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I searched and found 10 gang assaults in the first ten days so far this month in Pattaya.

An attack a day. ...and those are the ones that made the paper.

Off the top of my head, there were 2 Indians, 3 Brits a Polish guy and a lynchmob chasing the American lady away from the scene of a minor car accident.

Check the stats for any city that size. You will undoubtedly find similar stats. SOOOOO Once AGAIN I ASK.WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS POORLY WRITTENbeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu> OP>????

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Wake UP people, they dont want you here they only want your money.coffee1.gif

They are savages the lot of them. If not for the women being sexually suitable, most of us would not likely be here at all.

Please don't let the plastic smiles fool you - especially you older blokes with fading vision. Think of Thais as the hillbillies of Asia and take necessary precautions.

Think of Thais as the hillbillies of Asia and take necessary precautions. I believe you have the Philippines mixed up with Thailand in your uncalled for BASHING


What do you expect from kids growing up watching every day these so called Thai movies. Even my Thai isn't good enough to understand what is spoken in these movies, its always the same. Rich and beautiful young people permanent shouting, solving problems with a gun in their hand, beating up women and elderly, not even old enough to have finished an education but driving around with luxury cars and and and.... If you would have had to grow up with all this bullshit penetrating your brains on a daily basis, what do you think you would do when you are older and nobody gives you a car, a job, sufficient money to hang around with your friends? You would start to take it, and you would take it from those who you think that they are rich and don't belong to your country. Education starts early, about the same time envy starts


That is why all farange need to go in mass and apply for weapons licences and the ability to carry them. Once these weak no minds get the idea they may get shot if they accost a farange violently it might stop the violence although it hasn't worked in Texas.


" They're caught and declare they're sorry for hurting tourism and Thailand's image"

Can you show us where all of these people made this statement?

Is it just something you created to try to make your post provocative?

I seriously doubt that the kind of people who commit crimes like this care about Thailand's image or tourism industry in the least.

I seriously suspect you are a troll.coffee1.gif .

P.S., people who pray on tourist, "work" in the westernized tourist areas.

This is not a problem here in the rest of Thailand.

No,..this is serious, the police ad this to there statements....just like they always ad to the statement from somebody that he did the crime to buy drugs.... !!!

Hurt tourism ??? my ass !!! ,...they would never think of it without the police telling them to ad this in there statement to look good before the judge....Same for the others that said they did it to buy drugs,...the police always pushes them in that direction to make a statement...so they can blame the drugs and not there laziness to work....(that goes for the police and the criminals.) just like drunks blaming alcohol for there bad luck and misery...


all you are and all you ever will be in this third world dump is a walking ATM. The sooner you figure this out the better. Going home was the best decision I ever made, and I recommend you do it too.

How long was it before you saw the light?


3 Thais caught for beating a lone Westerner. They're caught and declare they're sorry for hurting tourism and Thailand's image.

6 Thais caught for beating a lone Westerner. They're caught and declare they're sorry for hurting tourism and Thailand's image.

3 Thais caught for attacking a lone 22 yr old German with a hoe for fun (putting him on life support) and to copy cat the Koh Tao murders. They're sorry for hurting Thailand's image and tourism.

2 Thais caught on social media hitting elderly Westerners on the head with their sandals and laughing at them while videoing it. They're caught after a friend of a victim contacts the police and they are sorry for, yup, hurting Thailand's image and tourism.

Young Thai stabs a 70 yr old Westerner for brushing past him in the street. He is sorry for hurting Thailand's image and tourism, is fined 500b and released.

Why are they never sorry for the Western victims and are only sorry for hurting Thailand's image and tourism? blink.png Are we not valued as people here?

no you're looked down on by many Thais as second rate whorers.

Not being nasty but the the truth, a fact.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Most ridiculous post yet on this thread and of course no stat back up; just pure hillbilly genius from a visiting no mind....crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m


all you are and all you ever will be in this third world dump is a walking ATM. The sooner you figure this out the better. Going home was the best decision I ever made, and I recommend you do it too.

Clear violation (this third world dump) of forum rules


We are only valued as ATM...and for those who don't agree with this : "Dream On"...

Care to list all the countries you know of where there is no such thing including your own home country. WAKE-UP yourself! Everywhere in this world it has always been MONEY TALKS AND BULLS88T WALKS.


Saying they are sorry about hurting Thailand's image is just something people like this think they are supposed to say. I doubt they care about the national image either. Not that they should either.

