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Holiday Traffic Nightmare!


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While you are sitting at that red light, wherever you are in Thailand, and you see the light turn green, start to count one thousand and one, one thousand and two, etc and see how many one thousands and you get to before you see the car in front of you move. Take that number and then multiply it by the number of cars that get though the intersection and you will have a guide to just how few cars are going to get through the intersection here in Thailand

Go out to the Land Transport Department and watch the number of people that have to take the "reaction test" twice because they don't put on the brakes or accelerate in the allotted time

Add one more variable and that is the number of piggy people that when they see traffic at a light feel that they are entitled to pull into the far left lane to get through the light because of the mai pen rai certainty that someone will let them back in once the light changes

These two factors multiplied by the number of cars on the road is why the traffic is so miserable. Yes. the infrastructure is poor, but the quality of drivers is what causes the most problems

Absolutely on the money with that. KittenKong mentioned the same point about moving on the green yesterday. No question about that, and the points you mentioned, being a major problem. The "extra lanes" at turns thing REALLY pisses me off! That's one situation that the police could and should easily eliminate with a presence and fines!

I am one of those annoyances at the front of the queue who, when the light turning green, waits maybe... one-thousand, two-thousand, three-thousand... before moving off. Over the past dozen years, that has resulted in my avoiding well over 100 potentially fatal, high-speed, t-bone style accidents due to the 'other driver', typically in much larger vehicle with many more wheels, ignoring the flashing amber and the... one-thousand, two-thousand, three-thousand... red light.

I have to respectfully disagree with you here. The fairly obvious response to this is that the proper procedure is to look to right and left before accelerating, then accelerate quickly to the legal speed limit. It's equally foolish to either jump into the intersection without checking traffic in both directions; or to sit and wait for 3 seconds before proceeding. And, again, when you move, MOVE. Most Thai drivers, as KittenKong said yesterday, just creep into the intersection (and beyond), accelerating no faster than I can walk.

Now let me add on the "reverse logic" of Thai traffic management for motorbikes. In the USA, when a motorcyle moves in front of you, don't worry about it. It will be long gone in front of you by the time you reach cruising speed. Here, most motorbikes travel more slowly than most cars. So, when dozens of them creep up in front of cars, the movement of that lane when the light changes is very slow. Once across the intersection, the cars then have to navigate around the damn motorbikes, which are all moving more slowly. Motorbikes should either remain in a lane beside cars; or queue up in the same lane, with no greater priority than cars. ... Thai "traffic management" furthers this problem by actually marking some intersections with a section for motorbikes in front of where cars must stop. INSANITY!

They should learn from cities like Shanghai. Completely separate lanes for motorcycles which are outside the traffic lanes. There is a barrier in between. They have their own traffic lights as well.

I know they won't ever even consider anything even close to that solution but they could make some sort of effort to segregate the traffic.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

The typical "Me first" attitude which is the major reason why there is this traffic mess in Thailand.

Try it on with me and I assure you that you will not move on first.

It has to do with the fact that the average driver will wait until every car on the road clears out before they are willing to merge onto a multi lane road. If any of the drivers ahead of me knew how to merge I would wait my turn.

To date I am the only driver I have ever seen who has used the merge lane in a u turn maneuver.

By the way as I stated before I only do this in intersections where many cars can que side by side. I'm not going to block the u turn lane next to one car.

So to your point about trying it on you... What do you plan on doing? Going to block all lanes of traffic to prove your point? Going to get out of your truck and threaten violence? Sounds like you have a great attitude for thailand. Good luck with that.

Nothing to do with violence or being bigger, and I don't have an attitude, it is the drivers like you who think that traffic rules are only for others and that they are the only ones who can drive a car that have the attitude.

I know how to handle a car, which you clearly don't, otherwise you would know that for a pick up it is almost impossible to use the merge lane, because of the large turn radius a a truck has.

