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Need an agent or manager for 1/2Thai, 1/2 American Chulalongkorn student viral celebrity


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My 18 year old daughter has somehow become a viral celebrity here in Thailand, so how can she capitalize upon this. She did a video on YouTube with 1.5 million hits last November, mostly talking about BKK traffic and rats on her soi as big as cats; in the video she uses Thai swear words constantly but innocently. She has since done several others you tube videos, a couple travel documentaries, appeared on Channel 9 TV shows and is well known amongst younger Thais, she has an instagram following of about 10k. mostly Thai followers. She is in her first year at Chulalongkorn but wants to go you Yale NUS in Singapore. PROBLEM she has no money, so she would like to capitalize on her fleeting fame and get paid. She is quite pretty, smart and outgoing. She speaks Thai well and English very well. She grew up in Colorado. She wants to go into diplomacy and her desire is to be US Secretary of State. She needs an education as well as language skills. Problem how to pay….

Does anyone know of an agent or management who could guide her in to commercials, television, and money making opportunities without getting sleazy or ripping her off..

Please no negative comments, <deleted>, save the negativity <deleted>.. I need a couple decent suggestions here; I am unable to travel To Thailand at this time. My wife is in Chiang Mai though..

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It's quite possible she could get into all sorts of advertisement shoots. Leukrung kids have always been in demand. Here is our own experience. Our son is half Thai/American and is now 25 y/o and now lives in the USA but he spent his first 18 years here in Bangkok. When he was very young and out in various shopping malls with his mother, my wife, they were stopped many times by "agents" looking for potential kids to appear in various ads both on TV and print. He did a number of them up until high school but he kind of lost interest and never pursued doing it. For the ads he did, the pay was ok. My wife no longer has any of the contact info but your wife should be able to search this out and make appointments for her. One area we found that was particularly good for being approached by agents was in Siam Center but I'm sure Paragon mall would be even better now. Paragon Mall wasn't open back then. Since she attends Chula she is close to that area so you might advise her to make an effort to stroll around there when she has the time. Good luck, maybe she will be the next Tata Young! PS: Why not provide a link to her youtube clip?

Edited by Spaniel
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"...in the video she uses Thai swear words constantly but innocently."

"..., <deleted>, save the negativity <deleted>..."

She learn that from you?

There are many things you should be proud of, but that isn't one of them.

Your wife or daughter should be able to find agencies online. Not all will have contacts for TV work.

Many agents just book for 'Pretty Girl' type work. Girls at car show and such.

The money isn't all you might think it is unless the person is at the top of the pile.

Good luck

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If it's paying for college that your concerned about....what about scholarships? She is obviously outgoing and creative ....but does she have top grades? Many US colleges are looking to give scholarships to minorities as the more minorities they have the better the Federal funding they get.

Just another angle to look into.

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If she wants a bright future, fly her back to the states and go to university there.

That is what the rich Thais do, may as well copy them . Fame is fleeting here.....

I know some people have catapulted from you tube fame into the real spotlight,

but I have a feeling it is not easy......

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Must admit Beetlleuice has hit the spot. However Dlock also has a point, you can earn money from the videos, enough for Yale ? I doubt it.

I wish her well. Chula is No 1 in Los and way down the rankings anywhere else. I assume she is a US citizen so she needs to head back, might be the waiting tables route to get where she wants to go. Good luck.

Edited by roamer
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Pay in Thailand is pretty crappy, won't be enough to save up to go to college overseas. If she wants to get into diplomacy in the US, she definitely needs to go study in the US and stop wasting her time at Chula. Trying to be a small time celebrity will eat up all her time and she will probably lose interest in studying. Having a video of her swearing won't help her reputation in the future as well. The world is evil and they will dig up every dirty stuff you have online to put you down.

Like many have said, if she wants to go down the media path, she should be discovered fairly easily especially if she has been on public tv. The fact that she has not have anyone contacted her means that the competition is fierce and she does not have enough fresh content weekly or monthly to make it into the entertainment industry yet. There are hundreds of young Thai girls who have tens and thousands of followers on instagram, that does not mean a single thing unless you have over 100,000 followers. 50,000 followers you will start to raise a few eyebrows.

The entertainment industry is attracted first and foremost by looks. Does she look beautiful and pretty? (every parent would think so) If not then you can move onto personality, is she a comedian or have a talent? Does she do anything that stands out more than other entertainers out there? Those are the two basic things agents pretty much look for when scouring the streets or online.

Again to further your daughters chance of success she needs to keep on posting new viral content. Making and marketing yourself with social media is a whole chapter in itself which can further her success. There are hundreds of pretty girls walking around bangkok everyday, for your daughter to be discover is always like finding a needle in a haystack with agents. Being a "Pretty" girl, what they call it in Bangkok is easy and being 1/2 1/2 you can make a lot of money in a short time. But it is probably not what you want as they tend to wear revealing outfits. Being in the entertainment industry will push you to the limits of what you are comfortable with, you simply can't pick the jobs you want and you have to start from the bottom (unless you know somebody or have connections).

She looks like she has a good start, she just needs to keep it up. If she can constantly get 1 million views per video, heck she can just make money on youtube (around $1000 to $3000 per million, realistically on the lower end).Do product endorsements on instagram and small jobs will come in.

A simple search of "talent agency bangkok" will yield a lot of results, your daughter can start by submitting her resume there. If her resume is attractive, talent agencies can always find her jobs that suits. Again your daughter has some good credentials to start off with, Good luck.

Edited by mike324
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Okay thanks for the information and opinions, ultimately it is her decision but she wants to go to Yale NUS in Singapore pretty bad and i dont have the cash, we will see ...

once again thanks for the good suggestions

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