What's weird about these statements to the effect of how important the national image is, many times made to the international press, is that the people making the statements don't seem to understand that most people in most countries easily interpret "national image" as meaning a national lie that is upheld to try and create a false positive impression. They seem to think that other countries feel as entitled and righteous about upholding a national image. Perhaps they do but they don't go trumpeting it in the way it is here.Thailand seems to think of this national image as being positive. I have always wondered, how can the national image ever be damged if by simply proclaiming such a notion you are saying to the world, "yes, we construct images (ie lies basically) as opposed to letting you in on reality here." Not that anyone needs their help, I think most foreigners with even modestly invested interests in the place seem to understand this place better than the locals. How can it ever be positive it is all about deception in the first place, deception that is easliy seen through. It is almost as though people are saying, "Oh I am sorry that what I have done helps foreigners to see through the lie that our media and various interested parties have been trying to perpetuate." Who is kidding who, you have to wonder. Of course all countries have a PR department but nobody is going to bemoan that the illusion has been shattered as happens almost weekly in the Thai media. I'd love to see Obama complaining to Ed Snowden, "How could you destroy the national image of America as an invincible global power by revealing these things!"


Wake UP people, they dont want you here they only want your money.coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4

Yes, of course they want our money. Can you

blame them? A lot of us delight in lording

it over them and behaving as if the mere fact we

have it automatically entitles us to respect and

excuses arrogant and superior behaviour as if

we're somehow better than they are.

They put up with that from their homegrown

hi-sos; why should they take it from some fat

foreign <deleted>?

Many of us allude to the power of money every

chance we get - when shopping, drinking, eating,

getting women, buying cars, homes etc - and then

have the cheek to bitch when a tiny percentage

of the locals choose not to see us as the really

nice, worldly and genuine guys so many of us

think we are.


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sensitive flower Rijit.

Bet you have no problem calling yourself an expat. Expat, foreigner, immigrant, falang, What's in a name? It's just a classifier

Call it sensitive if it makes you feel better, but personally i dont think classifying someone by the colour of their skin is acceptable..

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Farang = non-Thai

Where does it say anything about the colour of the skin..?


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sensitive flower Rijit.

Bet you have no problem calling yourself an expat. Expat, foreigner, immigrant, falang, What's in a name? It's just a classifier

Call it sensitive if it makes you feel better, but personally i dont think classifying someone by the colour of their skin is acceptable..

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Farang = non-Thai

Where does it say anything about the colour of the skin..?

Farang does not exactly mean non thai.

As an example Indians and most other Asians are not referred to as farangs.


They don't care and will probably do it again, this kind of person will eventually kill someone and end up in prison.

I know a guy like the above mentioned people from back in the UK (he went to the same school as me) and he's currently in prison awaiting trial for murder.

Hopefully they are put away in prison before they actually kill someone.

It sounded like they get a 500 baht fine and are released to me.

Even if gaoled after 'nearly' killing someone it is a step too late.


Some shameful stuff being posted here.

Shocking and shameful. Shame on the mods for tolerating this vileness.

Kudos to the mods for allowing free expression on this subject...some people want to live in a fantasy world...allowing free expressions of pros and cons give a more balanced view of the subject...thanks again...

For some, Thais are a faceless and nameless hoard of unwashed, stupid, untrustworthy con artists who would beat you over the head with a hoe handle for the fun of it.

For others, they are our families, friends, co-workers, students, community members.

Sorry if those relationships prevent me from sitting back and listening to racist drivel coming from idiots who have never bothered to learn the language and proudly proclaim that the only reason they are here is because they are sex tourists.


Seems to me that a lot of guys come here thinking they can act however they like with no consequences. Then when it turns out the locals are judging them on their actions, they're all like "these people hate us farangs".

Never seems to occur to them that not all farangs act the way they do, and therefore we don't all get the same response.

What was the common denominator of the examples in the OP?

Elderly pensioner in Chiang Mai walking down the street by himself.

22 yr old German in the local city park in Udon Thani.

70 year old walking down the street, 19 year old Thai feels that they 'brushed past each other'. the 19 yr old Thai stabs him for doing so. He is fined 500b for stabbing him and let go.

Seems the only common denominator in the examples is that they are Westerners and the perps are Thai. That they all apologised for hurting the image of Thailand, but not one apologized for stabbing the victim, hitting the victim on the head with their sandals while videoing and laughing at him, hitting a person in the head with a garden hoe, putting him on life support for fun and to emulate the Koh Tao murders.

I'm of course willing to be be corrected. thumbsup.gif

There is violent crime in all countries. Are you saying there is no Thai on Thai crime? If there is, do Thais value other Thais?


" They're caught and declare they're sorry for hurting tourism and Thailand's image"

Can you show us where all of these people made this statement?

Is it just something you created to try to make your post provocative?

