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Why Thailand is boosting ties with Russia and China


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Zero Hedge[1] is a batshit insane Austrian economics-based finance blog run by a pseudonymous founder who posts articles under the name "Tyler Durden," after the character from Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. It has accurately predicted 200 of the last 2 recessions.


Mainstream media are batshit insane keynesian economics based , owned by government & big industry,...

vomiting lies to the sheeple like you.

Your tinfoil hat is on crooked......

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Zero Hedge[1] is a batshit insane Austrian economics-based finance blog run by a pseudonymous founder who posts articles under the name "Tyler Durden," after the character from Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. It has accurately predicted 200 of the last 2 recessions.


Mainstream media are batshit insane keynesian economics based , owned by government & big industry,...

vomiting lies to the sheeple like you.

Your tinfoil hat is on crooked......

My aluminum foil hat was constructed exactly as it said on the internet...those dammm aliens!

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Zero Hedge[1] is a batshit insane Austrian economics-based finance blog run by a pseudonymous founder who posts articles under the name "Tyler Durden," after the character from Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. It has accurately predicted 200 of the last 2 recessions.


Mainstream media are batshit insane keynesian economics based , owned by government & big industry,...

vomiting lies to the sheeple like you.

Your tinfoil hat is on crooked......

We're getting way off topic ! It was about thailand boosting ties with russia & china.

btw , it's not tinfoil , I have a silver helmet with lead coating for extra ray absorption and a graphite inner coating.

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This action was a foregone conclusion. All through thai history the Thais never really took sides and always dealt with whoever they thought could benefit them the most in both economics and militarily. Now that the UN and USA have been so critical about the gov in Thailand it became easy to see who Thailand would turn to next. First China and with their close relations with Russia they were next. It would not surprise me if Cuba stepped forward as the next country to approach Thailand with offers to aide the economy and military. The USA and UN should have foreseen this as well and accepted instead of criticizing Thailand. Thailand is/was a place in Asia to have their presence felt. This is fading fast.

the US should self-reflect on why Thailand choose Russia and China. Thailand does not favor the US just because of some military aid. As far as economy is concerned, China is more reliable than the US although I'm not sure what role can Russia play besides getting more tourism.

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This action was a foregone conclusion. All through thai history the Thais never really took sides and always dealt with whoever they thought could benefit them the most in both economics and militarily. Now that the UN and USA have been so critical about the gov in Thailand it became easy to see who Thailand would turn to next. First China and with their close relations with Russia they were next. It would not surprise me if Cuba stepped forward as the next country to approach Thailand with offers to aide the economy and military. The USA and UN should have foreseen this as well and accepted instead of criticizing Thailand. Thailand is/was a place in Asia to have their presence felt. This is fading fast.

the US should self-reflect on why Thailand choose Russia and China. Thailand does not favor the US just because of some military aid. As far as economy is concerned, China is more reliable than the US although I'm not sure what role can Russia play besides getting more tourism.

Just what do you think would happen were the US to bar the importation not only of Thai finished products but finished products containing Thai parts? A good part of Thai exports to China would disappear immediately. Because I do like Thailand, I hope nothing like that ever happens. And, in fact, I can't imagine the US getting worked up enough over Thailand to put the laws, regulations, and restrictions in place to achieve that goal. But should the US ever want to . . . Thailand should remember that when the US put their mind to it, they sank the Russian economy in about six months. They could probably sink the Thai economy in six hours. Like I say, I hope not. But it is completely within their power to do so, if annoyed. Or perhaps if another regional rival, say Vietnam, plays footsie with the US to broaden US ties while sinking Thai hopes.

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How ironic that some OP's seem to blame democracy for the Junta turning to Russia and China.You know, democracy where there is freedom of expression no matter how sweet or sour it may be. Yes, the Western, Asian and Pacific democracies are all responsible to tell the Junta what they THINK about the Junta stealing the rights and liberties of the Thai people. If OP's think that was inappropriate, they should consider self-censoring their own criticisms.

Were any economic sanctions imposed? No.

Was foreign imports of Thai products stopped? No.

Was there a show of military force to cower the Junta? No.

Were there UN condemnations against the Junta? No.

Was any diplomatic actions taken against the Junta leadership? No, except for Australia.

The US did suspend military aid as per a plainly written law that the Junta would have fully known. Surely the Junta can appreciate a government obeying the law.

But if the Junta wants to ISOLATE itself from democracies with a roadmap that only leads to its continued suppression of the Thai people's soverneignty, then it will INVITE reprissals from democratic countries. The Junta will cry, "They don't understand." But it's the Junta that doesn't understand those nation's respect and honor for people's inalienable rights and liberties.

