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Narong to breathe new life into Thai education


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Narong to breathe new life into education

The Nation

Says three transferred heads have not been found guilty of corruption yet

BANGKOK: -- EDUCATION Minister Admiral Narong Pipatanasai yesterday vowed to restructure three subordinate bodies whose heads were transferred last week together with the blanket axing of their boards, while at the same time appointing new members to the boards and closely monitoring them for signs of corruption.

He stressed the heads of the Office of the Welfare Promotion Commission for Teachers and Educational Personnel (OTEP), the OTEP Business Organisation and the Teachers' Council of Thailand (Khurusapa) had not yet been found guilty of corruption or other offences.

And they were not on a list of 100 officials suspected of corruption that was made at the order of the National Council for Peace and Order, he added.

The three secretaries-general could be reinstated to their former posts if they were not found guilty of corruption, after an ongoing ministry investigation, Narong said.

He reiterated that the widespread belief the three bodies were plagued with corruption was the main reason behind the NCPO's decision to remove the heads and many other officials using Article 44 of the interim constitution.

Narong said he would be the head of the three new boards and a parallel investigation by the NCPO-appointed Government Budget Auditing Commission was underway into previous projects linked to the three bodies.

The commission's first meeting marking the launch of its investigation would be held tomorrow, its chairman General Anantaphorn Kanjanarat said.

Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said the transferred officials would be treated and investigated fairly, and the transfers should be deemed a routine rotation of high-ranking ministerial posts.

Asked about if the swift and large-scale transfers of senior officials could hit other ministries, Prayut said he was waiting for recommendations from all other ministries.

A meeting of ministers yesterday did not discuss the reshuffle of senior officials at the Finance Ministry as expected earlier, he said.

Newly-appointed Education Ministry permanent secretary Assoc Prof Dr Kamjorn Tatiyakavee said the most immediate problems he would tackle were the quality of education, corruption and the abuse of power by ministry officials, especially when detected in the OTEP and the OTEP Business Organisation.

The new - but wrong - teaching of Thai pronunciations in first grade was also be a priority, he said.

He said Thai education needed to be improved so it stood out regionally and globally.

The two bodies responsible for extended education for adults would also be put under his supervision.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Narong-to-breathe-new-life-into-education-30258384.html

-- The Nation 2015-04-21

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The new education system should only be for Bkk and south. In the north east, the population actually like( voted in a landslide) and want to continue the old style of replacing key personnel and changing the curricula every 5 minutes. Even though it kept the Isaanites poor and their children dumb, they were happy with it, and whats more important is their voting decision making remained malleable. That the farmers daughters all had to flee the poverty and incest and just happened to end up working in entertainment areas is just another positive of the PTP education policy.

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<deleted> does an admiral know about running the Education Ministry? My guess is that, much like Prayuth, he has little to no proper education.

You guess too much, and know too little!

They are both graduates from Chulachongklao military academy which is very academically demanding.

But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices..

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<deleted> does an admiral know about running the Education Ministry? My guess is that, much like Prayuth, he has little to no proper education.

You guess too much, and know too little!

They are both graduates from Chulachongklao military academy which is very academically demanding.

But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices..

However, education is not equivalent to intelligence.

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<deleted> does an admiral know about running the Education Ministry? My guess is that, much like Prayuth, he has little to no proper education.

You guess too much, and know too little!

They are both graduates from Chulachongklao military academy which is very academically demanding.

But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices..

Does the military academy offer courses in educational administration?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He is an Admiral. They need a PhD in education. More like a team of them really.

No, no, no. Probably just reassigning more PT minions. And so it goes.

Nobody has said the admiral or the general will personally plan the education reforms.

Did you ever think both of them are there because they has the power to demand and to drive change.

Surely you are aware that many of the CEOs of highly successful business corporations are not technical experts in regard to the products they make and sell, but they are highly capable of 'driving' their companies to success with clever leadership and where needed using their positional power to demand action. And where needed (especially where shareholders are not happy) they will have little hesitation to move staff around or dismiss them.