I seriously doubt that the kind of people who commit crimes like this care about Thailand's image or tourism industry in the least.

I seriously suspect you are a troll.coffee1.gif .

P.S., people who pray on tourist, "work" in the westernized tourist areas.

This is not a problem here in the rest of Thailand.

watch thai news! you will see that everyday! get a life and read up on the thai's written and said by the thai's


history lesson: the term falang or farang was used by the people of indo china prior to WW-2 to describe their foreign masters the "french" after the war and indo china split up into various countries it was a common term used by the thai's to describe any WHITE foreigner. as for me whenever a thai referes to me as a falang I immediately correct him/her and say that I am an AMERICAN not french! it works every time once they realize that I can understand their language.


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Nobody have any excuse for attacking or hurting anyone for fun and once again I'm not make any excuses for these Thai's, BUT taking into account all the shit farang gets up to and the some behaves when coming to Thailand it is to NO surprise that some Thai's just don't have respect for Westerners. Obviously these Thai's will not even think of harming a Westerner he knows living amongst Thai's the " Thai Style " as he'll be sorted out very quickly by the rest.

I can say this as I have quite a few "good" Thai friend which is openly talking about the "stupid farang" which comes to Thailand to try and change it. This is something people tend to forget is your in Thailand and not in the UK, Aus, US or Europe now. Your in Thailand and for this reason if you respect their ways and just go with the flow (sometimes does not make sense to us) without Thai bashing all the time you'll be ok and most Thai's will show you the necessary respect in return.

In LOS as a farang respect from the locals comes as earned and not demanded.


I can say this as I have quite a few "good" Thai friend which is openly talking about the "stupid farang" which comes to Thailand to try and change it. This is something people tend to forget is your in Thailand and not in the UK, Aus, US or Europe now. Your in Thailand and for this reason if you respect their ways and just go with the flow (sometimes does not make sense to us) without Thai bashing all the time you'll be ok and most Thai's will show you the necessary respect in return.

In LOS as a farang respect from the locals comes as earned and not demanded.

Nobody who says 'farang' would ever be my friend, no matter what the colour of their skin.

I absolutely refuse to associate with racists from any country.

And am happy to tell them that to their face.


I can say this as I have quite a few "good" Thai friend which is openly talking about the "stupid farang" which comes to Thailand to try and change it. This is something people tend to forget is your in Thailand and not in the UK, Aus, US or Europe now. Your in Thailand and for this reason if you respect their ways and just go with the flow (sometimes does not make sense to us) without Thai bashing all the time you'll be ok and most Thai's will show you the necessary respect in return.

In LOS as a farang respect from the locals comes as earned and not demanded.

Nobody who says 'farang' would ever be my friend, no matter what the colour of their skin.

I absolutely refuse to associate with racists from any country.

And am happy to tell them that to their face.

does that mean i can't be your friend because i consider myself a Farang? crying.gif


Nobody have any excuse for attacking or hurting anyone for fun and once again I'm not make any excuses for these Thai's, BUT taking into account all the shit farang gets up to and the some behaves when coming to Thailand it is to NO surprise that some Thai's just don't have respect for Westerners. Obviously these Thai's will not even think of harming a Westerner he knows living amongst Thai's the " Thai Style " as he'll be sorted out very quickly by the rest.

I can say this as I have quite a few "good" Thai friend which is openly talking about the "stupid farang" which comes to Thailand to try and change it. This is something people tend to forget is your in Thailand and not in the UK, Aus, US or Europe now. Your in Thailand and for this reason if you respect their ways and just go with the flow (sometimes does not make sense to us) without Thai bashing all the time you'll be ok and most Thai's will show you the necessary respect in return.

In LOS as a farang respect from the locals comes as earned and not demanded.

not to forget that some Farangs (like me) give a flying fàrt whether they are respected by locals or not wink.png


Nobody who says 'farang' would ever be my friend, no matter what the colour of their skin.

I absolutely refuse to associate with racists from any country.

And am happy to tell them that to their face.

does that mean i can't be your friend because i consider myself a Farang? crying.gif

Nah, you can't be my friend because of WWII


Nobody who says 'farang' would ever be my friend, no matter what the colour of their skin.

I absolutely refuse to associate with racists from any country.

And am happy to tell them that to their face.

does that mean i can't be your friend because i consider myself a Farang? crying.gif

Nah, you can't be my friend because of WWII

what if i pull my Swiss passport from my left hip pocket and hide the Tcherman one? ermm.gif


as long as idiot westerners call themselves ' farangs' its hard to imagine anyone showing them any form of respect. can u imagine a chinese or thai guy in the uk calling himself a yellow man,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I could call myself Sir...but that would not change things.

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