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Russia receives lowest global approval ratings, US highest


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Russia receives lowest global approval ratings, US highest

WASHINGTON, DC - Russia in 2014 earned the lowest approval ratings globally for the eighth consecutive year and posted the highest disapproval ratings it has received to date. US leadership received the highest approval rating in the world, with the median 45% approval topping ratings of the leadership of the European Union, Germany, Russia and China - as it has most years since 2009.

For the past six years, the U.S. has typically received the highest approval ratings and Russia the lowest. But what the trend line does not show is that countries affiliated with the West, particularly NATO countries, soured on Russia dramatically. And, at the same time, Russians and people in many of its former republics -- chiefly Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan -- all felt much more negatively about the leadership of the U.S., the EU and Germany.

Russia's ratings dropped by 10 percentage points or more in 21 countries, nine of which are members of NATO. Despite its already low approval ratings, no other world power Gallup examined had this many sizable declines. Additionally, majorities of residents in 41 countries disapproved of the job performance of the leadership of Russia -- nearly three times the number of countries where majorities disapproved of U.S. leadership.

High disapproval of Russia's leadership was centralized in Western countries. Many EU member countries and Canada reported their highest disapproval ratings of Russia's leadership since the beginning of Gallup tracking. In fact, the nine countries with the highest disapproval ratings of Russia are all in Europe.

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/57963/russia-receives-lowest-global-approval-ratings-us-highest

-- eTN 2015-04-22

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So the story here is that people from the West don't like the Russian leadership and people from Russia don't like the leadership in the West.

Wow, I could have told you that without spending any money on any surveys.

Can't see China in here, except that Russians like them.............what a surprize!blink.png

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Global Travel News (HQ in USA) ...........

American Propaganda at it's best ....

So if the company were based in say Russia or China do you think they would be better off? Hey, maybe they could come to Thailand.

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I wonder if the are any people in the world who care what Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan thinks? Are they relevant to any conversation? Of course they support a despot like King Vladimir.

I'm sure there are. There's a very big world outside your realm.

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So the story here is that people from the West don't like the Russian leadership and people from Russia don't like the leadership in the West.

Wow, I could have told you that without spending any money on any surveys.

Can't see China in here, except that Russians like them.............what a surprize!blink.png

China keeps a reasonbly low profile when it comes to getting other countries or people who populate those countries upset. This in my mind makes them the most insidious and the most dangerous...that and their 1.4 billion people.

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Putin is dreadful and Russia has gone backwards.

So no surprise.

I agree it's not as bad as the cold war but its heading there, and rather quickly.

In many ways it's worse now than during the cold war. Back then at least there was a system and predictability to the madness coming from USSR/Russia. Today you never know what to expect from the madman Putin and his entourage.

It wasn't many weeks ago that Putin declared that he was ready to use nuclear weapons if the west had interfered with the Russian annexation/theft of Crimea. This would hardly have happened during the cold war.


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Okay lets do the survey scientifically and ask a representative sample per country with each sample reflecting the population of each country in relation to total world population. In such a study the US and cronies will have 1/7 of the votes and China Africa and India 3/7 and lets look at the results. Surveys are not worth the paper they are written on.

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Putin is dreadful and Russia has gone backwards.

So no surprise.

I agree it's not as bad as the cold war but its heading there, and rather quickly.

Even accepting that,how did US manage to get highest when Obama/US is hated worldwide, even by its own people.

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Putin is dreadful and Russia has gone backwards.

So no surprise.

I agree it's not as bad as the cold war but its heading there, and rather quickly.

Even accepting that,how did US manage to get highest when Obama/US is hated worldwide, even by its own people.

Many people in the US don't like the current government but they love their country. There will be free elections next year.

The US isn't hated worldwide. This was a Gallup poll taken worldwide. The US might be hated by some minority of people in tiny, insignificant countries which the world passed by a century ago, and by the likes of Putin and his propaganda machine.

This world would be a real mess if there was no US and only a Russia and China.

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Putin is dreadful and Russia has gone backwards.

So no surprise.

I agree it's not as bad as the cold war but its heading there, and rather quickly.

Even accepting that,how did US manage to get highest when Obama/US is hated worldwide, even by its own people.

Huh??? Hate??? US hates itself!!!??? You pesky little Russians need hobbies so you can stop worrying about the US.

Lol, we love Russia!

US people in general could give a hoot about Russia or Putin, no one here thinks about Russia or Putin, no one here discusses Russia or Putin and no one really cares!!!!

You throw up a bunch of countries and people will pick Russia because they know Russia, but other than that . . . US, unlike Russians, don't even think about or hear about Russia or Putin in their daily lives.

Edited by F430murci
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I have read recently that Putin is again the person of year according to The Time. Maybe Gallup does not read The Time?

Do you mean that insignificant rag which named Hitler person of the year in 1938 and Stalin person of the year in 1939? That Time?

I see where it named "all Ebola fighters" as people persons person of the year in 2014.

Putin is a self-absorbed punk who got Russia the lowest rating in this poll.