A truck that comes to my left blocks my view to upcoming traffic, so making it even more difficult for me to make the U-turn, and thereby blocking the cars in the queue even longer.

As a "present" for the driver who can't wait for his turn and blocking my view, instead of trying to make a right turn I will aim for the far left lane, and move my car a little to the front and closer to my left neighbor. This makes it impossible for him to enter the road without colliding with my truck, which he has no interest in as it would cost him money.

Edited by Anthony5
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What encourages red light jumpers is that at many cross sections in Pattaya the far left lane is allowed to continue when red. This in it self is already a life threatening situation created by the government, but of course the cars in the lane next to the far left lane also will go straight through.

The intercity buses are the worst offenders. I have yet to see one that stops for a red traffic light.

The government is smart enough to know that a T intersections on sukhumvit that is 4 lanes wide the that that is an extra straight lane to allow cars going straight to proceed with out stopping. Are there 4 right hand turn lanes at the road perpendicular to this? No...at max there are two. So letting people proceed straight (on red) will not affect those turning right on green.

They don't allow this on 4 way intersections in pattaya where it would be a serious safety concern.

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Well I was hoping the traffic would look better today but no , I had to return my car back to the parking. Still now at 8 pm the queues up Chaiyapruek is endless.....

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What encourages red light jumpers is that at many cross sections in Pattaya the far left lane is allowed to continue when red. This in it self is already a life threatening situation created by the government, but of course the cars in the lane next to the far left lane also will go straight through.

The intercity buses are the worst offenders. I have yet to see one that stops for a red traffic light.

The government is smart enough to know that a T intersections on sukhumvit that is 4 lanes wide the that that is an extra straight lane to allow cars going straight to proceed with out stopping. Are there 4 right hand turn lanes at the road perpendicular to this? No...at max there are two. So letting people proceed straight (on red) will not affect those turning right on green.

They don't allow this on 4 way intersections in pattaya where it would be a serious safety concern.

So every one who comes from Klang needs to turn right. Nobody has to cross Sukhumvit to go to the gas station, the driving range or the bus station?

Same at Khao Talo, nobody has to go into the road that is only 20 meters past the traffic light. They can't even see the traffic coming because of the 3 lanes waiting at the traffic light.

Same situation at Pattaya Nua, where there is a busy Soi just past the traffic lights.

At SSCC, I go to the universe gym, where several other companies are located as well, it's like playing with your life to get in there with 3 lanes of waiting cars and a 4th lane of high speeding cars you can't see coming.

Edited by Anthony5
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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place
Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

The typical "Me first" attitude which is the major reason why there is this traffic mess in Thailand.

Try it on with me and I assure you that you will not move on first.

It has to do with the fact that the average driver will wait until every car on the road clears out before they are willing to merge onto a multi lane road. If any of the drivers ahead of me knew how to merge I would wait my turn.

To date I am the only driver I have ever seen who has used the merge lane in a u turn maneuver.

By the way as I stated before I only do this in intersections where many cars can que side by side. I'm not going to block the u turn lane next to one car.

So to your point about trying it on you... What do you plan on doing? Going to block all lanes of traffic to prove your point? Going to get out of your truck and threaten violence? Sounds like you have a great attitude for thailand. Good luck with that.

Nothing to do with violence or being bigger, and I don't have an attitude, it is the drivers like you who think that traffic rules are only for others and that they are the only ones who can drive a car that have the attitude.

I know how to handle a car, which you clearly don't, otherwise you would know that for a pick up it is almost impossible to use the merge lane, because of the large turn radius a a truck has.

A truck that comes to my left blocks my view to upcoming traffic, so making it even more difficult for me to make the U-turn, and thereby blocking the cars in the queue even longer.

As a "present" for the driver who can't wait for his turn and blocking my view, instead of trying to make a right turn I will aim for the far left lane, and move my car a little to the front and closer to my left neighbor. This makes it impossible for him to enter the road without colliding with my truck, which he has no interest in as it would cost him money.

