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Thai 'Red Shirt' TV station taken off air

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Thai 'Red Shirt' TV station taken off air

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's "Red Shirt" supporters reacted with dismay Friday after a television network run by the opposition movement was taken off air in the latest strike against freedom of expression in the military-ruled kingdom.

In a statement published on Facebook Red Shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan said Peace TV had been ordered to halt broadcasting from 8:30pm (1330 GMT) Thursday evening by the country's media regulator.

On Friday morning Thai television showed the network's usual programming had been replaced with a test screen.

Peace TV has been locked in a dispute with Thailand's military rulers who seized power last May.

The country's sharply polarised political channels were one of the first casualties of the censorship imposed following the coup.

A ban on them was lifted around three months later on the condition they stayed away from controversial issues or criticising the military regime.

But junta leaders and the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) regulator said Peace TV had failed to abide by an agreement with officials that it stay clear of politics.

Many of the comments under Jatuporn's statement criticised the military for shutting down one of the last remaining opposition outlets in a country where political gatherings and protests are still banned.

"Even if the screen is black our hearts will always be red," Facebook user Pongsak Chaiyawut wrote.

"This is a dictatorship's version of reconciliation," wrote user Nong Suhatcha, a reference to the military's promise to bridge the divides that have brought nearly a decade of political turbulence to the kingdom.

Rights groups criticised the move.

"The banning of Peace TV is at direct odds with the government's stated policy to work toward national reconciliation between competing political groups," said Shawn Crispin, from the Committee to Protect Journalists in a statement.

"Reconciliation requires the free flow of information and opinions among all the country's political actors, a role the media should be allowed to play without fear of reprisal," he added.

The shutdown comes at a sensitive time with the Red Shirt movement preparing to mark a 2010 military crackdown on protests that left more than 90 dead, the majority demonstrators.

The Red Shirts are loyal to ousted premiers Thaksin Shinawatra and his sister Yingluck.

The family is loathed by Bangkok's elite and military establishment who accuse them of cronyism and corruption.

But they are loved by the poor for their populist policies, particularly in the Red Shirt's rural northern heartlands.

Thaksin was ousted in a 2006 coup while Yingluck's administration was toppled by the military last May.

Since then the leaders of the Red Shirts, officially known as the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), have either renounced the cause, fled into self-exile or -- like Jatuporn -- agreed to abandon politics.

"Yellow Shirt" or anti-Thaksin channels were also taken off air after the coup with several rebranding themselves once the ban was lifted.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2015-05-01

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""The banning of Peace TV is at direct odds with the government's stated policy to work toward national reconciliation between competing political groups," said Shawn Crispin, from the Committee to Protect Journalists in a statement.

"Reconciliation requires the free flow of information and opinions among all the country's political actors, a role the media should be allowed to play without fear of reprisal," he added.

The shutdown comes at a sensitive time with the Red Shirt movement preparing to mark a 2010 military crackdown on protests that left more than 90 dead, the majority demonstrators."

1. Reconciliation will never happen whilst there are TV stations, media etc., spruking hate and divisive comment which is less then truthful and full of spin.

2. Sure the media should be allowed to be part of the process by using their resources to gain and print balanced comment and to conduct debates etc. And refer to 1. above.

3. ...sensitive time ... the 2010 military crackdown... So what and refer to 1. above.

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My father in law has his tv tuned in on this garbage network and is completely brainwashed about what has happened the last decade. Foul language is used when describing their opponents. It was about time that this lying and dangerous bunch was taken off the air.

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The removal is only asking for more trouble.

Even when you think it is a garbage channel, which is your opinion, they have a right to voice their opinion.

that is democracy !!

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My father in law has his tv tuned in on this garbage network and is completely brainwashed about what has happened the last decade. Foul language is used when describing their opponents. It was about time that this lying and dangerous bunch was taken off the air.

What?-- Foul Language? You think your father in law is Brainwashed? Look in a mirror and see who is Brainwashed!

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The removal is only asking for more trouble.

Even when you think it is a garbage channel, which is your opinion, they have a right to voice their opinion.

that is democracy !!

Maybe you missed it,but there is no democratic process in Thailand right now.

We just had a coup and the countries leader is an army general. In such a climate certain media are just not allowed to express their opinions.

Also, even if Thailand was a democratic society, how far can media go in insulting others? There must be a thin line somewhere between opinion and insolence.

Edited by SoilSpoil
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My father in law has his tv tuned in on this garbage network and is completely brainwashed about what has happened the last decade. Foul language is used when describing their opponents. It was about time that this lying and dangerous bunch was taken off the air.

