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Officer: Shooting at Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas


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I want to see names and bodies. There's speculation this was all a hoax to stir up islamaphobia, that Geller fabricated the event. Let's wait and see.

I'd be more inclined to suspect this was a tragic mistake where some rowdy Texas kids popped off a few rounds while driving in exactly the wrong neighborhood.

Interesting that 10 hours after the first post here on TV, I'm still not seeing any identifications, even in local Texas papers.

Different time zone, etc...

One of the suspects in the shooting in Garland, Texas late Sunday has been identified as Elton Simpson, an Arizona man who was previously the subject of a terror investigation, according to a senior FBI official.


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I want to see names and bodies. There's speculation this was all a hoax to stir up islamaphobia, that Geller fabricated the event. Let's wait and see.

I'd be more inclined to suspect this was a tragic mistake where some rowdy Texas kids popped off a few rounds while driving in exactly the wrong neighborhood.

Interesting that 10 hours after the first post here on TV, I'm still not seeing any identifications, even in local Texas papers.

Different time zone, etc...

One of the suspects in the shooting in Garland, Texas late Sunday has been identified as Elton Simpson, an Arizona man who was previously the subject of a terror investigation, according to a senior FBI official.


I think they also took a long time to recover the bodies because they wanted to make sure there were no explosives in the car.

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I want to see names and bodies. There's speculation this was all a hoax to stir up islamaphobia, that Geller fabricated the event. Let's wait and see.

I'd be more inclined to suspect this was a tragic mistake where some rowdy Texas kids popped off a few rounds while driving in exactly the wrong neighborhood.

Interesting that 10 hours after the first post here on TV, I'm still not seeing any identifications, even in local Texas papers.

That is, of course, still a possibility. As is the notion that it could be a supremacist group of some sort or another. In any case, the same points hold. They are terrorists and deserve everything that happened to them, be they Arab, White, Black, Muslim, or whatever.

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I want to see names and bodies. There's speculation this was all a hoax to stir up islamaphobia, that Geller fabricated the event. Let's wait and see.

CNN is live at the scene including an aerial camera presently showing the two corpses still on the ground, side by side, near the car.

Of course the two bodies could be mannequins planted by Barack Obama's Muslim Brotherhood brothers in the White House to try to stir up antihero fabricated anti-extremist Muslim antihysteria to counter antiObama antecedents of anti-Islamist antiantibodies. laugh.png

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Yes but in fairness the FRC really, really hate gays.

Dana Milbank, columnist for the Washington Post, referred to the incident as "a madmans act" and called The Southern Poverty Law Center's classication of the FRC as a hate group "reckless".

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Yes but in fairness the FRC really, really hate gays.

Dana Milbank, columnist for the Washington Post, referred to the incident as "a madmans act" and called The Southern Poverty Law Center's classication of the FRC as a hate group "reckless".

Yes, but they really, really hate gays.

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I want to see names and bodies. There's speculation this was all a hoax to stir up islamaphobia, that Geller fabricated the event. Let's wait and see.

I'd be more inclined to suspect this was a tragic mistake where some rowdy Texas kids popped off a few rounds while driving in exactly the wrong neighborhood.

Interesting that 10 hours after the first post here on TV, I'm still not seeing any identifications, even in local Texas papers.

That is, of course, still a possibility. As is the notion that it could be a supremacist group of some sort or another. In any case, the same points hold. They are terrorists and deserve everything that happened to them, be they Arab, White, Black, Muslim, or whatever.

Strike that. As suspected, they were IslamoNutters. Alleged twitter page from Elton. Elton? http://heavy.com/news/2015/05/elton-simpson-garland-texas-muhammad-cartoon-shooter-gunman-name-phoenix-arizona-terrorist-twitter-tweets-photos-fbi-dead-death-video-atawaakul/

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I think they also took a long time to recover the bodies because they wanted to make sure there were no explosives in the car.

I read that, too. But no description of the car, no info about who it's registered to, whether it had Texas plates, etc. All available from many meters away from the vehicle.

Elton Simpson of Arizona now ID'ed as one of the gunmen.

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I want to see names and bodies. There's speculation this was all a hoax to stir up islamaphobia, that Geller fabricated the event. Let's wait and see.

I'd be more inclined to suspect this was a tragic mistake where some rowdy Texas kids popped off a few rounds while driving in exactly the wrong neighborhood.

Interesting that 10 hours after the first post here on TV, I'm still not seeing any identifications, even in local Texas papers.

That is, of course, still a possibility. As is the notion that it could be a supremacist group of some sort or another. In any case, the same points hold. They are terrorists and deserve everything that happened to them, be they Arab, White, Black, Muslim, or whatever.

Strike that. As suspected, they were IslamoNutters. Alleged twitter page from Elton. Elton? http://heavy.com/news/2015/05/elton-simpson-garland-texas-muhammad-cartoon-shooter-gunman-name-phoenix-arizona-terrorist-twitter-tweets-photos-fbi-dead-death-video-atawaakul/

Shocked, absolutely shocked to hear that the religion of peace could have this happen with two of their followers. I will wait to hear what the rest of the moderate Muslims in the world have to say about this and exactly how the most prominent Islamic Immans will address these extremist lunatics who obviously do not represent their beloved relegion.

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I like the score card, 2 kills to the goodies, nil to the baddies.

I like it when I see those Liveleak videos where the suicide cars explode early and kill only the Muslim lunatics inside. That's win win in my book.

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The event was a basic and ordinary part of everyday life in the United States and it was normal, natural, typical.

No one was trying to prove anything by having this event or by having anything like it.

Oh, I would suggest that they were. And on that front, mission accomplished.

