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Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'I am running for president'


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He's going to win Iowa. He's going to win New Hampshire. But then it's downhill from there. Sorry. I like the song too.

What song? Let me guess....

'It's Not the Meat it's the Motion' Maria Muldahr

"I am Everyday People" Sly and the Family Stone

"Taxman" George with the Beatles (there's one for you, nineteen for me)

"Six Days On The Road" Taj Mahal (six days on the road and I'm gonna see my baby tonight)

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Wow what a great ad from Bernie's campaign:

'I am America and I approve this message'

This is the kind of stuff that can win Bernie the Presidency.

A slick, professionally done commercial with Simon and Garfunkle singing that says absolutely nothing about anything is the kind of stuff that can win Bernie the presidency? In these days when many, if not most are more concerned with the image vs the meat you may just be right.

It's called smart campaigning. Most peoples' image of Bernie, if they have formed one, is a gray haired, slightly stooped elderly man who speaks like Jewish lawyer making a point on a NY street corner, having to almost shout because of traffic noise and being in a hurry.

The video shows another side to the man - a smiling, kind, caring visage. .....with lots of enthusiastic fans. And it's likely his fan base is growing day by day. I like 'em both, Hillary and the other one who right-wingers are trying to get the word 'Communist' stuck to his forehead in red letters. I wouldn't mind seeing Hillary in the drivers seat and Bernie in the position Goldman Sachs executives have been commandeering for 9.5 years - overseeing discussions on what should be done about Wall Street scammers and corps/banks who rip off the American public.

Most people vote more about impressions and image than they do about policy statements.

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