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are we getting the not so good service scb.bank.

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i have been expecting a call from scb.bank to inform us that a sterling transfer i done yesterday[swift express next day] had arrived in my acc.

normally by 11am.-12am.next day well no call.so the wife phoned our branch only to be told it had not arrived 1pm.today.

so she rang head office and was shocked when told they had received it at 1pm.yesterday.and they gave us yesterdays rate at 1pm.

so someone has got some explaining to do why it has not been sent to our local branch.

bad service or getting the farang treatment.


Edited by meatboy
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Why have you put this up twice slightly differently.....??

Dont sweat the small stuff its only a day later than normal no big deal

no its not a day late,i instructed my bank uk.at 12noon on tuesday thai time,5am.uk time,the past transfers have been in my thai bank acc.the next day9am-10am confirmed by a phone call.but this time no call.not in my local branch why.but when the wife enquired at bangkok head office it had arrived and processed at 1pm.thai time on TUESDAY 1hr.from the time i instructed the uk.bank.

so why 23hrs later it still had not been sent to our branch as it is always been done.


but as they knew there would be a cut in interest rate they gave us the rate at 1pm.TUESDAY.



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Your complaint is that it was not transferred to your local account so your whine about the exchange rate being lower is not valid

They gave you the exchange rate that was in effect on the day it arrived in Thailand, the internal problem of getting it to your local branch has nothing to do with the exchange rate

If the rate had gone up would you still be complaining ? I think not. If it arrived today you would have to wait until this coming Monday to have it credited to your account because of the holiday. That is what we live with when we are in a foreign country, things don't always work out to our advantage

Just be grateful that if you are so dissatisfied with the service at SCB you can open another bank account at a different bank

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Your complaint is that it was not transferred to your local account so your whine about the exchange rate being lower is not valid

They gave you the exchange rate that was in effect on the day it arrived in Thailand, the internal problem of getting it to your local branch has nothing to do with the exchange rate

If the rate had gone up would you still be complaining ? I think not. If it arrived today you would have to wait until this coming Monday to have it credited to your account because of the holiday. That is what we live with when we are in a foreign country, things don't always work out to our advantage

Just be grateful that if you are so dissatisfied with the service at SCB you can open another bank account at a different bank

thanks for your comment but try TRY and read it again.

by your comment you are saying,the transfer was done by online banking at 12miday thai time,which being 7hrs.in front of the uk.it was 5AM.uk time.

so your saying its not unusual for a swift transfer to take 1hr.by digital online request.from uk.to thailand.

the wife was told yesterday it arrived and was proccessed at 1pm.on the day it was sent.

i already posted that for some reason it had not arrived at my local branch as it had always done over 12transfers in the past,plus a call,telling us what rate,and i have always got the rate at the time of the call.

as for the exchange rate i have always been happy with what i get when the trans has been done and confirmed,but this time it looks like i have been blatently ripped off which i dont like.

its only about 7,000bht.so if scb.would like to give it to a good cause[sOI DOG FOUNDATION]

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would PIB like to comment on my above post.[PLEASE]

My primary bank is Bangkok Bank but I haven't done a wire transfer since early 2011...I get my money via use of no foreign transaction fee debit cards that also reimburses ATMs fees.

But I will say I have never-ever been called by Bangkok Bank regarding an inbound wire transfer and offering me a certain rate....and one wire transfer via SWIFT back in early 2008 was for over US$200K (I was buying my house/dirt). I've also sent a couple other transfers via ACH in the $15K ballpark...but most from 2008 till early 2011 were usually for around $5000 and sent via ACH (it's a lot cheaper) not SWIFT...with ACH it usually takes 2 to 3 business days to arrive/be posted to my account....occasionally when all the transfer gates were hit just right 1 business day.

No one has ever called me...it just shows up in my account...and almost every time it was the opening rate for the day because the wire being sent from the U.S. most likely arrived O-dark early while Thailand was sleeping...and when Bangkok Bank came to work the next morning they finished processing the wire and it got posted to my account. I've never checked as to what time the funds arrived Bangkok Bank...I only know when they posted via ibanking or SMS.


