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Video of fatal US police shooting may have major impact


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Video of fatal US police shooting may have major impact
DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer

NEW YORK (AP) — A new video from South Carolina has shocked Americans with its depiction of a fleeing, unarmed black man being shot in the back by a white policeman. The image was so vivid that a murder charge came swiftly.

Graphic videos have surfaced previously that kindled outrage over police use of force: from the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles a generation ago to last year's chokehold death in New York City. Yet what was seen in stark detail in the South Carolina video — and subsequently viewed by untold millions worldwide — could have an even more profound impact.

It has intensified an ongoing national discussion about police treatment of African-Americans and the use of body cameras by police officers. And the swift, forceful response contrasted sharply with how events unfolded after the King beating and the chokehold death of Eric Garner in New York City last July.

"I have watched the video and I was sickened by what I saw," Eddie Driggers, the North Charleston police chief, said Wednesday. The officer who fired the eight shots, Patrolman Michael Thomas Slager, has been fired and charged with killing 50-year-old Walter Lamer Scott after a routine traffic stop.

Key questions remained about the 3-minute video, taken by a person whose identity has not been made public. Are there gaps in its portrayal of Saturday's incident? How exactly did the video make its way to the media and then to local authorities?

The video, provided to the dead man's family and lawyer by the person who shot the footage, shows Slager dropping his stun gun, pulling out his handgun and firing at Scott as he runs away. Scott falls after the eighth shot, fired after a brief pause.

Scott's father, Walter Scott Sr., said the policeman "looked like he was trying to kill a deer running through the woods."

"In the African-American community, we've known of episodes like this for decades, but until there's graphic video like this, our stories have not been believed," said Paul Butler, a former federal prosecutor who is now a professor of criminal law at Georgetown.

"Now people are seeing what we're talking about ... how police literally treat black people like non-human animals," Butler said.

Shot over a chain link fence and through some trees, the video begins after Scott has left his car. Slager follows him, reaching at the man with an object that appears to be a Taser stun gun. As Scott pulls away, the object falls to the ground, and Slager pulls out his handgun as Scott runs away. There is no indication that Scott was ordered to halt or surrender.

The final shot sends Scott falling face-down. Slager walks toward him and orders Scott to put his hands behind his back, but the man doesn't move. Slager pulls Scott's arms back and cuffs his hands, walks back to where he fired the shots, picks up the object that fell to the ground and returns to Scott's body, dropping the object near Scott's feet as another officer enters the scene.

In the Garner case, a grand jury decided not to indict Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who was involved in the fatal confrontation with the 350-pound (160-kilogram) black man. A video shot by a bystander showed Pantaleo trying to arrest Garner on suspicion of selling untaxed cigarettes, then wrapping his arm around Garner's neck and — along with other officers — pulling him to the ground.

Garner can be heard repeatedly saying, "I can't breathe," before he goes limp. A medical examiner later ruled that a chokehold, along with Garner's poor health, resulted in his death.
In another explosive case last year — the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white officer in Ferguson, Missouri — there was no video of the fatal shots. As in the Garner case, a grand jury declined to indict the officer.

Back in 1991, King's beating by club-wielding Los Angeles police officers was depicted in a videotape made by a man who witnessed the incident from his balcony. After four officers were acquitted in a state trial, prompting riots, the U.S. Justice Department filed federal civil rights charges and won convictions against two of them in 1993.

In New York City, which was shaken both by the Garner case and the recent killing of two police officers, Mayor Bill DeBlasio described the South Carolina video as "so disturbing and so painful." He said it fueled his interest in expanding the use of police body cameras in New York.

"We're seeing things in a different light now that we have so much more video," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-09

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That video was horrible. Being a LEO for 18 odd years, that is not one encounter that I would have been proud of having.

You have the right to shoot at a fleeing felon. That guy was not a fleeing felon. Call for backup and count your losses if he gets away. He did not deserve to die for doing something stupid like running away from a cop. sad.png

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It is very hard to justify this video and the events it shows. I lived in SC for a short time -- once a cop stopped at the 7/11 and asked if we had seen a white/black couple because he was "gonna get 'em". My friewnd asked "get 'em for what?" The cop said, "For mixin' blood in my parish."

In Florida, a man cut across two lanes in his truck and hit a young Hispanic woman's car in front of me while we waited for a light to change. As a witness I stopped. The cop arrived, talked to the truck driver, then looked at my car and said, "You are driving illegally. I saw you drive in here with no turn signal while talking on your cellphone. You STILL want to make a statement?" The man who caused the accidentr was his "buddy". I cut my losses and walked.

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Just trying to figure this out.... Did he assault the policeman ? Why did he run from the police ?

There are a lot of redneck policemen in the USA who won't take any lip from people. A black man doesn't have a chance with those type of officers.

But you have to wonder why some of these people don't show some respect for law enforcement. It's almost like they are asking for trouble. We saw in the last few cases where the big black guy assaults the police officer, we hear of them trying to take the officers gun, we see them running away from the police. What can the officer do, just take the abuse and beating or let the guy run away ???