What?-- Foul Language? You think your father in law is Brainwashed? Look in a mirror and see who is Brainwashed!

If I would write down the words they use to describe Prem Tinsulanonda, as example, I would be banned by the moderators and will be labeled as aggresive homophobic by most of the TV members.

This is just an example. Guess how Abhisit is described? You find it weird he cannot campaign in large parts of the country?

This channel does and has brainwashed people.

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Yes, my wife has seen this channel and she said it was very confronting spewing pure hatred and evil while trying to divide the people. In any country in the world it would be taken off air for being offensive. But then what does one expect from a channel overseen by Jatuporn. The description they make of Abhisit alone beggars belief and that in itself shows the act of reconciliation is to remove this hate filled channel as opposed to letting it air.

Giving War Peace TV another chance shows the tolerance the NTBC have and then removing the show reflects the reconciliation the Junta are trying to portray yet the UDD abuse the privileges afforded them and then turn it around to say the Junta are not fostering reconciliation.

Akin to Jatuporn saying "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" Then the NTBC take it off the air and say we will allow you back on, but please respect the law. Then they come back on again and say "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" The it is taken off the air and then Jatuporn accuses the Junta of not fostering reconciliation. PTP logic right there folks. PTP logic right there. Evil logic if I may. The PTP are famous for this type of propaganda. Blaming the opposition for all their own shortcomings.

What are the DEM's doing at this time. They are not producing TV shows to brainwash and foster hatred with the aim to divide the people. Korn is still working on rice projects for the poor. The Mandela of the East is monking away in the South not fostering hatred or dividing the people or calling Jatuporn heaps of names that would make Iggy Pop blush. The Right Honorable Ahbisit is respecting the current status quo, meeting the people and listening to the issues they face. He is trying to bring the people together while Jatuporn is typically and predictably still trying to tear them apart.

Today Abhisit is doing an interview with Reuters and one can be assured he will offer constructive criticism of the Junta for the benefit of the Thai people. He will not describe Jatuporn in an evil way, he will not spew rhetoric to divide the nation as that benefits no one especially the majority that Jatuporn purports to represent. Abhisit will act in a manner appropriate of a government official and a representative of Thailand. Just like he did on Fawonmai TV three days ago when he was interviewed. Just like he will next week and the week after.

Peace TV epitomizes the UDD and all they stand for and just like any country with censorship laws it was removed from air. Unlike any other country though the NTBC gave them a second chance and they failed twice. In any other country they would not have had a chance to fail a second time.

Jatuporn belongs in jail or a mental institution on medication and the quicker he is there the safer the majority will be.

Edited by djjamie
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The removal is only asking for more trouble.

Even when you think it is a garbage channel, which is your opinion, they have a right to voice their opinion.

that is democracy !!

Maybe you missed it,but there is no democratic process in Thailand right now.

We just had a coup and the countries leader is an army general. In such a climate certain media are just not allowed to express their opinions.

Also, even if Thailand was a democratic society, how far can media go in insulting others? There must be a thin line somewhere between opinion and insolence.

thank you for your enlightening post

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Yes, my wife has seen this channel and she said it was very confronting spewing pure hatred and evil while trying to divide the people. In any country in the world it would be taken off air for being offensive. But then what does one expect from a channel overseen by Jatuporn. The description they make of Abhisit alone beggars belief and that in itself shows the act of reconciliation is to remove this hate filled channel as opposed to letting it air.

Giving War Peace TV another chance shows the tolerance the NTBC have and then removing the show reflects the reconciliation the Junta are trying to portray yet the UDD abuse the privileges afforded them and then turn it around to say the Junta are not fostering reconciliation.

Akin to Jatuporn saying "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" Then the NTBC take it off the air and say we will allow you back on, but please respect the law. Then they come back on again and say "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" The it is taken off the air and then Jatuporn accuses the Junta of not fostering reconciliation. PTP logic right there folks. PTP logic right there. Evil logic if I may. The PTP are famous for this type of propaganda. Blaming the opposition for all their own shortcomings.

What are the DEM's doing at this time. They are not producing TV shows to brainwash and foster hatred with the aim to divide the people. Korn is still working on rice projects for the poor. The Mandela of the East is monking away in the South not fostering hatred or dividing the people or calling Jatuporn heaps of names that would make Iggy Pop blush. The Right Honorable Ahbisit is respecting the current status quo, meeting the people and listening to the issues they face. He is trying to bring the people together while Jatuporn is typically and predictably still trying to tear them apart.

