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2010 Crackdown: Suthep submits evidence of 'blackshirts' to NACC


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The protests were eventually called off after the Redshirt leadership surrendered to authorities on 19 May 2010.

Surrendered? That's not how I remember it, and I was here at the time.

Also, at the time, I recall reading about a number of foreign journalists who were permitted into the red shirt camp and who interviewed and documented what these 'men in black' were up to. Whatever happened to them and their documentary footage? Could be quite revealing.

The PTP did everything in its power to suppress all evidence of the involvement of Taksin supported blackshirts

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The protests were eventually called off after the Redshirt leadership surrendered to authorities on 19 May 2010.

Surrendered? That's not how I remember it, and I was here at the time.

Also, at the time, I recall reading about a number of foreign journalists who were permitted into the red shirt camp and who interviewed and documented what these 'men in black' were up to. Whatever happened to them and their documentary footage? Could be quite revealing.

The PTP did everything in its power to suppress all evidence of the involvement of Taksin supported blackshirts

Wow! The PTP controlled neither the government nor the army. That guy Thaksin must have super powers. Maybe they should make a movie.

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The only palatable outcome with this man would be to lock him up for many years. This will teach future snakes of the establishment that you too will get sh@t on once you become expendable.

your uniformed opinion only. Who cares?. Most Thais support this man and he is still very popular. His campaign money came from his supporters and not from any kind of corruption as alleged by some TV members. My Thai friends contributed Bt500,000 to his campaign

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The protests were eventually called off after the Redshirt leadership surrendered to authorities on 19 May 2010.

Surrendered? That's not how I remember it, and I was here at the time.

Also, at the time, I recall reading about a number of foreign journalists who were permitted into the red shirt camp and who interviewed and documented what these 'men in black' were up to. Whatever happened to them and their documentary footage? Could be quite revealing.

The PTP did everything in its power to suppress all evidence of the involvement of Taksin supported blackshirts

Wow! The PTP controlled neither the government nor the army. That guy Thaksin must have super powers. Maybe they should make a movie.

Not really.. just remember how people coming out with data on the rice scam were intimidated and silenced. Only after the corrupt government was disposed of a real investigation could start with all the result we see now 700 billion loss that was never budgetted.

So it seems the PTP was quite apt at suppressing information.

I wonder if you realize its harder to rewrite history when the people your trying to influence are educated instead of rice farmers. You might have to up your game a bit.

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Yu'p men in black, they were there absolutely no question.

The question is, were they the ones that started the shooting? if so where they provoked or were they defending themselves?

Were they all there for the redshirts or is it possible SOME were planted there to cause trouble therefor justifying the deadly response? A tactic commonly used!

And after several court rulings that the military were responsible for many deaths.

Was any video evidence of military firing at unarmed protectors shown to the commission? or was it only selected videos shown? We all know the answer to that one.

Any video evidence of the emergency volunteer's in the temple being targeted?

How about the shooting of journalist's? and a certain general shot in the head by a sniper, was that shown?

Australia has had some big protests before but has a habit of NOT calling in the military to shoot and kill people.

So just how is the government of the day NOT responsible for the deaths?

And finally for the record yet again, I have NO support RED or YELLOW for those that use violence on innocent protesters and volunteers to achieve their political will.

But isn't that exactly what was sanctioned by the government on the day? use deadly force.

Were you here during the 2010 red uprising? I was.

Do you have ANY clue what you are talking about?

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Where has these videos been all this time and why now do they just come out?

They haven't just come out. I see them on Thai TV at the time - black clad men getting out of vans, running to positions (with innocent protesters in front of them) and indiscriminately firing off several rounds before retreating and exiting the scene.

I don't even know why this has gone so far. it will be rightly be dismissed before it gets any closer to the courts on circumstantial evidence alone!!

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Yu'p men in black, they were there absolutely no question.

The question is, were they the ones that started the shooting? if so where they provoked or were they defending themselves?

