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NRA leaders warn members of looming gun-control efforts

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NRA leaders warn members of looming gun-control efforts
ERIK SCHELZIG, Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) — Leaders of the National Rifle Association on Saturday cited the new Republican majority in the U.S. Senate as evidence of the gun rights group's political clout, but warned of looming gun-control efforts in the final years of Barack Obama's presidency.

Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's executive vice president and CEO, in his members' meeting speech called on Congress to enact a law allowing people with handgun carry permits to be allowed to be armed anywhere in the U.S., arguing that nobody "should be forced to face evil with bare hands."

The motto of the NRA's annual convention this weekend is: "If they can ban one, they can ban them all." Organizers expect more than 70,000 people to visit the convention's exhibit space, meetings and musical acts in downtown Nashville.

LaPierre and Chris Cox, the head of the NRA's lobbying arm, painted a bleak picture of the state of the country and the dangers to gun rights presented by the last 650 days of Obama's presidency.

"There's no telling how far President Obama will go to dismantle our freedoms and reshape America into an America that you and I will not even recognize," LaPierre said. "And when he's finished he intends to go out with a coronation of Hillary Rodham Clinton."

Clinton is expected to announce the launch of her bid for the Democratic nomination for president on Sunday.

Cox said Clinton would make Obama "look like an amateur" when it comes to gun control.

"Think about it: Hillary Clinton as president of the United States until 2025," Cox said. "Scared yet?"

Meanwhile, a few hundred protesters gathered in a park along the nearby Cumberland River. Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, criticized what she called LaPierre's "fear-mongering rhetoric."

Back at the NRA meeting, the group's president, Jim Porter, criticized politicians and the media on gun rights, a common refrain throughout speeches at the convention.

"When it comes to those elitists, looking down their noses and telling us how to live, it's time they got the message loud and clear," he said. "You elitists live however your want, but when it comes to us, get your hands off our freedom and leave us the hell alone."

On Friday, the NRA hosted a series of speeches from potential Republican presidential candidates, including former Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida; Govs. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana; Sen. Ted Cruz and former Gov. Rick Perry of Texas; former Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas; Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina; and neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

The NRA's Cox told members on Saturday that the group has a multi-pronged approach to opposing gun-control advocates.

"We'll fight you in the courts, we'll fight you in the legislatures and we'll fight you on Election Day," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-12

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"arguing that nobody "should be forced to face evil with bare hands.""

I guess that type of hyperbole and fear-mongering rhetoric appeals to the redneck sector.

EVIL vs bare hands !! cheesy.gif

Wait till you get confronted in a dark ally by some real bad dudes whom don't give a shit about your life,,,,Than you can defend yourself with your bare hands while they beat the crap out of you,,if you had a gun you may escape alive if not your bloody well DEATH clap2.gif

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Lol, I was in down town Nashville yesterday trying to get some work done. There are about 70,000 NRA members here in this beautiful city for this big NRA rally.

I have to say that some of the NRA people I saw looked a bit scummy or weirdoish. Definitely some nasty looking folks, but perhaps only the nasty ones stuck out to me.

On the other hand, I saw some anti NRA people walking around carrying their little anti NRA signs and they looked like a bunch of loons.

My takeaway, those that care enough to attend NRA rallies and those that care protest NRA rallies are all a bunch of weirdos and loons. The disconcerting part about this is that the weirdos and loons attending the NRA rally are well armed weirdos and loons.

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"arguing that nobody "should be forced to face evil with bare hands.""

I guess that type of hyperbole and fear-mongering rhetoric appeals to the redneck sector.

EVIL vs bare hands !! cheesy.gif

It should appeal to everyone. This is just telling it like it is. Take your head out of the sand!

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The 2nd Amendment is from 1791...1791 people!!! I'm just saying that laws from 220+ years ago might, just might, be slightly antiquated. In a time of grizzly bears at the corner shop and Imperial forces looking for wars I can understand that every person would've needed and/or wanted to bear arms. The times have changed - maybe the laws should too? Do Americans really believe that the Bill of Rights is perfect??? Presisent Roosevelt didn't and it's unfortunate that he passed away before his 2nd B.O.R could see the light of day.

The reason the 2nd amendment works now is because of the reason it was passed which is to safeguard the people against a tyrannical leader and government and for self protection. What is antiquated here? Does Germany in the early 1900's ring a bell? Your rational should be flushed because using your line of reasoning, the Bible should be changed too because it is antiquated as well. The Bill of Rights may not be perfect but show me a country with comparable legislation that is better and I will show you a liar!

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Lol, I was in down town Nashville yesterday trying to get some work done. There are about 70,000 NRA members here in this beautiful city for this big NRA rally.

I have to say that some of the NRA people I saw looked a bit scummy or weirdoish. Definitely some nasty looking folks, but perhaps only the nasty ones stuck out to me.

On the other hand, I saw some anti NRA people walking around carrying their little anti NRA signs and they looked like a bunch of loons.

My takeaway, those that care enough to attend NRA rallies and those that care protest NRA rallies are all a bunch of weirdos and loons. The disconcerting part about this is that the weirdos and loons attending the NRA rally are well armed weirdos and loons.