Today Abhisit is doing an interview with Reuters and one can be assured he will offer constructive criticism of the Junta for the benefit of the Thai people. He will not describe Jatuporn in an evil way, he will not spew rhetoric to divide the nation as that benefits no one especially the majority that Jatuporn purports to represent. Abhisit will act in a manner appropriate of a government official and a representative of Thailand. Just like he did on Fawonmai TV three days ago when he was interviewed. Just like he will next week and the week after.

Peace TV epitomizes the UDD and all they stand for and just like any country with censorship laws it was removed from air. Unlike any other country though the NTBC gave them a second chance and they failed twice. In any other country they would not have had a chance to fail a second time.

Jatuporn belongs in jail or a mental institution on medication and the quicker he is there the safer the majority will be.

Seems like your wife is full of BS just like you.

The show has been very restrained since the re-branding. "Spewing pure hatred and evil"...that is you not Peace TV! They were rightfully questioning the draft constitution, section 44, and many other questionable junta actions.

The Democrats' Blue Sky TV uses rhetoric at least as confrontational as the red channels.

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the red shirts running this tv station are known for their history of lies, they repeat from thaksin, their insulting language against those who disagree with them, their proposal that violence for their cause is good as well as behavior that goes against how and what the majority of thais believe in and practice.

they are vertually unemployable by any reputable individual/company due to undependability of actions and words (just like their leader) and the entire bunch should be silenced in a perment way, far away from the good people of thailand who contribute something usuful to society/government and want to see it improved further. the village dullards contribute to the social welfare of those the associate/live with while this group is like a aggated skunk in the temple, where people are making merit or starting to, and this group is making a big stink over nothing, just to advertise their feeling of self importance while preventing anyone else from doing good actions.

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Describing Suthep as the Mandela of the East might be quite apt.

Mandela was also a terrorist and the leader of a terrorist organisation.

Many will view him as a great statesmen and many will never view him as anything other than a terrorist.

I'm surprised that someone who has lived here so long can't speak the lingo enough to have a basic understanding but has his wife translate what he wants to hear.

How many farangs watched this channel recently that can speak the language?

Why was djjamies wife still watching this channel? Sounds like you'd have to be semi brainwashed to watch it then?

No off button I guess? ?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My father in law has his tv tuned in on this garbage network and is completely brainwashed about what has happened the last decade. Foul language is used when describing their opponents. It was about time that this lying and dangerous bunch was taken off the air.

What?-- Foul Language? You think your father in law is Brainwashed? Look in a mirror and see who is Brainwashed!

I listen sometimes to Peace TV. There is no foul language and no brainwashing. Prachatai has the few sentences why the tv station was closed down. It's very innocent. This is a overly political move.


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""The banning of Peace TV is at direct odds with the government's stated policy to work toward national reconciliation between competing political groups," said Shawn Crispin, from the Committee to Protect Journalists in a statement.

"Reconciliation requires the free flow of information and opinions among all the country's political actors, a role the media should be allowed to play without fear of reprisal," he added.

The shutdown comes at a sensitive time with the Red Shirt movement preparing to mark a 2010 military crackdown on protests that left more than 90 dead, the majority demonstrators."

1. Reconciliation will never happen whilst there are TV stations, media etc., spruking hate and divisive comment which is less then truthful and full of spin.

2. Sure the media should be allowed to be part of the process by using their resources to gain and print balanced comment and to conduct debates etc. And refer to 1. above.

3. ...sensitive time ... the 2010 military crackdown... So what and refer to 1. above.

free mind does not mean to spread hate and support bandits and bombers;

So its correct to shut down such propaganda machines for hate and unrest !!

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UDD to seek Administrative Court’s redress for Peace TV’s closure


BANGKOK: -- United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) chairman Chatuporn Promphan vowed today that he would seek redress and justice from the Administrative Court for the unjust revoking of the operating license of Peace TV.

Chatuporn and the other UDD co-leaders who included Mrs Thida Thavornseth, Natthawut Saikua and Veerakarn Musikapong and executives of Peace TV gave a press conference today regarding the order of the broadcasting board of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) revoking the station’s license allegedly for breaking an earlier agreement with the board.

The broadcasting board alleged that two remarks made by Chatuporn in the Mong Karn Klai programme on April 18 defied Section 37 of the NBTC law and two announcements of the National Council for Peace and Order.

