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Man charged for raping two girls, aged 8 and 4

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For such a monster like this, he deserves to have capital punishment.

no place for criminals like this in this society. a 8 year girl and a 4 year girl are like babies for crying out loud.

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saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

A crime of opportunity...

Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

Sadly true.

A psychyatrist back home, who has seen and heard it all in his cabinet, said:

Never leave a girl alone with a male parent, neighbour, or friend,...

In any case where such a male would be trustworthy, a mother or father of a young girl has no way of knowing....

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4 and 8 years old. Seriously whats wrong with these men......can u really find young infants and babies and kids sexually appealing? What sickos! Please change the laws to introduce the death penalty for having sex with kids under 14 years old.

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Sad story. Judging by the OP, it seems the children were in a no hope situation right from the start. Absent mother, father working all hours struggling to make ends meet and two young children more or less left bringing up themselves, then their situation is preyed upon by a monster.

We all know what would be the fate of the child rapist if his punishment was placed in our hands, but the question is; considering that this family are only poor working class, will these two innocent children receive real justice? Somehow I doubt it.

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Sorry catweasel, I cannot agree that the father was responsible in some way for these child rapes. The father was trying to provide for them , not financially able to provide safe child minding services. You are suggesting that all men are capable of child rape. This is not true. Don't blame the innocent, eradicate the culprits.

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saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

A crime of opportunity...

Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

Sorry Mr/Ms ggt but! It doesn't seem to be a crime of opportunity, it was a result of careful planning and had happened over a long period of time (my guess). Women are as bad as men when it comes to manhandling babes and children, at least men don't play with a boy child's genitals and laugh when they get a hard on! Watch any group of mothers....! When was the last time you saw a man take his daughter to a toilet and pay very close attention to their genitals in the process? Women do it all of the time saying "It's all right, I'm his mother!"

If a father was to watch his daughter pee into a toilet the universe would condemn him! sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

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saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

A crime of opportunity...

Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

Sadly true.

A psychyatrist back home, who has seen and heard it all in his cabinet, said:

Never leave a girl alone with a male parent, neighbour, or friend,...

In any case where such a male would be trustworthy, a mother or father of a young girl has no way of knowing....

Now I know why Ron L.Hubbard hated all "shrinks" with a passion, what a sick/demented opinion to hold! Andre, your shrink was/is a very sick unit! bah.gifgigglem.gifwai.gif

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"Natthawat Chamwaree, 33, is in the police’s custody facing statutory rape charges..."

Doesn't sound like statutory rape, which (I thought) involves sexual activity with someone who by virtue of age or mental capacity is unable to really consent to such. It would often apply to cases where, for example, a 19 year old boyfriend is caught with his 15 year old girlfriend. This case is much more heinous. These very young girls were threatened, intimidated, and coerced. I hope the matter will be treated with more seriousness in the Thai system than the charges suggest.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

A crime of opportunity...

Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

That is pure BS!...How dare you say such things!

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saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

A crime of opportunity...

Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

Speak for yourself. I can not give an iota of credence to the idea that most men can not be trusted.

Your statement sullies the good behaviour and standards of most men.

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Sadly.... you can't even trust some couples. In my province there are at least two cases I know of where male and female couples have sexually abused and them murdered young girls. Paul Bernardo and his wife Karla Homolka kidnapped, raped and tortured and murdered two young teen girls before murdering them. That happened after Karla had previously presented Paul with her little fifteen year old sister Tammy for a birthday present to take her virginity after Karla drugged her. (Tammy died choking on her own vomit while unconscious.)

Then there was little eight year old Victoria "Tori" Stafford kidnapped by a woman by the name of Terri-Lynne McClintic as a present for her boyfriend Michael Thomas Rafferty. Terri McClintic gave the little girl to her boyfriend and stood and watched while he raped her repeatedly, then the woman used a hammer on the little girl's head.

You can't trust anybody. Even couples. There are evil monstrous men.... and also evil monstrous women also.

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saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

A crime of opportunity...

Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

Speak for yourself. I can not give an iota of credence to the idea that most men can not be trusted.

Your statement sullies the good behaviour and standards of most men.

Exactly, what an utter load of ignorant, sexist bullcrap of the worst kind. "Men in general?" So the men in general on this thread expressing disgust at this heinous crime are just compensating for their own twisted urges, I suppose. Thank god I don't walk through life with that kind of baseless mistrust of half of humanity bouncing around my addled brain.

I'm old enough to see that the minds of many contemporary Western females are poisoned with this unfounded contempt for men "in general." I don't condone the victimisation of young women and for that and other reasons (like my spiritual beliefs) have no truck at all with the pay-for-sex scene here in SE Asia, but the assumption that I do, which I can see from the looks and attitudes of self-righteous judgemental Euro-American women because I'm middle-aged and often travel alone, would be amusing if it weren't so annoying. It must be depressing to be so cynical.

Even if "men in general" are such sick perverts, I guess that the women who raised them bear no responsibility at all, right? And sure, I see so many falang women dropping their beers to volunteer with anti-trafficking organisations here rather than dropping their super-short shorts for the buff-but-brainless guy they met at last night's pub crawl. Yep, all the time, I guess "women in general" are just mindless gold-digging trollops.