Are you aware that there is a long failure list of previous Thai PMs and education ministers (all parties) who have tried in the past to install major education reforms?

Why did they fail? One easy answer, the senior education ministry officials put up total roadblocks and absolutely refused to cooperate. Nothing happened.

Put it another way, can you name a current or previous PM or President anywhere in the world who is an expect about every subject? In reality not possible and not expected.

As already said by another poster: "But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices."

Also note that the general has already ordered a team of education people affiliated to the new education superboard, not connected to the mob just sidelined, to do a professional study of how education happens in Finland Singapore and Korea and make recommendations.

Edited by scorecard
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what do you expect from "Thainess"

I have been a member of TV for many

years. I have watched Thailand demise for all those years.

It has the potential to exceed all expectations.

However, I see a clear inextricable downward spiral.

Be it the unopposed airport strike (which,btw cost the people of Thailand tens of millions of Baht in cargo losses)

The obviously orchestrated Suthep protests, (I was not even allowed to go on the BTS!)

the predictable coup.

when will it end? who knows?

Thailand made a run at democracy. Admittedly, it was not much different (from 35 years ago) but it was a elected government.

The opposition , with the money and power, could have taken a lesson from the USA and just thrown $$ and an acceptable candidate into the fray as well as

offered some crumbs to the poor farmers, et all and won the day!

Anyway, it is a new country in the election envelope and I wish the best. But shutting down the internet etc etc will be of no use to the non elected people who claim to be empowered to represent the people.

The times they are a changin'

it is simply a matter of time patience will prevail!.

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I wonder What about ASEAN?

Will LOS ever get on board?

What is the Junta all about? China?

What about the ASEAN countries?

When will the wonder of it all happen?

This perhaps should be moved to a new post TV has become complicated, just like windows 8.1 and Face book etc etc.

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If Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha was really serious about improving education in Thailand he would ask Mechai to co-ordinate/organize the system. If you don't know who Mechai is and you live here that is sad sad.png. Do a search and be amazed at the accomplishments of a wonderful Thai

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When the government.....and of course the elite, of Thailand decide that education of kids and adults should be of an international standard, will education here progress.

The truth is that they do not want a high standard locally and, as has been the case, prefer to keep the masses basically ignorant, while their kids study overseas

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He is an Admiral. They need a PhD in education. More like a team of them really.

No, no, no. Probably just reassigning more PT minions. And so it goes.

Nobody has said the admiral or the general will personally plan the education reforms.

Did you ever think both of them are there because they has the power to demand and to drive change.

Surely you are aware that many of the CEOs of highly successful business corporations are not technical experts in regard to the products they make and sell, but they are highly capable of 'driving' their companies to success with clever leadership and where needed using their positional power to demand action. And where needed (especially where shareholders are not happy) they will have little hesitation to move staff around or dismiss them.

Are you aware that there is a long failure list of previous Thai PMs and education ministers (all parties) who have tried in the past to install major education reforms?

Why did they fail? One easy answer, the senior education ministry officials put up total roadblocks and absolutely refused to cooperate. Nothing happened.

Put it another way, can you name a current or previous PM or President anywhere in the world who is an expect about every subject? In reality not possible and not expected.

As already said by another poster: "But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices."

Also note that the general has already ordered a team of education people affiliated to the new education superboard, not connected to the mob just sidelined, to do a professional study of how education happens in Finland Singapore and Korea and make recommendations.

The stated reason for their removal was not education reform. There is no similarity to actions of CEO’s to change the direction of a company.

They were removed by the Admiral based on the widespread belief the three bodies were plagued with corruption and invoked Article 44 to forcibly remove them without evidence or defense. They had not yet been found guilty of corruption or other offences. They were not on a list of 100 officials suspected of corruption that was made at the order of the NCPO. They have not been even charged with corruption.

The restructuring of the three subordinate bodies in their absence is intended to impose strict Junta control over the educational process according to its OWN agenda where it can maintain absolute CONTROL without “conflict” or opposition, ie., from the three Heads. Note the new superboard will be appointed by the Junta "mob."

