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B&W scanned copy of Passport OK?


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I've known motorbike-rental-agencies want to hold the original passport, for extra security.

Hotels/guesthouses were always happy with a copy IME.

I've heard that often, but I would walk away from any agency wanting to hold my passport.

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You need to have your passport either on your person or readily accessible if you are traveling around. Sure, the odds of ever needing it are rare. But, if something happens, and the police get involved, and you can't get to it fairly quickly, you might be stuck in jail. You never know, and it has happened before.

Best to have a photocopy with you at all times. Most copy shops near immigration offices can make a copy of the front page on one side and the visa stamp (very important) on the other, then laminate it into a business card size. Great to carry.

I would never leave my passport with anybody. If they demand it, walk away and find another vendor. But, it's absolutely OK for them to want to see the physical passport so they can make their own copy, especially when renting a scooter/car, or checking into a hotel. Copies can be faked.

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Very sound advice craigt, thanks very much! Ok, will carry it around and show it only when absolutely necessary, otherwise I will use my copies. Thanks for letting me know about copying the visa stamp page as well as I would have never thought of that.

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The visa stamp is the most important for the police. Shows you are in the country legally. It's a hassle to travel with your passport, but necessary...just in case. Lock it up in your hotel safe. Theft if very rare here. It does happen, but quite rare. Especially at the better hotels.

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