If you would swing wide coming up to the u turn you could navigate that u turn and use the merge lane. You are absolutely correct that if you follow the paint on the road that the u turn lanes are impossible to use thee the merge lane.

You may think by my posts that I'm a complete jerk and drive dangerously. The truth is I am fed up with the drivers here and traffic and I try my best to get to my destination as quickly and safely as possible. The system is so flawed that it makes decent drivers do things that are not ideal.

I am a very considerate driver in many other respects and would never block an intersection like so many do here in other ways.

Every situation is different and like I said before I am referring to one specific u turn where I routinely perform this action.

Not trying to start a war here...just think we have a little different opinion on the matter.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place
Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

The typical "Me first" attitude which is the major reason why there is this traffic mess in Thailand.

Try it on with me and I assure you that you will not move on first.

It has to do with the fact that the average driver will wait until every car on the road clears out before they are willing to merge onto a multi lane road. If any of the drivers ahead of me knew how to merge I would wait my turn.

To date I am the only driver I have ever seen who has used the merge lane in a u turn maneuver.

By the way as I stated before I only do this in intersections where many cars can que side by side. I'm not going to block the u turn lane next to one car.

So to your point about trying it on you... What do you plan on doing? Going to block all lanes of traffic to prove your point? Going to get out of your truck and threaten violence? Sounds like you have a great attitude for thailand. Good luck with that.

Nothing to do with violence or being bigger, and I don't have an attitude, it is the drivers like you who think that traffic rules are only for others and that they are the only ones who can drive a car that have the attitude.

I know how to handle a car, which you clearly don't, otherwise you would know that for a pick up it is almost impossible to use the merge lane, because of the large turn radius a a truck has.

A truck that comes to my left blocks my view to upcoming traffic, so making it even more difficult for me to make the U-turn, and thereby blocking the cars in the queue even longer.

As a "present" for the driver who can't wait for his turn and blocking my view, instead of trying to make a right turn I will aim for the far left lane, and move my car a little to the front and closer to my left neighbor. This makes it impossible for him to enter the road without colliding with my truck, which he has no interest in as it would cost him money.

If you would swing wide coming up to the u turn you could navigate that u turn and use the merge lane. You are absolutely correct that if you follow the paint on the road that the u turn lanes are impossible to use thee the merge lane.

You may think by my posts that I'm a complete jerk and drive dangerously. The truth is I am fed up with the drivers here and traffic and I try my best to get to my destination as quickly and safely as possible. The system is so flawed that it makes decent drivers do things that are not ideal.

I am a very considerate driver in many other respects and would never block an intersection like so many do here in other ways.

Every situation is different and like I said before I am referring to one specific u turn where I routinely perform this action.

Not trying to start a war here...just think we have a little different opinion on the matter.

Your suggestion highlights one of the problems created by your "extra lane" at the u-turn you mentioned. If a pickup truck is trying to make a u-turn into the merge lane from the legal u-turn lane, you suggest that the driver "swing wide" to allow for the bigger turn radius of the truck. Well, how can he do that if "someone" has illegally driven into that area from the lane left of the legal u-turn lane? Just one more reason why that action is selfish and disruptive. Stay in the lanes designated for turns!

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Friday after 12 noon I was heading the opposite direction, leaving Pattaya and going to enjoy Bangkok. First, it took for ever to travel down North Pattaya street to Sukumvit- bumper to bumper at a snail pace. And once I DID get on Sukumvit to go on the new connection to the expressway, OMG- there were three lanes of traffic, bumper to bumper (90% cars) that stretched close to a couple kilometers. Gave proof to me that Bangkok city-slickers are coming to Pattaya for their weekend retreats. Good for the economy. Though the old timers may wish for the "olden days" when Pattaya was more seedier and at a slower pace (they forget the fishing villagers mostly likely didn't ;like change when their fishing village was gradually being dotted with bars and cheap hotels back in the 60's) having Central Festival mall on Beach Rd and having more upscale hotels and restaurants have gradually gotten rid of the old stereotype of "Sin City." Of course the Thais know to stay away from Walking Street or the Beach promenade, 3rd Road and behind Big C north seems to cater to the Bangkok cliental and Thai may not go into the polluted sea for swimming but enjoy looking at it and swimming in one of the 4 or 5 star hotels that have a view. A lot of traffice coming in but it also means support for our business community in Pattaya.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

