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Israel veterans group alleges Israeli misconduct in Gaza war


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Sadly the same old arguments are trotted out to defend Israel.

The right wing extremists will try to defend their actions but in this day of instant video upload from mobile phones propaganda no longer works.

There is plenty of video and photographic evidence to support the disproportionate treatement of the people of Gaza.

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Deflecting yet again

You are the one deflecting. You have no problem going off topic to spew some hatred towards the Jewish state.

The JEWISH state!!!!! So now you are saying that only Jews are entitled to live in Israel??????????

Folks. Ring the big bell. clap2.gif I think we have a WINNER for disingenuous question of the week!



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One Jewish state is too few.

The USA should cede the coastal Florida counties between Broward and Indian River for the exclusive purpose of creating a second sovereign Jewish state, to be called Neo-Zion. Americans would be free to remain of course as long as they are willing to assimilate. Room for new arrivals would have to be made so unfortunately for some of the indigenous population they would have to be expelled to refugee camps in the Everglade swamps without any compensation for their losses or right to return.

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One Jewish state is too few.

The USA should cede the coastal Florida counties between Broward and Indian River for the exclusive purpose of creating a second sovereign Jewish state, to be called Neo-Zion. Americans would be free to remain of course as long as they are willing to assimilate. Room for new arrivals would have to be made so unfortunately for some of the indigenous population they would have to be expelled to refugee camps in the Everglade swamps without any compensation for their losses or right to return.

Yeah sure thing, whatever, dude.

There is a good novel about a Zionist region of ALASKA which is based on alternative history of Israel being defeated in 1948.

The Zionist movement was never interested in multiple nation states.

Only one, and other places than Israel were seriously considered (but ultimately of course rejected).



Edited by Jingthing
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Deflecting yet again

You are the one deflecting. You have no problem going off topic to spew some hatred towards the Jewish state.

The JEWISH state!!!!! So now you are saying that only Jews are entitled to live in Israel??????????

Folks. Ring the big bell. clap2.gif I think we have a WINNER for disingenuous question of the week!



This is a pretty weak argument.

Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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These veterans are speaking out of turn and must be silenced! Haven't they got the memo that any criticism of the Zionist state entity is "anti-semitism."

Please stop exaggerating.

Nobody here has ever said that any normal criticism of Israeli government policies as would be expected towards any government in the world is antisemitism.

HOWEVER, obsessive demonization of Israel definitely is antisemitic in motivation.

The soldiers speaking are obviously not antisemitic.

But the way such information may be used as part of an Israel demonization agenda is a different matter.

It's a valid point that telling normal criticism and demonization apart isn't always clear ... but it USUALLY is.

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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

"Replaced," is that the Zionist term for ethnic cleansing?

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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

"Replaced," is that the Zionist term for ethnic cleansing?

It is the Zionist term for soundly defeated in battle. It is the Palestinian term for LOSING.

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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

You must be smoking some good stuff tonite...the frontline Arab STATES attacked the Zionist entity...not the pre-existing indigenous population of Palestine.

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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

"Replaced," is that the Zionist term for ethnic cleansing?

It is the Zionist term for soundly defeated in battle. It is the Palestinian term for LOSING.

The "anti-Zionist" crowd loves to parade around inflammatory terms such as ethnic cleansing, apartheid, Jews are Nazis, and the like. One would hope the discussion could be elevated above such tripe.

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What about the Palestinians that are continually being "replaced" (as you call it) by Jewish settlers in the West Bank during times of relative peace?

Watch it...you can't ask obvious questions like that or the Zionist will hold up their "anti-Semitism" shield and cry foul.

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If it isnt ethnic cleansing to systematically throw out Arab familys from their homes and installing Jewish familys, then what is it?

It's only "ethnic cleansing" when Christians do it to Muslims in the Balkans or when whites do it to blacks as in Apartheid South Africa...not when Zionists do it to Palestinians.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

You must be smoking some good stuff tonite...the frontline Arab STATES attacked the Zionist entity...not the pre-existing indigenous population of Palestine.
The term "Zionist Entity" is an anachronistic pejorative used by various propaganistic Hostile nations press and spokespersons to deny the legitimacy of the state of Israel's very existence and color it as an illegitimate colonial phenomena. This is not helpful in the cause of struggle for justice for the Palestinian Arab people. Edited by arunsakda
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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

You must be smoking some good stuff tonite...the frontline Arab STATES attacked the Zionist entity...not the pre-existing indigenous population of Palestine.
The term "Zionist Entity" is an anachronistic pejorative used by various propaganistic Arab nations press and spokespersons to deny the legitimacy of the state of Israel's very existence and color it as an illegitimate colonial phenomena. This is not helpful in the cause of justice for the Palestinian Arab people's struggle for justice.

Says who...the Zionists and their paid stooges throughout the world. And it's the actions of the Zionist entity that have made it a global pariah state and illegitimate in the eyes of most of humanity... not what anyone chooses to call it.