Many western countries including the US are doing business with China and were doing business with Russia until recent events. Why is it a problem for Thailand to look to other markets. Have you ever had a good friend that is also a friend of some one you disdain, do you end you the friendship?

Thailand's problems are an internal matter for Thai's to solve. While there is a lack of full freedom there is no blood on the streets. The west would be better off offering encouragement back towards freedom and democracy rather than criticism.

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TIT. They will throw money towards Russia and China then make a U-turn later when they realise they made a mistake and the West start dangling carrots.

Thai officials are worlds beaters at making ill-judged decisions then changing course without a shred of embarrassment at what fools they have made of themselves - while throwing untold amounts of taxpayers money down the drain.

What ? Thailand is trying to boost it's trade with Russia and China. How is this throwing money down the drain ? Is Thailand bribing China and Russia ? Got to pay them to support Thailand ? Surely NOT.

Russia and China don't have a problem when Thailand is not having an election, America and Europe DO HAVE a problem with Thailand's present situation. America and Europe are moving away from Thailand, that's why Thailand is boosting ties with Russia and China.

Do people on ThaiVisa have a problem with Thailand moving towards Russia and China ? If Thaksin was still in charge, well, the Americans and the European Union wouldn't be having a pop at Thailand. Or we can say that the Thai government has failed to convince the ignorant Americans and the European Union that the coup was vital for Thailand. Maybe people on ThaiVisa should do there bit to convince America that the coup was vital.

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The reasons should be obvious, these are the countries that in the future will be Thailand's major trading partners.

With the new Chinese sponsored world bank and the BRIC partnership coming on line the world fiscal landscape is changing and the almighty dollar will fade into the background.

Once the world is no longer forced to trade in US$ as the reserve currency and oil trading status is diminished and finally lost then the massive debt of the US will start to come home to roost.

The US has little to counter this quiet shift in world order even though they are doing their best at present to bring down Russia. This time they will not be able to use lame excuses and military might as they did against Saddam and Gaddafi when they attempted to sideline the dollar in their oil trade.

Where is this "BRIC partnership" headquartered? Does it have an office? An organizational structure? Who do I send an email to? Who is its secretary-general or president?


In economics, BRIC is a grouping acronym that refers to the countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China, which are all deemed to be at a similar stage of newly advanced economic development. It is typically rendered as "the BRICs" or "the BRIC countries" or "the BRIC economies" or alternatively as the "Big Four". A related acronym, BRICS, includes South Africa.

Quite a large group of countries and some of the biggets markets in the world.

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The reasons should be obvious, these are the countries that in the future will be Thailand's major trading partners.

With the new Chinese sponsored world bank and the BRIC partnership coming on line the world fiscal landscape is changing and the almighty dollar will fade into the background.

Once the world is no longer forced to trade in US$ as the reserve currency and oil trading status is diminished and finally lost then the massive debt of the US will start to come home to roost.

The US has little to counter this quiet shift in world order even though they are doing their best at present to bring down Russia. This time they will not be able to use lame excuses and military might as they did against Saddam and Gaddafi when they attempted to sideline the dollar in their oil trade.

Where is this "BRIC partnership" headquartered? Does it have an office? An organizational structure? Who do I send an email to? Who is its secretary-general or president?


In economics, BRIC is a grouping acronym that refers to the countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China, which are all deemed to be at a similar stage of newly advanced economic development. It is typically rendered as "the BRICs" or "the BRIC countries" or "the BRIC economies" or alternatively as the "Big Four". A related acronym, BRICS, includes South Africa.

Quite a large group of countries and some of the biggets markets in the world.

A "grouping?" Where is the formal charting? The annual meeting? Answer? None of these things exist, because BRICS is a Wall Street invention to generate investment sales. Some of those countries hate each other, and at least two of them are coming apart at the seams, Brazil and Russia.

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The only reason the PM is going eastwards is that he needs glorification at any cost. The west will not do it since this is an illegal coup, denies democracy, so he turns to similar types of regimes... to boost his ego...

It's about trade. Russia is a market for Thai rubber. China is a market for numerous items, including Thai rice. If Western countries want to be hard on Thailand for a myriad of different things, many of which have existed for many years, then Thailand will turn to others to peddle their wares.

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Neither China nor Russia were bashing on Thailand.

Of course not. They are backward countries grasping at straws. It is Japan, Europe, Canada, Australia and the US who have shown deep displeasure at the junta.