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He is an Admiral. They need a PhD in education. More like a team of them really.

No, no, no. Probably just reassigning more PT minions. And so it goes.

Nobody has said the admiral or the general will personally plan the education reforms.

Did you ever think both of them are there because they has the power to demand and to drive change.

Surely you are aware that many of the CEOs of highly successful business corporations are not technical experts in regard to the products they make and sell, but they are highly capable of 'driving' their companies to success with clever leadership and where needed using their positional power to demand action. And where needed (especially where shareholders are not happy) they will have little hesitation to move staff around or dismiss them.

Are you aware that there is a long failure list of previous Thai PMs and education ministers (all parties) who have tried in the past to install major education reforms?

Why did they fail? One easy answer, the senior education ministry officials put up total roadblocks and absolutely refused to cooperate. Nothing happened.

Put it another way, can you name a current or previous PM or President anywhere in the world who is an expect about every subject? In reality not possible and not expected.

As already said by another poster: "But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices."

Also note that the general has already ordered a team of education people affiliated to the new education superboard, not connected to the mob just sidelined, to do a professional study of how education happens in Finland Singapore and Korea and make recommendations.

The stated reason for their removal was not education reform. There is no similarity to actions of CEO’s to change the direction of a company.

They were removed by the Admiral based on the widespread belief the three bodies were plagued with corruption and invoked Article 44 to forcibly remove them without evidence or defense. They had not yet been found guilty of corruption or other offences. They were not on a list of 100 officials suspected of corruption that was made at the order of the NCPO. They have not been even charged with corruption.

The restructuring of the three subordinate bodies in their absence is intended to impose strict Junta control over the educational process according to its OWN agenda where it can maintain absolute CONTROL without “conflict” or opposition, ie., from the three Heads. Note the new superboard will be appointed by the Junta "mob."

As to be expected rather selective with your comments.

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As a person who has graduated from a major Thai university, one with far more academic rigor and reputation, I can assure you that it is no real accomplishment nor validation of one's educational acumen.

<deleted> does an admiral know about running the Education Ministry? My guess is that, much like Prayuth, he has little to no proper education.

You guess too much, and know too little!

They are both graduates from Chulachongklao military academy which is very academically demanding.

But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices..

How would you know, ever been there?

How were your English lessons?

Try "rigour" and "ones" or "ones'", depending on which grammar expert you wish to believe; not "one's"!

Edited by Felipesed
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My, my. You have certainly made an ass of yourself.

I will grant that you are unaware there are two spellings of the word 'rigor/rigour'. As for the possessive determiner 'one's', I'm not sure what you're getting at, man. If you want to be grammar police, at least know your ass from your elbow.

As a person who has graduated from a major Thai university, one with far more academic rigor and reputation, I can assure you that it is no real accomplishment nor validation of one's educational acumen.

<deleted> does an admiral know about running the Education Ministry? My guess is that, much like Prayuth, he has little to no proper education.

You guess too much, and know too little!

They are both graduates from Chulachongklao military academy which is very academically demanding.

But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices..
How would you know, ever been there?

How were your English lessons?

Try "rigour" and "ones" or "ones'", depending on which grammar expert you wish to believe; not "one's"!

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<deleted> does an admiral know about running the Education Ministry? My guess is that, much like Prayuth, he has little to no proper education.

You guess too much, and know too little!

They are both graduates from Chulachongklao military academy which is very academically demanding.

But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices..

The second sentence makes sense and seemed sufficient. The first and third, not so much.

A person's success in proposing an opposing view is often measured by the lack of offense to the other party.

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The new education system should only be for Bkk and south. In the north east, the population actually like( voted in a landslide) and want to continue the old style of replacing key personnel and changing the curricula every 5 minutes. Even though it kept the Isaanites poor and their children dumb, they were happy with it, and whats more important is their voting decision making remained malleable. That the farmers daughters all had to flee the poverty and incest and just happened to end up working in entertainment areas is just another positive of the PTP education policy.

How about letting them have the government they voted for as well. Why just single out education?

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