I'm not familar with how SCB processes its incoming wires....at what amount of funds they generate a call, etc....I expect that's purely a SCB policy. Hard telling why SCB was slow in posting your money. I know it's easy to jump to the conclusion they are holding the money in limbo to make a little extra profit...but it was probably just a case of human slowness at the bank....someone called in sick, something broke, they did try to immediately post the money but an error occurred...no shortage of possibilities.

Yeap, I've never got a call regarding incoming money. Waiting on money to arrive and hoping you get the best rate is always in the back of a person's mind...nothing wrong with that. But hey with my no foreign transaction fee cards and since I usually check the Visa exchange rate locked for at least 24 hours, I know what rate I'm going to get before going to the bank.

If SCB does feel guilty and makes a donation to the Soi Dog Foundation that would indeed be good. The wife and I are big dog lovers also. Cheers.

Edit: Oh yea, I'm always thought it strange some banks would even call regarding the exchange rate because I expect most people just have one Thai bank account and want the money now....by saying no to an exchange rate what happens...does the bank sent it back to the sending bank....let it set for a few days and then give you another call (with my luck the rate would have went down). I know it says somewhere on the Bangkok Bank web site you can call them about an incoming wire transfer to discuss the possibility of a better rate but I figure that was always for BIG money.

Edited by Pib
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would PIB like to comment on my above post.[PLEASE]

My primary bank is Bangkok Bank but I haven't done a wire transfer since early 2011...I get my money via use of no foreign transaction fee debit cards that also reimburses ATMs fees.

But I will say I have never-ever been called by Bangkok Bank regarding an inbound wire transfer and offering me a certain rate....and one wire transfer via SWIFT back in early 2008 was for over US$200K (I was buying my house/dirt). I've also sent a couple other transfers via ACH in the $15K ballpark...but most from 2008 till early 2011 were usually for around $5000 and sent via ACH (it's a lot cheaper) not SWIFT...with ACH it usually takes 2 to 3 business days to arrive/be posted to my account....occasionally when all the transfer gates were hit just right 1 business day.

No one has ever called me...it just shows up in my account...and almost every time it was the opening rate for the day because the wire being sent from the U.S. most likely arrived O-dark early while Thailand was sleeping...and when Bangkok Bank came to work the next morning they finished processing the wire and it got posted to my account. I've never checked as to what time the funds arrived Bangkok Bank...I only know when they posted via ibanking or SMS.


I'm not familar with how SCB processes its incoming wires....at what amount of funds they generate a call, etc....I expect that's purely a SCB policy. Hard telling why SCB was slow in posting your money. I know it's easy to jump to the conclusion they are holding the money in limbo to make a little extra profit...but it was probably just a case of human slowness at the bank....someone called in sick, something broke, they did try to immediately post the money but an error occurred...no shortage of possibilities.

Yeap, I've never got a call regarding incoming money. Waiting on money to arrive and hoping you get the best rate is always in the back of a person's mind...nothing wrong with that. But hey with my no foreign transaction fee cards and since I usually check the Visa exchange rate locked for at least 24 hours, I know what rate I'm going to get before going to the bank.

If SCB does feel guilty and makes a donation to the Soi Dog Foundation that would indeed be good. The wife and I are big dog lovers also. Cheers.

Edit: Oh yea, I'm always thought it strange some banks would even call regarding the exchange rate because I expect most people just have one Thai bank account and want the money now....by saying no to an exchange rate what happens...does the bank sent it back to the sending bank....let it set for a few days and then give you another call (with my luck the rate would have went down). I know it says somewhere on the Bangkok Bank web site you can call them about an incoming wire transfer to discuss the possibility of a better rate but I figure that was always for BIG money.

thanks pib,when we were with bkk.we never got a call when trans.funds for the house,but with scb as we trans.once a yr.a faily large amount we have always had a call next day [morning] offering above tt rate showing that time,others have aswell.

looking back over the past 6 trans.we have time and dates when the instructions were sent to my bank uk.online,and not once has the money showed up in our thai pass book on the same date as sent.so i look at it this way,they recieved the wire[bkk] they say they processed the wire instantly,within 1hr.of me posting to the uk.5am.uk time,and new there would be an interest cut therefore knowing the exchange rate would go up,so i was tucked up.

yesterday when the wife went to the bank the date on the passbook was showing the date i sent it[all done in one hr] ANOTHER FIRST


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