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When I wake up in the morning the bed is wet but not in the usual sence of the expression.

I seem to sweat in my sleep.My wife tells me that when I go into deep sleep I start sweating profiusly.

She is in the same bed but she doesn't sweat.

I sweat more than her when I'm awake too but she says it's much worse when I'm asleep.

So I have 2 questions---1--Why am I sweating and

---2---What can I do about the matress.It's wet and seems to be wet through to the underside.

The only I dea I have is to buy an electric blanket off of eBay and try to dry it out during the day.

I would love some advice on this and thanks in advance for

all who help.


Just a tip - don't put an electric blanket on a wet mattress.

Unless you have an RCD :)


Put the mattress outside in the sun, turning occasionally.

Turn on your aircon.

Get a mattress protector, doesn't have to be a rubber sheet.

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Tesco sells waterproof mattress pads - stated in English on the packaging.

My previous mattress contained a top layer of latex in its construction. Had nighttime sweating. Changed mattress, problem solved. Good luck.


I am on longterm medication and I supose it's from that.

If my wife is not sweating while in the same bed that means the temperture is o.k.

What Neocon said stopped me in my tracks.I sleep on a laytex matress

topper on a sheet of plyboard.

Could it be that I need to buy a new matress aswell


I gather you do not have A/C. Get a cold shower before getting into bed leave the blanket off have the fan full power rotating. Some people sweat more than others to sweat is good for you it protects your blood and body from over heating. I sweat throughout the day and night.

Mattress, stand it up off the bed and have the fan blow onto it.


Tesco sells waterproof mattress pads - stated in English on the packaging.

My previous mattress contained a top layer of latex in its construction. Had nighttime sweating. Changed mattress, problem solved. Good luck.

Latex will do it. Your wife comes from a hot climate so doesn't have the same problem.

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This has recently been happening to me, so I've started research into "night sweats". It appears quite common in older people and can indicate serious medical issues or some kind of nutritional deficiency. Perhaps you should visit a doctor to discuss it - I intend to raise it with my cardio next month.

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In the absence of an underlying medical disorder (thyroid, etc) andro or meno pause will frequently cause such sweating at night between the ages of roughly 48-54; yes, men have a similar change of life. In both oriental medicine and western medicine consistent sweating during sleep should be looked into (Again, possibly metabolic or hormones and in Chinese medicine yin/kidney deficiency). There could be many reasons but the simplest is usually correct.

I have variously had this too; sucks! Pillow turns yellow over time, if you use AC you have to rotate the pillow variously through the night to avoid lying in the cold wet spots, and the sheets stick to your body in a 1/2 hot sweaty 1/2 cold wet fashion. Good luck to you!


when in Thailand, if no aircon on ie in the village, I suffered the same.

i worked out what it was - going to sleep spooning/hugging missus created an exponential heat gain and hence - sweating

Cure - stop the spooning etc

I was not a very happy chappy, with that cure sad.png

unless we go aircon all the time

but, missus no like aircon


when in Thailand, if no aircon on ie in the village, I suffered the same.

i worked out what it was - going to sleep spooning/hugging missus created an exponential heat gain and hence - sweating

Cure - stop the spooning etc

I was not a very happy chappy, with that cure sad.png

unless we go aircon all the time

but, missus no like aircon

I just use a fan. I don't like a/c either and seldom find it necessary in Thailand, but a ceiling fan or fan on a stand to keep the air moving works for me.

As others have suggested, it could be a hormonal change depending on your age or even a low grade infection if this is something that came on suddenly. Sleeping on latex could also be to blame or wearing synthetic fabrics.


I find I sweat a lot at night when it's warm and I've been drinking.

Like yourself I can soak the sheets, if you like a drink or 5 (such as myself) some nights then cutting back on alcohol will certainly help. If you don't drink then as other have posted, turn up the air con, if sweats continue see a doctor.


My husband gives off more heat than a generator and sweats buckets at night. He always has (since he was 17 at least; he's 52 now). Even cold nights in England and Australia he sweated. He has to have a towel on his pillow but I still change his pillowcase a couple of times a week. The odd thing is that he insists he's cold. Whinges like a child when I take the quilt off the bed in springtime (we do need it in winter in Chiang Mai).

He's always been the same. I've never considered it could be an illness, it's just the way he is. I'm the opposite, I'm always hot and have a fan pointing at me. Maybe I should start asking Dr Google if we should be concerned.

If it's something that's just started, then I would definitely have it checked out by a doctor.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


You would be very wise to consult a Dr. of eliminate a medical condition...the body tends to try to mend itself during sleep which sometimes results in sweating...

Purchase a new mattress...the old one will have mildewed inside by now which will eventually cause respiratory problems for the both of you...

With the new mattress...place a thin sheet of plastic over the mattress before you apply the mattress cover or bottom sheet...

Good luck...

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