Because they block my view and could cause me to have an accident. Plus, many will just make a tight right turn as you can't see to turn and pull out ahead of you. Plus, I'd bet it's illegal. Get into an accident and your insurance might have to pay up.

At the Thepprasit junction (and many others), they block the thru lanes, causing even more problems.

I find it incredible that anyone is ignorant enough to acknowledge such driving behavior! There is a reason why the roads are MARKED for a single lane to make u-turns, you JERK! In addition to the totally valid points made by other posters, when you, and others, queue up to the left of the cars in the legal u-turn lane, you block the traffic that is trying to legally drive through that intersection. I am infuriated by anyone who feels that rules, signs, and road markings have no place in their lives. Damn selfish anarchists!! ... The right turn from Suk onto Khao Talo is a spot infamous for this "make a new lane" behavior. Khao Talo has only ONE LANE going east. So the cars in that "screw the rules" lane have to cut off the drivers who are making a legal turn. This, of course, means that other drivers who are obeying the rules, and are queued up in the legal turn lane, will miss the light change because of the cluster flick in front of them caused by you JERKS who think you have a right to ignore the law!! NOBODY who is to my left when making that turn gets in front of me!!! There should regularly be a cop at that intersection to fine everyone in that illegal lane.

Calm down dude! I never said I do this. Just saying why it's a bad idea. Re-read my post carefully....I acknowledge such driving behavior because I see it every day. I don't do this and don't condone it. It's extremely dangerous. And extremely rude.

That turn at Khao Talo is really bad. But it's also due to a very poor highway design. If you are coming from Thepprasit and want to turn down Khao Talo, at times, the turn lane is fully backed up and the only solution is a double turn. But, as we all know, that's not always the reason some do this.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

Because they block my view and could cause me to have an accident. Plus, many will just make a tight right turn as you can't see to turn and pull out ahead of you. Plus, I'd bet it's illegal. Get into an accident and your insurance might have to pay up.

At the Thepprasit junction (and many others), they block the thru lanes, causing even more problems.

Your points are valid. 95% of the drivers here don't even bother to think that way. I mainly am referring to on particular u turn near mum aroi on sukhumvit. If you sit in the que you are often in the right lane with traffic flying past ( because they don't have adequate space for people to que safety for the u turn. I make this u turn everyday and a lot of the time I go and no one else does. Vision blocked or not they would just sit there.

What you described on theprassit is a completely different problem. That is people crowding to turn right blocking thru lanes of traffic.

I live down near the Ambassador. Many U-turns on Sukhumvit down here don't have a space for a turning lane. You're just "out" there in the fast lane blocking traffic and hoping they see you are trying to turn. It's an accident waiting to happen and when busy, totally blocks up traffic. Easy to fix.

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And let's not forget the idiot who can't wait behind you at a U turn but insists that his rightful place is on your left, blocking your line of sight of on coming traffic, not to mention preventing you from getting into the left lane that is usually the reason for the U turn in the first place

Why should everyone all que up behind you and block the road? If everyone ques to your left then when there is an opening in traffic EVERYONE can easily make their way out at once. When the person to your left goes you are free to go out an move to the left. If you can't manage that maneuver then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

All of this is dependent on the U turn intersection but the ones I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left.