You get people in the extreme spectrum of the issue mobilized to gain political advantage, where most of the public resides some where towards the middle of the issue, Should some one not allowed to have guns, certainly no, does some one need a machine gun with tens of rounds again certainly not, should some one be able to buy a gun with out a back-round check absolutely not, should some one have to wait a week, again no Middle of the road common sense reasonable compromises needed.

People in the extreme ends of the issue are simple tools being used for political purposes

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The 2nd Amendment is from 1791...1791 people!!! I'm just saying that laws from 220+ years ago might, just might, be slightly antiquated. In a time of grizzly bears at the corner shop and Imperial forces looking for wars I can understand that every person would've needed and/or wanted to bear arms. The times have changed - maybe the laws should too? Do Americans really believe that the Bill of Rights is perfect??? Presisent Roosevelt didn't and it's unfortunate that he passed away before his 2nd B.O.R could see the light of day.

You're right. From the time of pillory stocks in the town square. The 2nd amendment mentions "the right of well-armed militia" ...and that's what it meant. It was written at a time when America didn't have much of a standing army, and needed farmboys at a moment's notice. Those farmboys and men would grab their smoothbores, jump on a horse and get to the nearest town to join their local militia - to defend their territory.

Fastforward to now (just one of 10,000 examples of gun mania craziness): gun shows in San Antonio Texas, where guys can buy all sorts of attack weapons & ammo, and walk 'em across the border to places with some of the highest murder rates in the world. The Mexican border with the US is the 3nd worst place in the world to be a female. #1 is Syria, #2 is central Africa - both places where guns are also everywhere.

If rednecks just shot each other, then ok, it would put a dent in the proliferation of redneck populations (same for inner-city tough-guys). But they don't just shoot each other - as proven by the many innocents who get shot each year in my country, the USA. And then there are the common stories, like the 3 year old kid who shoots his daddy in the cab of their p.u. truck, because daddy left a loaded pistol on the seat. Well, on 2nd thought, that sort of fits with my 'redneck on redneck' murder missive - reducing their own numbers.

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The 2nd Amendment is from 1791...1791 people!!! I'm just saying that laws from 220+ years ago might, just might, be slightly antiquated. In a time of grizzly bears at the corner shop and Imperial forces looking for wars I can understand that every person would've needed and/or wanted to bear arms. The times have changed - maybe the laws should too? Do Americans really believe that the Bill of Rights is perfect??? Presisent Roosevelt didn't and it's unfortunate that he passed away before his 2nd B.O.R could see the light of day.

You're right. From the time of pillory stocks in the town square. The 2nd amendment mentions "the right of well-armed militia" ...and that's what it meant. It was written at a time when America didn't have much of a standing army, and needed farmboys at a moment's notice. Those farmboys and men would grab their smoothbores, jump on a horse and get to the nearest town to join their local militia - to defend their territory.

Fastforward to now (just one of 10,000 examples of gun mania craziness): gun shows in San Antonio Texas, where guys can buy all sorts of attack weapons & ammo, and walk 'em across the border to places with some of the highest murder rates in the world. The Mexican border with the US is the 3nd worst place in the world to be a female. #1 is Syria, #2 is central Africa - both places where guns are also everywhere.

If rednecks just shot each other, then ok, it would put a dent in the proliferation of redneck populations (same for inner-city tough-guys). But they don't just shoot each other - as proven by the many innocents who get shot each year in my country, the USA. And then there are the common stories, like the 3 year old kid who shoots his daddy in the cab of their p.u. truck, because daddy left a loaded pistol on the seat. Well, on 2nd thought, that sort of fits with my 'redneck on redneck' murder missive - reducing their own numbers.

There are 10,000 examples of where guns would have saved lives if the victims had been armed. What are you going to do? ...talk them to death! Libtards are the real crazies with their idiotic ideas of reality and more need to be culled!!!

Edited by laubau
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The 2nd Amendment is from 1791...1791 people!!! I'm just saying that laws from 220+ years ago might, just might, be slightly antiquated. In a time of grizzly bears at the corner shop and Imperial forces looking for wars I can understand that every person would've needed and/or wanted to bear arms. The times have changed - maybe the laws should too? Do Americans really believe that the Bill of Rights is perfect??? Presisent Roosevelt didn't and it's unfortunate that he passed away before his 2nd B.O.R could see the light of day.

The reason the 2nd amendment works now is because of the reason it was passed which is to safeguard the people against a tyrannical leader and government and for self protection. What is antiquated here? Does Germany in the early 1900's ring a bell? Your rational should be flushed because using your line of reasoning, the Bible should be changed too because it is antiquated as well. The Bill of Rights may not be perfect but show me a country with comparable legislation that is better and I will show you a liar!

The Bible is an anthology NOT the law of a country.

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The Bible is an anthology NOT the law of a country.

If we used the Bible to base laws upon, we'd get some pretty draconian laws. Take the story of Soddom and Gammorah (sp?) for example ....just by ID'ing one baddie in one of those cities - justified killing scores of people in both cities. Sounds a lot like what ISIS and other extremists are doing currently, with their interpretation of their holy book. It's no coincidence that most gun owners in the US are hard-right Christians. They go hand in hand.
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