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Texas Muslims on edge amid protests, contest attack


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By the way, has anyone seen the cartoons in Arabic newspapers using the Jews as targets?

I can assure you they are a hundred times worse that the cartoons that have caused offence to Muslims.

Tolerance is strictly a one-way street in the Islamic world.

You do realise the difference dont you?

Cartoons against jews is ok.

Cartoons against muslims is ok.

Please tell all of us the difference Linky.

The difference is that cartoons of jews and muslims is ok. It is the drawings of Mohammed that is not ok.

If any other faith feels it is an insult to draw their prophet then that should not be done. It serves no purpose exept to incite.

But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

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The whining you see here is taken straight out of the political Islam campaign book from the time when Mohammad was Billy no mates and thus lacked the numbers for violent jihad. Note the false equivalence attempted here between Pam Geller and co, who fight with words corroborated by fact and ISIS who use mass murder instead.

Anyone who can seriously try to draw such equivalence arguments frankly has no business living in free societies.

What has ISIS to do with this? Authorities are saying it is unlikely they are involved.

Good to know you have your hero Pam Geller as a poster child. Bigotry must be in fashion.

Can you point me in the direction of the political Islam campaign book? Doesn't seem to be too popular in most Islamic countries.

Also please point to the facts Ms Geller uses.

I will point you. Milestones is a common book found on dead jiahdis.

Moreover, a Muslim Brotherhood explanatory memorandum is a campaign book specifically designed to destroy Amerrica from within.

The koran, the hadith are facts Geller frequently refers to. As I have note elsewhere critics of islam are rarely called out for citing wrong facts but apologists are for incomplete facts. The the citation portion is simple and accessible to all. The only issue is deception in context or application, but its hard to make up bad things and say it is from an islamic source when in all likelihood the actual text would be much more abhorrent to prove a point. Why lie?

The process of settlement is a Civilization Jihadist Process with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and

sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.

From the



It is ignorance or denial not to realize there actually is a campaign; nice of you to mention it.





There are also many facts in the Bible that are 'questionable'. But most Christians, exept a few nutters, dont live word for word according to the Bible.

Same as Muslims, most dont live word for word from the Koran, exept some nutters.

So stating what it says in the Koran to indicate all Muslims follow it is a nonsence and absurd.

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But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

It is against Christians and Jew's faith to blaspheme their God and their savior, but it is done all the time and no one gets murdered. Muslims just have to grow up and put on their big boy pants and accept that non-believers can draw or insult their prophet in democratic countries all they want.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Try building a church in Riyadh or try walking with a girlfriend in public in Riyadh if you want to know how they treat non Muslims in Saudi. Or perhaps be a Coptic Christian in Egypt.

..or eating , drinking or smoking in the streets during Ramadan in most muslim countries.

..and it doesn't matter if you have nordic looks and you look 100% foreigner.

You are supposed to respect their observances

Of course they don't have to respect ours but that's another story.

I do, some muslims do. You can respect those that do ramadan but letting them do what they want. I have never had an issue with eating or drinking in front of muslims in ramadan. Those that dont like us eating etc dont join us.

Its for them to adhere to should they wish, most do, some dont.

Yeah, I would love to see the look on your face when you pulled out that ham sandwich in a public place in Riyadh during Ramadan and tried to eat it during fasting hours.

You would have to have it in your pocket because, as you probably know, all the restaurants in Saudi Arabia are closed until the evening prayers, with the exception of some hotels.

You would spend the next few nights in jail wondering when your fast would be over...unless the Muslims you offended beat you to death before the religious police arrived.

I wouldnt do that. But that is not a Muslim or religious matter, its a regional culture issue. I can eat a ham sandwich during Ramadan in other Muslim countries without issue which does prove it is not a Muslim issue.

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But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

It is against Christians and Jew's faith to blaspheme their God and their savior, but it is done all the time and no one gets murdered. Muslims just have to grow up and put on their big boy pants and accept that non-believers can draw or insult their prophet in democratic countries all they want.