There are wrongs on both sides. Blacks need to show some respect and if there is a problem report the officer. Officers need to call for backup and not confront these big guys on there own. Sad someone dies because he ran away from an officer but also sad that an officer has to use deadly force to stop a guy from running away... No winners here !

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That video was horrible. Being a LEO for 18 odd years, that is not one encounter that I would have been proud of having.

You have the right to shoot at a fleeing felon. That guy was not a fleeing felon. Call for backup and count your losses if he gets away. He did not deserve to die for doing something stupid like running away from a cop. sad.png

Not since 1985 you don't.


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Just trying to figure this out.... Did he assault the policeman ? Why did he run from the police ?

There are a lot of redneck policemen in the USA who won't take any lip from people. A black man doesn't have a chance with those type of officers.

But you have to wonder why some of these people don't show some respect for law enforcement. It's almost like they are asking for trouble. We saw in the last few cases where the big black guy assaults the police officer, we hear of them trying to take the officers gun, we see them running away from the police. What can the officer do, just take the abuse and beating or let the guy run away ???

There are wrongs on both sides. Blacks need to show some respect and if there is a problem report the officer. Officers need to call for backup and not confront these big guys on there own. Sad someone dies because he ran away from an officer but also sad that an officer has to use deadly force to stop a guy from running away... No winners here !

Your logic eludes me.

Cops constantly bully citizens especially blacks.

Yet you want them (cops) respected?

The officer most certainly did not have to use deadly force.

& the cop altered the crimes scene & lied.


1000's of vids on YouTube exposing these pieces of shit.

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Just trying to figure this out.... Did he assault the policeman ? Why did he run from the police ?

There are a lot of redneck policemen in the USA who won't take any lip from people. A black man doesn't have a chance with those type of officers.

But you have to wonder why some of these people don't show some respect for law enforcement. It's almost like they are asking for trouble. We saw in the last few cases where the big black guy assaults the police officer, we hear of them trying to take the officers gun, we see them running away from the police. What can the officer do, just take the abuse and beating or let the guy run away ???

There are wrongs on both sides. Blacks need to show some respect and if there is a problem report the officer. Officers need to call for backup and not confront these big guys on there own. Sad someone dies because he ran away from an officer but also sad that an officer has to use deadly force to stop a guy from running away... No winners here !

"Blacks need to show some respect"?

You just about summed up the whole problem didn't you!

So you are suggesting it is fine for someone to mouth off to a police officer ? I guess you think it is ok to beat, take an officers gun and also run away ....

This case got way out of hand and no one should have been killed. The officer over stepped his bounds and will suffer for years to come for his decision. But why did it get to the point where an officer though he should use deadly force ? I would guess the black guys reaction was the catalysts that started the situation to get to this point.

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Evidently, he's been fired and charged with murder. Without the video, that would never have happened.

Unarmed and with eight bullets fired at him from behind? Have you forgotten the Ferguson looting, burning and mayhem already or was that just a MO thing?

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Crazy when he hollers to a dying man:"Get down and put your hands behind your back repeated after shooting the man 8 times in the back. Then calls in "Subject down... he tried to grab my tazer" Then goes back where the encounter took place, pickups the taser, returns and throws it down near the victim. Murderer. Not premeditated but postmeditated.

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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Just trying to figure this out.... Did he assault the policeman ? Why did he run from the police ?

There are a lot of redneck policemen in the USA who won't take any lip from people. A black man doesn't have a chance with those type of officers.

But you have to wonder why some of these people don't show some respect for law enforcement. It's almost like they are asking for trouble. We saw in the last few cases where the big black guy assaults the police officer, we hear of them trying to take the officers gun, we see them running away from the police. What can the officer do, just take the abuse and beating or let the guy run away ???

There are wrongs on both sides. Blacks need to show some respect and if there is a problem report the officer. Officers need to call for backup and not confront these big guys on there own. Sad someone dies because he ran away from an officer but also sad that an officer has to use deadly force to stop a guy from running away... No winners here !

Your logic eludes me.

Cops constantly bully citizens especially blacks.

Yet you want them (cops) respected?

The officer most certainly did not have to use deadly force.

& the cop altered the crimes scene & lied.


1000's of vids on YouTube exposing these pieces of shit.

So you are basically saying that you don't respect any police officer ? Any officer who stops your car is disrespecting you and you don't have to treat him like a normal person ? This is not only a black issue, white people should show respect too as should everyone. Respect is a two way street !
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Race relations have reached a new low in the US. When Barack Obama was elected President, I had the hope that race relations would improve in the US. Unfortunately, it has had the opposite effect. From the halls of Congress, centers of law enforcement, and to nearly every area of the US, crazed crackers have crawled out of the woodwork to make sure black Americans know their 'place'. The disrespect shown to a sitting President by members many members of Congress is appalling. Shootings as depicted in this video are just 'collateral damage' in an atmosphere of resurgent racism encouraged by elected officials at every level of government. I am sickened. Sometimes I think it would be better if all of us were color blind.