Russia and China don't have auto and scooter and smart phone and CPU manufacturing in Thailand. They don't have big investments in Thailand. They won't either because they already have cheap labor and poor people. Russia just offered some kind of relationship with Greece, but no money. Russia and China will befriend a loser any day.

Just remember that the major manufacturing which so highly involves Thai exports belongs to the West. Think of what would happen to Thailand if it got nervous and moved elsewhere.

It appears that Thailand can't even run airlines when someone else provides the planes and parts and training. Chinese and Russian airlines fly almost all Boeing and Airbus planes except a small short haul plane that Russia has built in small numbers. There are a few smaller Brazilian planes mixed in. Where would Thailand get airplanes if not the West?

Where's it going to get decent military hardware?

I could go on but....


The Embraer company of Brazil


Embraer S.A. (Portuguese pronunciation: [ẽbɾaˈɛɾ]) is a Brazilian aerospace conglomerate that produces commercial, military, executive and agricultural aircraft[5] and provides aeronautical services. It is headquartered São José dos Campos, São Paulo State.

The company currently competes internationally with Canadian rival Bombardier for the title of third-largest airplane maker after Airbus and Boeing.[6]

Embraer, just a small company building a few aircraft huh.

Thialand has the right as a sovereign country to but its military equipment where it likes in the world and I am sure that they are deeply apologetic that you don't like that.

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Sitting thinking back to 2004 When Thailand needed help who rushed in to help? Which country opened there hearts and there wallets pouring in millions of US dollars supplies man power, search and rescue animals, Doctors, Nurses, Water, food, Planes, ships and god knows what else Yet did anyone hear them ask for repayment? And who ran the operation or was in Control? If memory serves me I believe Thailand was. In the months and years after aid still came and help was offered in rebuilding. It was there if you needed it and if the same were to happen again today God forbid, The US would be first in line with the needed help no questions asked, With political differences put aside. Now the question you have to ask yourself is simple Can you without a doubt say the same for those your getting close to now? What separates American's from the rest is our compassion for fellow man. Our politician's aren't America it's our people who is America. Said my peace rest is up to you.

I am sure America asked for repayment....Thailand tortured for USA, there are 2 or 3 large spy stations in Thailand. Recently USA asked to be allowed to fly their spy planes. That is a kind of repayment.

It is not the American people that messed the relations, it is the US politicians and Oligarchs. USA had the two worst presidents in a row that shows everywhere......

Edit: 2011 the Chinese help was the most efficient one, as they had the local knowledge and bypassed the corrupt politicians and delivered the goods direct to the Thai military (and made the Yingluck government a bit upset)

US and Australia are inseparable. With modern tech, US already has all it needs in the way of a launching place. Australia is America's willing and able proxy in the region. Thailand is expendable in the global domination sense, it was nice of the yanks to be concerned at all. Thailand will be known as a fair weather friend, and will probably come off second best. Now being China's biatches.

Yes they have their vassals Australia, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, but than to the West is only Thailand. With aircraft carrier and rockets you don't need much proxies, as you can bomb every country back into stone-age without troops, that is true.

But actually that is even more a reason to have strong friends......if it is not USA they need China and Russia, before USA brings them Democracy like in Iraq, Libya or Syria.....

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US and Australia are inseparable. With modern tech, US already has all it needs in the way of a launching place. Australia is America's willing and able proxy in the region. Thailand is expendable in the global domination sense, it was nice of the yanks to be concerned at all. Thailand will be known as a fair weather friend, and will probably come off second best. Now being China's biatches.

Yes they have their vassals Australia, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, but than to the West is only Thailand. With aircraft carrier and rockets you don't need much proxies, as you can bomb every country back into stone-age without troops, that is true.

But actually that is even more a reason to have strong friends......if it is not USA they need China and Russia, before USA brings them Democracy like in Iraq, Libya or Syria.....

It does not take a brain trust to figure it out. Russia and China who are your friends? North Korea, Syria, Iran? USA? UK, France, Germany, Australia.

This is not rocket science to see where the train is going.

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The only reason the PM is going eastwards is that he needs glorification at any cost. The west will not do it since this is an illegal coup, denies democracy, so he turns to similar types of regimes... to boost his ego...

Yup, and on the world stage Thailand means absolutely nothing. If it would disappear in a black hole it wouldn't even be news really...

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It's a risky game and the stakes are high. Hope Mr P is getting some good advice from somewhere, or it could go sour.

Yeap, risky indeed putting one's eggs in Russian & Chinese baskets, that's for sure.

Even Cuba is bailing out of the Russia economic zone. Who is left? Greece.

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