Yes they can, and do. But at the moment only a moron would do it thinking all will be ok. It was done purely to incite. There is no other reason.

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You are overlooking the fact that nearly everything done by Westerners incites the rage of the radicals.

I remember a few years ago when the first cartoon controversy arose around the Dutch newspaper. The Saudi religious police struck back in the only way they knew how.

They removed all Dutch cheeses and other products from the shelves of the grocery stores. That really taught the Dutch people a lesson.

Now the radical Islamists try to take innocent lives to display their anger.

Edited out an opinion.

Edited by chuckd
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..or eating , drinking or smoking in the streets during Ramadan in most muslim countries.

..and it doesn't matter if you have nordic looks and you look 100% foreigner.

You are supposed to respect their observances

Of course they don't have to respect ours but that's another story.

I do, some muslims do. You can respect those that do ramadan but letting them do what they want. I have never had an issue with eating or drinking in front of muslims in ramadan. Those that dont like us eating etc dont join us.

Its for them to adhere to should they wish, most do, some dont.

Yeah, I would love to see the look on your face when you pulled out that ham sandwich in a public place in Riyadh during Ramadan and tried to eat it during fasting hours.

You would have to have it in your pocket because, as you probably know, all the restaurants in Saudi Arabia are closed until the evening prayers, with the exception of some hotels.

You would spend the next few nights in jail wondering when your fast would be over...unless the Muslims you offended beat you to death before the religious police arrived.

I wouldnt do that. But that is not a Muslim or religious matter, its a regional culture issue. I can eat a ham sandwich during Ramadan in other Muslim countries without issue which does prove it is not a Muslim issue.

Of course it's a Muslim religious matter.

Since when did Ramadan observances not involve the religion of Islam?

Are you now making the ridiculous claim that a "regional cultural issue" is the driving force behind Ramadan?

Local rules might apply to eating in public during Ramadan, bot none of the sharia countries I have lived in or visited during the Holy month of Ramadan permit it.

Never been to Gaza, though.

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By the way, has anyone seen the cartoons in Arabic newspapers using the Jews as targets?

I can assure you they are a hundred times worse that the cartoons that have caused offence to Muslims.

Tolerance is strictly a one-way street in the Islamic world.

You do realise the difference dont you?

Cartoons against jews is ok.

Cartoons against muslims is ok.

Please tell all of us the difference Linky.

The difference is that cartoons of jews and muslims is ok. It is the drawings of Mohammed that is not ok.

If any other faith feels it is an insult to draw their prophet then that should not be done. It serves no purpose exept to incite.

But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

The logic expressed here is failed logic ... people in non Muslims countries in a Free Society OWE NOTHING in respect to any religion. People who live in countries that have Freedom of Speech have no obligation to respect the tenets of any religion. I find it amazing that you do not consider that any person has a right to ignore the restrictions and obligations of any given religion when that person lives in a Democratic Society that allows Freedom and Free Speech.

The citizens of the United States of America have absolutely no obligation to respect any aspect of Mohammed just because this person / deity is sacred to others. That is the FREEDOM we have in America. And if others do not like it then - TOO BAD.

What you speak of is a Religious Totalitarianism by one religious group that attempts to force others in other countries and other religions and of no religion such as in America to obey an edict of a Muslim Cleric. . That is pure craziness. This broken logic put forth by certain followers of Islam - if followed up by attempts at forcing or by punishment - or even attempting killing as in the Garland Texas incident is totally intolerable and cannot even be remotely allowed in a Free Society such as America. This is the logic of 700 years ago and has long since FAILED the test of the modern age.

The followers of Christianity, Hinduism... Buddhists, Confusionists, Animist plus Agnostics, Atheists - everyone else in the world have no obligation to even be aware of who Mohammed was supposed to be. And certainly no obligation to alter their behavior in any manner just because some Muslim - somewhere insists that they do. These people - the other people of the world I speak of are NOT UNDER THE GOVERNANCE of ISLAM. And no Muslim has any authority over them.

