambodia where prospective employees are required to convert to Mormonism as a condition of employment.

How does that sit with the Constitution ?


Under The Banner of Heavan.....I think thats the title of the book.....its all about rhe Mormon cult....A great read. Some of there core beliefs are so WHACKED out. A must read for those that voted for Mitt.....its a whackadoo crackpot cult......it is bizzar beyond belief.


Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Bless the songwriter's heart, but totally disconnected from reality. RIP.

  • 1 month later...

There are so many different types of missionaries in CR it's hard to know where to start. But some of the most pernicious are those that conduct a long war of attrition to convert their wives to Christianity even though they themselves know little of Christian dogma or history, and naturally even less about Buddhism.

On the plus side, some of the more ederly missionaries do look less unsavoury than many of the foreign types.


Their hook is to Teach Locals English. After a few sessions when they have softened up the potential target, they go for the kill. "Would you like to know more about our religion?" With their foot firmly in preventing the door from being shut - they conversion process proceeds. Other groups use the water tank and water pump approach. I have seen this in some tribal villages where their group's name is prominently displayed on every water tank they put up. Of course only members of their group can get one. If you want want, you must be willing to convert. I find that really distrubing.


Yeah they are Mormons...

When I lived in San Francisco you would see them in the Castro Safeway parking lot...

Seems like they lost more than they saved....


The Mormon kids actually pay their own way. Many area also Eagle Scouts, which means they are knowledgeable about survival/shelter/food. Many Protestants don't even consider them to be Christian. Read about Howard Hughes and the Mormon Mafia sometime; it's interesting, especially if you've been to Vegas, where ironically, they are big players. They may not drink or gamble, but they will own and run the casinos. JW Marriott was a Mormon. They don't blow up stuff or believe they need to kill non-believers, so comparing them to Islam is kind of OTT. However, the FLDS are basically a criminal cult.

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