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Can't see the mystery here.

A man with some money wants a woman and promises her a rose garden.

After a while, the money is spent, and the woman gives the man a kick.

Love at first sight...I suppose.


he certainly isn't the first to get turned over by a thai woman it is ongoing while I feel sympathy for the man he went into business with eyes wide open the skeptics thought he was lazy couldn't find a job you are not allowed to work in Thailand unless of course you are a clever bstard and theres a lot here the know it all bunch theyve been here 5 minutes they know everything .


This is an everyday event here. Any one coming over here and showing off like they have all the money in the world - this will happen to them. I have seen it so many times. The foriegners dont think about what they are doing.

This is why i wear boardies,singlets and thongs.Nobody hits me up with sob storys,they feel sorry for me,but the neighbors are onto me as they get to know me better.


"but after he ran out of the money, the woman left."

Oh, the shock and surprise at that. I can only wonder if something like that has every happened to any other man here in Thailand?


The post said a woman, who owns a foods shop next door, has been giving him free meals for two months already.

Obviously Just1Voice has not read the other part. Tunnelvision when it comes to bashing Thais. I am not sure about the JustVision

Totally agree with you Mike. So many here on ThaiVisa enjoy bashing Thais, Thai culture, Thailand,...basically anything Thai yet the sad bunch choose to live here. When something positive is reported, rather than praising it or commenting in a positive way, they instead try and put a negative spin on it. Makes me wonder why they live the sorry, sad, small minded bunch.

Mike, you have to realize (you may have already done so as I did a long time ago), that many posters on TV are charlatans. They pretend to live in the Kingdom and have never been here, or maybe they have spent a 14 day stopover here. Their logic and knowledge of the place, and the culture, just does not ring true.

The flamers and the abusive posters do so because the are bitter, broke and bored. So many make the wrong choices and are ripped off, much the same as they probably would be in their home countries. It stands to reason if these people hate Thailand and Thais as much as they indicate, why do they stay here ? My bet is that they are spending their lonely existences in a pub somewhere other than Thailand.

Despite the horrendous corruption (and all its off-shoots), the kindergarten politics, Thailand is a wonderful country , and Thais are wonderful people. You cannot see the true Thailand by spending your days sitting at some bar in Pattaya or BKK, get out into the country-side, chill out.

Sure a lot of us (including myself) have been burnt, but when you come down to it, whose fault was that ? You didn't see it coming ?? Get over it, move on.

Nah,don't send em out here,let em think they are in their own little paradise.Keep the secret to ourselves


I wrote the book on self annihilation with bar girls.

Lost a decent wife, and a beautiful Lake Tahoe home (bought and paid for) so I could buy drinks for slutty women and wake up with hangovers. I am trying to put this behind me...

Found the best lady in the world....a true, loving woman who would lay down her last 4 baht to help somebody else.

Beauty and sex are illusions....(albeit nice illusions).... Reformed my ways and now can handle love and sincerity.

No business, I have seen, that is financed by a foreigner, ever seems to work out. Just a money pit, and a bit of "face" for having one. We laugh every time we do the math....and decided budgeting and putting money in the bank is the winning strategy. The downside is realizing I will never be a Donald Trump or a Bill Gates. Just call us Mr. and Mrs Contented.


Thats why i wear a plane ticket around my neck. The 3 baht chain would always get enough for a return ticket if it should be ever needed. I cannot see that happening as keep access to a decent amount I keep offshore of Thailand. But my ticket is always being worn in case.

Great idea no one will ever find that plane ticket hidden around your neck.


When are we going to show thai women we are better than them,sue them it might give us all a chance.

Ha Ha, SUE them, what does that word mean.


how does this guy run out of money? he falls for the oldest scam in the book...

find someone who really wants to believe something, and help them believe it. They will pay anything to try and make it true.