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But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

It is against Christians and Jew's faith to blaspheme their God and their savior, but it is done all the time and no one gets murdered. Muslims just have to grow up and put on their big boy pants and accept that non-believers can draw or insult their prophet in democratic countries all they want.

Yes they can, and do. But at the moment only a moron would do it thinking all will be ok. It was done purely to incite. There is no other reason.

Yes there is another reason - it is called FREEDOM. A concept obviously that you do not understand.

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Getting back on topic...I think the Muslim community of the DFW metroplex deserve good grades for how they have handled themselves.

They have not displayed outrage at the private meeting with Geller and have merely stayed out of the spotlight.

They have performed admirably under rather tense circumstances.

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By the way, has anyone seen the cartoons in Arabic newspapers using the Jews as targets?

I can assure you they are a hundred times worse that the cartoons that have caused offence to Muslims.

Tolerance is strictly a one-way street in the Islamic world.

You do realise the difference dont you?

Cartoons against jews is ok.

Cartoons against muslims is ok.

Please tell all of us the difference Linky.

The difference is that cartoons of jews and muslims is ok. It is the drawings of Mohammed that is not ok.

If any other faith feels it is an insult to draw their prophet then that should not be done. It serves no purpose exept to incite.

But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

The logic expressed here is failed logic ... people in non Muslims countries in a Free Society OWE NOTHING in respect to any religion. People who live in countries that have Freedom of Speech have no obligation to respect the tenets of any religion. I find it amazing that you do not consider that any person has a right to ignore the restrictions and obligations of any given religion when that person lives in a Democratic Society that allows Freedom and Free Speech.

The citizens of the United States of America have absolutely no obligation to respect any aspect of Mohammed just because this person / deity is sacred to others. That is the FREEDOM we have in America. And if others do not like it then - TOO BAD.

What you speak of is a Religious Totalitarianism by one religious group that attempts to force others in other countries and other religions and of no religion such as in America to obey an edict of a Muslim Cleric. . That is pure craziness. This broken logic put forth by certain followers of Islam - if followed up by attempts at forcing or by punishment - or even attempting killing as in the Garland Texas incident is totally intolerable and cannot even be remotely allowed in a Free Society such as America. This is the logic of 700 years ago and has long since FAILED the test of the modern age.

The followers of Christianity, Hinduism... Buddhists, Confusionists, Animist plus Agnostics, Atheists - everyone else in the world have no obligation to even be aware of who Mohammed was supposed to be. And certainly no obligation to alter their behavior in any manner just because some Muslim - somewhere insists that they do. These people - the other people of the world I speak of are NOT UNDER THE GOVERNANCE of ISLAM. And no Muslim has any authority over them.

Religion has everything to do with it. Your own laws were conceived through religion. So yes, you do owe something to religion as it has shaped the country of the US. But the world does not start and finish at the US border. I know that is difficult for some to comprehend.

I did not say anyone HAD to oblige anyone. But by being so insular in their thoughts is why they find trouble.

I somehow doubt it would really be an issue if people didnt draw Mohammed. As you infer, if people where unaware of who Mohammed was then they would draw him would they. But they do know. So that argument is nonsense.

Most people in the world have no urge to draw Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus etc. .have no compunction to go into a church to urinate on the cross, not going to burn any flags etc. except those that want to have controversy.

So by all means keep drawing what you like if it means so much to you. It wont keep me awake at night frothing at the mouth for not drawing something I would never even consider doing and it doesnt bother me whether I am free to do so or not.

In Australia we have the racial villification act which overrules free speech. It only seems to bother those that want to incite hatred based on race. I am more than happy not to have to listen to people that want to use free speech to incite others as there are lunatics that actually believe some of what they spew from their mouths and that causes too much hatred and violence.

So have your free speech but dont try and tell others in the world that everyone should have it because many of us that Dont live in the US are quite happy without the issues it causes.

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Getting back on topic...I think the Muslim community of the DFW metroplex deserve good grades for how they have handled themselves.

They have not displayed outrage at the private meeting with Geller and have merely stayed out of the spotlight.

They have performed admirably under rather tense circumstances.