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Putin is dreadful and Russia has gone backwards.

So no surprise.

I agree it's not as bad as the cold war but its heading there, and rather quickly.

Even accepting that,how did US manage to get highest when Obama/US is hated worldwide, even by its own people.

Many people in the US don't like the current government but they love their country. There will be free elections next year.

The US isn't hated worldwide. This was a Gallup poll taken worldwide. The US might be hated by some minority of people in tiny, insignificant countries which the world passed by a century ago, and by the likes of Putin and his propaganda machine.

This world would be a real mess if there was no US and only a Russia and China.

So your point is people in the poll where asked if they liked country not the government?

I wonder how many actually been to Russia and how many been to US?

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So your point is people in the poll where asked if they liked country not the government?

I wonder how many actually been to Russia and how many been to US?

This was a scientific poll done by a solid, well respected polling company which has been around for ages. They know how to get representative samples.

The poll was about countries and Russia scored at the bottom. The US scored at the top.

Contrary to the mistaken views of many people who have a tiny view of the world, this is the way people of the world view the two countries.

There is something seriously wrong in a country which has a GDP per capita which is less than 1/4 of what it is in the US. Russia wouldn't have nearly that much if it didn't have oil. Russia can't get its engine started. LINK

Russia is a bottom feeder and the polls merely reflected that.

Edited by NeverSure
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I wonder how many actually been to Russia and how many been to US?

The USA has about 70 million international tourist arrivals per year and Russia has about 28.5 million. Link

Remember, the US is a lot more inconvenient to travel to than are European countries. It is separated by long distances over oceans from Asia and Europe.

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Putin is dreadful and Russia has gone backwards.

So no surprise.

I agree it's not as bad as the cold war but its heading there, and rather quickly.

Even accepting that,how did US manage to get highest when Obama/US is hated worldwide, even by its own people.

Huh??? Hate??? US hates itself!!!??? You pesky little Russians need hobbies so you can stop worrying about the US.

Lol, we love Russia!

US people in general could give a hoot about Russia or Putin, no one here thinks about Russia or Putin, no one here discusses Russia or Putin and no one really cares!!!!

You throw up a bunch of countries and people will pick Russia because they know Russia, but other than that . . . US, unlike Russians, don't even think about or hear about Russia or Putin in their daily lives.

Love your patriotic drivel as usual.

US people in general would not know where Russia was, just as US people in general do not know any place else besides US.

And for the 10th time, since you struggle to understand, You do not know where i come from or where i was raised, so stop making complete fool out of yourself by making silly statements and assumptions

If US was as loved as you like it to believe, US flag would not be burned on every corner.

Then if you just took China, with 5 times US population it would already NOT put US in the first place.

So unless you interview those with US flag pinned to their shirt, then yeah you would get most loved.

Just as if you interviewed ones protesting outside Russian Embassy, you will also get desired results.

Your second line supports what I say about US people not caring about, thinking about or worrying about Russia.

Crazy Muslims burning US flags in ME has nothing to do with what we were talking about: whether people in the US hate the US.

The comment about China is nonsensical.

If US is so bad, why are so many Russians and Chinese desperate to get here, yet every American I know has no desire to visit Russia, much less want to live there.

I am glad all of the Russian and Ukraine hotties are escaping to the US. I am grateful for my hot younger Russian wife and the few hottie Chinese I dated before her.

Newsflash, hot US women are not desperate to find Russian husbands to move to Russia . . . Now why is that, I wonder???

Lastly, 99.9% of Americans don't know or care what people in other countries think about them, especially when these other judgmental fools don't even know us.

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Okay lets do the survey scientifically and ask a representative sample per country with each sample reflecting the population of each country in relation to total world population. In such a study the US and cronies will have 1/7 of the votes and China Africa and India 3/7 and lets look at the results. Surveys are not worth the paper they are written on.

Gallup is a highly respected company and uses good practices for their surveys. The process used for this survey is laid out on their website. And it does just what you state. Take a peek...

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For God's sake, Russia has to be an awful place, even Snowden wanted China over Russia and then he was looking for anywhere else that would take him.

I think we need to separate governments from the people. I did a 4 week trip across Russia and found the people to be just like in any other country...errr...with less smiles. whistling.gif

I was in a remote town in the spring. Public transport wasn't operating late in the day, but I didn't know it. Ended up having to hitchhike. Was picked up by a great group of people and we had a wonderful conversation. Took me right to my hotel even though it was out of the way for them. This was in Siberia.

One night, met a guy via the lady I was renting my home stay from and we ended up at his house playing old rock songs on our guitars till the wee hours...and drinking the obligatory vodka.

I've got some very fond memories of my trip there. Personally, I'd take Russia over China any day. I've spent 6 months traveling around China.

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I have read recently that Putin is again the person of year according to The Time. Maybe Gallup does not read The Time?

The Person of the year is given based upon different criteria. It isn't a nod of approval, but of the impact the person has had. Mr. Putin certainly has had an impact upon the world and unfortunately it has not been positive. Much as Hitler and Stalin had an impact too.

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