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Online 90-day reports now possible in Phuket


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Online 90-day reports now possible in Phuket
Matt Pond

What the digitally-produced report looks like.

PHUKET: -- It has been confirmed that, as of April 1, foreigners living or staying long-term in Phuket can do a 90-day report online to Immigration.

When the system was originally launched, it could be used only by those in Bangkok. The system is now available countrywide.

So far, the online system can be used only with the Internet Explorer browser.

Speaking with The Phuket News today, Phuket Immigration Superintendent, Pol Col Sanchai Chokkajaykij said, “The online system has officially been in use since April 1, giving more channels for foreigners to submit their 90-day report to Immigration, and it is more convenient.”

However, Col Sanchai warned that online reporting can be done only in advance, between eight and 15 days before the due date.

Those who miss this window must report to Immigration in person. Anyone reporting more than seven days late will be fined B2,000.

The online process appears to be relatively straightforward:

Go to the website.

Select English language (unless you can read Thai).

Click on the "Notification of staying over 90 days" tab on the left of the page.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click where it says ʻnotification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days via Internet̕. This will open a new page with an explanation of the online process.

Once you have read the information select, ʻI have read and fully understand the above terms and agree to accept them̕, and click “Accept̕. You will then be taken to Part 1 of the application process.

Complete the fields as require, enter the CAPTCHA password and click ʻSubmit̕. This will take you to Part 2 of the process.

Again, complete the fields as required and press 'Submit'. This will lead you to Part 3.

Check that all information in Part 3 is correct. If any details are wrong go ‘Back’ and re-input the details. When all is correct, select ‘I have read and fully understand the above terms and agree to accept them’ and click ‘Accept’.

You are now at the acknowledgement page. Make a note of your reference number or print the PDF confirmation.

After five days you can go back to the website and click again on the "Notification of staying over 90 days" tab and check on your application status using either your reference number or passport details.

Once you see that the status is marked "Approved̕" click on the "view" option next to it. From this you will be able to download and print a PDF of your 90-day report.

This report must be kept in your passport at all times. It shows the next date you are due to make a notification.

Please note:

The website states, "Failure to provide correct information or failure to provide all information required for the online application form may affect your chances of applying for an online 90-day report."

Col Sanchai said that anyone leaving information out or including incorrect information (including typing mistakes) will have to apply in person, but will be allowed to apply online on the next occasion.

He denied an online report that anyone arriving at Immigration more than seven days after the due date will be barred from using the online system, though they will be fined.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/online-90-day-reports-now-possible-in-phuket-52013.php

-- Phuket News 2015-04-24

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How can its website be trusted since its url is not https?

Not necessary to have https in front to be secure, though not 100% clear how secure.. I just checked using SSL Certificate Verify.

extranet.immigration.go.th resolves to Server Type: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server The certificate will expire in 1409 days. A reminder is already set up. Update The hostname (extranet.immigration.go.th) is correctly listed in the certificate. The certificate is self-signed. Users will receive a warning when accessing this site unless the certificate is manually added as a trusted certificate to their web browser. You can fix this error by buying a trusted SSL certificate certificate_bad_server.pngCommon name: extranet.immigration.go.th

Organization: Immigration Bureau

Location: Sathorn, Bangkok, TH

Valid from March 4, 2015 to March 3, 2019

Serial Number: 0 (0x0)

Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption

Issuer: extranet.immigration.go.th

And another check site - https://www.digicert.com/help

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How can its website be trusted since its url is not https?

Not necessary to have https in front to be secure, though not 100% clear how secure.. I just checked using SSL Certificate Verify.

extranet.immigration.go.th resolves to Server Type: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server The certificate will expire in 1409 days. A reminder is already set up. Update The hostname (extranet.immigration.go.th) is correctly listed in the certificate. The certificate is self-signed. Users will receive a warning when accessing this site unless the certificate is manually added as a trusted certificate to their web browser. You can fix this error by buying a trusted SSL certificate certificate_bad_server.pngCommon name: extranet.immigration.go.th

Organization: Immigration Bureau

Location: Sathorn, Bangkok, TH

Valid from March 4, 2015 to March 3, 2019

Serial Number: 0 (0x0)

Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption

Issuer: extranet.immigration.go.th

And another check site - https://www.digicert.com/help

Even the connection is still not encrypted - how can expat's data entry transmission be secured and protected against the hackers?