Were they all there for the redshirts or is it possible SOME were planted there to cause trouble therefor justifying the deadly response? A tactic commonly used!

And after several court rulings that the military were responsible for many deaths.

Was any video evidence of military firing at unarmed protectors shown to the commission? or was it only selected videos shown? We all know the answer to that one.

Any video evidence of the emergency volunteer's in the temple being targeted?

How about the shooting of journalist's? and a certain general shot in the head by a sniper, was that shown?

Australia has had some big protests before but has a habit of NOT calling in the military to shoot and kill people.

So just how is the government of the day NOT responsible for the deaths?

And finally for the record yet again, I have NO support RED or YELLOW for those that use violence on innocent protesters and volunteers to achieve their political will.

But isn't that exactly what was sanctioned by the government on the day? use deadly force.

yes we all know you are not a red, you keep telling us. In Australia the police would not have allowed these terrorists to set up the barricades in the first place let alone stood aside while they threw grenades and set fires but with police here doing thaksins/the ptp's bidding they simply refused to do anything about it. Now to the armed bit, while serving in the defence forces in Australia we actually had to be trained how to go about warning and shooting at civilians when the unions were stopping supplies causing major problems for all the public(70's), Voctoria was coming to a total standstill, we were being made ready to face off with them using armoured personal carriers, automatic weapons as well as slr's to breach them but once this fact was made public to the unions they crawled back into their holes much like the cowardly reds, seems you lot can only be brave and upstanding when people dont shoot back , gutless comes to mind. Everyone can see the red appologists/trolls out in force on this one as it destroys their bullsh*t claims of no violence so for most this is a big laugh because it shows how gullible and brain dead red supporters really are and how pathetic their arguments show them up to be. Doesnt matter what bullsh*t reds come up with, every other person in Thailand knows you are all full of it, you lot truly are one big joke yet you are too simple to even see how silly you lot really look, I am rolling around the floor laughing at you all you are that bad, you all have my sympathy for your total lack of anything between your ears, you lot make homer simpson look intelligent

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I was here, yet somehow I don't recall those on the morning May 19. Please see this to refresh your memory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Thai_military_crackdown

Your have lost it giving wiki as a source, don't you know wiki can be edited by anyone and that Thaksin had Robert Amsterdam and others on the payroll. There were even paid for posters here on the board during during the last problems with the PTP.

Goebbels would love people like you.

Even our local Photo Journalist Nick Nostritz described the grenade attacks on soldiers on the 19th and how vanderGrift seemed to have a deathwish running around with the military. The Canadian was lucky though, he survived. Looking at the photos a soldier next to him may have lost the use of his left arm.

"As to what i would feel if one of my family members would have been killed by a grenade of Red Shirt armed militants. Well, i had several very close calls when i was nearly blown up by some of those grenades myself, the closest on May 19, where the first of the rain of grenades that killed a soldier and wounded Chandler Vanergrift exploded only two meters from me, but was fortunately most likely a training round as there was no shrapnel. I was also during the Silom grenade attacks on the side of the Yellow Shirts while the grenades came down.

So, yes, i am more than aware of the reality of Red Shirt violence than you will ever know, if you are lucky."


Thank you for linking to that post by Nick. He had a very clear view of the violence and reading all of his work will clarify many issues for you and other posters on TV.

Also, just to clarify, the wounding of Chandler Vandergraft occurred well after the crackdown commence, so should not be seen as its proximate cause.

Absolutely, after the crackdown commenced on the 19th. Proximately in time


""Nick Nostitz, a German freelance photographer who's been living in Thailand for a few years, was about 60 metres from Vandergrift when the army stormed the protest camp.

"When the military started moving in, there was an enormous amount of gunfire," Nostitz told The Canadian Press in an phone interview from Bangkok.
"Then the Black Shirts, a radical faction under the Red Shirts, started firing grenades against the military and Vandergrift was hit by one of the grenades.""
Of course on the 22nd of April we had the provocation by multi-coloured shirts which led to
""I came a few minutes after the grenades at the BTS station went off (which caused little damage, only a few lightly injured), but was right in time for the volley that landed a bit later in the middle of the Yellow Shirt protesters at the coffee shop close to the Dusit, killing one and injuring many. Otherwise i could hardly have photographed the injured...""


