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...I wonder when they will change the laws so that unsuspecting foreigners stop being 'taken to the cleaners'....

...this is illegal in any other country....

...it is a form of a scam.....' I love you...you so handsome.....pay...pay...pay...'....

...and then....no rights....no recourse.....

...cut the cr*p already.....no mystery.....it happens all too often....

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...I wonder when they will change the laws so that unsuspecting foreigners stop being 'taken to the cleaners'....

...this is illegal in any other country....

...it is a form of a scam.....' I love you...you so handsome.....pay...pay...pay...'....

...and then....no rights....no recourse.....

...cut the cr*p already.....no mystery.....it happens all too often....

Which countries is this illegal in..?


So, he owns a beauty shop, which he is trying to sell. Assuming he owns the business only and not the building/land, he still would have to pay monthly rent to the plot owner...



This is an everyday event here. Any one coming over here and showing off like they have all the money in the world - this will happen to them. I have seen it so many times. The foriegners dont think about what they are doing.


Thats why i wear a plane ticket around my neck. The 3 baht chain would always get enough for a return ticket if it should be ever needed. I cannot see that happening as keep access to a decent amount I keep offshore of Thailand. But my ticket is always being worn in case.

dumbest thing I heard in a long time. Imagine relying on a gold chain to get u home? Surely there is a safer way. Heard of banks?

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"His ex-Thai girlfriend"

What is she, now that she's not Thai?

I never go grammar Nazi on fellow posters, but this reporter does this for a living, for pity's sake!

Ok Dr Goebbels: how would you like to express that concept? "His ex-girlfriend (born in Thailand)"? Or "his ex-gf, who is Thai.."

Sometimes even grammar Nazis don't know <deleted> they are trying to say.

Thai ex-girlfriend. If you're going to call yourself a reporter then you should KNOW this! Blazes, you are a rude poster and shouldn't go name-calling. In a battle of wits, you are an unarmed combatant.


As the saying goes, ''A fool and his money are soon parted'', not just in Thailand but anywhere in this world. However, I think it happens more often in Thailand because here we are all a ''sexy man'' and unfortunately the fools believe it.


After years of listening to these ridiculous 'evil Thai lady' stories - and the remarks on TV - I find there's always missing information.

"After I helped her open a beauty salon...!"

- did that involve a lot of big-talking promises from this guy, which were just to look 'important' and get her attention? Probably.

- is the amount he's talking about being exaggerated now, so that people feel sorry for him? Probably.

- did it come with a big trip from him, about how she 'owes' him her eternal devotion in exchange for a few baht? Probably.

- did he then sit around all day, in a pair of crappy shorts, drinking - as he's pictured here - and being an embarrassment for her? Probably.

- does he now go around telling everyone how 'evil' she is - instead of looking at himself? Probably.

- was he frightening to her in some way, or mean to her? Maybe...he's not gonna admit it, if he was.

My experience - 5 years now / 2 long relationships (and various other things) - is that you get what you bring to Thailand.


Thats why i wear a plane ticket around my neck. The 3 baht chain would always get enough for a return ticket if it should be ever needed. I cannot see that happening as keep access to a decent amount I keep offshore of Thailand. But my ticket is always being worn in case.

dumbest thing I heard in a long time. Imagine relying on a gold chain to get u home? Surely there is a safer way. Heard of banks?

Like a gold chain never gets ripped off your neck in Thailand. Someone who has obviously never been to Thailand.


but after he ran out of the money, the woman left.

This can not be...Thai women just do not do this! There must be some mistake...

I'll be this posting was made up by an old disgruntled fat ex-pat that is trying to ruin Thailand's wonderful image...

All Ex-pats should be required by the Thai government to keep enough money for a plane ticket home so when their Thai gf uses up all their retirement on her and her families wants and needs...they can be sent back home penniless and spiritually broken...


The things men do for a leg spread. I met this Chinese bird and some of her initial comments as we were getting to know each other were.

"I like everything new"

"All of my ex's supported me financially"

"I live in a spiritual world I will never work"

"Buy business in China all under her name"

"Invest in Chinese stock market"

Me: On the next train out of here. As Seinfeld said "Take care?" what the hell does that mean you really want to say "Take off!!!!" get the hell outa here....


"The story added that Alex offered to sell the beauty shop but no one would like to buy it so he had to gradually sell the equipment in the shop."

I'm pretty sure he would find someone to pay the 12k Baht for the shop that he needs for a ticket. This story is rubbish.


The headline is misleading. There's nothing mysterious about this case at all!

Some of the comments are somewhat mysterious, thus fulfilling the predictive headline.


This is the most liberal use of the word "Mystery" .... ever.


Thats why i wear a plane ticket around my neck. The 3 baht chain would always get enough for a return ticket if it should be ever needed. I cannot see that happening as keep access to a decent amount I keep offshore of Thailand. But my ticket is always being worn in case.

dumbest thing I heard in a long time. Imagine relying on a gold chain to get u home? Surely there is a safer way. Heard of banks?

