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Texas cartoon contest organizer known for inflammatory rhetoric


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Typical ploy of those on the Left. Blame the victim. In this case, it's Geller and her event. The cartoon exhibit was legal, peaceful, and in the tradition social/political satire that runs throughout American life. Now, those who wish to stifle, control, and limit speech to officially sanctioned speech are out to attack the victims of an attempted terror/murder attack. SOP for the Left.

As I said on the other thread, this deliberately offensive "cartoon competition" was designed to provoke exactly this response, and the rancid Ms. Geller has got what her and herJewish buddies wanted, a burst of anti-Islamic publicity and the usual rhetoric from the right wing talking heads.

Probably her only sadness about it is that she didn't manage to provoke the killing of an innocent, or then she'd really have something to dramatically wail and gnash her teeth about.

She should crawl back under the rock where she belongs.

Here we go again. It's the fault of "the Jews." Says everything about you. Just to remind you that had the muslim terrorists kept their guns holstered, there would be no story, no news to report. Had they simply showed up with protest banners shouting slogans similar to yours, only the local media would have noticed. But it was when they tried to massacre a group of people at a private event that THEY generated the news. Good to see that they're rotting in some morgue somewhere right now.

Whatever you think is up to you, but be assured that Ms. Geller is far from being a genuine person. The two guys deserved exactly what they got, but she is not a victim.

She is a victim of a failed terrorist attack. My attitude would be the same, btw, had there been an attack on the Stand with the Prophet convention at the same site in January.

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These nutter Muslim losers (anyone successful in life, caraeer and family would not act the way they do) are opportunists and seek to shift blame for their actions.

This is not about antagonism. They already want to kill, create terror or harm others and this cartoonist just presented as a newsworthy target. Lol at the idiotic notion that a cartoon is responsible driving these losers on a mass killing rampage. They were already there or possessing their maniac mentalities long ago and are just seeking news worthy or political statement type targets.

ISIS is now threatening more extreme acts on US soil. Lol, F'em. They are just waking the US population up and will eventually make it harder and harder for those of certain beliefs and certain cultures from gaining access to Anerican soil.

The US has shown that we are more than fully capable of dealing with this little losers. Eventually, other Mulsims here in the US will either have step up and blow the whistle on their own plotting nutters here or they will also lose their welcome here in the US.

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Still think this Lawrence O'Donnell quote is priceless:

MSNBC Stooge Lawrence O’Donnell, for example repeatedly slandered Mormonism during the 2008 presidential campaign as a sidebar to his creepily obsessive verbal jihad against then-candidate Mitt Romney. But when asked by radio host Hugh Hewitt whether he would insult Muhammad the way he insulted Joseph Smith, O’Donnell replied with rare candor: “Oh, well I’m afraid of what the.. that’s where I’m really afraid. I would like to criticize Islam much more than I do publically, but I am afraid for my life if I do……Mormons are the nicest people in the world. They’ll never take a shot at me. Those other people I’m not going to say a word about them

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You seem unhappy.

Would you be happier if the two terrorists had managed to get into the event and kill some citizens, along with a few police officers?

The only wailing and gnashing of teeth around here seems to be coming from your keyboard.

Nothing I've written suggests anything like that Chuck, trying to score points with a cheap shot won't work.

I'd rather this antagonistic bitch stopped deliberately engineering events like this to elicit the all too inevitable kneejerk reaction from the manipulable.

That you choose to cheer on your poster girl for "free speech" speaks volumes. She is as repulsive as she is dumb.