Pamela Geller, whose American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group, declared on Sunday that "the war is here" after two heavily armed suspects were killed outside the Curtis Culwell Centre in Garland, north of Dallas.


As one can determine from my posts to the thread, I have no prohibitive problem with this art exhibit and competition, its purpose and its execution. I support it and I defend it per se. I understand and support the security measures the organizers of it conceived, paid for, utilized, all of which are rational, comprehensible and proved to be necessary.

The sample drawings I've seen at the website link I provided to the thread are excellent and true.

Concomitantly, I have a great respect of the Southern Poverty Law Center from the time of its incorporation in 1971 to the present.

My criticism of the exhibit and its organizers is that the principal speaker, from Holland, advocates censorship in Holland of the Koran and other things Muslim, which does present a contradiction of the exhibit and competition. Conversely, the Dutch guy isn't armed to the teeth attacking others with the intent to kill and mass murder unarmed civilians not to mention the Garland police officers in the United States that were protecting the assemblage and exhibit.

Also of note is that the link provided to the Telegraph in the UK shows that parts of the article were lifted verbatim from the NYT. While I have few problems with the NYT, I dunno about any respectable major daily and Sunday newspaper anywhere that "borrows" from another in such a way.

Some info on one of the shooters identified as Elton Simpson:

5 Fast Facts You Need to Know about Elton Simpson:

  1. He Is Believed to Have Posted on Twitter Shortly Before the Shooting
  2. He Was Sentenced to Probation in 2010 After He Was the Target of a FBI Terror Investigation
  3. The FBI Has Been Searching His Phoenix, Arizona Home
  4. The Shooting Targeted a Controversial ‘Draw Muhammad’ Contest
  5. ISIS Supporters Had Been Calling For an Attack on the Garland Event


Edited by Publicus
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Excuse me, They have done that already and the Christians did not Riot or Kill anyone !!

Either one in an offensive manor it a little bit off center in the mind area !!

Presumably there will be another set of competitions to depict Jesus as offensively as possible.

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Secondly, since when is taking the piss out of Islam "your country, your culture"?

Who mentioned anything about taking the pee out of Islam.

Firstly, who is this Muhammad fella and what has he got to do with Islam? What is Islam by the way?

Secondly, have you seen his birth certificate and can you verify that he was definitely a prophet? If he is a proven prophet, who gave him ultimate authority to oversee Islam.

I'm all ears but reckon you're on a loser here, Chicog.

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The good ole Texas boys took out the trash.

Someone makes drawings of a neanderthal child molester who (if he existed) thought he was a prophet, and some of the deluded believers in this fairy tale then think they should get violent over it. That dog ain't gonna hunt in Texas.

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Wrongo. Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. WHO said those Muslims have any right to resort to violence just because they don't like what someone said or depicted? Civilized people don't resort to violence over free speech or expression.

If I stand on a street corner with a sign which says "Mohammed Sucks" then anyone can get a sign and say that I suck.

A society with a free marketplace of ideas is a civilized society. Those who can't handle that are like dictators.

Doesn't work in Australia man. The philosophy there is.............my swing starts where your nose begins if I don't like what you are saying.

How civilized.

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Fredom of speech is way over rated. The US public have proved time and time again they are not mature enough to have it.

As proved by morons having such a competition purely to antagonise others.

The organisers should be locked up.

I don't know about that. I should be able to call someone ugly and have a reasonable expectation of not being shot at. I also have to accept the possibility that someone may not like what I say and deal with the consequences. By the way, if I call someone ugly and they shoot at me, and then get shot (by me or by the police), that's another expected consequence, and much more proportional to the provocation. In this case, stupidity was rewarded, the event was closed and the gunmen killed. It's also a shame that anyone was injured or killed over this.

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According to the press conference I just saw, it was one policeman who took down the two terrorists armed with "assault rifles." Although this was a policeman and not a Texas Ranger, the old Ranger slogan still applies: "One riot, one Ranger." In this case, one policeman. Just the opposite result of what happened in France.

And the policeman was a traffic cop. A good lesson for the jihadis: they're not in Europe anymore.

Edited by zydeco
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Geert Wilder (Guest Speaker) and his "Protection" before the event...

I could be wrong - but from other sources I have read and photos seen... I believe these private body guards of Geert Wilder are the ones who shot the terrorists ...


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Geert Wilder (Guest Speaker) and his "Protection" before the event...

I could be wrong - but from other sources I have read and photos seen... I believe these private body guards of Geert Wilder are the ones who shot the terrorists ...


The Garland police chief just said it was a traffic cop who used his duty pistol to take down the two terrorists. Looks like the terrorists ran into Clint Eastwood.

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Secondly, since when is taking the piss out of Islam "your country, your culture"?

Who mentioned anything about taking the pee out of Islam.

Firstly, who is this Muhammad fella and what has he got to do with Islam? What is Islam by the way?

Secondly, have you seen his birth certificate and can you verify that he was definitely a prophet? If he is a proven prophet, who gave him ultimate authority to oversee Islam.

I'm all ears but reckon you're on a loser here, Chicog.

Not only was he *the* Prophet according to the Quran, but Jesus is one too. Apparently at the end of days they hook up to fight the dark one, sort of like Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy in 48 hours.

Of course personally I think it's all a load of mumbo jumbo, but some people take it seriously enough to kill over it.

As for Islam it's like Christianity only 700 odd years less developed.

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But the event was televised on CNN and they showed the event but blotted out the art on pedastools.

France today showed the event and did not blot out the artwork.

Artists always push the boundaries.

Thank God for the protection of the lone Texas ranger, Roy Rogers, nice to know you guys are still around.

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