Because they block my view and could cause me to have an accident. Plus, many will just make a tight right turn as you can't see to turn and pull out ahead of you. Plus, I'd bet it's illegal. Get into an accident and your insurance might have to pay up.

At the Thepprasit junction (and many others), they block the thru lanes, causing even more problems.

I find it incredible that anyone is ignorant enough to acknowledge such driving behavior! There is a reason why the roads are MARKED for a single lane to make u-turns, you JERK! In addition to the totally valid points made by other posters, when you, and others, queue up to the left of the cars in the legal u-turn lane, you block the traffic that is trying to legally drive through that intersection. I am infuriated by anyone who feels that rules, signs, and road markings have no place in their lives. Damn selfish anarchists!! ... The right turn from Suk onto Khao Talo is a spot infamous for this "make a new lane" behavior. Khao Talo has only ONE LANE going east. So the cars in that "screw the rules" lane have to cut off the drivers who are making a legal turn. This, of course, means that other drivers who are obeying the rules, and are queued up in the legal turn lane, will miss the light change because of the cluster flick in front of them caused by you JERKS who think you have a right to ignore the law!! NOBODY who is to my left when making that turn gets in front of me!!! There should regularly be a cop at that intersection to fine everyone in that illegal lane.

Calm down dude! I never said I do this. Just saying why it's a bad idea. Re-read my post carefully....I acknowledge such driving behavior because I see it every day. I don't do this and don't condone it. It's extremely dangerous. And extremely rude.

That turn at Khao Talo is really bad. But it's also due to a very poor highway design. If you are coming from Thepprasit and want to turn down Khao Talo, at times, the turn lane is fully backed up and the only solution is a double turn. But, as we all know, that's not always the reason some do this.

Sorry, Craig. My response wasn't directed to you; but to the post just before yours, where he said "I que on the left have plenty of room for cars and since I'm 99% more likely to pull out first I que furthest to the left." He's one of those who cause the bottleneck of cars trying to get into Khao Talo from Suk by making his own lane!

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It was brutal last night.

I abandoned my car on Jomtien 2nd Rd & walked a few hundred yards before I could get a biketaxi in order to get home to see my little ones before they went to bed.

Went back a few hours later to collect the car.

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It was brutal last night.

I abandoned my car on Jomtien 2nd Rd & walked a few hundred yards before I could get a biketaxi in order to get home to see my little ones before they went to bed.

Went back a few hours later to collect the car.

From what I've read in this thread since I started it on Friday, this seems to have been the absolute worst "long weekend" holiday EVER in Pattaya. Is that the consensus here? I don't remember seeing posts from people who just "gave up and went home", or "abandoned my vehicle" before. I've seen 3 or 4 such posts this weekend.

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Back on topic how is the traffic today?

Seemed better this morning. But I went for breakfast at Hotel Danmark and I had to triple-park in the car park of the bigger hotel next door which is usually empty. So people (and their cars) are still in town.

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From what I've read in this thread since I started it on Friday, this seems to have been the absolute worst "long weekend" holiday EVER in Pattaya. Is that the consensus here?

Definitely the worst in Jomtien, I would say (not including Songkran, of course).

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From what I've read in this thread since I started it on Friday, this seems to have been the absolute worst "long weekend" holiday EVER in Pattaya. Is that the consensus here?

Definitely the worst in Jomtien, I would say (not including Songkran, of course).

Another exception was when there was that redshirt riot at the intertnational diplomatic conference on the hill and they closed Thappraya road for a long time.

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Terrible traffic also today ! I took my car out and was hoping for a normal day , I had to drive from Jomtien to North Pattaya and it was just chaotic all the way, we hardly moved up Suk , so I decided to turn left down pattaya tai, then right up 3rd road , but same same, it was a very slow ride. It took me 1,5 hour , I think that's a new record high. This was a very long weekend indeed.

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It was brutal last night.

I abandoned my car on Jomtien 2nd Rd & walked a few hundred yards before I could get a biketaxi in order to get home to see my little ones before they went to bed.