Through her website, Geller has promulgated some of the most bizarre conspiracy theories found on the extreme right, including claims that President Obama is the love child of Malcolm X, that Obama was once involved with a "crack whore," that his birth certificate is a forgery, that his late mother posed nude for pornographic photos, and that he was a Muslim in his youth who never renounced Islam. She has described Obama as beholden to his "Islamic overlords" and said that he wants jihad to be victorious in America. In April 2011, Geller accused Obama of withholding evidence in the then-upcoming trial of accused Fort Hood mass murderer Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

Geller uses her website to publish her most revolting insults of Muslims: She posted (and later removed) a video implying that Muslims practiced bestiality with goats and a cartoon depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammad with a pig's face (observant Muslims do not eat pork). Geller also has denied the genocide of Bosnian Muslims by Serbian forces in Srebrenica – calling it the "Srebrenica Genocide Myth," even though the Serbian government itself issued a state apology for the massacre. She wrote, "Westerners are admitting to their role in something that didn't happen, and digging their own graves."


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It is no surprise that the supporters of this Hate disguised

as an expression of freedom of speech...(which was never questioned)

Are the very same usual suspects that cry OH!!! you just Hate <insert ethnic or religious group here>

You folks are so transparent cheesy.gif We see clearly right thru you

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There are some great quotes in this article ... they really need to be pulled out and posted for those who won't read the article because of its title...

Americans Have a Right to Insult Islam

"..Today, criticism of Islam is at the vanguard of the fight for free speech, since it is susceptible to attack and intimidation by jihadists and calls for self-censorship by the politically correct..." "... Pamela Geller is a bomb-thrower, but only a metaphorical, not a literal, one. That’s the difference between her and her enemies — and between civilization and barbarism..."


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It is no surprise that the supporters of this Hate disguised

as an expression of freedom of speech...(which was never questioned)

Are the very same usual suspects that cry OH!!! you just Hate <insert ethnic or religious group here>

You folks are so transparent cheesy.gif We see clearly right thru you

Well, you're wrong. I support the right of the Stand with the Prophet crowd to have held their meeting in the same venue. I think Nazis, Black Panthers, Communists, KKK, Socialist Workers, PETA, and just about anyone who does nothing other than talk, march, or demonstrate should have an unfettered right to make their case. American democracy fails unless everyone has the right to argue their beliefs in gatherings private or public. That is why I engage with your post--I regard it as a protected point of view, albeit one with which am I eager to counter with my own perspective. It is Europe that punishes, fines, and imprisons people for impure thoughts. Forces in America do want to copy Europe, which is why I believe in ever more separation from the continent of 20th century totalitarianism.

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If she dies then it would be a good thing.

No. It wouldn't. She is well within her rights in a democracy that guarantees free speech. Only the usual hateful loons would support murder for sponsoring a cartoon drawing contest.

You really think that's all it is - a cartoon drawing contest. If I was you, I would get your head out of the clouds and stop being a racist!!

They are not drawing cartoons of Mickey and Minnie mouse you know.

That's right. They are drawing cartoons of Goofy.

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There are some great quotes in this article ... they really need to be pulled out and posted for those who won't read the article because of its title...

Americans Have a Right to Insult Islam

"..Today, criticism of Islam is at the vanguard of the fight for free speech, since it is susceptible to attack and intimidation by jihadists and calls for self-censorship by the politically correct..." "... Pamela Geller is a bomb-thrower, but only a metaphorical, not a literal, one. That’s the difference between her and her enemies — and between civilization and barbarism..."


Total hypocrisy.

Where will your freedom of speech be if you try criticizing another religious minority in USA whose proxies do actually throw bombs at innocent people ....how politically incorrect will that suddenly become?

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There are some great quotes in this article ... they really need to be pulled out and posted for those who won't read the article because of its title...

Americans Have a Right to Insult Islam

"..Today, criticism of Islam is at the vanguard of the fight for free speech, since it is susceptible to attack and intimidation by jihadists and calls for self-censorship by the politically correct..." "... Pamela Geller is a bomb-thrower, but only a metaphorical, not a literal, one. That’s the difference between her and her enemies — and between civilization and barbarism..."


Total hypocrisy.

Where will your freedom of speech be if you try criticizing another religious minority in USA whose proxies do actually throw bombs at innocent people ....how politically incorrect will that suddenly become?