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Usual paranoia about security -- nothing you enter on the reporting form is so sensitive. Take a look at the way they recycled passport copies :)

I hope they get the other browsers working soon. Stone age internet at it's worst -- even I could make a simple system that'd work just fine and interface with their database.

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How can its website be trusted since its url is not https?

True, but you have a file on the Immigration Computer Network anyways.

If you check online banking, they encode their data before it is sent over the internet. I would ask if the Immigration Reporting page is encoded as well. Probably is fairly safe. Anyways, it is more likely that their database is targeted already...especially by ....(initials of any government agency)

Another heads up....what is stopping the cleaning lady or garbage man (at the immigration office) from selling trash cans full of crumpled up copies/completed forms....with your data on it. I would just show up before the garbage truck, and throw a bag or two in the back of my pickup. Plenty data there. No documents in the trash is much better...so I would do it online.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Some people are very lucky... I applied online on 8 April for a 90-day Notification which was due to expire on 20 April and my "Confirmation" is still "PENDING".

It got to the expiration date so I went to Phitsanulok Immigration who could shed no light on why I was still PENDING. They said, "new system, no know!!!".

Does anybody have the Helpline contact details, please? The first number on the online documentation is "disconnected" and the second is useless.


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Some people are very lucky... I applied online on 8 April for a 90-day Notification which was due to expire on 20 April and my "Confirmation" is still "PENDING".

It got to the expiration date so I went to Phitsanulok Immigration who could shed no light on why I was still PENDING. They said, "new system, no know!!!".

Does anybody have the Helpline contact details, please? The first number on the online documentation is "disconnected" and the second is useless.


songkran ...delay

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can be used only with the Internet Explorer browser.

Reminds me the years 2,000, "only with Internet Explorer", very common at the time.tongue.png ...but nowadays whistling.gif

Usage share of all browsers for February 2015

Chrome 43,6%

Internet Explorer 13,9%



Opera 3,79%

Android Bowser 6,99%

Others 3,88%


Edited by Tchooptip
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Isn't there a plugin for Chrome and Firefox that will switch the User Agent to IE?

Windows already comes with internet explorer. You do not need that plugin. Just use IE anytime you want. It does not have to be your default browser...but I use it from time to time...if I get issues with the others.

In fact..I have 5 browsers...but firefox is my default (love the add ons)

Chrome and IE are good for Banking....as I don't use their add-ons. (no scripts)

Edited by slipperylobster
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I tried to make my 90 days extentsion expiring on April 28th, 2015 Online via IE on exactly 15 days before expiring date and 14 days before expiring date, Both times I could only fullfill step 1, after confirmation of step 1 I got an error message asking me to check with an immigration officer.

So I made photocopies of step 1 and the error message and went to Immigration office in Pattaya Jomtien-Beach. Like for a normal 90 day extension I had to wait for more than 1 1/2 hour in front of counter 4. Than I showed the photocopies to the immigration officer. He checked them, and told me then, that something was not correctly inputed in the system for my case and he corrected it and is should work now for the next extension.

Good thing, the immigration officer made the 90 days extension only based on the photocopies I showed him, immediately.

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Not necessary to have https in front to be secure, though not 100% clear how secure.. I just checked using SSL Certificate Verify.

extranet.immigration.go.th resolves to Server Type: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server The certificate will expire in 1409 days. A reminder is already set up. Update The hostname (extranet.immigration.go.th) is correctly listed in the certificate. The certificate is self-signed. Users will receive a warning when accessing this site unless the certificate is manually added as a trusted certificate to their web browser. You can fix this error by buying a trusted SSL certificate certificate_bad_server.pngCommon name: extranet.immigration.go.th

Organization: Immigration Bureau

Location: Sathorn, Bangkok, TH

Valid from March 4, 2015 to March 3, 2019

Serial Number: 0 (0x0)

Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption

Issuer: extranet.immigration.go.th

And another check site - https://www.digicert.com/help

By the looks of it they use SSL 2.0 (an outdated and vulnerable protocol) and sign their own certificate rather than have it validated by trusted authorities.