And April 10th

"For instance, if memory serves me right, AFTER the grenade attack on General Romklao more people died that day.

This is true. After the grenade blast that killed Romklao and wounded many other soldiers there was a brief lull in which the injured were brought away (there was much chaos, some Red Shirt guards helped injured soldiers, while other enraged Red Shirts tried to attack them). But then while the soldiers retreated/ran away they shot into the crowd (maybe covering fire, maybe panic), and the sniper on the roof of the school operated. That is when Hiro died.

The evidence is quite clear - at Dinso there were holes in the tarmac from the grenade blasts. There were many bullet holes shot from the military lines towards the Red Shirts, and none that i could see that were shot from the Red Shirt towards the soldiers (which doesn't mean that there were none, just that i haven't seen any, quite different at Khok Wua, where you could see also many bullet holes shot from the side of the Red Shirts)."



"I can only say what i have said on several occasions - no, i haven't any images of armed militants ("blackshirts" - but i do not like this term, as it has led to much confusion, and as a result many guards wearing a black uniform were shot in the mistaken believe that they were armed militants). I have ran into them exactly once, and they asked me not to take any images. Being late at night, right at the frontline, and being the only journo, i thought it was neither the time nor the place to stress a discussion on the merits of freedom of the media.

Not too many journalists actually managed to see them, and even less images or videos of them are available, exactly because of aforementioned reasons. They did not really want to be filmed or photographed. Which is quite natural. And before you ask, yes, i have similar experiences with soldiers."


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obviously a lot of trolls following this thread. Anyone that was here during that time unless in an inebriated stupor

would remember the numerous photographs of the men in black. They were out in numbers, that's a fact, no way around it.

Get over it!

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Yu'p men in black, they were there absolutely no question.

The question is, were they the ones that started the shooting? if so where they provoked or were they defending themselves?

Were they all there for the redshirts or is it possible SOME were planted there to cause trouble therefor justifying the deadly response? A tactic commonly used!

And after several court rulings that the military were responsible for many deaths.

Was any video evidence of military firing at unarmed protectors shown to the commission? or was it only selected videos shown? We all know the answer to that one.

Any video evidence of the emergency volunteer's in the temple being targeted?

How about the shooting of journalist's? and a certain general shot in the head by a sniper, was that shown?

Australia has had some big protests before but has a habit of NOT calling in the military to shoot and kill people.

So just how is the government of the day NOT responsible for the deaths?

And finally for the record yet again, I have NO support RED or YELLOW for those that use violence on innocent protesters and volunteers to achieve their political will.

But isn't that exactly what was sanctioned by the government on the day? use deadly force.

"Australia has some big protests"

Did protesters take the city center hostage for months at a time? Restricting movements and checking cars that pass their rally point? I bet not. Were grenades thrown at businesses that supported the opposition? bet not. So what is a government suppose to do when police refuse to move against the protesters, and protesters will not move taking the city hostage? And protesters started rigging their camp site with fireworks and building a fort. Even before the military moved in, UDD stormed the 2009 ASEAM summit meeting scaring away top Asian leaders. Many left the country right away! as if thats not a serious enough offense. Not to mention bashing opposition politicians cars.

When the protesters demands were met, they turned it down. Remember that they ask for new election, Abhisit said ok and new elections would be held in less than a year. Protest leaders turned it down and told protesters to fight instead? Why? Perhaps situation could have been defused if protester leaders accepted it and told everyone to go home.

Even though the military moved in, they were more than patient enough, they were being shot and grenades thrown at without making a move until the last minute when given the order after protesters refuse to disperse.

You can't really compare protesters in the West to Thailand, people and education is so different that its really a no comparison. Its like trying to compare traffic law enforcement in Australia and Thailand.

