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"Strong or Weak" Baht, Euro, USD in layman terms

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Can someone please post some 'easy to apply' applications to the ongoing currency moves and their practical effect on expats.

For example, when the baht strengthens do I have a better exchange for my Euro or USD, or X ? Where should we expect the corner ATM's exchange rate to be short term or 3mo or 6mo, etc. If this is already available, sorry as I could not find.

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I watch the baht against USD daily. I notice when the SET is open, the baht appreciates a bit. As the London exchanges open, the baht is a bit lower. But, when I wake up and US markets have opened and closed, the baht is lower yet. I'm not talking much movement - 10th of % or so. But the same pattern occurs nearly daily. Is the BOT manipulating value a bit every day?

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I watch the baht against USD daily. I notice when the SET is open, the baht appreciates a bit. As the London exchanges open, the baht is a bit lower. But, when I wake up and US markets have opened and closed, the baht is lower yet. I'm not talking much movement - 10th of % or so. But the same pattern occurs nearly daily. Is the BOT manipulating value a bit every day?

It's called "trading"...entities (individuals, banks, companies, governments, etc) buying and selling at different prices at different times...probably more intense sometimes at opening and closing market times in various parts of the world...of course the exchange rate is going to vary with all this trading underway.

If you watch any type of trading "real time" you see small price changes occurring continuously (way less than every second)....but usually free sites are just updating the price change every 10 minutes or so...like looking at charts on xe.com where the chart time increments are every 10 minutes....but pay for their premium service and you can get real time rates.

No doubt BOT jumps in sometimes if the baht is going a direction they don't like, but I expect it's only in extreme cases or when a trend they don't like seems to be developing....how long does that "trend" have to be before they might jump in....one hour , one day, three days, a week, who knows...I sure many factors would be involved.

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when the baht strengthens do I have a better exchange for my Euro or USD, or X ?

changing into what? som tam? cowrie shells? Singha? huh.png

Som tam, obviously....jeez

to me it looks more like lao khao whistling.gif

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