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Hi and thanks to anyone who can help with this query.

My Thai girlfriend comes to visit me in England at the beginning of October for 2 months. A 6 month visa was granted but she will only be staying for those 2 months.

I have now been told by someone and I don't know how reliable this is, that she could still get turned away from entering the country at immigration at Heathrow. This could even be on the basis of an immigration officer not taking a liking to her.

I need really to know if this is true? She will be carrying all the original documentation (phone bills, letter of sponsership, letter from landlord etc) that we took to the embassy in Bangkok and will be able to present this again at immigration as evidence of her stay and my ability to support her etc. She will also obviously have the visa stamp in her passport.

Could someone also tell me if she will be interviewed at this stage and give me a general outline of what we and especially she needs to do in these circumstances. Will she require further documentation for example. Can she be sent back home if they are not satisfied?

I hope this is someone just putting the wind up.

Any help appreciated




See 1.9 - What happens on arrival in the UK.

Refusal of leave to enter in relation to a person in possession of an entry clearance

321. A person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom who holds an entry clearance which was duly issued to him and is still current may be refused leave to enter only where the Immigration Officer is satisfied that:

(i) whether or not to the holder's knowledge, false representations were employed or material facts were not disclosed, either in writing or orally, for the purpose of obtaining the entry clearance; or

(ii) a change of circumstances since it was issued has removed the basis of the holder's claim to admission, except where the change of circumstances amounts solely to the person becoming over age for entry in one of the categories contained in paragraphs 296-316 of these Rules since the issue of the entry clearance; or

(iii) refusal is justified on grounds of restricted return ability; on medical grounds; on grounds of criminal record; because the person seeking leave to enter is the subject of a deportation order or because exclusion would be conducive to the public good.


Hi a friend has just had his Thai wife over for a visit. When she arrived the Immigration officer asked her where she would be staying. With husband was all she could say. My friend was ouside waiting for her and after a couple of hours he asked and was told she was being interviewed about admission. When my friend gave the guys his address she was allowed entry. Make sure she has an address for where she will be staying and she should be OK, Good luck. PS my friends wife only stop 3 weeks. TOOOOOOO expensive Cannot was reason. I think the final straw was going to eat out and finding that the som tam cost 500 baht. Hope GF enjoys it here Dunc :o


As Vinny has pointed out, there are only limited circumstances in which the IO can refuse leave to enter to the holder of a visa. Even if she were refused entry, and providing that she was still presenting herself as a visitor, she would have the right of appeal from within the UK; i.e. she wouldn't be required to leave until such a time as her appeal had been determined.




If you are meeting and/or sponsoring a visitor who is arriving alone then make sure they have your UK mobile number. That way if there is a problem the IO can contact you straight away.


When On visited the UK a few years ago (only 3, but it feels like a lifetime now) I sent her an email with instructions to print it out and fold it into her Passport.

The email contained information about my name, our relationship (then BF GF) and where she would be living in the UK.... i.e. with me.

On speaks fairly good English but her reading and writing skills in it were diabolical at the time, and that caused the only problem she had when she landed..... the landing card, when the IO handed one to her she just looked at him like a rabbit trapped in headlights (she told me later). She just handed her Passport over, with the printed email inside and pretended that she didn't understand what he was saying (I think this was mainly because she was terrified). The IO read the email and simply said "Your boyfriend can speak Thai?"

"Of course he can" ... she replied.

He completed the landing card for her and waved her through. :o



They are just putting the wind up you. Your visa was legitamately issued and she will not have a problem, . The worst that could happen is that you get a swine in a bad mood who can make her entry unpleasant for a while by asking a lot of questions in an agressive way, where she will stay, who with , your name, and anything else they want. However in the end, even if they have to call you to confirm , she WILL get in because unless the visa was obtained by deception , and yours wasn't, they can be as nasty as they want , but she must , eventually , be allowed in.

In reality , she will probably be asked a few questions in a civil , if somewhat cold , way about where she will stay , how much money she has with her or at her disposal , who she will stay with etc. But really she should know all this info so make sure she does.

My partner was made to wait almost an hour whilst they checked out the visa with Bangkok. It was done without apology or grace , but then that is immigration for you . That is about the worst that she can expect , un pleasantness and delay without apology. Relax .....


Very few visitors have any trouble at all with immigration, the longest delay being the queue!

However, the OP asked "what if........?" so saying that people are "just putting the wind up you" is unfair.

Edited by Scouse


The worst that could happen is that you get a swine in a bad mood who can make her entry unpleasant for a while by asking a lot of questions in an agressive way, where she will stay, who with , your name, and anything else they want.

So, do your best to make sure that problem never happens.... it takes very little effort.

When faced with choice of doing nothing and thinking 'my wife can handle it.'

Or option two, doing everything I am capable of to make the transition from one country to another as easy as possible.

I'll take option two every time.


What airport is she arriving at steven?

I've heard they are pretty thorough at a certain terminal at Heathrow. My mrs arrived at Manchester and was treated very nicely. Through immigration in 30 minutes or less. I also made sure she had a piece of paper with name, address, phone numbers etc.

Good luck

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