Went back a few hours later to collect the car.

How does one "abandon" their car in a traffic jam?

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Terrible traffic also today ! I took my car out and was hoping for a normal day , I had to drive from Jomtien to North Pattaya and it was just chaotic all the way, we hardly moved up Suk , so I decided to turn left down pattaya tai, then right up 3rd road , but same same, it was a very slow ride. It took me 1,5 hour , I think that's a new record high. This was a very long weekend indeed.

Our neighbors decided to go to Pratumnak today for lunch, starting from near the Ambassador Hotel in NaJomtien. They gave up. Ended up eating noodle soup on the street. I guess it was a mess.

Just saw a pic from a friend in Sri Racha. His comment? This isn't Bangkok!!! Why so many cars??

Crazy times....

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It was brutal last night.

I abandoned my car on Jomtien 2nd Rd & walked a few hundred yards before I could get a biketaxi in order to get home to see my little ones before they went to bed.

Went back a few hours later to collect the car.

How does one "abandon" their car in a traffic jam?

You must read Gridlock by Ben Elton, Brewster


He's a champagne socialist who co-wrote The Young Ones, Comic Strip & Blackadder amoungst other works

He's in this clip at 40 secs


Edited by SidJames
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Seriously considering leaving town at 11pm tonight for the trip to BKK rather than risk being on the road at 7 tomorrow morning and finding that everyone else had the same brilliant idea. Alternately I could stay here another night, but its getting kinda old living in a hotel with construction going on outside. These are the kind of crazy decisions I'm normally faced with in much larger cities - shades of Jakarta, a city where 'peak hour' is from 5am till midnight :(

I guess I've had it pretty good in Pattaya, Songkran notwithstanding, but this endless long weekend has me bent out of shape. One of the very rare occasions where I'm actually looking forward to seeing the dreaded Departure Lounge.

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Seriously considering leaving town at 11pm tonight for the trip to BKK rather than risk being on the road at 7 tomorrow morning and finding that everyone else had the same brilliant idea. Alternately I could stay here another night, but its getting kinda old living in a hotel with construction going on outside. These are the kind of crazy decisions I'm normally faced with in much larger cities - shades of Jakarta, a city where 'peak hour' is from 5am till midnight sad.png

I guess I've had it pretty good in Pattaya, Songkran notwithstanding, but this endless long weekend has me bent out of shape. One of the very rare occasions where I'm actually looking forward to seeing the dreaded Departure Lounge.

It definitely sucks for residents; except, as somebody noted earlier, for many of the merchants who serve the tourists.

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I was transported to emergency via ambulance last night. Sukumwit was a mess, a Thai said "Thailand does not have good heart" as cars refused to clear the road for an ambulance with sirens and flashing lights.

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I'm confused.

Nothing new there.

Is it supposed to bad tomorrow also?

If so, what hours?


Believe it or not, tomorrow is the 'official' holiday. Today I think is the General's present to keep the people happy!

Who knows what the dawn will bring?. My car has been under the car cover since last Thursday.

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I was transported to emergency via ambulance last night. Sukumwit was a mess, a Thai said "Thailand does not have good heart" as cars refused to clear the road for an ambulance with sirens and flashing lights.

This is the norm

I not move over for you.

Selfish drivers in Thailand., lots of them. most I think

Edited by onemorechang
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I was transported to emergency via ambulance last night. Sukumwit was a mess, a Thai said "Thailand does not have good heart" as cars refused to clear the road for an ambulance with sirens and flashing lights.

Hope you are OK!!!!

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I was transported to emergency via ambulance last night. Sukumwit was a mess, a Thai said "Thailand does not have good heart" as cars refused to clear the road for an ambulance with sirens and flashing lights.

Most Thai drivers really dont give a hoot about anyone else. In fact I wonder if they even notice anyone else.

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