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US media panel slams junta for bashing journos


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Shame on these red shirts.

Previously they used farmers as tools for political gain. Not paying them, threatening them if they protested, ignoring their calls for a forum to discuss the situation and then blaming the PDRC for it.

Today they were taken off air and given a warning to work within certain guidelines and then allowed to go to air again. Then they do exactly the same thing that took them off air last time and are banned from broadcasting. Reconciliation is not spewing hate and creating division in society while describing anyone that disagrees with your view point in terms that would be banned from any TV station around the world.

UDD follow a template and this example is not different. They have become so irrelevant they are really reaching to gain attention now and it seems to be working. Knowing full well that spewing hate on the airwaves would have them banned and after being given a warning and not changing any programming style or delivery they, predictably, were banned again. One would think that they would do something different so as not to be banned, but that was not their plan. So now they have a platform to work off to be seen as relevant again and back in the spotlight while trying to make the Junta look bad. SO instead of the farmers this time as the expendable pawns it is the 100 or so workers of the TV station that are cast aside for this weak political maneuvering.

As if the car bomb was not enough.

Expect a lot more of this from the death throws of a dying desperate UDD.

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What car bomb? you know 100% more than the Police it was the UDD behind this? rolleyes.gif

Gimme the lottery numbers for next week mate wai2.gif


I remember reading these same comments when I said the reds were behind burning down the government buildings up North in 2010. I remember reading these same comments when I said the rice scheme would fail and would be full of corruption. I remember reading these comments when I said the UDD were behind the grenade attacks on the PDRC. I remember reading these same comments when I said the UDD will threaten the farmers if they came out to protest in 2013…

All turned out true yet the same comments and the desperate denial still permeates the forum.

Have a lovely evening my friend and stay safe.

Edited by djjamie
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What car bomb? you know 100% more than the Police it was the UDD behind this? rolleyes.gif

Gimme the lottery numbers for next week mate wai2.gif


I remember reading these same comments when I said the reds were behind burning down the government buildings up North in 2010. I remember reading these same comments when I said the rice scheme would fail and would be full of corruption. I remember reading these comments when I said the UDD were behind the grenade attacks on the PDRC. I remember reading these same comments when I said the UDD will threaten the farmers if they came out to protest in 2013…

All turned out true yet the same comments and the desperate denial still permeates the forum.

Have a lovely evening my friend and stay safe.

But no lottery numbers? :D;)

Have a good evening/night yourself young man ;)

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What a tragedy to be so full of greed and fury that you finance a TV station spewing vile and hatred and pay thugs to murder children in an effort to divide that which you claim to love.


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ah those meddling Americans.... why can't they just clean up their own back yard first....

beat you to it... wink.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

In the buildup to the IRAQ INVASION in 2003, journalists in the USA who dared question the Bush Administration's claims of WMDs were effectively silenced by their own editors. These editors wouldn't print any contradictory stories. (hence, the "echo chamber" effect)

This is how the New York Times - among others - helped lead America into the Iraq debacle.


you want to site self-censorship which led to a bad result as an example for... what?

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Journalists and the Media of USA are on the take from the wealthy and powerful.

See the log in your own eye before pointing at the speck of dust in the eyes of others.

You miss the point. Regardless of whose station it is or who's behind it, it can say what it thinks.

You can stand on a street corner with a cardboard sign or start your own blog or web site or newspaper or whatever and say what you wish to also.

The government isn't going to decide who should be on the air and who shouldn't.


I tried to diffuse the America-bashers at the start of this thread, but it clearly didn't work thumbsup.gif

The US and other countries are not perfect and that is used to justify outright censorship and repression in Thailand as "OK".

It's a nonsensical argument. The US and other democracies guarantee freedom of speech. In the US (as you know), it is viewed as absolutely fundamental...

In Thailand there is not freedom of speech, there is not freedom of assembly, and there is not freedom of movement.... among other basic human rights which are not guaranteed in Thailand today.

The same "basic human rights" to which you refer do also not exist in Malaysia or Singapore. There are many variations on democratic rights throughout the world. There is no proof that the system in which any one of us was raised will ideal for all societies. It is just the one we are familiar with.

that there are other countries which do not protect human rights is a shame, and it is also not an excuse for Thailand to not guarantee them. As for the basic human rights, you will see that the link is to the "universal declaration of human rights"... it's not limited to the system in which you or I were raised but is by definition meant for all societies.

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Just to set the record straight, in America we have a CORPORATE media. Not sure why flag-waving Americans want to call it "free" all the time because it's not free. And it's not really very liberal, either.

If we had an actual free, liberal media in America, the Bush administration never would have been able to lie us into Iraq.

Edited by TomJoad
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Just to set the record straight, in America we have a CORPORATE media. Not sure why flag-waving Americans want to call it "free" all the time because it's not free. And it's not really very liberal, either.

If we had an actual free, liberal media in America, we never would have gone into Iraq.

Sorry, but not true. There are too many media outlets to make this claim. The Iraq war was a disaster created by the government. They fed inaccurate info to journalists and kept all external messages the same. The journalists were hoodwinked. And felt ashamed about it afterwards. Do some research on this. Judith Miller is a great place to start.

People tend to gravitate towards sites that say what they want to hear.



Media bias in the United States occurs when the media in the United States systematically emphasizes one particular point of view in a way that contravenes the standards of professional journalism. Claims of media bias in the United States include claims of liberal bias, conservative bias, mainstream bias, and corporate bias. To combat this, a variety of watchdog groups that attempt to find the facts behind both biased reporting and unfounded claims of bias,%5B1%5D%5B2%5D have been founded. Research about media bias is now a subject of systematic scholarship in a variety of disciplines.

At least in the US, you can start a website about almost anything you want. It won't be censored. And it won't be shut down. Incredible some even read these sites:


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What car bomb? you know 100% more than the Police it was the UDD behind this? rolleyes.gif

Gimme the lottery numbers for next week mate wai2.gif


I remember reading these same comments when I said the reds were behind burning down the government buildings up North in 2010. I remember reading these same comments when I said the rice scheme would fail and would be full of corruption. I remember reading these comments when I said the UDD were behind the grenade attacks on the PDRC. I remember reading these same comments when I said the UDD will threaten the farmers if they came out to protest in 2013…

All turned out true yet the same comments and the desperate denial still permeates the forum.

Have a lovely evening my friend and stay safe.

But no lottery numbers? biggrin.pngwink.png

Have a good evening/night yourself young man wink.png

emphasis on the 'young' as he is clueless politically

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ah those meddling Americans.... why can't they just clean up their own back yard first....

beat you to it... wink.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

In the buildup to the IRAQ INVASION in 2003, journalists in the USA who dared question the Bush Administration's claims of WMDs were effectively silenced by their own editors. These editors wouldn't print any contradictory stories. (hence, the "echo chamber" effect)

This is how the New York Times - among others - helped lead America into the Iraq debacle.

Evidence brother

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Just to set the record straight, in America we have a CORPORATE media. Not sure why flag-waving Americans want to call it "free" all the time because it's not free. And it's not really very liberal, either.

If we had an actual free, liberal media in America, the Bush administration never would have been able to lie us into Iraq.

We have the mist liberal media in the world and you want to paint it as its not? Please prove your outrageous statements with facts....

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