As much as you don't like it, the truth is that he is correct: Americans have the right to insult Islam.

What they don't have is a need to, unless they are simply repulsive people doing it deliberately to suit their own political agenda (in this case, a similar one to Netanyahu, i.e let's paint all Muslims as evil killers).

As the saying goes, with power comes responsibility, and this is most definitely not responsible use of the great power that is free speech.

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It is now time to fight back or accept that Islam will dominate

People are out of their minds, if they think they can ignore the unrelenting push for domination by Islamists.

I think Muslims, with a minuscule 0.6% of the US population, have got quite an uphill battle to dominate and impose Sharia Law on their fellow citizens. Which just goes to show how hysterical Islamophobia has become.


I am very grateful to news editor for presenting this topic. After 911 and Bushs phony Iraq war I thought the rise in Islamophobia was some sort of fad bogeyman. I even started getting anti Muslim jokes emailed by my friends, most of whom have never even met a Muslim.

Now I realize that this whole phenomenon has been a carefully orchestrated brainwashing campaign by the likes of Pamela Geller and her backers the Fairbrook Foundation mentioned in the OP. Quite an expensive business to maintain this hate industry with all their websites to support. Look at where the rest of their funds end up. Take a close look at Gellers and the Fairbrook Foundation's real political allegiances.

Thats why I urge readers not to be sheeple but to follow the money to discover who ultimately is behind this planned hatred. Google Fairbrook Foundation...you will be amazed. You will realize you have been duped into fighting someone elses political and religious war for them...yet again.

Follow the money, that's easy it's the Saudi's and the spread of Wahhabism sponsored by $$$$$$s of oil money and our political elite have been bowing down to them for years.

And who else does the US kowtow to besides the Saudis?

Follow the money to discover who else stands to gain from this massive orchestrated Islamophobic brainwashing campaign that is duping millions into doing their dirty work for them.

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Follow the money to discover who else stands to gain from this massive orchestrated Islamophobic brainwashing campaign that is duping millions into doing their dirty work for them.

Just why should one group be able to intimidate the citizens of a country who have always had free speech and who have always made fun of those they disagree with? Every day each newspaper will have a political cartoon on the editorial page mocking someone and sometimes it's the Pope or other figures. No one gets upset and that's because they understand the culture and the rights of free speech.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander and it's a tit for tat contest of words and ideas.

All of a sudden ONE GROUP through cave man violence and intimidation decides to try to change an entire culture for its own benefit.

This violent group of neanderthals believes in fairy tales about its imaginary god while raping, repressing and beheading not to mention mass murder of innocents all around the globe in the name of this pedophile crazy man (if even he existed) and some stupid drummed up writings in some book of fiction.

We're supposed to be "sensitive" to this folklore promulgated by cave men? We're supposed to take it seriously? Seriously?

Islam itself is a fairy tale and much less should it be respected when it tries to violently force itself on people. I applaud those with the guts to challenge it in a marketplace of free ideas. The only thing that turned it violent was the innate violence within the mentally sick perverts who came to commit the violence.

Those filthy deluded islamists have made themselves into the scourge of the earth and it's about time that people began to challenge them.

Two shots, two kills and may it ever be so.

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Follow the money to discover who else stands to gain from this massive orchestrated Islamophobic brainwashing campaign that is duping millions into doing their dirty work for them.

Just why should one group be able to intimidate the citizens of a country who have always had free speech and who have always made fun of those they disagree with? Every day each newspaper will have a political cartoon on the editorial page mocking someone and sometimes it's the Pope or other figures. No one gets upset and that's because they understand the culture and the rights of free speech.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander and it's a tit for tat contest of words and ideas.

All of a sudden ONE GROUP through cave man violence and intimidation decides to try to change an entire culture for its own benefit.

