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American arrested, 2 injured, in multi-vehicle road crash in Pattaya

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So this is what happens when the road is blocked with traffic and you cannot flee the scene.

I will bet a mob just like this scared that American woman.

And I bet you that you don't have a clue.

I was involved myself in a very serious traffic accident, in Pattaya by the way, where a young girl sustained a severe head injury. About 20-30 Thai bystanders around, nobody formed a "mob" or in any way acted threatening. I stopped, gave first aid, waited for the cops and ambulance and there was no trace of any aggression at any point although I was the only foreigner at the site with no Thai company.

I bet you that this story would never had happened if this "lady" had taken her responsibility in the first place.

Funny. You begin your post...."And I bet you that you don't have a clue."

But at the end of your tirade, you're making a wild guess as to the cause.

More than likely, a mob chased her.

​Surely you don't believe this lady just went on a rampage? Why?

More than likely based on exactly what? Your Youtube experience of Thai road rage?

And was she beaten up by the "mob" that finally chased her down?

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She is lucky,doing this in her home country ,it would have been her

that was shot ,not the tyres.

regards Worgeordie

In her home country, she would actually have been on the "correct" side of the road....no where near as much chaos...


So this is what happens when the road is blocked with traffic and you cannot flee the scene.

I will bet a mob just like this scared that American woman.

And I bet you that you don't have a clue.

I was involved myself in a very serious traffic accident, in Pattaya by the way, where a young girl sustained a severe head injury. About 20-30 Thai bystanders around, nobody formed a "mob" or in any way acted threatening. I stopped, gave first aid, waited for the cops and ambulance and there was no trace of any aggression at any point although I was the only foreigner at the site with no Thai company.

I bet you that this story would never had happened if this "lady" had taken her responsibility in the first place.

Funny. You begin your post...."And I bet you that you don't have a clue."

But at the end of your tirade, you're making a wild guess as to the cause.

More than likely, a mob chased her.

​Surely you don't believe this lady just went on a rampage? Why?

More than likely based on exactly what? Your Youtube experience of Thai road rage?

And was she beaten up by the "mob" that finally chased her down?

The second mob was there attempting to assault her. The police definitely stopped the lynching. Do you have any doubts what would have happened to this lady if that mob got to her?

2 murderous mobs in one day!

Land of smiles.


Watching the first video she clearly must have been on driugs or something , did she steal the car? It looks like she never learned how to drive in America,

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Another good reason to never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand.

How old are you? Try living a normal, functional, family life here without a car.

Isn't this the reason we employ a driver ? smile.png


If she had pulled this stunt in America she would be dead police have Zero tolerannce for that kind of driving. So if you have to lose it then Thailand looks like the place to be.

By the way it sounds as if she was practicing to be a van driver! They ignore laws drive in wrong lanes drive way to fast!


So am I reading the story correctly? American woman hits and runs then smashes up several other cars, almost killing several motorcycle drivers and is only stopped once the police shoot out her tyres???

Because the amount of posts blaming the Thais would suggest otherwise. There are some seriously anti Thai morons on this forum, ones who'd I'd like to personally frog march to Suvarnabhumi.

Lux. I think in fairness that the facts we know in this case have raised a completely separate issue as to whether on not a mob would have lynched her. Clearly that is speculation and posters have given examples one way and the other.

Her actions cannot be condoned at all on the facts. We simply don't know why she did what she did, after the initial collision.

Sadly, we are unlikely ever to hear the reasons for her total irresponsibility. Watching the video, I'm not at all surprised if people would have been furious at the time - Thai or otherwise. That is why I posted earlier that I was surprised she was fined, paid some damages, and then was released on bail.

I would have thought there had to be a way of detaining her, at least until she had some form of medical examination - either physical or mental.


It is possible she simply panicked big time and it escalated out of control. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case of a road accident, even when it is against the law, you drive directly to your embassy and then report.

We're not in Africa tho! Shame they shot her tyres and not her!


Another good reason to never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand.

Yes, i am completely baffled as to why any expats would want/need to own a car or drive here. Its staggering, especially when you consider the minimal cost of public transport.

You only have to look at these pages to see the unneccesary problems you are allowing into your life by having a car/bike, especially when you can get anywhere (in Bangkok anyway) for not much more than 100 baht.

Then factor in the cost of license, register,maintaining a car, cost of petrol (when sitting in traffic jams for hours), parking, all the dangers risks and headaches from accidents and supposed ill treatment by policye and Thai drivers. Why do it?