Come onnn. "My bank savings would cover a ticket home." Boring! Make it a gold ticket, around the neck. Who knows what apocalyptic conditions might prevail, preventing cash transactions? People running screaming through the streets; airlines catastrophically imploding; the airport under bombardment. Standing defiantly in front of the plane (engines running), the gold chain could be torn off and held high in a fist. There's your seat. And the wusses who all relied on their banks to survive; what became of them? No one knows...


Before long he will be getting free board and food,when the Immigration police

pick him up for overstaying his visa,

regards Worgeordie

I doubt it. They are only interested if they smell some money to be had. If he has no ability to pay a fine then he's safe


Men getting fleeced by women is not limited to LOS. Happens everywhere. Let the ladies reach in your pocket, just not too deep.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


"but after he ran out of the money, the woman left."

Oh, the shock and surprise at that. I can only wonder if something like that has every happened to any other man here in Thailand?


Or elsewhere.


Thats why i wear a plane ticket around my neck. The 3 baht chain would always get enough for a return ticket if it should be ever needed. I cannot see that happening as keep access to a decent amount I keep offshore of Thailand. But my ticket is always being worn in case.

dumbest thing I heard in a long time. Imagine relying on a gold chain to get u home? Surely there is a safer way. Heard of banks?

Come onnn. "My bank savings would cover a ticket home." Boring! Make it a gold ticket, around the neck. Who knows what apocalyptic conditions might prevail, preventing cash transactions? People running screaming through the streets; airlines catastrophically imploding; the airport under bombardment. Standing defiantly in front of the plane (engines running), the gold chain could be torn off and held high in a fist. There's your seat. And the wusses who all relied on their banks to survive; what became of them? No one knows...

But... you look like a complete twunt. I'll bet you've got an amulet or two dangling off it too, like a proper whipped sycophant.


I look at it this way, if the ex-gf happened to be working at lets say a slaughterhouse working every day in horrid conditions. But the employer paid her salary every month on time with no error, she put in her time. Then one month the company states they are broke, going out of business but they want their employers to keep working without pay. That is what we have here. Russian was the employer, the worker is not getting paid, off she goes to find other employment as she should. As for the russian in the article, who cares. Broke in thailand or broke in russia. Like his ex-gf he too has made a decision that he believes is better for himself. So until the thai authorities determine he has violated any immigration laws let him do his thing. Plenty of kind hearted people all over this world that always help people like this and thailand is no exception.


A Fool and his money will surely be parted. First, he should have had a emergency reserve fund to support himself, and get himself home. But, to the comment, is he to lazy to work ----- remember that unless he has a work permit it is illegal for him to work in Thailand (or for that matter in most countries) as he would be taking a job away from a Thai. Second, never fund a business for someone else. Third, if she loves you, funding a business will not be an issue and fourth, take her to a lawyer and set up a contract with her over any business arrangement(and use your lawyer, not her's). Also, if he had used a lawyer, and a Chartered Accountant(CPA in the USA) they would probably have brought it to his attention that the costs of setting up a business and being able to fund his life in Thailand were beyond his means.

I do feel for this man, it seems that a naive man, who trusts his heart instead of his common sense (and a good lawyer and accountant) will always lose. But, just to put this in perspective. I have a friend in Nebraska, USA, just got divorced. He had started a business with his wife years ago, and during the divorce she plead poverty and was looking for alimony from him in the divorce. Saying that the business was losing money and that she would be unable to support herself from the business. Well, he knew that the business was profitable, that it would supply her with a good income. So, he investigated, and found that she had opened a Bank Account in another state - and had been funneling money into that account for several years. So, after this was disclosed to the judge with the appropriate affidavits, the judge fined her for hiding assets and forced her to turn over half the assets in the account to her husband and denied her alimony. Woohoo,

So, remember, it is not a Thai thing to screw over your partner (in love, or business). It is a thing that happens all over the world.......


Why are people surprised embassies don't help losers who have come to Thailand, shack up with some bird, and then after some time run out of money? Embassies are for real problems like ... well, I guess like serious injuries, death, theft, lost or stolen passports--that kind of thing. Embassies are not here to fix broken hearts or dole out money to compensate for bad business decisions. If this guy needs financial help, he can ask his family or friends back in the motherland. What a dolt.


$500 for a return ticket is a nice exchange for his shop !

my take is he does not want to sell the shop for nothing since he probably put "big baht" in it to start and bragged to all his buddies,

and since he is probably on overstay will they let him leave Thailand or will he have to pay an overstay fine ( which he does not have )

and he probably does not have a job in Russia and its cold......

probably 100s of guys like him stuck in Thailand with no money to go home and really not wanting to go there anyway !


"but after he ran out of the money, the woman left."

Oh, the shock and surprise at that. I can only wonder if something like that has every happened to any other man here in Thailand?


Are you equally shocked and surprised at the other Thai woman ...

The post said a woman, who owns a foods shop next door, has been giving him free meals for two months already.

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