I remember the 'long hot summer' of 1968 after the assassination of Martin Luther King. With events as this, another period of unrest will be very difficult to avoid.

Edited by pookiki
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That cop is scum, plain and simple. Shoots an unarmed man in the back, plants the taser, cuffs him on the ground without trying to save his life, lies saying he was in a foot chase when he never gave chase and simply shot the guy.

Lock the scum up IN GENERAL POPULATION not protective custody.

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Just trying to figure this out.... Did he assault the policeman ? Why did he run from the police ?

There are a lot of redneck policemen in the USA who won't take any lip from people. A black man doesn't have a chance with those type of officers.

But you have to wonder why some of these people don't show some respect for law enforcement. It's almost like they are asking for trouble. We saw in the last few cases where the big black guy assaults the police officer, we hear of them trying to take the officers gun, we see them running away from the police. What can the officer do, just take the abuse and beating or let the guy run away ???

There are wrongs on both sides. Blacks need to show some respect and if there is a problem report the officer. Officers need to call for backup and not confront these big guys on there own. Sad someone dies because he ran away from an officer but also sad that an officer has to use deadly force to stop a guy from running away... No winners here !

Your logic eludes me.

Cops constantly bully citizens especially blacks.

Yet you want them (cops) respected?

The officer most certainly did not have to use deadly force.

& the cop altered the crimes scene & lied.


1000's of vids on YouTube exposing these pieces of shit.

"1000's of vids on YouTube exposing these pieces of shit."

UNFORTUNATELY its true sad.png

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Just trying to figure this out.... Did he assault the policeman ? Why did he run from the police ?

There are a lot of redneck policemen in the USA who won't take any lip from people. A black man doesn't have a chance with those type of officers.

But you have to wonder why some of these people don't show some respect for law enforcement. It's almost like they are asking for trouble. We saw in the last few cases where the big black guy assaults the police officer, we hear of them trying to take the officers gun, we see them running away from the police. What can the officer do, just take the abuse and beating or let the guy run away ???

There are wrongs on both sides. Blacks need to show some respect and if there is a problem report the officer. Officers need to call for backup and not confront these big guys on there own. Sad someone dies because he ran away from an officer but also sad that an officer has to use deadly force to stop a guy from running away... No winners here !

Maybe the aggression by blacks when pulled over by white police officers is an act of desperation as they know once the cuffs on on theyre helpless and will be beaten anyway.

"Blacks need to show some respect and if there is a problem report the officer"

Given all the evidence of white police brutality against blacks, you honestly think this is a sensible option?

Now just to turn the tables so many of you Thai bashing farangs know how good you have it in Thailand, imagine if Thai police officers indiscriminately pulled over farangs and beat/shot them for no reason.

The loud, aggressive and belligerent behavior exhibited by many farangs in Thailand certain warrants it more so than the law abiding African Americans in the US dont you think?

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There are 2 problems here, the first is obviously racism and known racists should be hounded out of the police force, they can't be hard to find. The 2nd and most potent is the gun. I believe that Britain has it just about right and gun toting red necks are extremely rare in the UK. We all lose our tempers and make a rash judgement from time to time and I'm thankful that I've not been carrying a gun on some of those occasions. I'm not saying that I would ever have used it but I'm happy not to have had the choice.

Should the policeman in this instance have had the choice? I don't think so and I've never thought so. The black guy that ran away would have been apprehended eventually and his minor crimes dealt with, instead he's dead and the a hole that shot him might just as well be.

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Just trying to figure this out.... Did he assault the policeman ? Why did he run from the police ?

There are a lot of redneck policemen in the USA who won't take any lip from people. A black man doesn't have a chance with those type of officers.

But you have to wonder why some of these people don't show some respect for law enforcement. It's almost like they are asking for trouble. We saw in the last few cases where the big black guy assaults the police officer, we hear of them trying to take the officers gun, we see them running away from the police. What can the officer do, just take the abuse and beating or let the guy run away ???

There are wrongs on both sides. Blacks need to show some respect and if there is a problem report the officer. Officers need to call for backup and not confront these big guys on there own. Sad someone dies because he ran away from an officer but also sad that an officer has to use deadly force to stop a guy from running away... No winners here !

There's plenty of videos cuff'd unconscious black guys been kicked while yelling DON'T TRY TO GET MY GUN.

Nowadays it's very hard to feel sad reading news about cop killings. Why you think officer has to use deadly force to stop running man?

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I would disagree with those who say that this was not premeditated, although that would be subject to debate. The fact that Slager paused between shots seven and eight indicates that he gave thought to the last shot, intending to inflict a fatal wound.

Lol, just love reading posts from internet trained and internet educated legal experts .

You don't think the pause was significant? tongue.png

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