Edited by mike324
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"blackshirt militants" = government false flag operation to provide "justification" for the use of deadly force against unarmed civilians

Where are the dead blackshirts and where is the direct evidence linking them to the protesters?

Except that this would NOT benefit the army.

Redshirts fold and go home when confronted with army force is a win.

Blackshirt Ringers within the redshirt ranks, kill army leaders on the field,

cause chaos and fear in the uncontrolled in the army ranks and probably

shoot a few redshirt pawns to enrage the reds in the street would then

bring back memories of student uprising of '70's and would be a psyco-political

weapon against the Dems ongoing. As they have obviously used it since.

This benefits Team Thakisn's aims, not the Army / Dems aims.

As were the obvious ringer 'Watermelon Soldiers' platoon, firing into the Wat May 19th,

to terrorize and kill the already surrendered protestors at Central World.

That served no purpose at all including displacing alleged army anger,]

but it DOES help Team Thaksin's aim to destabilize the Dem leadership permanently.

This NACC inquiry is one more of the outcomes intended by using the Blackshirt ringers,

and the Watermellon ringers. Which only ever could have benefited Thaksin's aggressive aims.

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I suppose the one thing I have learned about red-shirts since I came to Thailand nearly 10 years ago is that they do not care about the truth one little bit.

Whatever suits their argument is good enough and ignore anything else. These videos have been around long enough for anyone to know the truth about their 'peaceful' protests. I'm sure they know it too.

So the argument don't matter, the videos and evidence don't matter and the prosecutions don't matter. Everything will continue just the same. This thread is proof of that. How does a country start to fix a problem where such a high percentage of it's society is so fundamentally and willingly dishonest ?.

I have no idea.

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"blackshirt militants" = government false flag operation to provide "justification" for the use of deadly force against unarmed civilians

Where are the dead blackshirts and where is the direct evidence linking them to the protesters?

Except that this would NOT benefit the army.

Redshirts fold and go home when confronted with army force is a win.

Blackshirt Ringers within the redshirt ranks, kill army leaders on the field,

cause chaos and fear in the uncontroled in the army ranks and probably

shoot a few redshirt pawns to enrage the reds in the street would then

bring back memories of student uprising of '70's and would be a psyco-political

weapon against the Dems ongoing. As they have obviously used it since.

This benefits Team Thakisn's aims, not the other sides..

The killing of Romklao in particular puts the kibosh in the false flag conspiracies by vague "elites". I can only imagine that the people that peddle that sort of nonsense really have no clue over what they are talking about.

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Very amazing to see despite fact and evidence that some forumers continue to denied armed element in rank of UDD( blackshirt) existence.......

But international community recognize the fact that Black-shirt is the armed wing of UDD, and the former YL government has stopped all investigation about this......

see HRW report

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Are there really still people that deny the existence of armed men in black supporting the UDD.

I remember Arisman, one of the hardcore UDD leaders, standing on the Ratchaprasong stage telling the happy clappers that men in black would be coming to help them.

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"blackshirt militants" = government false flag operation to provide "justification" for the use of deadly force against unarmed civilians

Where are the dead blackshirts and where is the direct evidence linking them to the protesters?

Yeah isn't it amazing that all the soldiers who died, died from being hit by rocks not by bullets from these numerous gun-wielding militants.


ROCKS??!! Seriously??....Try grenades and bullets...supply one, genuine report of death by rocks..or crawl back under your ROCK !

I think Lorn was being sarcastic referring to the other ill informed post

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I am quite surprised that nobody, so far, seems to remember the role played by Maj. Gen. Khattiya Sawatdiphon alias Seh Daeng.

Who choose to side with the "Red Shirts", led its most intransigent and militant wing, and got shot during the unrest...

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Just to balance things out a bit, soldiers hold blame for innocent lives lost as well. They had trigger happy fingers due to their inexperience and couldn't operate under pressure of being shot so they did fire indiscriminately into the crowds as well.