This violent group of neanderthals believes in fairy tales about its imaginary god while raping, repressing and beheading not to mention mass murder of innocents all around the globe in the name of this pedophile crazy man (if even he existed) and some stupid drummed up writings in some book of fiction.

We're supposed to be "sensitive" to this folklore promulgated by cave men? We're supposed to take it seriously? Seriously?

Islam itself is a fairy tale and much less should it be respected when it tries to violently force itself on people. I applaud those with the guts to challenge it in a marketplace of free ideas. The only thing that turned it violent was the innate violence within the mentally sick perverts who came to commit the violence.

Those filthy deluded islamists have made themselves into the scourge of the earth and it's about time that people began to challenge them.

Two shots, two kills and may it ever be so.

I am an atheist. I despise all religions. They are truly the opium of the semi conscious mind. I wish people weren't so self delusional but that’s their right. I would find cartoons (if done wittily) of all religious figures amusing.

What I object to is Geller and her backers’ ultimate motivation in jumping on and escalating the Islamophobic bandwagon. They have a hidden agenda ... and it isn’t freedom of speech...but the ignorant world wide are following her like sheep.

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I am an atheist. I despise all religions. They are truly the opium of the semi conscious mind. I wish people weren't so self delusional but that’s their right. I would find cartoons (if done wittily) of all religious figures amusing.

What I object to is Geller and her backers’ ultimate motivation in jumping on and escalating the Islamophobic bandwagon. They have a hidden agenda ... and it isn’t freedom of speech...but the ignorant world wide are following her like sheep.

Of course they had an agenda and it wasn't hidden. They were proving they had a right to freedom of expression and challenging anyone to deny it. That was their right to non-violent protest and behavior.

The cave man terrorists also had an agenda which was violent, unlawful, perverted and deadly.

Any failure to understand which one was lawful, and which one was criminal and evil is a failure to understand individual rights.

America may be the country where these neanderthals fail. I have 100 million very close friends who own a total of 300 million guns and god only knows how much ammunition and we are all permitted by law to take out anyone who's behavior is a threat.

These perverts may just awaken a sleeping giant. A Giant who no one in more than 200 years has attempted to take down on its own soil and for good reason.

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There are some great quotes in this article ... they really need to be pulled out and posted for those who won't read the article because of its title...

Americans Have a Right to Insult Islam

"..Today, criticism of Islam is at the vanguard of the fight for free speech, since it is susceptible to attack and intimidation by jihadists and calls for self-censorship by the politically correct..." "... Pamela Geller is a bomb-thrower, but only a metaphorical, not a literal, one. That’s the difference between her and her enemies — and between civilization and barbarism..."


Total hypocrisy.

Where will your freedom of speech be if you try criticizing another religious minority in USA whose proxies do actually throw bombs at innocent people ....how politically incorrect will that suddenly become?

Have you ever been to America? ... Every institution in America -- including every Religious institution in America is criticized everyday... lampooning, direct insults, every type of 'humor' imaginable - from corporate giants to small Christian Religious sects, and sects of other religions, The left wing in America is constantly taking super serious jabs at all levels of religion every day... No one -- no thing is left unscathed by criticism in America on a daily basis. Including the Mormons, the Quakers, the Mennonites, on and on ... the TV sitcoms are full of such programming - not to mention the stand up comedians and late night talk shows... You are either extremely naive about what goes on in America or are just not able to express yourself correctly in what you are trying to say... In fact criticizing the Christian religion has become a national sport for leftists and an object of hate for non believers... Criticizing Christianity has become Politically Correct and defending it has become Politically Incorrect by those who push their version of what is Politically Correct on others - namely Leftists and Liberals / Progressives.

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These apologists may not have been to America.

I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

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There are some great quotes in this article ... they really need to be pulled out and posted for those who won't read the article because of its title...

Americans Have a Right to Insult Islam

"..Today, criticism of Islam is at the vanguard of the fight for free speech, since it is susceptible to attack and intimidation by jihadists and calls for self-censorship by the politically correct..." "... Pamela Geller is a bomb-thrower, but only a metaphorical, not a literal, one. That’s the difference between her and her enemies — and between civilization and barbarism..."


