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If a person feels he is not valued, it is entirely possible he had done nothing of value. Valuation of one's self is a personal thing, not depending on credit from others. Value yourself first. There is no reason to believe we are owed value just because we originate from a richer or more developed country. We are owed nothing. Only what we earn. Spending money does not mean creating value.

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If a person feels he is not valued, it is entirely possible he had done nothing of value. Valuation of one's self is a personal thing, not depending on credit from others. Value yourself first. There is no reason to believe we are owed value just because we originate from a richer or more developed country. We are owed nothing. Only what we earn. Spending money does not mean creating value.

Every human being irrespective of race or nationality deserves a basic modicum of respect as well.


In the large majority of cases, the answer to your question is no.


Well, think about the plight of immigrants to any country. Who gets blamed for the natives' grievances? Immigrants do.

The rich poor gap here is huge, and the poor aren't able to take their anger out at the government or the rich because for the most part they are indoctrinated, manipulated and oppressed. So what does the uneducated brain do with its aggression caused by bitterness and resentment at ones lot in life, blame the easy target of course, which, in this case, is the foreigner.

What always surprises me is that foreigners expect there to not to be any resentment. In fact many believe Thais should be grateful to foreigners on the basis that we spend money here.

The reality is that they see us lording it up; buying things they can't afford to give their families, working few hours, if at all, enjoying loose women and beer as and when we please, taking holidays to fancy places, renting the best condos...the list goes on. That isn't likely to bring about gratitude, rather another kick in the face after the ones they've already been dealt by the ruling classes.

They also see a lot of foreigners being rude and acting as if they own the place too, and a lot more acting like animals when they're drunk. There's no shortage of foreigner-related violence here either. I'm sure we could put together a pretty long list of those violent incidents too - just pick up the Pattaya newspapers for a browse.

All the while they have to listen to their rulers telling them that if they work hard and act like good little Thais things will get better. But they don't. And so the frustration builds, along with the jealousy and resentment, which as we know is nothing new - it's the bastard child of any capitalist nation; there needs to be a struggling underbelly for there to be a thriving topside. Some turn to drink, some drugs, and some inevitably commit acts of violence on easy targets such as women, children and farangs.

I'm not advocating violence in any way. This is just the reality, and it's likely to get worse.


In the large majority of cases, the answer to your question is no.


Well, think about the plight of immigrants to any country. Who gets blamed for the natives' grievances? Immigrants do.

The rich poor gap here is huge, and the poor aren't able to take their anger out at the government or the rich because for the most part they are indoctrinated, manipulated and oppressed. So what does the uneducated brain do with its aggression caused by bitterness and resentment at ones lot in life, blame the easy target of course, which, in this case, is the foreigner.

What always surprises me is that foreigners expect there to not to be any resentment. In fact many believe Thais should be grateful to foreigners on the basis that we spend money here.

The reality is that they see us lording it up; buying things they can't afford to give their families, working few hours, if at all, enjoying loose women and beer as and when we please, taking holidays to fancy places, renting the best condos...the list goes on. That isn't likely to bring about gratitude, rather another kick in the face after the ones they've already been dealt by the ruling classes.

They also see a lot of foreigners being rude and acting as if they own the place too, and a lot more acting like animals when they're drunk. There's no shortage of foreigner-related violence here either. I'm sure we could put together a pretty long list of those violent incidents too - just pick up the Pattaya newspapers for a browse.

All the while they have to listen to their rulers telling them that if they work hard and act like good little Thais things will get better. But they don't. And so the frustration builds, along with the jealousy and resentment, which as we know is nothing new - it's the bastard child of any capitalist nation; there needs to be a struggling underbelly for there to be a thriving topside. Some turn to drink, some drugs, and some inevitably commit acts of violence on easy targets such as women, children and farangs.

I'm not advocating violence in any way. This is just the reality, and it's likely to get worse.

Very articulate and eloquent. Articulates many ideas I have never fully considered. Thank you.


Some shameful stuff being posted here.

Shocking and shameful. Shame on the mods for tolerating this vileness.
It really seems that you want Thaivisa to be the......GoodNewsforum.....try to start a forum yourself....I say....

