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Thailand is among countries with world's most beautiful girls


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This is a topic about which i have studied for many years - over 60 years and counting - since I was old enough to dream about kissing girls when I was little, since I used to stare at my older brothers' girlfriends shyly and trip on their style - the music of their laughter and hidden curves that came into being when they would bend over or cross their legs.... Remember that innocent time, guys?

But as for this list of top 19 countries; I have been to few of the countries, and to a few not on his list. For eg. , I was born - and raised - in Canada - and I always considered the women there to be ordinary. Most of my adult years were lived in the U.S.A. and what can I say about the blue-eyed, sun-bleached blondes of California and the sweet, heart-melting charms of Carolina girls, both North- and South- that has not been said before in so many books?

But then, there was a girl in my h.s. who was Miss Canada that I thought was ,,,, fine. Yes , attractive and nice. Not someone that I would ever get to talk to. But then again not someone that I would wreck my car staring at as she walked by. There was a lovely Swedish import in one of my classes in H.S. that I used to drool over in history class, white-blonde hair like spun gold (whatever that means).

There was a Malaysian goddess I met at some fair in California, with warm, brown skin who left such a standard of beauty on me that few since have reached. And an athletic young lady from the Netherlands Antilles, that I met in California with a body out of a sailor's dream - whom I did get to know for a brief, passionate time, though her beauty to me was only physical and not deep down to the heart - but we are talking about physical beauty here. So she has to be rated my No1.

I lived in Senegal, West Africa, like 1979-82 and enjoyed the experience, the wonder of endlessly varied, womanly women. I remember dainty, dark Diola girls, and medium-brown Peuhls, dancing like birds during the many holiday celebrations, shades of Wolof women, from dark-chocolate to darker, tall and statuesque and poised. I remember that we Peace Corps Volunteers and travelers from Western countries would talk over pipes and drinks about world problems and women and people would argue for delicate Moroccan women and other guys would tell me that, living in other West African countries they would go out to party at night and come home with the queen of the ball.

And I was told there that the women of Thailand were officially the fairest of them all.

But to come back to here and now and my own experience, I finally got to Thailand in 2009, lived there 4 1/2 years, rao rao, altogether, and I was prepared to be in awe of the top-of-the line ladies. But, I found them to be less than. I recal reading online somewhere, during my first year in LOS, an American woman doing a myth-busting thing on Thai women. She said they have breasts like pancakes - no it was fried eggs - someone else said pancakes. I personaly would put it more kindly: breasts like ice-cream - melted, with a brown cherry in the middle. In the face of all that the fat, horny farang men's agressive claims about Thai women's great legs and exotic charms .... I say they are 5" 0", 100 lbs, thin, pale... Yes, I love the long, glossy black hair, but the boobs usually turn out to be 50% stuff and not boob. Or else, they are fake or artifical - or else they are not genuine. Most attractive thing about them is they are AVAILABLE.

But back to Senegal, where I enjoyed the peak of my experience of the joys of womanly gifts - if you get my drift - where I went expecting the womanliness factor to be less than - if you use a scale of 1 to 10 where average women rate a 5 - then the Senegalese rate at least a 6 on average and the percentage of 9's and 10's was amazing. Every where I went, every way I looked they were stunning women. At the market-place, outside the mosque, in the village, watching teenage girls having their hair fixed by their grandmothers - sweet peaceful moments that I got to share in - young mothers nursing babies - dark chocolate on lighter shades of brown. In the villages, on the frams, no air conditioning, around the house, women didn't wear very much - here was not faking it.

If I were to advise a young man where to go to if you care about female charms more than anything - nowadays, with all the sickness and violence and suffering in Africa I would not advise anyone to go there - but to tell my experiences - Senegal was a surprise - much higher that expected; Thailand was surprisingly less than anticipated. Give Sweden a shot if you have the means.

You should consider writing a book Sir, if you have the time. May I suggest an original title? "Sewing My Wild Oats - Here, There, and Everywhere - But Not no More"

You can write alright.

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. . . until they reach age 30 then downhill at an incredible rate.

Is that from BOTH personal observation and experience? - otherwise it's junk science cheesy.gif

You get them to places like Canada "early enough"wub.png and I can show you several Thai women my wife knows in their mid-late forties that are damned sexy STILL..to look at anyway..but they have been in North America a long time. My (Thai-Chinese-educated from decent family) wife is younger than thatcheesy.gif

But Living all your life in Thailand does take its toll I'll grant you that - so you've a decent point, albeit subjective.wai2.gif

My (Thai-Chinese-educated from decent family) wife -

It always amuses me that guys feel they should provide the background of their thai wife - why is that ?