Total hypocrisy.

Where will your freedom of speech be if you try criticizing another religious minority in USA whose proxies do actually throw bombs at innocent people ....how politically incorrect will that suddenly become?

To remain silent as a religious minority in the USA or anyone anywhere throws bombs at innocent people would be an abrogation of morality and civility, of humanity itself.

If worse yet a silence stems from fear or intimidation, then the bomb throwers win.

Metaphorically speaking the term "politically correct" is itself a bomb and the people who use it are rhetorical and often besides political bomb throwers. The term politically correct is a recent political-cultural and biased term that has no Constitutional protection or mandate, whereas freedom of speech is enshrined in the Constitution as a natural human right.

It is highly likely the two dead guys would have attacked others elsewhere at some proximate time with the same intent to mass murder due to the fact they have a political correctness of their own that is in their pathological view imbedded in their religious and other primitive beliefs.

SCOTUS has always granted special exemptions to religions and to religious organizations in general but bomb throwing is not one of them nor has bomb throwing ever been an exemption based on a religion. Christian evangelical political views include predominantly politically correct positions, stances, views, but literal bomb throwing is not one of them.

In short, political correctness or being politically incorrect is neither relevant or material to this discussion because it occurs outside of the Constitution.

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These apologists may not have been to America.

I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

Do you think nobody would get violent towards me if I walked into a bar in rural Texas, wearing an Islamic flag, and proceeded to desecrate a Bible?

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To remain silent as a religious minority in the USA or anyone anywhere throws bombs at innocent people would be an abrogation of morality and civility, of humanity itself.

If worse yet a silence stems from fear or intimidation, then the bomb throwers win.

Metaphorically speaking the term "politically correct" is itself a bomb and the people who use it are rhetorical and often besides political bomb throwers. The term politically correct is a recent political-cultural and biased term that has no Constitutional protection or mandate, whereas freedom of speech is enshrined in the Constitution as a natural human right.

It is highly likely the two dead guys would have attacked others elsewhere at some proximate time with the same intent to mass murder due to the fact they have a political correctness of their own that is in their pathological view imbedded in their religious and other primitive beliefs.

SCOTUS has always granted special exemptions to religions and to religious organizations in general but bomb throwing is not one of them nor has bomb throwing ever been an exemption based on a religion. Christian evangelical political views include predominantly politically correct positions, stances, views, but literal bomb throwing is not one of them.

In short, political correctness or being politically incorrect is neither relevant or material to this discussion because it occurs outside of the Constitution.

Well put. thumbsup.gif

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These apologists may not have been to America.

I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

Do you think nobody would get violent towards me if I walked into a bar in rural Texas, wearing an Islamic flag, and proceeded to desecrate a Bible?

They might simply because of a hair-trigger reaction brought on by knowledge of Islamists. The people might think this was a prelude to violence and intercept it. Who knows, based on information and belief, whether you also have a bomb?

You do run some risk of a nutter taking physical exception to your actions even if you're wearing a cowboy hat. There are nutters everywhere, but if they did it would be their fault and illegal.

If there was notice and knowledge that there was going to be a Bible burning in Texas there might be protest but there wouldn't be violence. There have been a lot of Bible burnings in the US.

Notice also that most Christians don't consider their Bible sacred. They consider the message sacred, but the Bible itself an inanimate man-made object. They have no special process or ceremony for discarding a used one. They have no moral imperative to stop you if you want to burn yours. In your question you would be taking people by surprise and it isn't possible to know what their unplanned reaction would be. For every one wanting to stop you there'd be another telling him to calm down.

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These apologists may not have been to America.

I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

The question is WHY would you do that. What is the purpose?

If you did it just because you can then your sanity should be questioned.

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These apologists may not have been to America.

