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French Travelers Rank Thailand Fourth on Dream Destinations List

Jacob Maslow

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One of my greatest joys in Bangkok is hearing the French forced to use English to communicate. They NEVER speak to me in English when I am in France. I have a Thai acquaintance to translates at the French Embassy and he is the only Thai I know who speaks French. If the French government weren't so strict on everything having a French name, the language would have died out by now. I wonder why there don't seem to be any admittedly French members on this forum if they are all that interested in Thailand. Maybe there is a French Forum I don't know about.

Wao ! French bashing, speciality of TVF with Thaibashing wub.png ; I am here because I like English language, as well as Thai language, and I think that TVF , apart negative people , is the best forum about Thailand: there are French forums, but smaller and I don't want to stay only with my compatriots : TVF is international smile.png

Blame your compatriots, then, for the way they treat American tourists. I'll never spend another Euro in France. Your liking the English language makes you an anomaly.

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a recent survey by the Paris-based research company Ipsos...

That's a result you get when you start with Pastis and Beaujolais for breakfast.

Pas de Beaujolais au déjeuner, mais le Pastis ouiclap2.gif

Santee! A votre service...

Santé, not santee ! the above post is right ! they were drunk, that's why they rank USA first ( otherwise , why to vote for a country with fat people ,for a country where babies kill their familiy with guns and people eat hamburgers and hot dogs ?

if sober, they would vote for Thailand, best country in the world

Haha ! Love this one. So true ! I'm french too. Edited by xtof2
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We French mostly suck at languages, ok. But hey, blame schools, not people. Schools in France in my experience focus on grammar and not enough on actually listening, speaking the language.

Many French can't speak a word of English but could correct some TV members using "there" instead of "their", etc.

That amazes me :)

In my opinion most French people actually skilled in English learned on their own (nowadays having access to downloading TV series is a big help) and while traveling (not everyone has that luck)

And if you expect every French people to speak to you in English, should we except everybody to talk in French to us in your home country ? :)

A quite recent study expects French to become the most spoken language in the next decades. I already hear you laughing but you should take account of the impressive demographics moves to come in Africa (did the study say). I actually really don't care about it, please don't see any pride or patriotism in it. Just curious !


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