Benny, Benny, Benny - you know why Bro..

Because it's impossible to have such a wife as the TV saying goes, so everyone knows you're lying if you ever say you're wife is Thai-Chinese, even when it's true...cheesy.gifwhistling.gif


The Lowest Common Denominator

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Why don't we all get a decent picture (old or new) of our own Thai wives and post them?


Leaving aside because that would be weird - they would also appear on fake dating sites within hours of you doing so !!

I think pictures of the people slating the thais would be far more telling !

Yes I am sure these Thai women bashing bar flies all look like Brad Pitt and have wonderful personalities. whistling.gif

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This is another of those impossible-to-gauge ranking tables, it is very Tweety and modern because it generates a lot of comment but doesn't really go very deep into the subject. A subject that is entirely and uniquely individual and therefor would require polling everybody on the planet, and doing so routinely since people change their minds a lot these days.

A girl can lack hollywood / supermodel looks, but she can have a lovely natural smile, kindly nature and fun personality. These things are beautiful too, but they often contradict the 'visual beauty' factor, which of course is only skin-deep, is mega-shallow and ignores the factor with the most potential for interpersonal beauty and long-lasting happiness in a relationship, the human soul. It is true that the most beautiful person in your life can be only beautiful to you, because you love their spirit, and you cherish their company and to you that is the greatest beauty. Maybe when you see Miss World or something, the girls seem like vacant automatons, compared to your girl who is ordinary-looking and beset with unusual physical quirks, but she is the most beautiful person in the world to you, because of her soul.

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A country consisting for 80% out of midgets has the most beautiful girls. Some people may have a different opinion about beauty.

I think, at least WE have. (Khmer, showed her the beauty of EU already) tongue.png


One thing is for sure, She will defenetly have a flight recorder.

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I agree with a poster who said something like "the most attractive women who are available to older expats." Maybe that's Thailand, I don't know.

Just in looks I would rate Vietnamese and S. Korean women above Thais but we all see things differently.

How can you tell the difference between a Korean, Thai and Vietnamese woman? The Thai guards who only let Thai people use the beach can't tell. The Thai immigration people can't tell. The Thai men in any club can't tell. How can you?

"How can you?"

I think I would try and speak to them in Thai.

The thread is about beauty not language. Asia is so multicultural that identity is difficult at best. In general I think Thai women have longer legs in proportion to body size but so many exceptions it is really impossible to tell. In general I think Thai women have rounder eyes and hotter tempers but like I said before it is difficult for anyone except the registered racist to tell. Korean women and Vietnamese women like Thai food but then so do women from the UK and USA. Many Mexican women look like Thai women. Many women from South America look like Thai women. Many women from Hawaii look Thai.

As soon as a Thai woman talks I can tell you where she is from. Central Thai the word for market is delat, North - got, South lot. Big difference. Bangkok taste good is - alloy and in Issan it's sep. South roy and Chiang mai - lum. But all the women look Thai but speak different.

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. . . until they reach age 30 then downhill at an incredible rate.

You surprise me. Surely you are being unkind. There are many more Thai M!lFs of 40-50 that I see than on a daily basis than I reckon exist in most other races. I think that by and large, (and most of them aren't large) they wear extremely well. My 43 year old wife & her 47 y/o sister look way better preserved that did my ex and most other 40-somethings back in farang-land at that age.

You are right. Before I got married with my lovely 45 years old, I dated a lot...really a lot, and I still remember a divorced 60 years old retired government official from Korat. She was very beautiful for her age. Easily she can match with any 35 years old Thai beauty I met before. Great catch too. Over 60 probably she still single in Thailand. In western countries she will have a lot of admirers for sure.

Edited by BKResort
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

. . . until they reach age 30 then downhill at an incredible rate.

Not sure that I can agree here. Thai women seem to age very well compared to those in the West.

Asian females everywhere hold it together till around fifty then the rot sets in very fast

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I don't know how many here have heard of the Golden Ratio - interesting concept to play with.

"What has mathematics got to do with beauty? Actually, a lot. Physical attraction depends on ratio.

Our attraction to another person's body increases if that body is symmetrical and in proportion. Likewise, if a face is in proportion, we are more likely to notice it and find it beautiful."


With faces the mouth is the most mobile and adjustable feature - where the ratio is right it is beautiful. The question is do you want some one like J. Roberts (pretty woman) who look beautiful until she smiles and looks like a poorly made up clown. Or a 'less beautiful" woman who achieve the ration when she smiles.