I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

Do you think nobody would get violent towards me if I walked into a bar in rural Texas, wearing an Islamic flag, and proceeded to desecrate a Bible?

Very likely someone would... however I do not envision the bar patrons going out and getting two AK-47s and finding a Muslim meeting and go in shooting... There have been instances in America where Muslim's rights were abridged by individual actions against them ... and it certainly was not right. Furthermore - I do not know of anyone who would support these type of actions... even rare as they are.

On the other hand only about two - three years ago ... members of a Christian group went into Dearborne Michigan and attempted to preach a Christian message with the intent of persuading people to listen... Toughs came out of the Muslim neighborhood and physically ejected them from public streets. Basically declaring that they were in control of pubic space and Christians were forbidden . This is the modus operandi of Muslims in America - one way street - we can forbid you -- but you cannot forbid us. Dearbornistan reigns

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These apologists may not have been to America.

I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

The question is WHY would you do that. What is the purpose?

If you did it just because you can then your sanity should be questioned.

There is no purpose - and does not have to be... it is not a matter of sanity -- it is a matter of freedom - it is simply an exercise in a demonstration of Freedom of Speech guaranteed to Americans by our Constitution. There is no obligation to justify the action .. People can do what they want on a whim ... It is amazing what non Americans do not understand about our wonderful freedoms and liberties in America

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These apologists may not have been to America.

I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

Do you think nobody would get violent towards me if I walked into a bar in rural Texas, wearing an Islamic flag, and proceeded to desecrate a Bible?

Very likely someone would... however I do not envision the bar patrons going out and getting two AK-47s and finding a Muslim meeting and go in shooting... There have been instances in America where Muslim's rights were abridged by individual actions against them ... and it certainly was not right. Furthermore - I do not know of anyone who would support these type of actions... even rare as they are.

On the other hand only about two - three years ago ... members of a Christian group went into Dearborne Michigan and attempted to preach a Christian message with the intent of persuading people to listen... Toughs came out of the Muslim neighborhood and physically ejected them from public streets. Basically declaring that they were in control of pubic space and Christians were forbidden . This is the modus operandi of Muslims in America - one way street - we can forbid you -- but you cannot forbid us. Dearbornistan reigns

behavioural swings and ‘roundabouts




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These apologists may not have been to America.

I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

The question is WHY would you do that. What is the purpose?

If you did it just because you can then your sanity should be questioned.

Maybe you don't understand how "sacred" Americans hold their freedoms. These Islamists try to deny freedoms to all but themselves. They want to make the rules for everyone when they are a tiny minority.

It isn't insane to exercise your freedom in the face of people who would deny it. It isn't insane to invite a showdown with people who would use terrorists to control you. The sanity that should be questioned is that of PC people who would be quiet as these neanderthals move in and try to dominate with their own demands, laws and violence.

America will be an interesting case study as opposed to Europe which is straining under influence of these Islamists. The people in Europe are straining because PC laws and speech prohibitions tie the people's hands.

America is still less than 1% Islamic, is armed to the teeth with people who don't take crap off others, and citizens have the freedoms of speech and self defense and the means to make that stick.

Let's wait and see what happens as the two continents carry out their chosen paths.

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These apologists may not have been to America.

I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

The question is WHY would you do that. What is the purpose?

If you did it just because you can then your sanity should be questioned.

There is no purpose - and does not have to be... it is not a matter of sanity -- it is a matter of freedom - it is simply an exercise in a demonstration of Freedom of Speech guaranteed to Americans by our Constitution. There is no obligation to justify the action .. People can do what they want on a whim ... It is amazing what non Americans do not understand about our wonderful freedoms and liberties in America

I propose there WAS a pupose. It was done to inflame and antagonise. If anyone in the group had died i would also be blaming the organisers of the event.

Freedom of speech is over rated and causes many problems.

One day it may dawn on you that freedom of speech is actually holding the US back on becoming the great country it could be.

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