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Poland bans 'provocative' Russian bikers loyal to Putin

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Poland bans 'provocative' Russian bikers loyal to Putin
VANESSA GERA, Associated Press

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Polish authorities said Friday they will not allow a nationalistic Russian motorcycle group loyal to President Vladimir Putin to enter Poland, but insisted the move is not political and was made in part because Polish authorities would not be able to guarantee their security.

The Night Wolves group had planned to enter Poland next week to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. Their plan was to cross several countries on their way to Berlin, following a path taken by the Red Army in its defeat of Adolf Hitler's Germany.

Many Poles reacted angrily to the plan for the symbolic drive through their country at a time of deep strains between Russia and the West. Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz recently called it a "provocation."

The Foreign Ministry in Warsaw said that it was refusing to let the bikers enter Poland because it did not receive precise information from them about their route and schedule, information "necessary to ensure proper security for the participants."

The ministry said it also received information about the group's plans too late. The decision was relayed to the Russian Embassy in Warsaw in a diplomatic note on Friday.

Ministry spokesman Marcin Wojciechowski insisted that the decision was not politically motivated.

The Russian Foreign Ministry later issued a statement saying: "The authorities spoiled this memorial action under the far-fetched pretext of 'presenting late and insufficient information'. This is an obvious lie."

Night Wolves leader Alexander Zaldostanov, known as "The Surgeon," was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying the run would begin as planned on Saturday.

"If we give up on our ride, then let's give up on everything. Let's give up on May 9, let's give up on our graves, our history and our past," he was quoted as saying.

Asked when the Night Wolves might try to cross the border into Poland, he said "I don't want to reveal all our plans."

Both Germany and the Czech Republic, which the Night Wolves also planned to cross on their trip, expressed unease with the planned ride Friday.

The German Foreign Ministry said that "in view of the organization's activity so far, it is not of the opinion that this ... initiative can make a contribution to strengthening German-Russian relations." It said that it was important for the German government to mark the anniversary of the end of the war "in dignity."

The Czech Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it "respects" the Polish decision and that it was asked by Russia to assist the bikers but refused to do so.

The Night Wolves, which is estimated to have several thousand members, is strongly nationalistic and Slavo-centric, even conducting runs to Russian Orthodox holy sites. The group has close ties to President Vladimir Putin, who has been shown riding with the club, and last year it held an elaborate rally in Sevastopol honoring Russia's annexation of Crimea.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-25

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What's Poland's problem with the Night Wolves, anyway? Can't guarantee their security?

Perhaps you should read up on recent Polish history, you know the parts where Russia invaded Poland. This was when Russia was allied with Nazi Germany. Then at the end of the war, Russia again invaded Poland murdering Polish citizens who resisted or who were considered to be too loyal to Poland. In case you forgot, Russia enslaved Poland for decades and held back the nation's advancement. I can certainly understand why many Russians would have hostile and even violent views towards Putin and his thug gangs.

Comments like this don't endear Putin supporters to patriotic Poles.

"If I wanted, in two days I could have Russian troops not only in Kiev, but also in Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Warsaw and Bucharest," Mr Putin allegedly told President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine reported Süddeutsche Zeitung, a German newspaper.

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What's Poland's problem with the Night Wolves, anyway? Can't guarantee their security?

Perhaps you should read up on recent Polish history, you know the parts where Russia invaded Poland. This was when Russia was allied with Nazi Germany. Then at the end of the war, Russia again invaded Poland murdering Polish citizens who resisted or who were considered to be too loyal to Poland. In case you forgot, Russia enslaved Poland for decades and held back the nation's advancement. I

Complete BS

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What's Poland's problem with the Night Wolves, anyway? Can't guarantee their security?

Perhaps you should read up on recent Polish history, you know the parts where Russia invaded Poland. This was when Russia was allied with Nazi Germany. Then at the end of the war, Russia again invaded Poland murdering Polish citizens who resisted or who were considered to be too loyal to Poland. In case you forgot, Russia enslaved Poland for decades and held back the nation's advancement. I

Complete BS

Would you like to debate his post, rather than simply attempt to dismiss it.

It is a matter of historical fact that Hitler and Stalin carved Poland up. When Nazi Germany invaded Poland, so did Soviet USSR. Stalin's NKVD murdered tens of thousands of Polish army officers, intellectuals, academics and any who they considered might resist their rule.

Following Hitler's invasion of USSR "Uncle Joe" joined the Allies. Unfortunately the "liberation" of Poland and other East European countries by the Red Army simply replaced on occupier with another as Stalin imposed puppet communist regimes in the countries to the East.

Go to Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, the Baltic states and ask if they prefer being under USSR rule or being not.

Now perhaps you can explain why you think this bullshit, why parts that were Poland prior to 1939 are still in what was the USSR and why it took so long for the truth about NKVD massacres to finally come out?

Stalin was no better than Hitler, and arguable worse. He certainly murdered far more.

I've been to most of the countries you've listed. No way would they want to go back under Russian control. Especially not now considering recent history.

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What's Poland's problem with the Night Wolves, anyway? Can't guarantee their security?

Perhaps you should read up on recent Polish history, you know the parts where Russia invaded Poland. This was when Russia was allied with Nazi Germany. Then at the end of the war, Russia again invaded Poland murdering Polish citizens who resisted or who were considered to be too loyal to Poland. In case you forgot, Russia enslaved Poland for decades and held back the nation's advancement. I can certainly understand why many Russians would have hostile and even violent views towards Putin and his thug gangs.

Comments like this don't endear Putin supporters to patriotic Poles.

"If I wanted, in two days I could have Russian troops not only in Kiev, but also in Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Warsaw and Bucharest," Mr Putin allegedly told President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine reported Süddeutsche Zeitung, a German newspaper.

Sort of the (apparently-too-veiled/sarcastic) point of my post.

Edited by MaxYakov
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These damn bikers are a bloody nuisance anyway

All those helmets and Totenkopf insignia?

And the noise! What's that about? Look at me? Aren't I grand in my leather outfit?

Yes the notorious Molotov / Ribbontrop pact split Poland and left the Poles to probably the worst fate in the last war.

Sure, the Russians did a magnificent job in their "Patriotic War" to drive the Germans all the way back from the gates of Moscow and got to Berlin first.

I know they lost 27M!

But they have still not given half of Poland back.

(The Poles were given a big chunk of Eastern Germany in compensation but were otherwise betrayed in a shameful carve up by Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill)

Not surprised at their attitude now..............

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