Chatuporn was quoted to have said: “Do not consider people of different opinions as an enemy and the atmosphere of the country will be much better. Having said this, somebody will close down our TV station again.”

The UDD leader asked were there any words in the above remark deemed a serious threat to the security or would cause disunity in the country.

Aparting from taking the case to the Administrative Court, the UDD leader said that the UDD would lodge complaints to all international organisations at home and abroad and even file an appeal to the Palace.

Meanwhile, staff of Peace TV issued a statement accusing NBTC of persecution and misuse of power to bully their station.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/udd-to-seek-administrative-courts-redress-for-peace-tvs-closure

-- Thai PBS 2015-05-01

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The removal is only asking for more trouble.

Even when you think it is a garbage channel, which is your opinion, they have a right to voice their opinion.

that is democracy !!

Maybe you missed it,but there is no democratic process in Thailand right now.

We just had a coup and the countries leader is an army general. In such a climate certain media are just not allowed to express their opinions.

Also, even if Thailand was a democratic society, how far can media go in insulting others? There must be a thin line somewhere between opinion and insolence.

Maybe you missed it,but there is no democratic process in Thailand right now.

Has there been one before?

Using the word democracy for undemocratic reasons does not make the policy democratic

Anyway the situation in Thailand is much better now than before with the Thaksin regimes

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My father in law has his tv tuned in on this garbage network and is completely brainwashed about what has happened the last decade. Foul language is used when describing their opponents. It was about time that this lying and dangerous bunch was taken off the air.

What?-- Foul Language? You think your father in law is Brainwashed? Look in a mirror and see who is Brainwashed!

I listen sometimes to Peace TV. There is no foul language and no brainwashing. Prachatai has the few sentences why the tv station was closed down. It's very innocent. This is a overly political move.


Their tones might be less aggressive than let's say in 2010, but they are still using foul language occasionally and distorting facts from fiction. The scorpion hasn't turned into a frog. And of course this is a political move. Politics are not allowed at this moment.

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The removal is only asking for more trouble.

Even when you think it is a garbage channel, which is your opinion, they have a right to voice their opinion.

that is democracy !!

Maybe you missed it,but there is no democratic process in Thailand right now.

We just had a coup and the countries leader is an army general. In such a climate certain media are just not allowed to express their opinions.

Also, even if Thailand was a democratic society, how far can media go in insulting others? There must be a thin line somewhere between opinion and insolence.

Maybe you missed it,but there is no democratic process in Thailand right now.

Has there been one before?

Using the word democracy for undemocratic reasons does not make the policy democratic

Anyway the situation in Thailand is much better now than before with the Thaksin regimes

I don't think its much better now, but I sincerely hope it will work out as a kind of 'one step back, two steps forwards'. The Shin dynasty was robbing this country blind beyond beggars believe with zero interest in human rights, but living under military rule won't push the country forward neither. Kind of catch 22.

What Thailand needs is a society that respects law and order and I am not convinced this will be possible without a civil war. Corruption, the opposite of law and order, is too entrenched in the Thai societal genes I fear. Call it the 'Paradox of War' that the Thais never really had.

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Describing Suthep as the Mandela of the East might be quite apt.

Mandela was also a terrorist and the leader of a terrorist organisation.

Many will view him as a great statesmen and many will never view him as anything other than a terrorist.

I'm surprised that someone who has lived here so long can't speak the lingo enough to have a basic understanding but has his wife translate what he wants to hear.

How many farangs watched this channel recently that can speak the language?

Why was djjamies wife still watching this channel? Sounds like you'd have to be semi brainwashed to watch it then?

No off button I guess? ?

Many will view him as a great statesmen and many will never view him as anything other than a terrorist

I agree with you on Mandela; he will always be a terrorist first in my mind. I don't have much regard for Suthep's self glorifying methods either.

but has his wife translate what he wants to hear.

I didn't know Thai wives were so subservient as to lie about the translation because that is what her husband wants to hear.

Why was djjamies wife still watching this channel?

djjamie and his wife may have tuned in to Peace TV to see what all the hubbub was about since is so prominently in the news lately. Is that not a possible explanation?

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Yes, my wife has seen this channel and she said it was very confronting spewing pure hatred and evil while trying to divide the people. In any country in the world it would be taken off air for being offensive. But then what does one expect from a channel overseen by Jatuporn. The description they make of Abhisit alone beggars belief and that in itself shows the act of reconciliation is to remove this hate filled channel as opposed to letting it air.