You really don't get it, do you?

Sad, really.

Well.....a member who checks other members profile to see if he qualifies as a....thai basher.....anything else ?


You are valued for contributing to the Thai economy...do not try and take it personally when they kick your ass...they still want you to stay and spend your money...marry their women with children...build a house...buy a truck...and help take care of the extended family...


All these people who comment call themselves expats and in one way they are. All the lifetime expats I know have one thing in common and that is that w are not welcomed in any country primarily because we work there, but as a result we don't fool ourselves that any country really welcomes us without restriction on the welcome.

In locations of work we get on with the people but we always know the friendliness can turn at a moments notice. For this kind of expat, and this includes myself, we are not disappointed we dont expect anything else. Those of you that do I suggest you toughen up before you decide to live in a country other than your own.


Wake UP people, they dont want you here they only want your money.coffee1.gif

They are savages the lot of them. If not for the women being sexually suitable, most of us would not likely be here at all.

Please don't let the plastic smiles fool you - especially you older blokes with fading vision. Think of Thais as the hillbillies of Asia and take necessary precautions.

Farangs don't expect to be loved by Thais for taking their women away, do they?


Wake UP people, they dont want you here they only want your money.coffee1.gif

They are savages the lot of them. If not for the women being sexually suitable, most of us would not likely be here at all.

Please don't let the plastic smiles fool you - especially you older blokes with fading vision. Think of Thais as the hillbillies of Asia and take necessary precautions.

Farangs don't expect to be loved by Thais for taking their women away, do they?

The average Thai won't touch the average farang's woman with a tenfoot pole. And there's Farang paying the used goods farmgirl 300k in sinsot and a monthly salary on top. cheesy.gif Yeah, that really gets their goat. :D


all you are and all you ever will be in this third world dump is a walking ATM. The sooner you figure this out the better. Going home was the best decision I ever made, and I recommend you do it too.


Some shameful stuff being posted here.

Shocking and shameful. Shame on the mods for tolerating this vileness.

Kudos to the mods for allowing free expression on this subject...some people want to live in a fantasy world...allowing free expressions of pros and cons give a more balanced view of the subject...thanks again...


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sensitive flower Rijit.

Bet you have no problem calling yourself an expat. Expat, foreigner, immigrant, falang, What's in a name? It's just a classifier

Call it sensitive if it makes you feel better, but personally i dont think classifying someone by the colour of their skin is acceptable..

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It is a little sensitive of you. If you live here you'll get used to it and 99% of the time no insult is intended. Most of the farangs I know use it themselves.
sori again your missing the point.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


With an attitude like this, you will rarely have any real friends - neither Thai nor Farang.

As being an ex-hippy, I prefer the "used goods farmgirl" to a virgin amateur :D


What type of recognition does a farang want living in a village? Maybe Happy Grumpy can enlighten the community.


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If farangs are not farangs what are they?

If you can suggest another term (in Thai or English) to refer to foreigners who are not Asian I'm sure

lots of folks would be happy to learn what it is.

And where did you get the idea that "farang" is derogatory? Since my first visit to Thailand (April 1962)

the great majority of Thais have always treated me well and I've never heard anyone use "farang" in a

way that seemed derogatory -- except for a few farang on this forum.


Seems to me that a lot of guys come here thinking they can act however they like with no consequences. Then when it turns out the locals are judging them on their actions, they're all like "these people hate us farangs".

Never seems to occur to them that not all farangs act the way they do, and therefore we don't all get the same response.


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sensitive flower Rijit.

Bet you have no problem calling yourself an expat. Expat, foreigner, immigrant, falang, What's in a name? It's just a classifier

And you would think that after half a millenia of the white skinned westerner here they would be more welcoming and a lot less racist with their classifiers.

I do wonder how coloured people take to being looked upon as inferior due to skin colour and called or refered to as chocolate peopel..yeah yeah whats in a classifier? a lack of education and respect, that's what!


Seems to me that a lot of guys come here thinking they can act however they like with no consequences. Then when it turns out the locals are judging them on their actions, they're all like "these people hate us farangs".

