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Dutch lawmaker tells migrants not to come to Netherlands


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Abbott is being disingenuous as Indonesia, under pressure, co-operated with his turn back the boats policy. There is not a functioning government in Libya, the main country for embarkation, with whom to collaborate / negotiate to provide safe passage for returnees

Edited by simple1
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Plan for the future: free condoms for everyone residing in supply countries. Also: free tube tying for any person over age 20 who freely elects the surgery (doctors provided by western countries). It won't happen, but hey, you heard it first here.

What's the alternative? Women in poor miserable countries continuing to pop out babies like bunnies, most of whom will grow up to try desperately to get to a bleeding-heart farang country which is better managed and offers hand-outs to everyone.

There's a science fiction short story (I can't recall the name) by Larry Niven which describes a planet which, when viewed from space, shows each continent ringed by what looks like a black line. Upon closer inspection, those black lines are masses of people, all on the edge of survival, hanging out and dying by seashores. The only nutrition, is a bit found at the water's edge, enough for 1/100th the desperate billions amassed along those shores.

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Plan for the future: free condoms for everyone residing in supply countries. Also: free tube tying for any person over age 20 who freely elects the surgery (doctors provided by western countries). It won't happen, but hey, you heard it first here.

What's the alternative? Women in poor miserable countries continuing to pop out babies like bunnies, most of whom will grow up to try desperately to get to a bleeding-heart farang country which is better managed and offers hand-outs to everyone.

There's a science fiction short story (I can't recall the name) by Larry Niven which describes a planet which, when viewed from space, shows each continent ringed by what looks like a black line. Upon closer inspection, those black lines are masses of people, all on the edge of survival, hanging out and dying by seashores. The only nutrition, is a bit found at the water's edge, enough for 1/100th the desperate billions amassed along those shores.

Was the Larry Niven story "Ringworld"?

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i don't understand all the fuzz

just make a law that people can only get benefits, when they WORKED legally, paying taxes in the country for many years for giving them gifts like : monthly allowance, same as a pensionner, free housing, free anything ...

for the boats used, what do they do with it afterwards ?

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Fully agree. And it is revealing that a hate monger like Wilders has in common with many Western/Australian politicians that they refuse the see the relation between cause and effect. Wilders decries radical Islamic extremism but never ever discusses its cause.

Ask Western/Australian lawmakers the following question: "Who was the first democratically elected leader of an Islamic country and how and why was he deposed?" I bet less than 3% of them would know the answer (Mossadegh of Iran in 1953, when southerm European countries were still fascist dictatorships).

The boy Wilders is preaching hate among us all over the world.

Blaming 'others' for big problems that can not be simplified by his rhetoric's.

We have seen that before.

In my opinion he and his 'believers' are potentially a bigger problem.

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Plan for the future: free condoms for everyone residing in supply countries. Also: free tube tying for any person over age 20 who freely elects the surgery (doctors provided by western countries). It won't happen, but hey, you heard it first here.

What's the alternative? Women in poor miserable countries continuing to pop out babies like bunnies, most of whom will grow up to try desperately to get to a bleeding-heart farang country which is better managed and offers hand-outs to everyone.

There's a science fiction short story (I can't recall the name) by Larry Niven which describes a planet which, when viewed from space, shows each continent ringed by what looks like a black line. Upon closer inspection, those black lines are masses of people, all on the edge of survival, hanging out and dying by seashores. The only nutrition, is a bit found at the water's edge, enough for 1/100th the desperate billions amassed along those shores.

You may be referring to The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle.

Another Sci Fi writer, George R. R. Martin wrote a series of short stories that were combined into a novel, Tuf Voyaging. It involved huge Ecological Engineering Corps, millinia-old seed ships capable of ecologically engineering entire planets and Tuf's providing new food sources for overpopulated planets using the long-lost ship's life form cloning capability. A good read and I always thought Hollywood should have run with it. Are we off-topic yet?

Edited by MaxYakov
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The only way you can stop the deaths is to stop the people-smuggling trade. The only way you can stop the deaths is, in fact, to stop the boats

and the only way to stop the boats?, is to buy all the boats? A boat buy-back scheme perhaps?, to buy all the boats from the people smugglers (why stop there Mr Abbott, just buy all the boats in the whole world, that'll stop 'em). Of all the crazy ideas the Boat buy-back scheme's gotto be top of the list.

Edited by meltingpot2015
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If the port/country they embarked from was safe enough for them to travel to making this journey

then it is safe enough for them to be returned to. The only way to end the migration is to not accept

the migrants in the first place. Rescue and return is the only way to stop this. coffee1.gif

I think the latest, most tragic event saw the vessel departing from and sinking near Libya. I doubt that anyone can call that country 'safe enough' for anything right now.

I am sure that the EU nations will be rushing to form a special, combination SAR/SEAL team to intercept, rescue and deliver these poor souls back where they came from.

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Geert Wilders PVV are the largest party in Holland. Anti-immigration parties are indeed riding high throughout Europe to the degree that coalitions of minority parties are colluding to keep them out of power, as is the case with Sweden. Thankfully we are rapidly reaching the stage where the will of the majority will finally gain control of policy, only then will the party end for the people smugglers and colonizers from a hostile alien ideology.

PVV is far from the largest party in Holland. In some polls they do well from time to time, but in actual elections they don't. As such they currently represent about 8% of voters in the Dutch version of the lower house.

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