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The really sad part is that they will probably end up in Nana or Soi Cowboy when they are teenagers. And then it will be acceptable to pay them for sex???

Would you care to expand on such a stupid statement such as why this is likely to happen, unless of course you get your jollies from such activities and are speaking from experience and consider this a normal progression from child abuse.

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execution is not about 'deterrent' (as so many do-gooders say it is not a deterrent and therefore should not be used). It is simply about righting a wrong and MAY act as deterrent

if it's true (DNA, med exam etc.)

hang him as he is not fit to be here with humankind

Edited by LannaGuy
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saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

A crime of opportunity...

Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

Speak for yourself. I can not give an iota of credence to the idea that most men can not be trusted.

Your statement sullies the good behaviour and standards of most men.

You're right, it is totally not about gender, it is entirely about sickness. Some of the worst sex abusers are women, often working in groups which admittedly do include men.

But obviously some of the very nicest and most gentle kind-hearted people you will ever meet are men. I have male friends who I trust with my life, male friends who I can not even begin to describe their awesomeness as human beings. Some of the most devoted single-parents I know are single fathers, their kids are happy and healthy and smart. Gender is a total no-no on this whole subject.

There is not even one type of sex-abuser, much less one type of man/woman. The motivations for abuse vary hugely. In many cases, it is not even about sex/lust, it is about control and torture. The guy in the OP said he was overcome with lust, and this is true of many abusers. However, in cases of prolonged abuse by organised groups, over years or decades, the crime is often about domination and inflicting pain. In my own experience, the sexual gratification argument seemed very minor compared to the thrills the group got from inflicting pain and fear, and the knowledge that they could, and did, do so for many years with impunity. It is a very sick power trip for a lot of these groups. I see a lot of long-term child sex abuse as extreme sadism, with lust factoring in frequently but certainly not always.

And again I wish for them all to be in jail until they crumble to dust, so they can be visited by demons in their sleep night after night, before they go explain themselves to God. Who I am at total peace with and blessed by the light from.

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Remember Pulp Fiction after Marcellus Wallace was raped, and then released by Butch

"I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy?"

followed by

"This shit is between me, you, and Mr. Soon-To-Be-Living-The-Rest-of-His-Short-Ass-Life-In-Agonizing-Pain Rapist here"

Now thats justice

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The latest update on male Thainess.

I just dont get it with these bastards. How can someone look at a 4 year and feel "sexual"?

Male Thaines, what the hell is that about. Do you actualy believe that only thai monsters does these horrible crimes????

The realy sick thing about rape to minors, is that when the person is caught do we believe that this is his first time, absolutaley not in most cases

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saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

A crime of opportunity...

Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

Sadly true.

A psychyatrist back home, who has seen and heard it all in his cabinet, said:

Never leave a girl alone with a male parent, neighbour, or friend,...

In any case where such a male would be trustworthy, a mother or father of a young girl has no way of knowing....

"Never leave a girl alone with a male parent, neighbour, or friend,..."

No, your shrink friend back home obviously has NOT seen it all to make such gross generalizations! (Though I suspect he'd disown every word of that.) I find this (as well as ggt's statement) extremely offensive and irresponsible. Lots of widowed dads out there with children including daughters to raise (and mine was one), with more than enough to deal with as it is without this kind of verbal vomit.

Moms can be just as dangerous as dads:


Readers who get carried away with their sermonizing like this on these atrocities against children risk making things worse with their loose and thoughtless talk.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

A crime of opportunity...

Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

Sadly true.

A psychyatrist back home, who has seen and heard it all in his cabinet, said:

Never leave a girl alone with a male parent, neighbour, or friend,...

In any case where such a male would be trustworthy, a mother or father of a young girl has no way of knowing....

"Never leave a girl alone with a male parent, neighbour, or friend,..."

No, your shrink friend back home obviously has NOT seen it all to make such gross generalizations! (Though I suspect he'd disown every word of that.) I find this (as well as ggt's statement) extremely offensive and irresponsible. Lots of widowed dads out there with children including daughters to raise (and mine was one), with more than enough to deal with as it is without this kind of verbal vomit.

Moms can be just as dangerous as dads:


Readers who get carried away with their sermonizing like this on these atrocities against children risk making things worse with their loose and thoughtless talk.

Put much better and with less anger and invective than my reaction. I've gotten rather tired of hearing the kind of dreck you so adroitly take apart. Kudos.

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The really sad part is that they will probably end up in Nana or Soi Cowboy when they are teenagers. And then it will be acceptable to pay them for sex???

Would you care to expand on such a stupid statement such as why this is likely to happen, unless of course you get your jollies from such activities and are speaking from experience and consider this a normal progression from child abuse.

I stand by my statement. Many prostitutes were abused as children. Do your own research if you don't believe me. I am only speaking from my experience at university. I get no "jollies" from the abuse of girls.

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How can anyone feel sexually motivated with an eight AND four year old? My heart bleeds for these two young children as they will have this baggage their entire life.

Yep. As I posted earlier, I just cant get my head around that either. These bastards are a special kind of sicko. How does any normal bloke look at a 4 year old and get turned on. She is a toddler for Christ's sake.

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