Thats why i wear a plane ticket around my neck. The 3 baht chain would always get enough for a return ticket if it should be ever needed. I cannot see that happening as keep access to a decent amount I keep offshore of Thailand. But my ticket is always being worn in case.

That is an interesting option, but it makes you a target for crime. Surely a good international credit card is just as good, you only need the number in order to book a ticket, you could email the number to yourself and then all you ever need in an emergency is access to a web browser to retrieve the number. ( If you choose that option, be sure to book with an airline that does not ask to see the card at checkin time)

Actually with a good international card like amex you can always get a replacement anywhere in the world.


You would still need a bank account for using a credit card.

"My" Farang bank invalidated my credit card even though I had permanent income.

They refused to let me use my current account, and then said "You don't have permanent income anymore"

They still wanted all kinds of processing fees, though.


What, a Russian with a Thai girlfriend ? Thats news to me, most of them seem to stick to their own kind.....



all Russians I do know (in Pattaya) do have Thai girlfriends.

Of course, I don't even notice those who come in crowds...


Not your Embassy's job to provide airline tickets home.

Exactly, and especially the Russian Embassy is known for letting their residents in peril abroad, stink and rot away in jail cell if needed.

Unless his name is Viktor Bout of course....


I didn't wonder when i road " penisless "

as that is no wonder in Thai society !

But I wonder that he were left pennyless !

as this sounds also similar to brainless !!


Thats why i wear a plane ticket around my neck. The 3 baht chain would always get enough for a return ticket if it should be ever needed. I cannot see that happening as keep access to a decent amount I keep offshore of Thailand. But my ticket is always being worn in case.

That is an interesting option, but it makes you a target for crime. Surely a good international credit card is just as good, you only need the number in order to book a ticket, you could email the number to yourself and then all you ever need in an emergency is access to a web browser to retrieve the number. ( If you choose that option, be sure to book with an airline that does not ask to see the card at checkin time)

Actually with a good international card like amex you can always get a replacement anywhere in the world.

yes for sure,

Russians can get an AMEX card on the morning vegetable market !!


No pity on this fool. He's been here long enough to open a shop with a GF, what type of visa does he have? No exit ticket? He sold the equipment and wasn't smart enough to go home? Where's his Russian COMRADES?

Take him to the border and let him walk home, it will give him time to think how he screw-up.

good idea !

To russia, its simplea land route, no sea between,

so lets give him a ticket to the green boarder - river over Laos, or triangle,

and he free continou to walk,

many rivers, clean water , not contaminated like in LOS !!

have a nice trip chap !

Nasvidenje !!


Sorry...in this day and age, any foreign males complaining of being duped should not deserve one once of sympathy. In fact, these stupid buffoons should be expelled. Thailand does not need more stupid foreigners. There has been enough online coverages in the past about such scams by the locla whores and any guy who has his brains in his dick.....is just asking for it. Real stupid.

YES; YOU ARE 100% right,

as any Russian who comes to LOS,

first what he do is reading Thai Visa in english !!



how many Russians send their wifes today to western Europe,

for fake marriage, suck off the money and turn afterwords back to Russia

with an EU passport in the bag ??

No tears for rUSSIANS AT ALL !!


dumbest thing I heard in a long time. Imagine relying on a gold chain to get u home? Surely there is a safer way. Heard of banks?

Come onnn. "My bank savings would cover a ticket home." Boring! Make it a gold ticket, around the neck. Who knows what apocalyptic conditions might prevail, preventing cash transactions? People running screaming through the streets; airlines catastrophically imploding; the airport under bombardment. Standing defiantly in front of the plane (engines running), the gold chain could be torn off and held high in a fist. There's your seat. And the wusses who all relied on their banks to survive; what became of them? No one knows...

But... you look like a complete twunt. I'll bet you've got an amulet or two dangling off it too, like a proper whipped sycophant.

Yep. And I paid good money for them too. The guy at the gasoline station has charms that really work.

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