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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

You must be smoking some good stuff tonite...the frontline Arab STATES attacked the Zionist entity...not the pre-existing indigenous population of Palestine.
The term "Zionist Entity" is an anachronistic pejorative used by various propaganistic Hostile nations press and spokespersons to deny the legitimacy of the state of Israel's very existence and color it as an illegitimate colonial phenomena. This is not helpful in the cause of struggle for justice for the Palestinian Arab people.

Very popular with the Iranians at their routine Death to Israel / Death to America rallies.

Your point is spot on.

Another loaded phrase meant to irrationally demonize Israel.

Isrealis were colonists for WHICH country exactly? Jewistan? Hymietown? Bagelvaria?

Edited by Jingthing
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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

You must be smoking some good stuff tonite...the frontline Arab STATES attacked the Zionist entity...not the pre-existing indigenous population of Palestine.

You parade your ignorance around like you are proud of it. The Palestinian Arabs were the first to take the offensive while other Arabs backed them up. That is a well known fact.

Husseini’s prediction began to come true almost immediately after the UN adopted the partition resolution on November 29, 1947. The Arabs declared a protest strike and instigated riots that claimed the lives of 62 Jews and 32 Arabs. Violence continued to escalate through the end of the year.4

The first large-scale assaults began on January 9, 1948, when approximately 1,000 Arabs attacked Jewish communities in northern Palestine. By February, the British said so many Arabs had infiltrated they lacked the forces to run them back. 5

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947, until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries.


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These veterans are speaking out of turn and must be silenced! Haven't they got the memo that any criticism of the Zionist state entity is "anti-semitism."

Please stop exaggerating.

Nobody here has ever said that any normal criticism of Israeli government policies as would be expected towards any government in the world is antisemitism.

HOWEVER, obsessive demonization of Israel definitely is antisemitic in motivation.

The soldiers speaking are obviously not antisemitic.

But the way such information may be used as part of an Israel demonization agenda is a different matter.

It's a valid point that telling normal criticism and demonization apart isn't always clear ... but it USUALLY is.

The question is who gets to decide if Zionism is a racist colonial ideology...the Zionist themselves or those living under the boot of their Zionist occupiers [in the case of the occupied territories]? The Zionist entity is an outlaw state and the whole world knows it. The list of its crimes against humanity and violations of international law stretch over decades...starting with its founding by the notorious terrorists of the Stern Gang (the ISIS of their day). The Zionist think they can hide all this from the eyes of the world and from history, but the victims of the Zionists and their descendants have this persistent thing called memory, and just like the Jewish victims of the Shoah, refuse to be silenced.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Any entry in the Guinness Book of Records for religious majority states is irrelevant when you happen to be the previous Palestinian Muslim and Christian majority who had to get displaced to make way for Israel's bid.

The previous Palestinian Muslim and majority started several wars and LOST. THAT is why they were "replaced." What goes around, comes around.

You must be smoking some good stuff tonite...the frontline Arab STATES attacked the Zionist entity...not the pre-existing indigenous population of Palestine.

You parade your ignorance around like you are proud of it. The Palestinian Arabs were the first to take the offensive while other Arabs backed them up. That is a well known fact.

Husseini’s prediction began to come true almost immediately after the UN adopted the partition resolution on November 29, 1947. The Arabs declared a protest strike and instigated riots that claimed the lives of 62 Jews and 32 Arabs. Violence continued to escalate through the end of the year.4

The first large-scale assaults began on January 9, 1948, when approximately 1,000 Arabs attacked Jewish communities in northern Palestine. By February, the British said so many Arabs had infiltrated they lacked the forces to run them back. 5

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947, until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries.


I wouldn't put much stock in that Zionist propaganda you cite.

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HOWEVER, obsessive demonization of Israel definitely is antisemitic in motivation.

Funny how the most obvious anti-Semites are the first to deny it. They actually think that replacing the word "Jew" with "Zionist" fools somebody. rolleyes.gif

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HOWEVER, obsessive demonization of Israel definitely is antisemitic in motivation.

Funny how the most obvious anti-Semites are the first to deny it. They actually think that replacing the word "Jew" with "Zionist" fools somebody. rolleyes.gif

Funny how some people think replacing "racist" with "Zionist" fools anyone.

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I wouldn't put much stock in that Zionist propaganda you cite.

I'm aware that you put a lot more stack in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories than actual history. wacko.png

Bonus points for the ad-hominem attack and deft use of the "anti-Semitic" shield in place of an actual argument.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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The term "Zionist Entity" is an anachronistic pejorative used by various propaganistic Hostile nations press and spokespersons to deny the legitimacy of the state of Israel's very existence and color it as an illegitimate colonial phenomena. This is not helpful in the cause of struggle for justice for the Palestinian Arab people.

Very popular with the Iranians at their routine Death to Israel / Death to America rallies.

Your point is spot on.

Another loaded phrase meant to irrationally demonize Israel.

Isrealis were colonists for WHICH country exactly? Jewistan? Hymietown? Bagelvaria?

Bagelvaria...where is that exactly...the Upper West Side? I could go for a good bagel.

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