Why only IE? Because all other browsers have the depreciated SSL 2.0 disabled by default. SSL 2.0 fails for example PCI compliance.

Not confidence inspiring!



Edited by Morakot
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Is this up and working in Chiang Mai yet?

If you read the second paragraph in the O/P, (you did get that far did you?) you will note that it is says:

'When the system was originally launched, it could be used only by those in Bangkok. The system is now available countrywide'.

Enough said?

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Col Sanchai said that anyone leaving information out or including incorrect information (including typing mistakes) will have to apply in person, but will be allowed to apply online on the next occasion.

It seems we only have one crack at this. Any errors, even unintentionally, means the form will self destruct and it`s a trip to Immigration.

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How can its website be trusted since its url is not https?


Per usual, the Thai Vis Little Old lady network has found something to whine about.

Unless you are in a very unusual and "most wanted of the most wanted list" with a meaningful bounty on your head, i hardly think your address, passport number and visa status is of any interest or value.

Since you are, of course, an internet / hacking expert, you know that data is rarely stolen on a single transaction level, but vast amounts of data are scooped up AFTER they have been logged and the central data servers have been invaded.

If you do not believe me, ask your credit card company or bank .. there is a fair chance they have already been hacked at least once.

You see, bank robbers tend to ... rob banks ... and not the irrelevant information required to extend your visa.

But hey, this is Thai Visa .. so we are obliged to enter some form of complaint .. no matter how tiny.

You really should get out more, read a few papers, and catch up on the news.

The NSA and peer networks have been acquiring all the data that is on the internet, your phone and both public and private business filings. Does the name "Edward Snowden" ring a bell?

But ... Oh My .. The Sky is falling! The online visa extension may not be 100% hack proof !!! .. question for you .. what IS hack proof anymore?

I think this is an enormous step in the right direction, and hundreds of expats agree.

Enjoy your wait in line at immigration ... we will enjoy filing form the air-conditioned condo, thank you very much

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But why is the website also in Thai?

This is Thailand. The language of Thailand is Thai. Need I say anymore?

I can if you really want me to!

In fairness, I think Bubblegum was querying the fact because Thais presumably don't have to use the 90-day process whereas farangs do. A reasonable point...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

But why is the website also in Thai?

This is Thailand. The language of Thailand is Thai. Need I say anymore?

I can if you really want me to!

In fairness, I think Bubblegum was querying the fact because Thais presumably don't have to use the 90-day process whereas farangs do. A reasonable point...

Not all farangs are familiar with English, but may well have a Thai friend or partner who can help them in their own language. Some farangs have visual problems or other medical conditions that can limit their ability to use a computer. Once again their Thai partner can assist.

And there may even be the odd farang who is very conversant with Thai and prefer to use the indigenous language.

And lastly there is the ethics of it. This is Thailand and I think it only reasonable that it should appear in their own language. To think otherwise is just a wee bit arrogant don't you think?

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Well I just had my best friend and partner (g/f) have a look at this amazing new advance in registration. After all was said and done she tells me that I must get a printout of the online registration and still take it to immigration on the due date. Kind of defeats the purpose of reducing congestion does it not.??????

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Well I just had my best friend and partner (g/f) have a look at this amazing new advance in registration. After all was said and done she tells me that I must get a printout of the online registration and still take it to immigration on the due date. Kind of defeats the purpose of reducing congestion does it not.??????

No, that is not correct. Here is a copy of the instructions directly from the website:

When an application has been approved, the applicant should print out his/her receipt of notification via www.immigration.go.th , bangkok.immigration.go.th .This receipt will also show the next due date of notification and the applicant must keep it in the passport in case of being checked by the officer.

One need only report to the immigration office if the application fails for some reason.

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