To further this I would find it more than acceptable if the Imams that preech to the jihadists that do these things to be jailed or sent packing, regardless of free speech. Some are far too easily led into violence to allow the Imams to sew hatred in young minds.

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Just for those of you who have never lived in the Muslim world: My colleagues are more than happy for me to drink tea and coffee in Ramadhan. I think they might draw the line at me eating, but I've never asked and I wouldn't do it, since the company canteen stays open throughout for non-Muslim employees.

A devout muslim will not stop you doing either, as according to the Quran, the more temptation they face and resist, the closer they are to God.

It's also a time to purge bad thoughts from the mind and be more pious.

(Having said that, most of them put on weight because they're having massive family nosh ups all night long, and they have to import extra food for Ramadhan!).

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By the way, has anyone seen the cartoons in Arabic newspapers using the Jews as targets?

I can assure you they are a hundred times worse that the cartoons that have caused offence to Muslims.

Tolerance is strictly a one-way street in the Islamic world.

You do realise the difference dont you?

Cartoons against jews is ok.

Cartoons against muslims is ok.

Please tell all of us the difference Linky.

The difference is that cartoons of jews and muslims is ok. It is the drawings of Mohammed that is not ok.

If any other faith feels it is an insult to draw their prophet then that should not be done. It serves no purpose exept to incite.

But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

There have been several well publicised "art" events that insult Christianity, but no Christians felt that they had to go and shoot the organisers.

In a "free" country I can insult Muhammed in a cartoon, and if certain people don't like it they can naff off back to their own Sharia law &%&% hole. If they want to live in a "free" country then they have to accept the rules, just as I had to accept Saudi rules when I lived there.

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By the way, has anyone seen the cartoons in Arabic newspapers using the Jews as targets?
I can assure you they are a hundred times worse that the cartoons that have caused offence to Muslims.

Tolerance is strictly a one-way street in the Islamic world.
You do realise the difference dont you?

Cartoons against jews is ok.
Cartoons against muslims is ok.

Please tell all of us the difference Linky.

The difference is that cartoons of jews and muslims is ok. It is the drawings of Mohammed that is not ok.

If any other faith feels it is an insult to draw their prophet then that should not be done. It serves no purpose exept to incite.

But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

There have been several well publicised "art" events that insult Christianity, but no Christians felt that they had to go and shoot the organisers.

In a "free" country I can insult Muhammed in a cartoon, and if certain people don't like it they can naff off back to their own Sharia law &%&% hole. If they want to live in a "free" country then they have to accept the rules, just as I had to accept Saudi rules when I lived there.

So its quite ok for Imamns to incite hatred in sermons. Ok got it.

Just wondering why you would feel the need to insult anyone or anything. Is it a superiority complex of doing something just because you can?

I dont feel the need to try to insult Mohammed to antagonise people. Its not exactly high on my list of things to do in the morning. I'd much rather get on with my own life.

But next time I hear of Imams in the US practicing hate speech I will know you think it is just dandy. If that hate speech results in some impressionable person committing violent acts then cant blame the Imam as he is only practicing his right to free speech. No need to worry about the consequences.
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So its quite ok for Imamns to incite hatred in sermons. Ok got it.

Just wondering why you would feel the need to insult anyone or anything. Is it a superiority complex of doing something just because you can?

I dont feel the need to try to insult Mohammed to antagonise people. Its not exactly high on my list of things to do in the morning. I'd much rather get on with my own life.

But next time I hear of Imams in the US practicing hate speech I will know you think it is just dandy. If that hate speech results in some impressionable person committing violent acts then cant blame the Imam as he is only practicing his right to free speech. No need to worry about the consequences.

Candidly, a lot of the so called hate speech or bashing is a manner of healthily venting and/or is reactionary based on what certain people perceive as intolerable injustices.

What are the options? Art work questioning something some perceive as intolerable as manner of venting or should these same people ditch the art work manner of venting frustrations and opt for arming themselves, hunting down and killing all radical Muslims in the US and abroad that seek to harm others and create terror.