I have spent time in BKK for more than 10 years (on/off) and never had any need to have a car or bike.

Maybe its the need of a status symbol of owning a car (to compensate for other inadequacies) that these farangs cannot shake?

Err, the lady was in Pattaya. Pattaya is totally different from Bangkok in that it does not have a decent public transport system. Very few expats in East Pattaya could survive without cars, it covers a huge area.

And, just in case you didn't know, Bangkok is not actually Thailand


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It is possible she simply panicked big time and it escalated out of control. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case of a road accident, even when it is against the law, you drive directly to your embassy and then report.

Nah,there is more to this story than meets the eye, I will leave TV's finest to decipher what really went on.

Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?

Women who look like that really shouldn't be driving anywhere here alone. If she was my girlfriend or wife, I certainly wouldn't let her.

I wonder is she had a few drinks at the Country Club and then panicked when she hit the first car?

But if I looked like that I certainly wouldn't want to end up in Prison even overnight. Men's or Women's! So I sort of understand why she panicked.

Hell! I wouldn't want to end up in a Thai Prison overnight even looking like me!

Okay! Okay! Okay! Maybe the Women's Prison for a few nights would be okay, but most definitely not the Men's!


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Another good reason to never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand.

Yes, i am completely baffled as to why any expats would want/need to own a car or drive here. Its staggering, especially when you consider the minimal cost of public transport.

You only have to look at these pages to see the unneccesary problems you are allowing into your life by having a car/bike, especially when you can get anywhere (in Bangkok anyway) for not much more than 100 baht.

Then factor in the cost of license, register,maintaining a car, cost of petrol (when sitting in traffic jams for hours), parking, all the dangers risks and headaches from accidents and supposed ill treatment by policye and Thai drivers. Why do it?

I have spent time in BKK for more than 10 years (on/off) and never had any need to have a car or bike.

Maybe its the need of a status symbol of owning a car (to compensate for other inadequacies) that these farangs cannot shake?

Err, the lady was in Pattaya. Pattaya is totally different from Bangkok in that it does not have a decent public transport system. Very few expats in East Pattaya could survive without cars, it covers a huge area.
And, just in case you didn't know, Bangkok is not actually Thailand

That is true.

But in Pattaya you can pretty well get a Baht Bus Driver to drive you anywhere in Pattaya for 300 Baht of less, and in the Outskirts for 500 Baht. That is only $20 and far cheaper than what you would pay for the same service back home.

But, how safe she would be with a Baht Bus Driver alone is another story.


If she had pulled this stunt in America she would be dead police have Zero tolerannce for that kind of driving. So if you have to lose it then Thailand looks like the place to be.

By the way it sounds as if she was practicing to be a van driver! They ignore laws drive in wrong lanes drive way to fast!

Police in more civilized countries than USA use spike mats. USA definitely is not a country one should take example from.


So am I reading the story correctly? American woman hits and runs then smashes up several other cars, almost killing several motorcycle drivers and is only stopped once the police shoot out her tyres???

Because the amount of posts blaming the Thais would suggest otherwise. There are some seriously anti Thai morons on this forum, ones who'd I'd like to personally frog march to Suvarnabhumi.

You still banging the everyone is a Thai basher / hater drum.

Give it a rest man.


Another good reason to never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand.

Yes, i am completely baffled as to why any expats would want/need to own a car or drive here. Its staggering, especially when you consider the minimal cost of public transport.

You only have to look at these pages to see the unneccesary problems you are allowing into your life by having a car/bike, especially when you can get anywhere (in Bangkok anyway) for not much more than 100 baht.

Then factor in the cost of license, register,maintaining a car, cost of petrol (when sitting in traffic jams for hours), parking, all the dangers risks and headaches from accidents and supposed ill treatment by police and Thai drivers. Why do it?

I have spent time in BKK for more than 10 years (on/off) and never had any need to have a car or bike.

Maybe its the need of a status symbol of owning a car (to compensate for other inadequacies) that these farangs cannot shake?

If you had any sense you would be thinking - "Maybe it is the need of a vehicle to use for business purposes, carry around a growing family, do big shopping orders (both for home and business) the fact that some of us live 15km out of town and owning your own car is just convenient as opposed to using public transport, or the fact that some of us like to get away for a while and travel around the country in the comfort of our own cars, which are very cheap to run and maintain in Thailand (you obviously are not aware of that fact)

Personally, I could not care less whether you owned your own car or not, up to you. biggrin.png


That video showing the mob attacking THAI people.... that's already funny for a farang to post a video where THAI people beat up THAI people and say.. hey look, 'Thais love to mob farangs'. Simply ridiculous.

