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After drone killings, pressure for a new hostage strategy

Lite Beer

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Much like his predecessor, Obama is being called a war criminal for his unilateral, covert assassinations in foreign countries...

Who's going to prosecute him, LOL. Are they calling for the prosecution of people in the UK who did the same thing? Are they calling for the prosecution of France which led the attack on Libya? Are they calling for the prosecution of all 22 countries including Canada, Australia and the UK which attacked Iraq when Saddam was taken out?

"Some people" can get pretty damned hypocritical, don't you know? whistling.gif

You're right, nobody will prosecute him, but a bit of vigilante action against easier US targets might happen.

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Some of these fine terrorists are probably headed to a country near you. Of course, then you'll be upset that the US didn't take them out.

Actually, NO Credo, I'll be very satisfied that the armed forces of the country the "terrorists are heading to" near me take care of them without need for the collateral damage and invasive tactics committed by the YOO ESS EH?

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