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SURVEY: Is it in Thailand's interest to be closely aligned with China?


Closer ties with China: Good or Bad?  

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guap I just have to ask, are you a paid agent of the Chinese? When I was young I spent some time with a Chinese family that had escaped Mao's China. They were sponsored in part by my parents church and stayed with us. Yea, I think you know not of what you speak or.....?. Ask the people of Lao how much the like having the Chinese practically running their country. Most I've spoken with have absolutely nothing good to say about them. Thailand's future if the dear leader continues to climb in bed with the Chinese. The US is far, far from perfect and I have many issues with my government (if you can call a government bought and sold by plutocrats, Wall Street criminals, banksters and corporations that) in DC, but in this case it is by far the lessor of two evils.

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It will do the west and Thailand a lot of good for Thailand to be blessed with China as a 'friend' for several decades. Problem is when Thailand wants the friendship to cool off, those Chinese hug pretty tenaciously.

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China one of the most peaceful countries on the planet, along with Russia, is a good fit for Thailand.

Compared to the western worlds raping and pillaging of anything that moves China is a sea of tranquility and a much more suitable friend.

guap, you really should have some indicator that your post is sarcastic. There are some that may take your comments seriously.

I can assure you I am not the sarcastic type.

How many countries has China invaded ?

Now how many has the US or England or France invaded.

Ever heard of Tibet?

That's one, nobody is perfect.

But lets counter that with

US.... Mexico, Phillipines, Afghanistan, Iraq, Panama, Vietnam, Korea, Somalia, Yeman the list goes on

UK .... almost all of Africa, Guatemala, Cuba, US, Iceland, Vietnam.... its an even bigger list but my fingers are getting tired..

so China, Russia... pretty good

How about China jumping on the Vietnamese right after the end of the Vietnam War?

What about shelling Taiwan and drilling amphibious assault on "break away provinces" that are clearly aimed against another sovereign country (Taiwan)?

Any thoughts border skirmishes with India?

What are your thoughts on the occupation of ethnically Mongolian provinces (Outer Mongolia)?

Any word of the dispute between China and EVERYBODY (Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Taiwan, et al.) in the areas of the South China Sea where China has created artificial islands, stationed military forces and incorporated the areas into mainland Chinese countries and provinces in a weak ploy for legitimate ownership rights?

Have you been keeping up with the protests in Hong Kong and the subsequent visa restrictions of Mainland Chinese who are clearly unwelcome to the citizens of Hong Kong?

I disagree with the other posters who think this is some Chinese agent. This is just another farang with some sense of "White Man's Burden." True enough, US and European country have made an art of meddling in the affairs of other countries but if you think China is some peaceful giant who just wants to "live and let live" then you are either uneducated or radicalized by leftists.

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China one of the most peaceful countries on the planet, along with Russia, is a good fit for Thailand.

Compared to the western worlds raping and pillaging of anything that moves China is a sea of tranquility and a much more suitable friend.

guap, you really should have some indicator that your post is sarcastic. There are some that may take your comments seriously.

I can assure you I am not the sarcastic type.

How many countries has China invaded ?

Now how many has the US or England or France invaded.

some people are just plainly anti-China, you can save your breath on these people.

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China one of the most peaceful countries on the planet, along with Russia, is a good fit for Thailand.

Compared to the western worlds raping and pillaging of anything that moves China is a sea of tranquility and a much more suitable friend.

guap, you really should have some indicator that your post is sarcastic. There are some that may take your comments seriously.

I can assure you I am not the sarcastic type.

How many countries has China invaded ?

Now how many has the US or England or France invaded.

Ever heard of Tibet?

That's one, nobody is perfect.

But lets counter that with

US.... Mexico, Phillipines, Afghanistan, Iraq, Panama, Vietnam, Korea, Somalia, Yeman the list goes on

UK .... almost all of Africa, Guatemala, Cuba, US, Iceland, Vietnam.... its an even bigger list but my fingers are getting tired..

so China, Russia... pretty good

How about China jumping on the Vietnamese right after the end of the Vietnam War?

What about shelling Taiwan and drilling amphibious assault on "break away provinces" that are clearly aimed against another sovereign country (Taiwan)?

Any thoughts border skirmishes with India?

What are your thoughts on the occupation of ethnically Mongolian provinces (Outer Mongolia)?

Any word of the dispute between China and EVERYBODY (Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Taiwan, et al.) in the areas of the South China Sea where China has created artificial islands, stationed military forces and incorporated the areas into mainland Chinese countries and provinces in a weak ploy for legitimate ownership rights?

Have you been keeping up with the protests in Hong Kong and the subsequent visa restrictions of Mainland Chinese who are clearly unwelcome to the citizens of Hong Kong?

I disagree with the other posters who think this is some Chinese agent. This is just another farang with some sense of "White Man's Burden." True enough, US and European country have made an art of meddling in the affairs of other countries but if you think China is some peaceful giant who just wants to "live and let live" then you are either uneducated or radicalized by leftists.

I grew up in NZ and listen to skin music so I am far!! from suffering from any white mans burden

I am proud whitefolks and could not possibly !!!!!!!!! be further from the left

But strip away the bias and reality is reality

Chinese skirmishes cannot possibly be compared to the thrashing of Vietnam (by NZ soldiers also, lest I be accused of being anti US) or the extermination of Africans by the Brits, not to mention Spain or France

compared to this by any unbiased standard the Chinese are sweethearts

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