Secondly, have you ever stopped for 1 second to THINK why was that man beaten up??

Even though I was not there... I can tell you easily.... the simple answer was that he tried to ESCAPE after an accident!!! That is why people go after him - for JUSTICE! You simply do not run away after knocking down someone! That's exactly what the American girl did.

What was shown on the video is actually called 'Street vigilante', for all those Thai bashers and crybabies who are so mortified by Thai commonfolk (yet for some hard to believe reasons... are still actually living in Thailand)! Astounding.

After that son of a gun got into an accident (perhaps hurting someone), and tried to run, got caught up, and beaten into a pulp by vigilantes dispensing justice. And they TIED HIM UP after that, as can be seen near the ending of the video.

WHAT FOR? To run a truck over him? No. It is to await the arrival of the police to take away this d bag who tried to run after an accident.

The man in the video would very likely not have been beaten at all had he just stopped where he was and tried to make good with the other party.

Well deserved. Oh, by the way.... he is not a farang.

Seems that some farang have been scared upon hearing or seeing one incident of a farang being beaten and therefore got scarred forever about 'angry mobs in Thailand'.

Why it's a Thai custom to flee the scene?

1. They want to avoid responsibility & payment.

2. A violent mob will lynch them?

Americans general don't flee the scene but Thais do it all the time.


Lynchings are quite common here. I've personally seen it more than once.

My advice? Do like the Thais do.

If you get into an accident and a mob forms, flee the scene, save your life and report the incident after consulting an attorney.


So am I reading the story correctly? American woman hits and runs then smashes up several other cars, almost killing several motorcycle drivers and is only stopped once the police shoot out her tyres???

Because the amount of posts blaming the Thais would suggest otherwise. There are some seriously anti Thai morons on this forum, ones who'd I'd like to personally frog march to Suvarnabhumi.

You still banging the everyone is a Thai basher / hater drum.

Give it a rest man.

I guess you haven't read the first 2 pages of this story , in which almost everyone is Thai bashing, even going off subject to do so. If their comments were related to crazy farang woman nearly kills innocent motorists, then fair enough but nope....all complaining about Thais who seem to have done little more than either stop the crazy woman from killing people or have dived out of the way to save their own lives.


A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

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A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

Explain why she fled the scene.

Only she can answer that, or maybe her toxicology report or driving documents (or possibly lack of) will.

If she'd got out straight away, apologised and waited for police then I doubt they'd have lynched her....using the excuse I was afraid so I drove away this breaking the law is very open to abuse.


A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

Explain why she fled the scene.

Only she can answer that, or maybe her toxicology report or driving documents (or possibly lack of) will.

If she'd got out straight away, apologised and waited for police then I doubt they'd have lynched her....using the excuse I was afraid so I drove away this breaking the law is very open to abuse.

I may have missed this but where does it say she caused the original accident, Before the rampage, I could be wrong ?

So why should she have got out and apologized ?

Are you just jumping to conclusions with no facts.

Waited for the cops for sure , fleeing an accident is so thai style, very bad.

A violent mob goes after this lady & Thai apologists justify the action.

Farang woman almost kills dozens of innocent people and you try to justify her actions.

Explain why she fled the scene.

Only she can answer that, or maybe her toxicology report or driving documents (or possibly lack of) will.

If she'd got out straight away, apologised and waited for police then I doubt they'd have lynched her....using the excuse I was afraid so I drove away this breaking the law is very open to abuse.

I may have missed this but where does it say she caused the original accident, Before the rampage, I could be wrong ?

So why should she have got out and apologized ?

Are you just jumping to conclusions with no facts.

Waited for the cops for sure , fleeing an accident is so thai style, very bad.

There you go generalizing again "thai style"??? That infers that all Thais run away from accidents...which is nonsense.

I'm guessing you're a 60something, sexpat, who rocks a barstool from 11am to 11pm and wears a Chang wife beater top.....

See I can generalise too.....doesn't mean I'm right does it?.

And your statement is a little contradictory...one minute you're saying she may not have caused the initial accident, next you're saying fleeing an accident is so Thai style.

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