Never seems to occur to them that not all farangs act the way they do, and therefore we don't all get the same response.

What was the common denominator of the examples in the OP?

Elderly pensioner in Chiang Mai walking down the street by himself.

22 yr old German in the local city park in Udon Thani.

70 year old walking down the street, 19 year old Thai feels that they 'brushed past each other'. the 19 yr old Thai stabs him for doing so. He is fined 500b for stabbing him and let go.

Seems the only common denominator in the examples is that they are Westerners and the perps are Thai. That they all apologised for hurting the image of Thailand, but not one apologized for stabbing the victim, hitting the victim on the head with their sandals while videoing and laughing at him, hitting a person in the head with a garden hoe, putting him on life support for fun and to emulate the Koh Tao murders.

I'm of course willing to be be corrected. thumbsup.gif


Wake UP people, they dont want you here they only want your money.coffee1.gif

Why should anyone want us here? Haven't they enough problems? Moreover, why wouldn't they want our money? And at the risk of accidentally inserting sense into your statment, who the <deleted> are they exactly? By all means, do share more of your insights.


I've generally found myself valued as a professional international engineer. If you have to fall back on being a human being as your only redeeming feature, then you are casting yourself alongside the lowest of the low.

You may choose to disparage a society that cares not for it's lowest members, or you may choose to justify why you rank higher than they do. In my case, it was by dint of generous health insurance



I cant believe anyone on this forum is gullible enough to believe that any of the convicted criminals actually said they were sorry for hurting the country's image and the tourism sector. Seriously ? Can you imagine those words coming from crims in your own countries ? At best, it was a prepared statement but I'm inclined to believe the media was fed that sentence and dutifully played along.

Worldwide, a lawyer always prepares a "remorseful sounding" statement for the client to read during court. They are generally meaningless words.

And crimes like this against humanity are found in every country on the planet.


Thailand does not even have immigrant visas, only non-immigrant visas. That should tell you something.

In answer to "what have you done to make yourself valuable here?"

Since the only thing most are allowed to do is spend money, that's all anyone can do.


They don't care and will probably do it again, this kind of person will eventually kill someone and end up in prison.

I know a guy like the above mentioned people from back in the UK (he went to the same school as me) and he's currently in prison awaiting trial for murder.

Hopefully they are put away in prison before they actually kill someone.

There was a story on here a couple of days ago about a farange fighting 3 Thais to stop them from stealing his motorcycle. He won but I wondered about the wisdom because stories of those guys coming up with knives or worse are so prevalent.

. It was 6 Thais, it's on Pattaya One, with pics, he took some shots to the face with Helmets, looks like a Bad Split Lip, he's a bar owner named Danny, They tried to steal his PCX while riding it, But they got nothing, Good Man Dan, I think we all have to step up and help a fellow xpat and tourist , unless the xpat or tourist is out of Order...

" They're caught and declare they're sorry for hurting tourism and Thailand's image"

Can you show us where all of these people made this statement?

Is it just something you created to try to make your post provocative?

I seriously doubt that the kind of people who commit crimes like this care about Thailand's image or tourism industry in the least.

I seriously suspect you are a troll.coffee1.gif .

P.S., people who pray on tourist, "work" in the westernized tourist areas.

This is not a problem here in the rest of Thailand.

WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS POORLY WRITTENbeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu> OP>???? TROLL


" They're caught and declare they're sorry for hurting tourism and Thailand's image"

Can you show us where all of these people made this statement?

Is it just something you created to try to make your post provocative?

I seriously doubt that the kind of people who commit crimes like this care about Thailand's image or tourism industry in the least.

I seriously suspect you are a troll.coffee1.gif .

P.S., people who pray on tourist, "work" in the westernized tourist areas.

This is not a problem here in the rest of Thailand.

Just in the past couple of days there was an article in the news on this site where the Thai perp was caught and apologized for hurting Thailand's tourism image. I posted just that phrase he used and I got a lot of likes. People understood what I meant. The Thai had committed a crime against a farang and his only printed apology was about the tourism slant.

I'm not going to look it all up because it's obvious that the OP is right about this.


WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS POORLY WRITTENbeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu> OP>????

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