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Where to Watch the UK Elections

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This is one of the most fascinating elections ever. And as already mentioned there is really only one decent channel to watch it on...Sky News on CTH.

As far as who is going to win i will give you a tip if you are in a jurisdiction to bet....the Tories will win and the next PM will be Ed Milliband who will cut a deal with the SNP. He cant say that now because it will adversely affect the Labour vote in Scotland. Another good wager is that there will be another election later in the year.

As for all the retirees in Thailand worrying about the dear old pound....keep worrying.

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I will propaly stay up and watch on bbc world news, that's of course if its on????? hope labour win, VOTE LABOUR.

You obviously do not have a pension and have no interest in a strong GBP rate - good for you

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Put Labour back in and they'll make an even bigger mess of it than last time and probably hand Scotland to that Krankie in charge of the SNP.

Ed Milliband says he is not going to enter into a coaliision with the SNP, looks like Sturgeon and Salmond are getting over excited as usual!

Sturgeon and Salmond have no interest in a coalition - that would require negotiation and formal agreement/concessions each way.

Far better for them to have their hands on Milband's scrotum ready to prime the pump for a bit more cash whenever they fancy it.


give scotland independence would save us billions..and wales too.labour/tory/libs have ruled over us for 170 years..its time the old boys club was dismantled utter scum ruining this once great island..remember its self interest from all of them couldnt give a toss about any of us and dont kid yourself thinking they do..

The panic of the 3 Stoogies high tailing it up to Scotland to promise the World when it looked liked there might be a '' Yes '' vote.

Suggests that your assumption is far from the truth.

I think they were worried about where they would put Trident subs - I guess the pens in the Falklands will be ready soon.


I will propaly stay up and watch on bbc world news, that's of course if its on????? hope labour win, VOTE LABOUR.

No need to stay up. All the excitement will be start around 6am Thai time. BBC World will have continuous coverage.


I will propaly stay up and watch on bbc world news, that's of course if its on????? hope labour win, VOTE LABOUR.

No need to stay up. All the excitement will start around 6am Thai time. BBC World will have continuous coverage.

I have listened to all the political parties especially Lib Lab & Con . They are all much of a sameness . All of their leaders were groomed from an early age to lead a political party, having attended expensive public schools etc . They are all in league with high level businesses with the brief to maximise business profits. The UK saturation of low paid immigrants who take the jobs of British people is just one indicator . The government are quite happy to pay benefits to the unemployed etc as the funds come from the public purse whilst the business sector reaps the rewards for cheap labour .

If I had the chance to attend the BBC Question Time programme and if Cameron, Clegg or Miliband were on the panel, I would like to ask them what inspired them to become the leader of the country when the actual wages are very low compared to the opportunities and high salaries that they could expect from their personal high education and no doubt valued connections to the business world etc .

The UK is in a mess with its cultures being diluted and traditions lost . I am not sure if it is passed the point of no return but under the management of the 3 above I cannot see any improvement happening . I do not want to go on a political campaign but I have to say that the only hope of a rescue from total ruination of the UK would be for UKIP to be part of the government . Farage has the only manifesto that can stand up to auditing.He is well informed , speaks the truth and is feared by the other party leaders in any televised debate . Also he has no conflict of interest unlike the above 3 . Enoch Powell may yet be proved to be correct in his predictions .

Oh, and how is ( the Robin Hood pretender ) the multi millionaire Tony Blair doing these days ?

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give scotland independence would save us billions..and wales too.labour/tory/libs have ruled over us for 170 years..its time the old boys club was dismantled utter scum ruining this once great island..remember its self interest from all of them couldnt give a toss about any of us and dont kid yourself thinking they do..

The panic of the 3 Stoogies high tailing it up to Scotland to promise the World when it looked liked there might be a '' Yes '' vote.

Suggests that your assumption is far from the truth.

I think they were worried about where they would put Trident subs - I guess the pens in the Falklands will be ready soon.

You think ??


give scotland independence would save us billions..and wales too.labour/tory/libs have ruled over us for 170 years..its time the old boys club was dismantled utter scum ruining this once great island..remember its self interest from all of them couldnt give a toss about any of us and dont kid yourself thinking they do..

The panic of the 3 Stoogies high tailing it up to Scotland to promise the World when it looked liked there might be a '' Yes '' vote.

Suggests that your assumption is far from the truth.

Those of course we're politicans, if the English electorate had also taken part in the vote ,Salmons would have been a very happy man


Put Labour back in and they'll make an even bigger mess of it than last time and probably hand Scotland to that Krankie in charge of the SNP.

Ed Milliband says he is not going to enter into a coaliision with the SNP, looks like Sturgeon and Salmond are getting over excited as usual!

Sturgeon and Salmond have no interest in a coalition - that would require negotiation and formal agreement/concessions each way.

Far better for them to have their hands on Milband's scrotum ready to prime the pump for a bit more cash whenever they fancy it.

Scotland does't need any further subsidies from England. According to Salmons and Sturgeon, Scotland can support itself with North Sea oil selling at 110 dollars.


give scotland independence would save us billions..and wales too.labour/tory/libs have ruled over us for 170 years..its time the old boys club was dismantled utter scum ruining this once great island..remember its self interest from all of them couldnt give a toss about any of us and dont kid yourself thinking they do..

The panic of the 3 Stoogies high tailing it up to Scotland to promise the World when it looked liked there might be a '' Yes '' vote.

Suggests that your assumption is far from the truth.

Those of course we're politicans, if the English electorate had also taken part in the vote ,Salmons would have been a very happy man

We will never know of course.

However, it is fair to say that the knuckle dragging Neanderthals would indeed vote for an Independent Scotland.

The silent majority of non knuckle draggers who have a brain, would probably vote otherwise.

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It is essential to get rid of Scotland, cos if and when the "promised" referendum on membership of the EU comes along, the SNP would vote massively -probably 100% - to stay in Europe. With no Scotland, England could get on with the job of quitting the Rich Man's Club of Europe and start making alliances with anyone who wants to trade with her. Also, get out of Nato and cancel Trident.

Alas, I live in a fantasy world. Cos all the main parties want to keep the £20 billion Trident. What a waste of goddam money.....

But, luckily for me, UK is not my home country!!.....

The UK is just another country, so its elections are no more or less important than those in Slovenia, Slovakia, Cyprus, Malta etc etc

Agree completely about Trident, the only good thing about that decision, was that Gordon didn't decide to finance them through PFI at 3-4 times the cost ! blink.png

Wonder what he was drinking, back then ? The UK-taxpayer will be paying the bill for it for many years to come.

All so the high poo-bah's can have their own Big-Red-Button, and continue to kid themselves, that they've still got a place at the top table ! sad.png

Better to accept that the Empire-days are gone now, and focus on being a damn-good medium-influence country, with a proud history.

And to try harder to make Europe work better, to achieve it's potential, instead of being whinging Poms forever.

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