Giving War Peace TV another chance shows the tolerance the NTBC have and then removing the show reflects the reconciliation the Junta are trying to portray yet the UDD abuse the privileges afforded them and then turn it around to say the Junta are not fostering reconciliation.

Akin to Jatuporn saying "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" Then the NTBC take it off the air and say we will allow you back on, but please respect the law. Then they come back on again and say "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" The it is taken off the air and then Jatuporn accuses the Junta of not fostering reconciliation. PTP logic right there folks. PTP logic right there. Evil logic if I may. The PTP are famous for this type of propaganda. Blaming the opposition for all their own shortcomings.

What are the DEM's doing at this time. They are not producing TV shows to brainwash and foster hatred with the aim to divide the people. Korn is still working on rice projects for the poor. The Mandela of the East is monking away in the South not fostering hatred or dividing the people or calling Jatuporn heaps of names that would make Iggy Pop blush. The Right Honorable Ahbisit is respecting the current status quo, meeting the people and listening to the issues they face. He is trying to bring the people together while Jatuporn is typically and predictably still trying to tear them apart.

Today Abhisit is doing an interview with Reuters and one can be assured he will offer constructive criticism of the Junta for the benefit of the Thai people. He will not describe Jatuporn in an evil way, he will not spew rhetoric to divide the nation as that benefits no one especially the majority that Jatuporn purports to represent. Abhisit will act in a manner appropriate of a government official and a representative of Thailand. Just like he did on Fawonmai TV three days ago when he was interviewed. Just like he will next week and the week after.

Peace TV epitomizes the UDD and all they stand for and just like any country with censorship laws it was removed from air. Unlike any other country though the NTBC gave them a second chance and they failed twice. In any other country they would not have had a chance to fail a second time.

Jatuporn belongs in jail or a mental institution on medication and the quicker he is there the safer the majority will be.

Seems like your wife is full of BS just like you.

The show has been very restrained since the re-branding. "Spewing pure hatred and evil"...that is you not Peace TV! They were rightfully questioning the draft constitution, section 44, and many other questionable junta actions.

The Democrats' Blue Sky TV uses rhetoric at least as confrontational as the red channels.

My, aren't you venomous today? Referencing a fellow TVF member's wife in such a rude way is 'poor form' (that's British understatement for <deleted>).

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Yes, my wife has seen this channel and she said it was very confronting spewing pure hatred and evil while trying to divide the people. In any country in the world it would be taken off air for being offensive. But then what does one expect from a channel overseen by Jatuporn. The description they make of Abhisit alone beggars belief and that in itself shows the act of reconciliation is to remove this hate filled channel as opposed to letting it air.

Giving War Peace TV another chance shows the tolerance the NTBC have and then removing the show reflects the reconciliation the Junta are trying to portray yet the UDD abuse the privileges afforded them and then turn it around to say the Junta are not fostering reconciliation.

Akin to Jatuporn saying "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" Then the NTBC take it off the air and say we will allow you back on, but please respect the law. Then they come back on again and say "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" The it is taken off the air and then Jatuporn accuses the Junta of not fostering reconciliation. PTP logic right there folks. PTP logic right there. Evil logic if I may. The PTP are famous for this type of propaganda. Blaming the opposition for all their own shortcomings.

What are the DEM's doing at this time. They are not producing TV shows to brainwash and foster hatred with the aim to divide the people. Korn is still working on rice projects for the poor. The Mandela of the East is monking away in the South not fostering hatred or dividing the people or calling Jatuporn heaps of names that would make Iggy Pop blush. The Right Honorable Ahbisit is respecting the current status quo, meeting the people and listening to the issues they face. He is trying to bring the people together while Jatuporn is typically and predictably still trying to tear them apart.

Today Abhisit is doing an interview with Reuters and one can be assured he will offer constructive criticism of the Junta for the benefit of the Thai people. He will not describe Jatuporn in an evil way, he will not spew rhetoric to divide the nation as that benefits no one especially the majority that Jatuporn purports to represent. Abhisit will act in a manner appropriate of a government official and a representative of Thailand. Just like he did on Fawonmai TV three days ago when he was interviewed. Just like he will next week and the week after.

Peace TV epitomizes the UDD and all they stand for and just like any country with censorship laws it was removed from air. Unlike any other country though the NTBC gave them a second chance and they failed twice. In any other country they would not have had a chance to fail a second time.

Jatuporn belongs in jail or a mental institution on medication and the quicker he is there the safer the majority will be.

Seems like your wife is full of BS just like you.