At the rate things are going, option two is becoming more and more viable and eventually . . . if things continue down this path, the US will wake up and take its country back before its too late. Time to stop letting just everyone in. I mean seriously, WTH is Obama thinking. He lets a bunch of uneducated, loser people in from poor African countries, but he won't let in highly educated, hard working people from certain Eastern Europe or Asian countries. Is our President a dummy aaarrrsseee or a racists?

Lol, how some of you cannot grasp what the heck you are advocating or discussing.

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I dont feel the need to try to insult Mohammed to antagonise people.

I think we all know that. Your usual targets are Jews, Christians, conservatives and Israelis.

What, even those Arab Israelis?


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I dont feel the need to try to insult Mohammed to antagonise people.

I think we all know that. Your usual targets are Jews, Christians, conservatives and Israelis.

What, even those Arab Israelis?


Christians? Hmm, considering I'm Catholic.

But yes why not bash those that deserve it. Why should Israel and Jews be so special to not warrant a bashing when they give so much ammunition.

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For the 72 ladyboy virgins maybe it was worth it to them.

Don't usually like much that comes out of Texas but guys who can shoot straight maybe ain't so bad. Maybe Islamic radicals will think twice now about attacking a group of Americans exercising their First Amendment rights. Might also give those gun control freaks something to think about (I.e., The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.)

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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For the 72 ladyboy virgins maybe it was worth it to them.

Don't usually like much that comes out of Texas but guys who can shoot straight maybe ain't so bad. Maybe Islamic radicals will think twice now about attacking a group of Americans exercising their First Amendment rights. Might also give those gun control freaks something to think about (I.e., The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.)

Cut the crap, there are plenty of countries that are safe without privately owned guns in circulation.

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By the way, has anyone seen the cartoons in Arabic newspapers using the Jews as targets?

I can assure you they are a hundred times worse that the cartoons that have caused offence to Muslims.

Tolerance is strictly a one-way street in the Islamic world.

You do realise the difference dont you?

Cartoons against jews is ok.

Cartoons against muslims is ok.

Please tell all of us the difference Linky.

The difference is that cartoons of jews and muslims is ok. It is the drawings of Mohammed that is not ok.

If any other faith feels it is an insult to draw their prophet then that should not be done. It serves no purpose exept to incite.

But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

The logic expressed here is failed logic ... people in non Muslims countries in a Free Society OWE NOTHING in respect to any religion. People who live in countries that have Freedom of Speech have no obligation to respect the tenets of any religion. I find it amazing that you do not consider that any person has a right to ignore the restrictions and obligations of any given religion when that person lives in a Democratic Society that allows Freedom and Free Speech.

The citizens of the United States of America have absolutely no obligation to respect any aspect of Mohammed just because this person / deity is sacred to others. That is the FREEDOM we have in America. And if others do not like it then - TOO BAD.

What you speak of is a Religious Totalitarianism by one religious group that attempts to force others in other countries and other religions and of no religion such as in America to obey an edict of a Muslim Cleric. . That is pure craziness. This broken logic put forth by certain followers of Islam - if followed up by attempts at forcing or by punishment - or even attempting killing as in the Garland Texas incident is totally intolerable and cannot even be remotely allowed in a Free Society such as America. This is the logic of 700 years ago and has long since FAILED the test of the modern age.

The followers of Christianity, Hinduism... Buddhists, Confusionists, Animist plus Agnostics, Atheists - everyone else in the world have no obligation to even be aware of who Mohammed was supposed to be. And certainly no obligation to alter their behavior in any manner just because some Muslim - somewhere insists that they do. These people - the other people of the world I speak of are NOT UNDER THE GOVERNANCE of ISLAM. And no Muslim has any authority over them.

Religion has everything to do with it. Your own laws were conceived through religion. So yes, you do owe something to religion as it has shaped the country of the US. But the world does not start and finish at the US border. I know that is difficult for some to comprehend.

I did not say anyone HAD to oblige anyone. But by being so insular in their thoughts is why they find trouble.

