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Italian police: Muslims threw Christians overboard during Med voyage


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and just to think this scum is heading towards the UK to jion there thousands of other muslim brother should thrown them over the side they are evil devils with no morals only greed and themselves they think about will they be prosecuted for murder i dont think so

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If they were all black at least it wasnot racist
Was thinking the same. Headline could just as easily said Black people throw.....
Why should a headline say black people? When clearly Muslims attacked Christians.

Or is it another one of your excuses for Arabs /Muslims killing people ?

Let me guess , if Christians were not on the boat , Muslims would not have to kill them, right?
Clearly black Africans attacked them. Or in real terms, clearly deranged desperate people attacked them.

Many muslims live happily with christians. Though i would be very quiet about religion if i was in the middle east or north africa. They have a different culture that is not tied to the muslim faith and culture of other muslim countries.

Sorry am confused.
Boats are full of Africans , black people.

So no, not Africans attacked them, Muslims attacked them ONLY because they were Christian .

Many Muslims live in peace ? Really ? Where? Another planet?

Clearly deranged people? That just happen to be Muslim ?

Sorry but your pathetic excuses for Arabs and Muslims getting tedious and frankly boring

Turkey, Malaysia, indonesia. Quite peacful countries compared to the 'more enlightened'. Even Saudi, UAE is peaceful if you follow the laws of the country. I think you just want to see it from your own view of what you think you should be allowed to do, instead of following their laws.

In KL I can go drinking with muslims, have a great time with them, can also go to a Christian church if I was minded to, but I am not religious.

They didnt kill those people simply because they were Christian. They killed them because of an argument. It would not have mattered if those killed where Hindu, Buddhists, or whatever, it was the argument that was the catalyst, not just because of their religion.
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Now it is just waiting for the usual apologists to come here and say that violence is only performed by a select few Muslim extremists, and Muslims are actually peace loving folks.

Yupp.In the word of our estemed politicians : " These crimes has NOTHING to do with the peaceful religion of islam " wink.png

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They didnt kill those people simply because they were Christian. They killed them because of an argument. It would not have mattered if those killed where Hindu, Buddhists, or whatever, it was the argument that was the catalyst, not just because of their religion.

How do you know this, we're you on that same boat with those people?
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They didnt kill those people simply because they were Christian. They killed them because of an argument. It would not have mattered if those killed where Hindu, Buddhists, or whatever, it was the argument that was the catalyst, not just because of their religion.

How do you know this, we're you on that same boat with those people?

Read the reports of the media and witnesses.

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A vocal minority want sharia law. All muslims i have discussed that with here actually fear sharia law being implemented.

But back on topic I read the deranged involved will be charged with murder, and rightly so. I would also expect them to sent packing after their life imprisonment.

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A vocal minority want sharia law. All muslims i have discussed that with here actually fear sharia law being implemented.

But back on topic I read the deranged involved will be charged with murder, and rightly so. I would also expect them to sent packing after their life imprisonment.

Of course the typical muslim fears Sharia law.

But the decision is in the hands of the Imams.

As soon as they have some power based on concentration of muslim population, the Imams will want the Sharia. The Imams love the added power the Sharia accords them..

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even if some muslims are beter then the others , i ll never trust a muslim . i know them more then enough , i go work every day before in a big city , and see how they live , what they do , how they respect the place where they live , their behavior . most of them in europe don't have any education , don't have any respect for the institutions , so many make bad business with drugs stolen goods and and .... quite 80% of the inmates in jail are muslims and black peoples . so , where is the integration ??? before the muslims we had the italian , poland , spain , portugese , grec , and others , and never have such problems like with the muslims . why do you think ? and the thirt generation is much more dangerous , i think they had enough time to try to be integrated .

so we try to help them , it doesn't work , time now they go back in nord africa , and for sûre no more could come in europe .anyway , if they start to kill christians on the boats before be in europe , beter to send them back in their country to be judged there and go in jail there , not in europe . FINISH .

If Europe sends them back, they would most likely name streets after their names instead of putting them in jail.

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A vocal minority want sharia law. All muslims i have discussed that with here actually fear sharia law being implemented.

No. That is wrong. Large majorities in the Muslim world want the Islamic legal and moral code of sharia as the official law in their countries.

Your assumption is based on?

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The subject matter could be considered "inflammatory"...

Most posts regarding this subject could be considered "inflammatory"...

Why would Anyone...consider it to be otherwise...?

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Yes, and these muslims are welcome to Europe.

Yes , I wonder if they will kill the infidel Social Worker who organizes their accommodation - or does she have to be Muslim to even get that job?

Will they drown the Social Security office workers who will hand them their first cheque because they are atheist ?

Will they attack the Christians who hand them food at the Salvation Army centre?

The irony of them attacking Christians while heading to Christian nations to achieve 'better' lifestyles should not be lost

Be prepared for a future Europe that constantly bights the hand that feeds it !

yup... exactly the type of immigrants/refugees/whatever Europe needs !

I prepared myself for such a future Europe... by moving to Thailand !

Everything might not be perfect here, but I know for sure Thais would not put up with this kind of scum.

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Yes, and these muslims are welcome to Europe.

Yes , I wonder if they will kill the infidel Social Worker who organizes their accommodation - or does she have to be Muslim to even get that job?

Will they drown the Social Security office workers who will hand them their first cheque because they are atheist ?

Will they attack the Christians who hand them food at the Salvation Army centre?

The irony of them attacking Christians while heading to Christian nations to achieve 'better' lifestyles should not be lost

Be prepared for a future Europe that constantly bights the hand that feeds it !

yup... exactly the type of immigrants/refugees/whatever Europe needs !

I prepared myself for such a future Europe... by moving to Thailand !

Everything might not be perfect here, but I know for sure Thais would not put up with this kind of scum.

In case you havent noticed the Italians have charged them with murder. Europe does NOT put up with this type of scum. Nor should it.

So your point being?

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Yes, and these muslims are welcome to Europe.

Yes , I wonder if they will kill the infidel Social Worker who organizes their accommodation - or does she have to be Muslim to even get that job?

Will they drown the Social Security office workers who will hand them their first cheque because they are atheist ?

Will they attack the Christians who hand them food at the Salvation Army centre?

The irony of them attacking Christians while heading to Christian nations to achieve 'better' lifestyles should not be lost

Be prepared for a future Europe that constantly bights the hand that feeds it !

yup... exactly the type of immigrants/refugees/whatever Europe needs !

I prepared myself for such a future Europe... by moving to Thailand !

Everything might not be perfect here, but I know for sure Thais would not put up with this kind of scum.

In case you havent noticed the Italians have charged them with murder. Europe does NOT put up with this type of scum. Nor should it.

So your point being?

His point being, these idiots were caught before entering, hundreds if not thousands wait to get in EU and then start killing. DOH

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