BTW this ration works will all ethnic groups.

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Why don't we all get a decent picture (old or new) of our own Thai wives and post them?


Leaving aside because that would be weird - they would also appear on fake dating sites within hours of you doing so !!

I think pictures of the people slating the thais would be far more telling !

Yes I am sure these Thai women bashing bar flies all look like Brad Pitt and have wonderful personalities. whistling.gif

You mean,most Thai woman look like Brad Pitt

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I don't know how many here have heard of the Golden Ratio - interesting concept to play with.

"What has mathematics got to do with beauty? Actually, a lot. Physical attraction depends on ratio.

Our attraction to another person's body increases if that body is symmetrical and in proportion. Likewise, if a face is in proportion, we are more likely to notice it and find it beautiful."


With faces the mouth is the most mobile and adjustable feature - where the ratio is right it is beautiful. The question is do you want some one like J. Roberts (pretty woman) who look beautiful until she smiles and looks like a poorly made up clown. Or a 'less beautiful" woman who achieve the ration when she smiles.

BTW this ration works will all ethnic groups.

Don't forget about kinetics.

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The best this, the best that and the surveys keep coming. I judge for myself what is good or best for me.

The articles are a fun read at times, but mostly seem to be written to employ the writer, bolster the image of country or amplify an enterprise or regime.

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Everyone his own taste, I see rarely Thai girls that I find attractive. They have no boobs, don't look smart and are too short. They can't stand in the shadow of many Indian, Japanese, Nepalese, Middle East, African women!!!

Thai girls are just average, but attractive for many western men just because they are Asian and mostly because they are 'easy to get' even for the biggest redneck.

exactly !!!!!!!

i sat with many friends one day ( around 10 of us there all ex pats who where in los a good few years ) i told them all that i was bored and sick of thai girls, reason being they were mostly money grabbing cheats and working the bars , if not working the bars then freelance, ok this was pattaya to be honest but the point i am making is , i do not see so many stunners in thailand, even those who are hi - so and are not available , i just find other girls more attractive. some times indepth conversation and chemistry means more than a massage or a cheeky cute non senical immature laugh with a bar girl who speaks little english.

i say to all those guys who think that thai girls are the most attractive , attractive for what ? personality , character, or are they just easy to pay ?

<deleted> be honest !!! at least to yourself coffee1.gif

You know it baffles me - I just can't think why a bar fly in Pattaya such as yourself, clearly experienced in the ways of bar girls and 'freelancers', can't find a 'non bar girl' - could it be that a'.non-bar girl' wouldn't be seen dead within a hundred miles of someone like you ?

The first thing I would imagine an intelligent 'non-bar' girl would be looking for is someone who has the grammar skills of someone over 9 !!

You seem you to have missed the point...

That being...regardless of all that you pointed out....Thai girls are not as Beautiful as they are made out to be.

The subject matter is not about the men or their social standing etc. and or the social standing of Thai girls being bar girls or hi so girls rather the subject matter is relevant to Thai women being deemed beautiful or not beautiful...as compared to women from other regions and countries of the world that are considered beautiful by any standards.

Maybe 1 % to 2 % at the most are agreed upon to be Beautiful while that word would be the correct word to describe their looks and features because they are that good looking.

Edited by gemguy
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Why don't we all get a decent picture (old or new) of our own Thai wives and post them?



OK.....At your request. My wife as a child, and my wife when she was 20 years old.....Today, she didn't changed much at 45 ....1.70 m - 56 Kg.

Actual pictures?.....Yes..privacy counts. Even if I am very proud of her, I do not share her pictures with strangers.

She is the most beautiful, sweet, and caring woman I ever had at my side. At my age is not just a miracle..it is a blessing.



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"Beauty is skin deep" that sure as hell is true in Thailand!

It's no suprise that Helen Reddy (I am woman hear me roar and the Muppet show) is living alone at 70 years of age now is it? I'm not living alone at the same age and that's no suprise either because I live in Thailand.biggrin.png

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Yes, they are attractive if you can sort real women from 50/50 types. Remove the ATM intellect, buying the family houses, giving her teenagers money for YABA and being treated like a open bank account yes, they are beautiful just like my ex Russian wife. Great looks and than learnt all about divoice lawyers real quick in the USA.

Like a shiny sports car, it needs a lot of attention and shop time away from you. Just sit in the pub and swap visa and marriage stories it passes the day if she lets you have enough $$ of your pension left after the 10k new truck payment for her father and the 2m rice machine is not broken from her son crashing it when drinking Hongkon.

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