I somehow doubt it would really be an issue if people didnt draw Mohammed. As you infer, if people where unaware of who Mohammed was then they would draw him would they. But they do know. So that argument is nonsense.

Most people in the world have no urge to draw Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus etc. .have no compunction to go into a church to urinate on the cross, not going to burn any flags etc. except those that want to have controversy.

So by all means keep drawing what you like if it means so much to you. It wont keep me awake at night frothing at the mouth for not drawing something I would never even consider doing and it doesnt bother me whether I am free to do so or not.

In Australia we have the racial villification act which overrules free speech. It only seems to bother those that want to incite hatred based on race. I am more than happy not to have to listen to people that want to use free speech to incite others as there are lunatics that actually believe some of what they spew from their mouths and that causes too much hatred and violence.

So have your free speech but dont try and tell others in the world that everyone should have it because many of us that Dont live in the US are quite happy without the issues it causes.

Drawing Mohammad is not racism, it is inciting hatred. it will not stop - nor will anything related stop ... If for no other reason than to show those who insist that we do not do it - that we will show that we are free to do so anyplace - anytime we wish ... You - nor anyone who shares your attitude and opinion has any dominion over Free Western People and more specifically over Freedom Loving Americans. Sorry you have been shorted on experiencing freedom ... and seem to have no concept of it... You seem obsessed with the issue that people should not draw Mohammad -- you need to get with the 21st. Century and GET OVER IT ... You are in the great opinion minority here... In the United States you would be laughed off the stage for your manic views of the subject of drawing Mohammad. Inciting hatred is what people do who attempt to stop others from making drawings of Mohammad... Religious Control Freaks - cannot control the world. Hatred is not caused by people drawing Mohammad - hatred is spewed by people who try to kill others for doing it.

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@ myself #87 ... reads "Drawing Mohammad is not racism, it is inciting hatred. it will not stop - nor will anything related stop".

It is suppose to read as this - "Drawing Mohammad is not racism, it is not inciting hatred. it will not stop - nor will anything related stop"

Correcting my typing error ...

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What really impressed me about the day were the people practicing their first amendment rights were protected by those exercising their second amendment right.

You need to be pretty crazy to launch an attack in Texas where many people carry. Chances are you won't get too far unless maybe your attack is in Houston, Austin or another liberal enclave of the state.

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Please tell all of us the difference Linky.

The difference is that cartoons of jews and muslims is ok. It is the drawings of Mohammed that is not ok.

If any other faith feels it is an insult to draw their prophet then that should not be done. It serves no purpose exept to incite.

But as it stands it is not against the faith of Catholics, Jews etc to draw their prophet so cannot be considered in the same context.

There have been several well publicised "art" events that insult Christianity, but no Christians felt that they had to go and shoot the organisers.

In a "free" country I can insult Muhammed in a cartoon, and if certain people don't like it they can naff off back to their own Sharia law &%&% hole. If they want to live in a "free" country then they have to accept the rules, just as I had to accept Saudi rules when I lived there.

So its quite ok for Imamns to incite hatred in sermons. Ok got it.

Just wondering why you would feel the need to insult anyone or anything. Is it a superiority complex of doing something just because you can?

I dont feel the need to try to insult Mohammed to antagonise people. Its not exactly high on my list of things to do in the morning. I'd much rather get on with my own life.

But next time I hear of Imams in the US practicing hate speech I will know you think it is just dandy. If that hate speech results in some impressionable person committing violent acts then cant blame the Imam as he is only practicing his right to free speech. No need to worry about the consequences.

Just wondering why you would feel the need to insult anyone or anything

Not getting into the reasons why I would want to insult the fundamentalist Muslims, but just ask any westerner that has lived in Saudi Arabia and they can probably tell you.

quote removed to allow posting

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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@ myself #87 ... reads "Drawing Mohammad is not racism, it is inciting hatred. it will not stop - nor will anything related stop".

It is suppose to read as this - "Drawing Mohammad is not racism, it is not inciting hatred. it will not stop - nor will anything related stop"

Correcting my typing error ...

Your Freudian Slip is showing :)

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