The show has been very restrained since the re-branding. "Spewing pure hatred and evil"...that is you not Peace TV! They were rightfully questioning the draft constitution, section 44, and many other questionable junta actions.

The Democrats' Blue Sky TV uses rhetoric at least as confrontational as the red channels.

How very charming. It's easy to see why you are a Red Shirt "Peace TV" afficionado!

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Yes, my wife has seen this channel and she said it was very confronting spewing pure hatred and evil while trying to divide the people. In any country in the world it would be taken off air for being offensive. But then what does one expect from a channel overseen by Jatuporn. The description they make of Abhisit alone beggars belief and that in itself shows the act of reconciliation is to remove this hate filled channel as opposed to letting it air.

Giving War Peace TV another chance shows the tolerance the NTBC have and then removing the show reflects the reconciliation the Junta are trying to portray yet the UDD abuse the privileges afforded them and then turn it around to say the Junta are not fostering reconciliation.

Akin to Jatuporn saying "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" Then the NTBC take it off the air and say we will allow you back on, but please respect the law. Then they come back on again and say "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$" The it is taken off the air and then Jatuporn accuses the Junta of not fostering reconciliation. PTP logic right there folks. PTP logic right there. Evil logic if I may. The PTP are famous for this type of propaganda. Blaming the opposition for all their own shortcomings.

What are the DEM's doing at this time. They are not producing TV shows to brainwash and foster hatred with the aim to divide the people. Korn is still working on rice projects for the poor. The Mandela of the East is monking away in the South not fostering hatred or dividing the people or calling Jatuporn heaps of names that would make Iggy Pop blush. The Right Honorable Ahbisit is respecting the current status quo, meeting the people and listening to the issues they face. He is trying to bring the people together while Jatuporn is typically and predictably still trying to tear them apart.

Today Abhisit is doing an interview with Reuters and one can be assured he will offer constructive criticism of the Junta for the benefit of the Thai people. He will not describe Jatuporn in an evil way, he will not spew rhetoric to divide the nation as that benefits no one especially the majority that Jatuporn purports to represent. Abhisit will act in a manner appropriate of a government official and a representative of Thailand. Just like he did on Fawonmai TV three days ago when he was interviewed. Just like he will next week and the week after.

Peace TV epitomizes the UDD and all they stand for and just like any country with censorship laws it was removed from air. Unlike any other country though the NTBC gave them a second chance and they failed twice. In any other country they would not have had a chance to fail a second time.

Jatuporn belongs in jail or a mental institution on medication and the quicker he is there the safer the majority will be.

Well the Reuters interview has finally been published here.

As predicted, not a single bad word about Jatuporn and some constrictive criticism of the Junta. A measured, not threatening narrative that has the single unselfish aim of benefiting the majority of Thai's. Not the DEM's, but the Thai majority just as Korns rice projects are doing.

No hidden agenda. Just an educated, intelligent, non violent, calm narrative to express his concerns with the current administration and throwing solutions and not propaganda into the open forum so people can have alternate views that may or may not be beneficial to making Thailand a safe, stable and democratic country in the future.

It is certainly a lot more constructive than "I hate the government. Rebel and rise against the government. Abhsiti is a ^*&^% and deserves to be *#^&$&^%@ on a stake until he is **&@%$"

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everybody knows what these people are and what they have done, the annoying thing is that they still evade the courts and justice.

Time for the PM to get a backbone and look at these loud mouthed terrorists - investigate why they all have millions of baht and where it came from, then lock them up and throw away the key, confiscate their assets - convict them for the murder of innocent people including children, it is a disgrace that they are still free and mouthing off their garbage about peace, if Thaksin doesn't get his way he will attempt to destroy this country - he very nearly succeeded last year, the evil that men do

Any Thai I have spoken now see these scum for what they are and are fed up with their lies and BS, it is astonishing that they still walk as free rich men in this country after what they have done, shame on you thailand for not dealing with these terrorist murderers

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These things are in keeping with the controlled polices of a military rule.

The good side with limiting quickly the press freedom is consequences flow faster.

Any doubts extinguished .

You need links like this arriving in emails of US congressmen to get the ball rolling.

So it's a good thing .

Press organisations become pro - active and wheels turn towards a faster demise

Edited by Plutojames88
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Considering the blatant incitement,generated by the supporters of this channel,it may not be strictly democratic,closing down the channel,but I don't recall the Red Shirts ever being Democratic either! and certainly not with Jatuporn pulling the strings!

Edited by MAJIC
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