With all the mounting evidence against pro-red, they love to use the "its fake" or "photoshopped" line whenever evidence is presented. I still remember Jatuporn barking about how they have all the evidence of who burned down Central World and who shot who. But once Yingluck was elected, they kind of took to the backseat and never presented their "evidence". I call Jatuporn the boy who cry wolf.

Thaksin was seen begging supporters who visited him in Cambodia during Songkran the year after PTP came to power to accept the Amnesty Bill for the "greater good of the people". Even if it meant pardoning all the criminals who shot innocent red shirts. What hypocrites they are. I have to say not all red leaders are bad, there are still a handful who stuck to the root cause such as better lives for the poor etc.

Suthep is one big scam, becoming a monk and all. What a joke he is, he should be in jail.

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Will someone remind them what Chalerm said?

Chalerm instructed Tarit-the-worm in the DSI investigation that men-in-black officially did not exist and therefore will not be mentioned or investigated.

I wonder why he did that ?.

But hey - Red-Shirts will ignore that little fact (which, given the evidence, is pretty much an admission of guilt) because it doesn't suit. The beauty of having no conscience is that it doesn't bother you.

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I am quite surprised that nobody, so far, seems to remember the role played by Maj. Gen. Khattiya Sawatdiphon alias Seh Daeng.

Who choose to side with the "Red Shirts", led its most intransigent and militant wing, and got shot during the unrest...

Actually that was one of the turning points for the protest. Sadly nobody knows much about it. He predicted his death pretty accurately and it was widely talked about. Most likely he was told he would be assasianted and he accepted his fate.

Either he was sacrificed by the Reds to make him look like a martyr so the red will fight more, or the other version is that he defied the orders of the generals and was warned not to fight against the army but didn't listen so he got the death sentence.

Either way, if his soldiers really did fight against other soldiers, it would be an all out war in the middle of the city.

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My question is: With all this photographic and video "evidence", why is it that not one single MIB has ever been identified or arrested?

You haven't been paying attention?

BANGKOK: -- Five members of the so-called mysterious “Men in Black” who battled with troops at Kok Wua intersection near the Democracy Monument during the red-shirt protests in April 2010 resulting to the death of Romklao Phuvatham have been arrested by police.

In case you haven't, or would rather have history rewritten, this is what the "Men in Black" were up to on that day:

Are you getting confused with the MIB arrested last year ...ie, the Navy SEALS who it turned out were working 'security' for the PDRC but had initially said they were on a top secret anti drugs mission ( having been caught red-handed with an arsenal of military issued waepons. Not another word about that case since their arrest.

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My question is: With all this photographic and video "evidence", why is it that not one single MIB has ever been identified or arrested?

You haven't been paying attention?

BANGKOK: -- Five members of the so-called mysterious “Men in Black” who battled with troops at Kok Wua intersection near the Democracy Monument during the red-shirt protests in April 2010 resulting to the death of Romklao Phuvatham have been arrested by police.

In case you haven't, or would rather have history rewritten, this is what the "Men in Black" were up to on that day:

Are you getting confused with the MIB arrested last year ...ie, the Navy SEALS who it turned out were working 'security' for the PDRC but had initially said they were on a top secret anti drugs mission ( having been caught red-handed with an arsenal of military issued waepons. Not another word about that case since their arrest.

According to red logic the MIB that were there at 2010 should be processed first not doing so would make it political because that other case was older. The moment the current government does something like this all the reds cry its political and here you are telling us to process these first.

Personally i say go after these guys too maybe for having weapons in public without a permit or something like that. But then again I am not red and don't see political persecution everywhere. Though I rank MIB's using their weapons against the army higher on my bad list as people just carrying weapons in public. Both should be taken to justice of course.

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Yes of course they should be pursued but in the context of apportioning blame , tit-for-tat and the seemingly never ending resort to military coups to solve problems, that is not going to happen. I don't want shadowy characters with weapons anymore than the next person but Thailand seems locked in a downward spiral of violence. Reconciliation is not part of the agenda ...control is the strategy and it's doomed to fail. Again.

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